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Everything posted by ursol

  1. Forget statistics, You are cancer free right now..focus on that. Lilly
  2. Congrats Carol!!! Lilly
  3. Ernie, You are a great inspiration to me! Hoping you get good results on your scan. Lilly
  4. Congratulations!!! Awesome news, they are absolutely beautiful. Lilly
  5. Aaron, Fantastic News! Way to go! Lilly
  6. Tracy, I'm sorry I had not read this post sooner, I have only been online for very short periods as I have been very busy with the kids getting out of school. I hope you are able to try this trial and hope it works well for you. I'm sorry you were disappointed by your family. Through cancer I have learned what people are really made of. I am fortunate because in my life I have maintained 7 really close friends. They have been my friends since elementary or junior high school. They are huge support for me now and I know I can count on them when needed. I am also fortunate because 90% of my family has been great. I include aunts, uncles, cousins etc. I only have one brother and he is absolutely in denial but he loves me and does anything he can to help me out. He just expects I'll live forever and I guess I'm okay with that because I know he cannot handle to think anything other than that. But I have the same family problem as you but I guess in reverse so to speak. What I mean is that I have convinced myself that my husband's family cannot wait for me to check out. My sister in law said to me last week "you have done good, you made it to a year which is more than most people with lung cancer". I got the impression maybe I disappointed her. Looking at the glass half full, this behavior keeps me stronger because the last thing I want to do is kick the bucket now and please them somehow. I love my husband but he has disappointed me on many occasions and he sometimes looks at me as if I'm making this up and using it as an excuse not to clean and cook more than I already do. The other day I actually screamed "I have f...g cancer, yet I have to do everything around here". Gets me nowhere though..he just gets mad that I have the audacity to accuse him of not being supportive enough. I give up on that. Tracy, I'm sorry for rambling, what I want to say is you need to worry about you and the kids and if people are jerks, than they are jerks. When you are able to distance yourself from those that cause the most stress, you should do so. I know that you will somehow probably need family to help with the kids but if you think your friends can deal with that better than don't be afraid to utilize them. Tell your grandmother that she has to wait for you and you are not ready yet so she needs to keep healthy. Keep fighting and stay positive. If there is anything that you think I can help you with from Connecticut, please call me and I will do what I can. You, your husband and your kids are in my prayers and thoughts. Lilly
  7. I need some opinions on a few things: A) What are your thoughts on Manicure and Pedicures during treatment? I have been doing them until I recently read I should not due to possibility of unclean tools. I asked my Doctor's nurse today and she said it is okay to have them just pay attention to the tools and if they are getting sterilized. How many of you do something about the missing eyebrows? Mine are not completely gone but every week there is less and less. I went to the MAC counter and they drew them for me and they look pretty natural. When they grow back, do they start off as little short hairs? Just curious. C) I read somewhere not to use false eyelashes also due to infection. The make-up lady at the MAC counter told me that many of her customers that undergo chemotherapy are using them with surgical glue and washing and applying each day and their doctors are okay with that. My doctors nurse said it should be fine. Anyone else use them and what do you think about them? D) I have wanted to ask this question but afraid to ask on a mixed gender forum. Anyone having trouble with s.... due to burning? My docs said the chemo put me into menopause which has thinned my skin. Said I should use Estrogen cream in small doses if approved by my oncologist. My oncologist has approved but I'm still afraid to use it due to the hormone. Anyone have thoughts on this? I'm sorry so many questions... Lilly
  8. I'll say extra prayers for MaryJo and Len. I just found out that my dad's neighbor's little brother was diagnosed with lung cancer. It is just awful that this happens. Lilly
  9. Barb, You are not alone...I hate cigarette smoke now and hate people who smoke by doorways so that the rest of us have to inhale their smoke. What bothers me is that I was one of them not too long ago and it is very possible that someone with lung cancer walked by me and I was doing the same thing. I wouldn't have noticed at all as I just didn't understand. Therefore most of the folks doing this have no idea the effect on others they truly have. The nice thing is that as soon as I was diagnosed my company at work forced all the smokers in the building to go out to the sidewalk away from the door and walkway to insure I did not have to walk through their smoke everyday. Lilly
  10. I got teary eyed when I read your post because I'm sure if many of us asked that question of our oncologists, we might get the same answer since many of us have advanced cancer as well. But I agree with Raney, I never ask and don't want to know because it may make it more difficult to stay positive and live my life as I want to live it. Miracles can happen and you need to keep David focused on the possibility of getting better. My father reminds me that the longer I stay alive the better chance of new medicine hitting the market so the focus is to stay alive. Keep fighting. Lilly
  11. Teri, I think about Bill often and hope he is doing well. I also believe in Miracles and although I often say to my dad, my chances of living long are generally slimmer than others but I'm not ruling out a miracle as they do happen. Congratulate Bill on his baptism. Lilly
  12. I'm so sorry for your loss. Lilly
  13. ursol

