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Everything posted by blueeye

  1. Patti, I am so sorry! I sure hope the radiation knocks out all that pain. Whine all you want to, that's what we're here for! Hugs, Leslie
  2. My Mom used a Lidocaine swish and swallow for a long time after she finished radiation. Ask her doctor for something for the irriatation...she shouldn't suffer and like they said above, the after effects continue for months afterwards.
  3. blueeye

    My Mom's dog

    Thank you all for such kind words. I've been having a hard time lately anyway, and now to lose Sioux-Zee is doubly hard. I am holding on to the idea of Mom and Dad waiting for her at the Rainbow Bridge...thank you Susan for that image. I decided to bury her in the backyard where she liked to nap in the sun. I will get a headstone for her and plant some flowers later.
  4. Teri, I am so sorry for you and Mrs.Dickens. You know I understand how much our pets mean to us...especially the ones that were special to our loved ones that have left us. Hugs and prayers for you both, Leslie
  5. blueeye

    My Mom's dog

    One of the pomeranian dogs that I inherited from my parents died a little while ago. She was 11.5 years old, had a heart murmur and also a collapsing trachea. She died rather quickly while eating. She had been coughing for a few months and I knew it was coming, but it's still a shock. She was such a special girl. Really didn't do anything wrong. My Mom was so happy when she got her. It was the dog she had always wanted. Such a happy, easy going, gentle dog. I will miss her. Leslie
  6. Yep...no denying I was his daughter. The person below me has kids.
  7. blueeye

    I thought I...

    smelled my Mom's perfume today. I was at work walking down the hall and no one else was in the hallway with me. I'd like to think she was there--but then I think she probably wouldn't hang out at the hospital where she worked and ultimately died. I've been having a real hard time lately. This time last year she was going down hill fast. I remember thinking/hoping that she might be here for Thanksgiving and she barely made it. Plus I have another nasty cold. You know when you're sick, you want your Mom. Heck, I just want her. Tough days... Leslie
  8. Coni, I'm so sorry. Hugs to you my friend. Leslie
  9. Hi Kelly, My Mom got Aranesp or Procrit for her low red counts. But she really felt bad when her white count was down. Didn't make sense to me since I work in a hospital blood bank, but that is how it is. I would ABSOLUTELY NOT go to the ER for low cell counts--unless it's critically low. At our hospital, they do transfustions at the clinic lots. Or get a direct admit from the doc and go straight to a room. But before anything, call your doctor. We got a direct admit the last time my Mom was admitted and it was wonderful. No ER, no germs etc. Congratulations on flying through treatments! And I hope you feel better soon.
  10. Oh Lillee, I so understand and I am sorry. I just had a car issue and went round and round asking lots of opinions and thought "my Daddy would have told me that right off". Keep coming here...we are here to help. Hugs, Leslie
  11. Lilliee, I am so very sorry for your loss. May you find peace and comfort in the coming days. Leslie
  12. I like pasta...and I have a dog named Brie. Was she in your toast?? Hehehe The person below me likes grits! LOL
  13. Hi Ashley! Thanks for the message. I hate this disease too. Give your Grandma a big hug and cheer her up. Sounds like she's been having a rough time. Hugs, Leslie
  14. Not great... I do OK. The person below me loves CHOCOLATE!
  15. Lillie--I am so sorry you are going through this. My Mom's legs and feet were very swollen but it was from congested heart failure. She wouldn't prop them up either because she couldn't get comfortable. We did finally get some pressure stockings on her and they helped push the fluid up higher. Has anyone suggested those?? I actually had to have the physical therapist help me get them on her. Leslie
  16. Sorry my answer is so late, but yes low sodium can be caused by small cell. It is one of the characteristics. The syndrom is called SAIDH. I hope you have found your answer by now and your Mum is doing better. My Mom took an antibiotic to fix her SAIDH.
  17. I agree, those comments are so nice to hear. I still work where Mom worked and I get lots of comments...some good, some not so good. She could be tough.
  18. TRUE!! The person below me has started Christmas shopping.
  19. TRUE! It was my Daddy's and I kept it. The person below me prefers Coke to Pepsi.
  20. Denise, so glad y'all got a diagnosis and hope that Tom can get some relief.
  21. FALSE...sounds like fun, but I have never been. No snow here. The person below me is going to dress up for Halloween.
  22. blueeye


    Amy, I am so sorry for you and your family's loss. May you find peace and comfort in the days to come. Leslie
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