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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. Peace of mind--2nd opinion. David C
  2. Berisa, congratulations on the succesful surgury and I hope your father recovers quickly. My prayers are for no more cancer. David C
  3. Cathy, I am sorry you are having this happen. Keep your chin up and concentrate on fighting an beating this crap. Come on, you can do it. Don't worry about the chemo, bring a book or some tapes to listen to and just remember there are a lot of people here who have recvd chemo or are receiving chemo now. Just picture the chemo coursing through your body attacking and killing all th cancer cells. You will be in my prayers. David C
  4. Dean I echo everybody else on the congressman. When we adopted our baby girl we had to deal with the nincompoops at the local SSI office to get her Social Security Card. Finally we got fed up with thier incompetance and we called our congressperson (woman) and had her SS # within the week. Call your congressman and ask for help, thats what they are there for and from what I have experienced and heard they can do a pretty good job of getting things done. David C
  5. I will say special prayers for Marlon and family. David C
  6. I agree. I think Norme is one powerful woman! when I grow up, I want to be just like her! Karen C.
  7. Dean, my motto in life has always been--No Problems, Only Solutions--Don't concentrate on the problem, concentrate on the solution to the problem. Some things have no solution and the Spirit Pool is a wonderful asset for all of us, especially for those of us who do not always see a clear defined solution to our problems. Who knows what life will bring for me and my family in the future but knowing that there is a vast spirit pool to draw from here, and you pointing it out so eloquintly, makes me feel better. Thank you for your words of wisdom and please keep them coming. Remember, you are all in my prayers. David C
  8. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers. David C
  9. Mike, don't let them paint any pictures for you. You are the true artists and if you say fight then fight. Keep your chin up. Atitude, attitude, attitude. David C
  10. I had never heard of the pnumonia shot before my doc recommended it either. David C
  11. I got both of these months ago. My Oncologists highly recommended them for me. Good post, Thanks David C
  12. Yowser Debi!!!!!! No more tree house for me. Hope my wife's not following these posts, ha,ha. I Love You Honey if you are. David C
  13. Dems fiiten' werds Rochelle!!!! If I wasn't so week from all these dang salads I would let you have it, right in the kisser I tell ya!!!! David C
  14. Berisa, you and your father are in my prayers. David C
  15. RAY!!!!!!!!!!! Great to hear from you. Good to hear the chemo regime is done with. Good luck on the scans and keep the positive attitude going. I will be praying for you. David C
  16. I'm taking my toys and going back to my tree house.
  17. Dave, hang in there and keep your spirits up. Any idea when the scan is going to take place. I tell you I have been feeling crappy for a while also, I think it is just the season with all kinds of viruses and stuff floating around. Keep us updated. David C
  18. Great news Dave. My wife, Karen, has had a sinus infection which has kicked her @$$, I cannot imagine being under treatments and getting one. I hope you fell better and better each day. Daqvid C
  19. Mo, sounds like the post PCI Scuzzies. I started feeling real tired and just plain old worn out and kinda funny feeling about a month after my PCI was over. I am still fighting to get my energy back. Some days I feel great and some I just feel wierd and bad at the same time. Karen says I have turned into a bear on my bad days and I guess I have. hang in there and let us know how you are doing. I alo got somekind of a bug they could not pinpoint. David C
  20. David we can form our own little club--NO GIRLS ALLOWED--and see who looses the most!!! David C
  21. Lillian, that quote is Oh, So true. Thank you for sharing. David C
  22. berisa, My prayers are with you and your Dad. Wonderful news about the surgeon. I hope the surgury goes well and that he has a swift recovery. You will be in my prayers. Please keep us up to date. David C
  23. Thanks for the info. Please keep us updated and tell Dave we are all here for him. Let him know he will be in my prayers. David C
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