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Everything posted by blueeye

  1. blueeye

    Two years

    Thanks Y'all...year two isn't any easier. I really feel it today.
  2. Got the new carpet in and rearranged the room a little too. The carpet was pretty cheap so it's not real plush, but it's fresh and NEW!!! I've had a talk with the furkids....hopefully they'll keep it nice.
  3. blueeye

    ice storm

    OH NO Chris! Thanks for letting us know what's going on! Stay warm and safe! Leslie
  4. blueeye

    Two years

    Two years ago today, after my Dad being sick all night, I rode in the ambulance with him to the emergency room. They called in a "code three" lights and sirens. Unable to get a BP or temp. My Mom watched us leave from the front door. We got there and he "came to" after fluids and some meds and told me he thought he had passed out and didn't remember getting there. He wanted to know where Mom was...she was on her way. Mom came. He got sick again and they gave him something for pain. He went out again and we had to decide on life saving measures or not. No more...he is tired. A few hours later as the nurse is adimitting him he stops breathing and I point it out to her. I miss my funny, joke playing, loved-to-surprise-someone Daddy.
  5. blueeye

    My mom passed

    Dana, I'm a bit late but I wanted to let you know how sorry I am. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Leslie
  6. Hey everybody! I have been getting ready for the carpet guy to come and put new carpet in my bedroom. I'm pretty excited about it because I am not doing it myself!! And thanks to my furkids, the existing stuff is pretty nasty. My house is a wreck with the bedroom stuff stowed all around but it is definately worth it. Hope everyone has a great Saturday!! Leslie
  7. Hey Denise, I'm a bit late but wanted to say how glad I am that Tom is home!!! I hope he's doing well on the O2. We did it several times with both of my parents. We had LONG lines so they could go from one end of the house to the other. We also got the smaller portable tanks that could go on the shoulder like a purse (I usually carried them) because the big ones on wheels are sometimes hard to manage. And the last time Mom had O2, we had a Hellios system that we could fill the portable tanks ourselves. VERY nice and much better than calling or going by for refil tanks. Hope things are still good! Leslie
  8. YAY!!! I am so happy for you guys!!
  9. Morning Y'all! I am off work today and hope to get alot done. I desperately need new carpet in my bedroom. I found some pretty cheap but after reading about how to put it down myself, I'm going back to ask how much to have it installed. I don't want to spend alot because these darn critters will just ruin it. Denise, hoping Tom is doing lots better. Bruce, I can just imagine the shock of some of my neighbors going up there! It's a balmy 52 degrees here.
  10. Hey Y'all. LOVE the squirrels Denise!! I had to work today and then went to a friend's house to watch football. OK, I went for snacks cuz I don't watch football and I'm on lots of steroids. Sandra, congratulations on Rocky! My avatar is my pomeranian Reuben. He was worn out this evening by my friend's 9 year old boy! And that says ALOT because Reuben is wild!!! Please post a pic of your new guy!
  11. Gosh Denise, I hope Tom is feeling and doing lots better now. Hugs and prayers for you all. Leslie
  12. Hey everybody! Yucky, rainy day today...perfect for SHOPPING! I'm just about done but still need to order some books. Also need to get back to working on the scrapbook I am doing for my brother. Sandra, I hope you got some rest and are feeling better. Denise, I hope you post some good news soon. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you. Leslie
  13. blueeye


    Hugs to you Lily...tomorrow and always. Leslie
  14. Judy, that is AWESOME! I do the eclectic look myself too. I've collected alot of different ornaments and now I have to go get Mom's stash and divide it with my brother. Thanks for sharing! It looks great!
  15. That's great Sandra! But I'll admit I don't know the tune....
  16. Thanks Y'all. I appreciate you guys and this site so much.
  17. Thank you Chris....YOU and your awesome website rock!! I will work on my story before next year.
  18. Hi Bobby, Of course I remember you. I too was numb last year. I'm trying this year. It is extrememly difficult for us all on this board. Hugs to you, Leslie
  19. Yesterday was one year since Mom died. It was really, really hard to walk into work yesterday. (I work at the hospital where she died.) I tried to stay busy--after work I went to a friend's house for a day-late Thanksgiving meal. I really enjoy her family and didn't really want to leave. I still can't believe that my parents are gone. I didn't even want to eat any pumpkin pie...that was Mom's dish to make. I'm trying to be happy, I know that they'd want that.
  20. GAbby, I am so very sorry for you and your family's loss. Try to be gentle to yourself and take comfort in good memories. Slowly, ever so slowy the good ones will move out the bad ones. I am still working on it. Hugs to you, Leslie
  21. Sweet potato soufle which is not a soufle but like what Randy described. YUMMY!! Green beans but not the casserole Hashbrown casserole cornbread dressing...is that a veggie? It's my favorite side dish anyway!!
  22. -my furkids who are always happy to see me no matter how long I've been gone -my job even though those folks get on my nerves -my Aunt Dee and Uncle Ed -friends that really care and won't let me be alone on Thanksgiving and especially Friday -Lindor truffles
  23. Thank you Chris for posting this. I needed to read it...I just wasn't able to read and comprehend something like this last year. It is true and has some good advice. Leslie
  24. Debbie, I am so sorry. I understand too...my Mom died a year ago Friday. Hugs to you, Leslie
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