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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Hi, this is Karen C. here, Dave's wife. Sorry for the late response, I just saw this. Gotta tell you that Dave is right - God doesn't give us more than we can handle. If we believe in Him, and turn to Him for strength, we can handle it. I know this because we have had TONS of tragedy in my family in the last couple of years, and everyone has gotten through it with God's help. Now, back to you, Denise - just keep this in mind. God isn't mad at you. God loves you. After my third miscarriage (which seems pretty minor in the big scheme of things now) I wondered, in agony, complete, total, without answers, agony, why God was so mad at me. I finally saw the path He put me on and the m/c's were just part of the journey. Now we have our beautiful daughter Faith from China. About the boyfriend: good thing you're getting rid of him now, because you don't need someone like that in your life right now. Frankly, I think the timing is good. You don't need someone like that in your life to weigh you down. One more thing, Denise - the boyfriend must be insane anyway, because you are beautiful, why would anyone want to cheat on you? I can also tell you have a beautiful spirit, too. ddsddddcvzzzzzzzzzzxbbb that was from Faith, it means I love you God Bless Karen C
  2. Carleen, I love New Orleans, I got to go there several times on business, you are forgiven for this month. One time I was up for 48 hours straight (law firm business ) and told myself I was going to go to Bourban Street for a quick dinner and then back to the motel room. Well, I went into thios restaurant and sat down at the bar, absolutely dead tired, ordered dinner and a beer. I started talking to the bartender and he was an absolute flamer but that does not bother me so was having a good converstaion. Dinner came and he let me have my privacy while I ate. It was THE BEST dinner I have ever had in my life, no lie the food was that good. I started looking around and thought.......mmm..... I don't see any women in here.......mmm......this place is packed........with guys...................OH My God I am in a gay bar/restgaurant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so tired I really did not care and like I said the food was delicious so I just enjoyed my meal payed my bill and left. Now mind you I had been up for 48 hours and I was going to go straight back to my motel and crash but I went by this bar that had a band playing, this was about 8:00 pm. Well, I thought, I will listen until this set is over and then go back to the motel. Do you know I sat there until 2:00 in the morning listening to that band. The barmaid kept making me buy beers, I was not drinking any because I was so tired but she said if I was going to sit there I had to buy, so I did. That is the story of one of my trips to New Orleans. David C David C
  3. Great news, have a goo, safe trip. David C
  4. Yes, Family support is very, very important. Glad to have you. David C
  5. Sandy, hope all goes well. My prayers are for negative results. David C
  6. Angie, I have not heard of those specific symptoms but from what I understand everybody is a little different. I, for example, had sever leg cramps. I hope for the best for you and your father, I know this is a difficult time for you. My prayers are for the Doc. to be wrong about the cancer. My prayers are with you. David C
  7. Here is THE hat, just for you. Welcome home!!!! David C
  8. Stress is a natural reaction at a time like this. Don't let it get you down. My prayers will be with you. David C
  9. Never too busy to add another to the list. My prayers will be with you and your mother. David C
  10. Welcome aboard but sorry you are here. This is a personal decision for you to make and there are no right or wrong answers. Take the wisdom you have received from the others here and do what you feel is right. You will be in my prayers. David C
  11. Welcome aboard, I hope we can all help you with any questions you may have. There are a lot of good caring people here and we have the Lung Cancer Experience, weather it is Small Cell or Non-Small Cell. The first few weeks are very difficult, don't hesitate to come here for help and guidance. David C
  12. Betty, the chemo may be affecting your....innerds meaning you may not be........processing........food as quickly as before. Try Senecot. Ry, I was wondering when you were going to bring this one back, thats alright, I am ready. David C
  13. Norme and Buddy my prayers are with you. David C
  14. Glad to hear it was a success!! You won't even know it's there pretty soon. Where I went for my Chemo. they used betadine (sp?) spray to numb the area or I saw a posting about some cream to numb it also. Hang in there and believe me, you will enjoy having the port instead of poking the arms time after time. David C
  15. Remembering Dave


    Music has always been a very important part of my life. I was a professional musician for 13 years and I always turned to music during tough times and during the good times. When I was diagnosed I figured if I was going to be in the fight for my life I had better get some good fighting music. I chose Shostakoviches 5th Symphony performed by the New York Philharmonic conducted by Leanord Bernstein. I visualized an army coursing through my body attacking any and all cancer cells and effecting a virtual inhialation of the cancer while listening to the symphony through some very good headphones at eardrum busting volume ( If you don't have a pair of really, really good headphones you don't know what you are missing). This recording of Shostakoviches 5th will leave you totally drained it is so intense. I also turned to Maurice Andre (the worlds best Classical Trumpet player) to calm my nerves when uptight and then there was Bill Chase ( I will be thoroughly suprised if anyone knows who he is/was ) which I listened to when I was really pissed off at the cancer and just wanted to kick the SH!^ out of it ( again has to be really loud to get the full effect). When I listen "pop" music I must admit that the words are probably ther last thing I listen to, I am always concentrating on the Bass, Drums, Guitar, Horns, etc. I am a great fan of Classic Rock, Blues, and of course being a trumpet player, Jazz, Classical, Latin, and pretty much all music written before 1900 (Classical, Baroque etc) I would be interested in the words of songs which people have turned to. Deans posting about music made me wonder just how important people view music in thier fight. Has anyone else turned to any particular style of music or any specific Musicians/Songs which they feel has helped them through thier fight? Has anyone used music along with imagry? How about music swapping (is that legal now?). Maybe fodder here for the LCSC CD? OK, I have rambled enough. David C
  16. What David P said!!!!!! Dean, even though that is what it means to you it is full of wonderful advice and wisdom that many of us and others could and will use. Take care of yourself, everyday. David C
  17. Ha,Ha,Ha. I love it. Luckily this is a good addiction!!!! David C
  18. Thank you for the news. Please let Norme know that My prayers are with them. David C
  19. Berisa, your father, your family, you, and your fathers team of doctors have my prayers. Hang in there. David C
  20. Praying for smooth insertion. I know you will be glad you got it!! David C
  21. YeeeeeeeeHawwwwww!!! Celebrate David C
  22. Oh me oh my!!!! Gaining weight while on chemo.? Thats an understatement for me. I gained and gained, and gained. I gained back everything I had worked so hard at losing the past 2 years prior to diagnosis, which was considerable. David C
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