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Everything posted by ursol

  1. I just felt like sharing about this. My hair grew back curly and I hate it. If I blow dry it it looks poofy like my MIL's. If I leave it wet I look like betty boop or at least that is what my husband's nephew said. Anyhow ugly hair is better than dead but I still hate it. Lilly
  2. ursol

    Strange Days !!!

    Randy, I thank you for being such an advocate for Lung Cancer and your continued dedication to this site helping all of us newcomers get through the day. lilly
  3. I had no side effects at all. Hope all goes well for you. Lilly
  4. Rich, You always inspire me. I feel like everyone looks at me like I am Dead Man Walking and I hate that. When I was in the hospital recently and realized that I came soo close to dying I asked my aunt why didn't I die. She told me that my grandmother used to say that our lives are like a lit candle that burns bright but when our time has arrived the candle will go out and only God will decide when that time is. Lilly
  5. ursol

    Ladies only

    Sandra, My last period was over a year ago and I also have hotflashes. My last chemo treatment was this past November and I started ovulating again so now I'm thinking my periods will be back. Ughhhhhhhhhhh Lilly
  6. Anne, It has been almost 2 years since my diagnosis and treatments started and I have worked full time the entire time with two medical leaves. One in October of '06 for my lower lobectomy (8 weeks)and the other for my adrenolectomy this January (8 1/2 weeks). I'm not sure somedays why I keep working but I like the challenge of my job, my colleagues are great to work with and I forget I have cancer when I'm there. I am fortunate to have a great boss that allows me to go to all my appointments without feeling guilty, she also allows me to work from home when I feel awful. I never abuse those privledges. I also have three children, the youngest is two. I am fortunate here as well because my 14 year old helps with the 2 year old. My mom baths the 2 year old before I pick her up and my Aunt comes over every morning to do laundry and help me clean. Like everyone else you need to do what is best for you and your family. Do what your heart tells you to do. Lilly
  7. Anne, Welcome to this site, you will find alot of support here from really good and caring people. It was this site that allowed me to believe that I could fight this disease. Anyhow, hoping your scans are fine. I just had an MRI because of headaches but it turns out it is allergy season and headaches come with the season. Stay positive. You have a beautiful family. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Lilly
  8. Lori, Well Said! I sometimes wish I would creatively respond to that question but I always answer them with a "yes" when I really want to tell them they are complete idiots for even asking. Lilly
  9. Thank you Connie for reminding us of that! I am also grateful that my most wonderful Oncologist has never given me an expiration date. He instead told me that we would have to work hard to first get me to five years. I'll take that for now. Lilly
  10. ursol


    I worry about this all the time as well. I specifically need the employer held life insurance and the health insurance coverage for my family of five. I'm guessing that the reason companies try to find loop holes to get rid of cancer patients is due to the increase in their insurance premiums when a cancer patient is one of their employees. Lilly
  11. Congratulations Becky!!!
  12. Bucky, I have days that I forget about the cancer. Don't feel guilty, it is a good thing that you can forget about it, it allows you to live. Enjoy every minute you can. Lilly
  13. ursol

    3 more month!!!!!

    Bucky, Sorry, I'm only reading this now but I also wanted to say great news. Hope this Parole continues. Lilly
  14. ursol

    Scan results

    Awesome News Jamie. Congratulations! lilly
  15. I have been home from the hospital now for a week and a couple days and I am soo impatient to feel better. Although Physical Therapy comes twice a week, I cannot seem to do many exercises and my progress is very slow. If the weather here would be warmer I could try and walk outdoors but it is still cold here in the Northeast. I just want to be better and resume living again but as the nurse told me this morning it could take 6 weeks before I feel better. It is days like today though that I think it will take all year. The big question is will I feel well enough to go back to work in 7 weeks when my short term disability runs out? I hope so. Anyhow, I am grateful to be alive but still complaining anyhow. I need encouragement. Lilly
  16. Janet, Welcome to the board. I also am treated at Yale and live in Connecticut. It is great to hear your story. I hope you continue to have good results. Lilly
  17. To my friends, I thought I would tell you that I'm getting nervous now that the adrenolectomy surgery is around the corner. They called me from the hospital today to tell me that my surgery monday morning is at 7:30 AM ET. I need to be at the hospital at 6:30 AM which means I'm leaving my house at 5:30 AM or so. Now that it is soo near I am really getting scared. I tell myself not too worry but I'm always fearful of complications. I also think what if I wake up and my husband tells me that they found a ton of cancer and couldn't move forward, how will I take that kind of news. I try to pretend to everyone that I'm not scared and this is no big deal but deep down I am always terrified. Anyhow, I know many of you understand what I'm feeling. just thought I would share my thoughts on surgery. Lilly
  18. Barb, The beta blockers were given to me to take after the A-Fib to insure it doesn't happen again. So far it is working. Lilly
  19. Barb, Since my lung cancer diagnosis and spending more time around dr.'s I noticed a fast heart rate as well (118 to 130). I'm not sure if it started before or after my lung surgery in Oct. '06. My oncologist never was concerned enough to send me to a cardiologist so I thought nothing of it until I went into A-Fib in November. My heart rate jumped to 230 after a panic and asthma attack. I am currently on Beta Blockers (daltiazem and sotalol). I had a stress test this morning but without exercise. They gave me a drug that imitates exercise on the heart. I had to do 4 minutes on the treadmill while they injected the drug. It was not easy to say the least. The medicine is keeping my heart rate in the 90's but now my blood pressure has lowered to 90/60. The cardiologists have not given me yet a good explanation of why I have developed Atrial Fibrillation. Lilly
  20. ursol


    My medical oncologist let's me continue to have my glass of wine with dinner (merlot). Whenever I get new meds, my first question is "can I drink wine". They are getting used to me. I gave up the cigarettes, I can't give up all my vices. What I have noticed is on the days that I have had chemo if I drink wine my face turns cherry red. It scares the bejesus out of my husband so he won't let me drink on those evenings anymore. Lilly
  21. Aaron and Julia, You are in my thoughts and prayers! Aaron I pray that you feel much better soon. Lilly
  22. Ghita, I smoked for 27 years but don't feel that guilty about it anymore. I had to make peace with that. When I was growing up we all smoked, we don't all have lung cancer, I finally decided that I was destined for this disease with or without the cigarettes. My children though on the other hand suffer about this I think. Yesterday my son saw a commericial for a new device to help smokers quit and he said "I wish they invented this sooner". When others ask me if I smoked, I now respond "Yes I did, but I have met so many lung cancer patients that have never smoked".
  23. Val, Welcome to the site, sorry you have reason to join but you will find good support here. Keep positive. Lilly
  24. Connie, I'll be praying for a very successful surgery and that you are up and about quickly. So glad that Katie is going out there for you...That is great. Lilly
  25. How Awful...He was so young. I'm so sorry to hear this news. Lilly
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