    No Lung No Cancer

    Heather, Awesome News! Really glad to see you are doing good. Lilly
  14. ursol

    One Year

    I was diagnosed officially one year ago today. I was so frightened then that I thought I wouldn't live to see today but I'm still here and will continue to fight to stay alive. Thankyou to everyone on this site that helped me stay positive over the past year. lilly
  15. Ernie, Keep doing what you are doing for us because as a mother of 3 and actively working and going through chemo as much as I need to stay alive, i have no more energy at the end of the day to research my own disease. I am grateful whenever you or anyone else finds the time to do so. thank you. Lilly
  16. Hi Twinmom, I'm glad you found this site as the support is awesome here but I'm so sorry you are in this position. I also am stage 4 now with three kids at home. I have continued to work throughout and found that having a good oncologist that is fighting for your life is what is important. Lilly
  17. Will, I'm sorry about your wifes diagnosis. Definitely make sure you are both comfortable with the oncologist that will be treating your wife. Hang onto hope. Lilly
  18. At age 13 I smoked Salem Menthol's for the first year. Then I smoked Marlboro regular red pack until I was in my early twenties, then switched to Marlboro Light 100's for awhile. Then through my 30's I smoked marlboro ultra light 100's. During my many summer's in Italy I smoked MS regular. Lilly
  19. I have not had much hair since November and I always like these strings because I struggle with this so much and am thankful that folks talk about this as it makes me feel normal. My son said I will be bald forever and I'm resigned to the fact that he may be right. Here is hoping your mom's hair starts growing back real soon for her mental well being. Lilly
  20. I was diagnosed last year at age 40. I believe I have lung cancer because I smoked. I started smoking at age 13 and quit at diagnosis last year. It was the hardest thing I ever did and I understand why your dad still smokes. But now that I have been smoke free for a year, I actually feel like a complete loser that I couldn't do it sooner. Anyhow, although I know smoking caused my lung cancer I do not believe that smoking causes lung cancer in everyone. My genetic make-up is screwed up and cigarette smoke is enough of an irritant to cause cancer. In the never smokers, there is enough chemicals or other irritants in the air to cause cancer if their genetic make-up is pre-disposed to cancer. Why do some people survive and others don't: It is either absolute luck or if you believe in GOD it is his decision. Prior to cancer, I was healthy average weight but did not exercise often. I also had a baby before diagnosis and I believe the pregnancy may have speeded up the cancer process. Lilly
  21. Katie, Happy Birthday...I'm sorry I'm a couple days late. Hope you had a wonderful day. Lilly
  22. ursol

    The Struggle

    Don, I will miss you but I'm glad you are doing what you need for yourself. Best wishes always! Lilly
  23. Rochelle, Your family is in my prayers. Lilly
  24. Barb, I think it is good you are somewhat back to normal. I wish I could feel like that again. I said to my daughter the other day, what I wouldn't give to go back to being a smoker before the diagnosis and how happy I truly was. Even though I know how bad smoking is, I was happy back then. I no longer am knowing this disease is always there. Lilly
  25. Congratulations! Babies can make any controvery go away. Lilly
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