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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. My Onc. nurse said the only thing she wanted me to take was a multivitamin such as Centrum Silver or the Generic equivilant-In walmart it is right beside the centrum silver, the bottles look the same with the same colors and identicle vitamins for a few dollars less. David C
  2. Oh boy, the music is ringing........I like big butts........or perhaps......Doin' the butt. David C
  3. 8 lb's lost. Gotta get into shape for my comming out party. Do you think Blond or Red Head would be best?? Blonds have more fun, but man oh man those redheads!!!!! Tranny
  4. I was also switched from Procrit to Aranesp. I thought the Procrit worked much better. I only had the Aranesp for 2 or 3 shots before I did not need it anymore but I pushed and pushed to get the Procrit back. As for the Onc. I think talking to him and letting him know you don't appreciate his comments is a good idea, if that does not work then I would consider getting another Onc. My prayers are with you. David C
  5. Dean I love the Gong in Hells Bells. How many songs do you hear a gong in? David C
  6. I will have to start gathering my garb!!!!!! Tranny
  7. Cheryl, we are all human and you deserve to blow some steam off every now and then. A lot of people where I work look at me with these "wonder how long he will be alive" eyes and avoid me like the plague. I am lucky that I do have some pretty good buddies where I work who stand by me and Karen no matter what is going on. I have decided to smile and proove everybody wrong by being there for many, many more years to come. Shrinks do not know everything, they are human too and subject to human attitudes and thoughts just like the rest of us. Don't let them get you down, just proove them wrong. David C
  8. Great news Sandy!!!! Iknow this is a load off of your mind. Celebrate!! David C
  9. I don't do Thongs!!!!!! And a bikini, well, thats something I know you don't want to see, ha,ha. But $250.00 to dress up in womens clothes, I could do that......for the good of the site David C
  10. WHERE ARE YOU INSTIGATOR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?! If you are serious I will give you the best looking Tranny you have ever laid your eyes on!!!!! Come out, come out wherever you are!!!!!! If Katie vouches for you that may be good enough. David C
  11. TAnn, welcome aboard. You are lucky to be near MD Anderson, I have several relatives who live in Texas and have been unfortunate enough to have to use their services.........well I should say fortunate since they have all won thier battles. You sound like a fighter and we need your strength. Again Welcome!! David C
  12. Erin it is great that your Doc wnats to be so aggressive. Your mom is a lucky woman to have your Doc and also to have you. I will pray for a successful surgery or....surgeries. Please keep us posted. David C
  13. Amy we are all here for you. You have been through a very difficult time and grieving is natural. You will be in my prayers. David C
  14. It sounds as if she may still be in the limited stage of the disease. I would run as fast as possible to another Onc who can see here right away and get things set up pronto. I was diagnosed on a preliminarily diagnosed on Sat. night and had chemo started the following Thursday and the only reason that the chemo took so long was that it took a few days to get my sodium level up to the point where I could have a bopsy done. I am so sorry for you mothers diagnosis but you have come to the right place for support and encouragement. You will be in my prayers. David C
  15. Rick, sounds like she needs physical help. Do you have any more info? David C
  16. Caroline, some very good sugestions have been made here and sounds like you have already begun asking around. Everybody reacts so differently to chemo. My prayers are with you and your MIL. Good luck, let us know how everything is going. David C
  17. Hey Instigator, you come out of your closet and I will gladly come out of mine!!!!!!! Kiss, kiss, nudge, nudge.
  18. I just found out something that blew my world apart!!!!! It's not my fault that I am overweight. Thats right, Dr Cynaumon and Dr. Talbot have identified a hormone that makes you overweight. So don';t dispair. All you have to do is buy these little pills that they make and it will eliminate the hormone and you will loose weight.......now this is not for the casual dieter. But wait!!!! Theres more. If you call within the next 15 minutes you will receive a set of knives which.................................
  19. Karen you are correct when you say that everyone reacts differently so it is hard to say if this is good or if it could be better. In my book any shrinkage is good, it is going in the right direction. As for the Port, I have one and would highly recommend it. I could not imagine going through chemo without mine. David C
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