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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. All I can say is WOW!!!!!!! What an inspiration. I needed to read this today. Thank You for posting. Please come back and post more. David C
  2. Hi, Katie, and everyone else looking at this - Dave talked to one of the oncology nurses yesterday afternoon. She told him that overdoing it like that on its own would not bring his counts down, that he was probably just physically worn out. I didn't realize this, either, but he had a count check a week or so ago and they looked "great". They won't let "guests" in the lab area with the patient so I sometimes miss out on these things, Dave said the doc mentioned it when I was there but sometimes he can be a bit softspoken so I must have missed it. I think he may be a little dehydrated so he's drinking lots of gatorade and water. But he feels better already, I think just hearing he's probably OK from the nurse helped lift him up. He felt well enough this morning to take Faith to get her hand x-rayed (she was born with an extra thumb and we are consulting with a surgeon about having it "repaired"). thanks everyone, Karen C.
  3. Remembering Dave

    I made it

    Estrea, what wonderful news. I am sure you did have a good time, I used to play music on cruise ships and that is a nice cruise line you went on. 5 YEARS!!! What an accomplishment and a perfect reward for yourself. Here's to many, many more 5 year anniversaries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for this site. David C
  4. Botely, sounds like they are following what I have gone through as far as treatments and I feel my Doc. has been pretty aggressive. As far as tests go my big tests were not performed until a month after my radiation. I will have a PET scan in about 4 weeks but really had to grill my doc several times to get him to agree to perform one. THe said the PET Scan will show the bones also so no need for a bone scan. To my knowledge I have never had a MRI, only CT Scans. Tell your mom Congrats! on making it through the chemo phase and don't ever stop fighting. My prayers will be with you. David C
  5. Hi, Karen C. here - asking for Dave. I'm at work and he's at home, totally miserable, he WAY overdid it this weekend. His last chemo treatment was the end of July (he did make it through all six treatments, however) and he finished up his PCI a week ago Wednesday. Granted, he did overdo it BIG TIME this past weekend and maybe he is just plain ole' exhausted - but I'm thinking he should get his blood counts checked TODAY. He did have to have one transfusion after the 4th chemo treatment, am wondering if he needs another one. The last time he got his counts checked was a week or two after his last chemo and then a week or two ago again. They had gone up slightly but were still a tad low. We took Faith to the Virginia State Fair on Friday and walked around for about 4 hours, then took her to the Crab Carnival (good clean fun, small town street fair) on Saturday and walked around for about two hours, stood and watched a parade, etc. Now he's beyond tired. He really seems weak. Any suggestions/experiences? Thanks a bunch, Karen C.
  6. Wonderful, wonderful news. Congrats!! David C
  7. Judy, WOW!!! What great news. Keep it up. David C
  8. Connie, you will be missed. Hope they get that putter better than new for you. My prayers will be with you. David C
  9. Love it!!!! David C
  10. Mo, Congratulations!!! I know exactly how you feel. Is wonderful feeling, is it not. I just got finished with my preventative brain radiation. God cannot answer the prayers he does not hear. My prayers are with you.....and he will hear them! David C
  11. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! David C
  12. Hello all, I still have not eaten that catfish yet. You know andrea I think that fish was actually 5 pounds, ha,ha. Thank you for all your replies. We made it to the State Fair and let me tell you our little girl, Faith, Had so much fun. I had to sleep until noon to get over my litle catfish expedition the day before and then We took Faith to a surgeon to have her extra thumb and a nasty scar on her hip looked at. She was born with an extra thumb which they told us about before we went to China to get her and then about 20 minutes after she was handed to us we changed her diaper and found this really nasty looking, freshly healed, scar on one of her hips (actually on her butt cheek ). When we asked what happened we were told that she received a shot which had become infected and they had to operate to get the infection out. No Dr. we have talked to about it knows of any shots you give a baby in the buttoks so we really don't know what happened. When we got her home and over the next few months the scar just kept getting bigger and bigger so we want to get it fixed so she can wear a bikini when she grows up....HA, like Daddy's ever going to let that happen!!!!!! Back to the Fair. Faith was mesmerized by the entire thing. She was really good and only had one little 2 year old tantrum and that was right before we were getting ready to leave after she was really tired. She rode a Pony, petted Goats, Sheep, Cows, and she touched evey single Bunny in the Bunny house even thoough you were not supposed to-did not see the sign until we were on the way out......oh well. The pony was the only ride she went on but we figured she is a little young for most of the rides there anyway. I had a Corn Dog with yellow mustard and an Ice Cream cone which is not really on the Anti-Cancer Diet but hey, it's the State Fair, right? I woke up with cramps in my thighs about 20 minutes ago, thats what I get for walking around the Fair for 4 hours. Today we are going to the West Point Crab Carnival. West Point is a little town where the Mattaponi and the Pamunkey River meet to form the York River which goes down to.....Yorktown and the Chesapeake bay. It has a little downtown area and they have have arts and crafts and a few little rides, bands playing and a firemans parade. It is a nice small town carnival. There is a paper plant there so I hope the wind is blowing in the right direction or I may not be able to take it. It is awfully hard to breath that sulfer. Well enough rambling. I really enjoyed the day and the Good News is I spent a wonderful day with my wife and my precious baby girl. David C
  13. Cindy, hope you are up and about as soon as possible to enjoy life!! What a wierd feeling it must be to feel those screw bumps and knowing they are backing out on thier own. David C
  14. David, what an awesome job!! Sounds like it was a lot of fun. You look pretty good as a fellow Chrome Domer. What an inspiration you are to us all. I have already pledged to myself to get my head shaved next year for the St. Baldericks event. I will work as hard as possible to get as many people as I can to join me. Again what an inspiration. Ray, coming from a guy I think you look pretty good also. Keep the positive attitude. David C
  15. Linda, my prayers will be with you and your Father. David C
  16. Hey Ray!!! I know exactly how you feel, as do many of us here. Hang in there buddy you can do it. Keep your mind busy and your body as active as possible. Push yourself. Fight, fight, fight!!!!!!!! David C
  17. Remembering Dave


