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mary colleen

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Everything posted by mary colleen

  1. Grace, I am happy that you have family around you. Be at peace. We are all right there with you.MC
  2. mary colleen

    Woulda Been

    Randy - I'm sure you are feeling your loss and separation acutely today. I'll pray for you.
  3. Barb, My husband is only 4+ months out from surgery and does have considerable shortness of breath and an issue similar to what you are describing. I am looking around medical services here to see if any kind of pulumonary rehab might be available. Have you had any kind of rehab?
  4. mary colleen


    Wonderful! You were due for some good news!
  5. Grace, I hope, and I'm sure that all of hope, that you have friends and family nearby to help you through this. Do you? We are all with you in spirit. I pray for you to have peace, for the girls to feel safe and secure, and for Carlton to be surrounded by angels in his sleep. mc
  6. Ry - you said it all, and so well. mc
  7. Grace, you ARE strong. You are all that you need to be, and he is blessed to have you. Feel our prayers. Bless you and the girls.xo Mary
  8. Chocolate flowers and chocolate candy.
  9. mary colleen

    Prayer Request

    Ann: He has my prayers.
  10. I did want to change my name when I was a child. Because there are so many "Marys" in my extended family, the middle name is always included as a second name. So, my Mom was "Mary Ib" (Elizabeth) and I was Mary Colleen. When you add that to my old last name (Mary Colleen Mcgee) I just hated it and thought it sounded ridiculous. It was also always getting called out in class (all 3 names) by the nuns when I was talking or my mind was roaming. So, when I married I became just "Mary Kline", which sounded much more normal to me. However, I kind of slid back to "Mary Colleen" over the years because it was simpler to stick with it - no one I had known before could switch over to Mary, so I just gave up.
  11. I have had so many thoughts for all of the above; Ernie, let us know. I'm rooting for you!
  12. Your Mom rocks - I wish her the best of birthdays. She is an inspiration. I admire her!
  13. Grace, please know that you have prayers from my corner, and that I am praying for Carlton's peace, your strength and peace, and that the little ones feel safe and secure. Mary Colleen
  14. My husbands liver enzymes all became elevated during chemo. We were told that this is not unusual. They have since returned to normal. In addition to the chemo, he was taking daily hydrocodone (Vicodin) for pain at some points; that can also raise liver enzymes.
  15. See? You'll be as good looking as ever in a couple of months!
  16. Aaron, my husband has not been on Tarceva. However, he has been offered a chance to join a clinical trial with Tarceva, so I have some literature on it. I don't see dizziness listed as a possible side effect. Why don't you call your doctor and check it out? I'm sorry you are having a hard time with it, and I'll bet you it IS working. Keep your chin up.
  17. I am fairly new to this site, having joined about 4 months ago. Frank's posts were always special to me. His last several posts, however, were truly powerful. He approached his most recent journey with quietly stunning grace and dignity, and the rare courage to follow a path of his choosing. I wish him eternal peace, and I wish his dear family solace and comfort.
  18. Mitchell, I understand - we are just a few weeks ahead of you and your Mom in finishing chemo. It is kind of disorienting and unnerving to suddenly be doing nothing in this fight, no matter how tough the fight itself has been during surgery and treatment. I decided that we again have to find another "new normal" - a way to move forward in a normal way, partly disregarding the illness and partly remaining vigilant. Tell your Mom we are proud of her and behind her. I think of her often.
  19. How sorry I am for your troubles. You are strong and good, and doing such a huge job. I will pray that God guides you and gives you strength.
  20. My husband is 52. We have had similar issues throughout chemo - I have to fill in ordinary nouns (such as the name of our street) in nearly every conversation, which is ok! He completed chemo a couple of weeks ago, and I can see that these issues are improving in subtle ways already. How old is your Mom, by the way?
  21. Pattie, To me, Frank is the personification of grace and dignity, as are you and the family. God bless you all. You'll be in my prayers non-stop.
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