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mary colleen

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Everything posted by mary colleen

  1. I'm glad you're there with her, too.
  2. Your feelings are perfectly normal, in my opinion. It will get better - on top of your loss, you are experiencing the adjustment of the post partum phase, and the realization that your Mom isn't here to share that very beautiful baby with you. This is a lot at one time. I didn't lose my Mom until I was 45, and I still reacted much as you are describing. I think you're doing fine. Sending prayers!
  3. mary colleen


    Dawn, Mu husband actually had hiccups as his very first chemo side effect - they began hours withing his first treatment, and persisted for maybe 24 hours after that treatment. Since then, hiccups have been only an occasional bother after chemo treatments. If I recall correctly, the symptom is caused by the chemo drugs irritating the diaghram...and the treatment, if needed, was listed as Thorazine. Thorazine is a major drug with it's own side effects, so I hope that the hiccups subside quickly and don't need to be treated. The following link has a few paragraphs addressing tis issue: www.cancer.org/docroot/MBC/content/MBC_ ... tearea=MBC Good luck!
  4. I'm so sorry that you have had this development, and I hope that you can get to the hospital. Be strong, you are in my prayers.
  5. mary colleen


    My husband has had 7 of 8 planned treatments of Cisplatin and Gemzar. His blood counts (RBC's, WBC's) have definitely have become more compromised as the treatments progressed. His overall symptoms have also increased over time, partly because of the changes to blood counts, and partly as direct side effects of the drugs. Fatigue, achiness, and shortness of breath have all increased dramatically over the last few treatments. He drinks a large amount of fluid each day, sleeps whenever possible, and looks forward to the final treatment!
  6. I have read in a couple of abstracts that degree of SUV of a tumor on PET scanning may correlate to tumor agressiveness. Has anyone else been told this? My husbands primary tumor had an uptake of 19. Just curious if anyone knows anything about this. Thanks
  7. Kim, I cannot imagine how anyone could have cared more carefully or well for your Mom than you did. You moved your family into one room for her. You gave her comfort and love. You controlled her pain. All mothers should be as lucky as your Mom was. I sometimes think that women who do this kind of intensive caregiving forget that we aren't responsible for everything that happens to a loved one - we are only able to make it as tolerable as possible. Maybe this is true of men as well, but I observe it more in women. We try to shoulder it all, when in reality only what we can do for that person is within our control. You did it all, and went above and beyond. Your Mom was fortunate to have you, and you did a wonderful job of caring for her.
  8. Me, too Lilly! Let us know when you can!
  9. Those are great results! You are on the road to success!
  10. Mitchell, Yay!! And...I am so glad her buddies are supporting her! Hope she continues to feel "up"! MC
  11. Renzo, I have been present for the last weeks and moments of life twice in two years...with my mother, and with a close lifelong friend. In retrospect, I just feel honored to have been a part of both. I can only tell you that it's all about peace. Sounds like that element is already there. It's a profound experience, and you cannot be fully prepared for it. Just continue to provide love and comfort, and be at peace with the process. You will be in my prayers. MC
  12. I have never heard of surgical resection in small cell - very interesting! I have also never seen the I -IV staging system applied to small cell. Wonder if the criteria is identical to the staging criteria for non-small cell. Also interesting is the fact that the Stage II patients had better survival than the Stage I patients; I would guess this was related to the sample size. Just thinking out loud, I guess.
  13. Wow, many congratulations! This is a good time to start planning your spring planting:)
  14. Diet Pepsi - I will walk in a blizzard to get it.
  15. Cheryl, I feel so sorry that you are going through this. I think it's important that you try to stay with your Mom. Though she appears to be unresponsive, your voice or touch may comfort her. You are in my prayers.
  16. mary colleen


    What a blessing for you both you and those you'll help.
  17. Mitchell, Try to be calm - this could be anything, or nothing much. When will you hear results of the chest x-ray? Thinking of you. Mary Colleen
  18. Rochelle, I am hoping for another good night of sleep for you. Be calm and peaceful. So many are pulling for you. Mary Colleen
  19. Congratulations (white zin...)
  20. So happy that you slept. Keep following a routine like that, if it works for you. This will gradually pass.
  21. Heather, Oxycodone is not a steroid. It is an opioid based painkiller. My husband is on it as well, and I have not seen any literature referencing wight changes as a side effect. It can cause (like most painkillers) some stomach upset and constipation.
  22. Heather, Good luck to you both on those new scans!
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