    I caught the first catfish this year for me. Today is the first time I have felt good enough to go fishing on the Mattaponi River. We live high up on the banks, a cliff actually, with 80 steps down ( and 80 steps back up, which is the hard part) of this beautiful river which has been declared one of the cleanest most pristine rivers on the east coast and there are some good catfish in this river. It was only about 3 pounds well maybe 2 (it was thiiiss big) but I still got some good fillets off it. I hope feel good enough to fish a few times a week. Of course I overdid it and am now ready to keel over from exhaustion but it was fun. I was diagnosed in March and when I went into the hospital it was still winter here and the week I was in the hospital everything turned green. I walked out of the hospital and just stared at the trees and all the flowers around the hospital and then the summer was taken up by the chemo and the radiation treatments so to be able to go out on the boat---by myself---was a tremendous experience. I think I am slowly getting better and I am so ready to get some energy back. We are going to try and go to the State Fair tomorrow and then to the West Point Crab Carnival on Saturday so I had better get off here and get to sleep. Hope everybody had a good day. My prayers are with us all. David C[/img]
  18. Awesome News!!!! Congrats! David C
  19. Good "F" words!!!!!!! It's downright chilly here in Virginia. Actually had to turn on the heat today as evening came on. A/C last week aqnd Heat this week. We may even get a frost here tonight. Hope you stay warm. David C
  20. Donna do you have more stats? Post all you know, I am going to get a t-shirt made that lists them all. I will post a photo when I have it done. Thanks David C
  21. I think Dave is also sick and tired of being sick and tired! Hang in there, Ray, hang in there!! Take care, Karen C.
  22. Yo David!! One of the other Davids here. Brochitis is kind of how they found mine, that and severe leg cramps caused by low sodium. I hate to say welcome aboard but......... Please let us know how you are doing. I actually felt better 2 weeks after my diagnosis than I had in months!!! David C
  23. There's A Fungus Among Us!!!!!!!!!!! Great news about no cancer, you don't know how happy that makes me.......well, I guess you may, ha,ha. Cheers, Bottoms Up, Nostrovia and all that good stuff for the Voriconazole. David C
  24. Gina, hang in there. I have the big scans scheduled for 1 month from now so I can't answer your questions. Just stay calm. I know you can do it and you know you can do it, heck if you can get that Barium down you can do the tests, ha,ha. Sounds like a long day. Glad you feel so good that will make it a lot easier. Hang in there and keep the Faith. Fight, Fight, Fight!!!!!!!! David C
  25. sidesaddles, bicycle bars, toilet seats.........jeeze, us guys can't get a break. Wonder what the stats are on that????????? David C
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