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Everything posted by blueeye

  1. Morning Y'all. It's still chilly here and it rained yesterday so the ground is yucky too. I'm off work today and not sure what I'm gonna do yet. Hope everyone has a good day! Leslie
  2. Hey Y'all, no air today??? Must have dipped down below 65 and it's too cold for Judy to type! Denise, so sorry about Dakota. RSV can be bad. I'm wondering if that's what I had a few months ago. Sounds like he got a nebulizer, huh? I finally got one for my asthma and it works very well. Anyway, I hope all is better for your family today.
  3. Tammy, I am so sorry you and your husband are going through this. My prayers are with you both. My Mom had the procedure of putting medicine between the pleural space. It is called a pleurodesis. She had bleomycin put in the space instead of talcum powder. Unfortunately it didn't work for her. Best of luck to you all. Leslie
  4. 1. wear a sweatshirt 2. wear toasty socks 3. snuggle with critters
  5. It got up to about 45 degrees today. But at least I got to wear this toasty sweatshirt my Aunt and Uncle gave me. It's supossed to get down to the teens tonight. I went to work at my parents' house today. I worked in Mom's room and it was hard. I took 3 bags of clothes to a battered woman's refuge house...actually I met someone at their storage facility because their location is hidden. I still have lots of clothes left....and still lots to do over there but it's alot for me to do alone. Judy and Katie, I know what you mean about fostering "real" people relationships. When I'm off work, I realized that I sometimes don't talk to another person all day. May we all have success in that this year. And Bruce, you bad boy, try a glove. There's 5 "sweaters" for ya, 'eh?
  6. Morning everyone! Judy--sounds like you've got lots of fun plans coming up! It's still real cold here and gonna get colder. Bruce, I hope you found a sweater for your.....whatever. LOL
  7. LOL Bruce! You are baddddddddddddd
  8. Hey stop pickin' on us! It's only 40 degrees right now. I had to cover up plants and even bring some inside last night and it's supossed to get in the teens Saturday morning! I have to work this weekend too, so I have to go out! My poor weenie dog is freezing too and won't let me put a sweater on her. But at least she hurries in the morning.
  9. Hey Judy and everyone! It's cold here too and gonna get colder! Still none of that "S" stuff!
  10. Sorry to call you out like that Bruce...I didn't know what ice fog was either. But thanks Janet, that makes sense! It's been drizzling all day here. And my head is still stopped up despite the antihistimine decongestant I took hours ago.
  11. Morning everyone! I've been here but mostly reading too. I hate to rub it in, but it's hot here. And humid...and my allergies are worse than ever. So I'm in an antihistime haze most of the time--when I'm not asleep! Bruce, I hate to sound stupid but what does it being cold have to do with the planes being loud??
  12. Hey there all! I couldn't leave Judy just hanging out there all alone. It was another hot day here. Kinda nice, but kinda boring too. Hope everyone had a good day!
  13. Hey everyone! It was a beautiful HOT day here today. None of that "S" stuff here unless it means SWEAT! I worked a little at my parent's house. My brother went fishing.
  14. Hey everyone! My company left today and they stayed in the room that my computer was in, so I that's why I've been MIA. Sure missed you guys. Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I'm getting caught up here...
  15. Happy Birthday Denise!! And congratulations to Tom!! I hope you guys had a great day!
  16. Hey Y'all! It's much warmer here than anyone else has posted (except Judy) so I just won't tell and rub it in! But it has been drizzling and overcast. I have to finish the scrapbook for my brother today. And do some baking. My guests are coming Tuesday!!! Hope everyone has a good day and stays warm. Leslie
  17. Hey everyone! It's 72 degrees here! I need to do some yard cleanup today along with remaining inside cleaning. Denise, I'm glad that Tom is making progress. Bruce, I'm sorry it's so cold up there. Have a good day Y'all!
  18. Ok, I've got an easy Banana bread recipe. Prepare a yellow cake mix as directed on the box. Add three mashed bananas and nuts and bake in a bundt pan. Folks will drive you crazy asking how you got it so moist!
  19. Hey Y'all...I'm sure sorry you're all snowed in. I won't even tell you what the temperature is here. I'm getting my house ready for my Aunt and Uncle that are coming next week to stay with me for Christmas. I am pretty excited about their visit. My Aunt was my Mom's sister and she lost both of her siblings in 6 months of each other. So it's good for both of us.
  20. In my case and in hindsight, I needed the Lexapro a long time ago. All of my loss just gave me an excuse to even consider the idea.
  21. Hey Y'all. Yep, it's 74 degrees here too. Although I haven't turned the air on in the house--yet.
  22. I agree with Sandra...make that appointment and grab the kleenex. The doctor wil understand. You should go to someone who knows you and knew your Dad and his battle. There will be lots of less explaining. I was just going for my regular check up and burst into tears when my doc asked me how I was doing. It had been 6 months since my Mom's death. We discussed medications and he put me on lexapro which has been a huge help. Best of luck to you. Leslie
  23. Thoughts and prayers for you and your Daddy. Lesile
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