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Everything posted by Brandyswa

  1. Well, I haven't had to take a leave of absence but I have taken alot of time off of work. I have the attitude that my grandpa won't be here for ever but work will be. I have worked very little and I have had to learn to cut back on certain things but we have managed. I have used alot of savings but I have enjoyed all the time with my grandpa. The moments that my 2yr old & granpa spend together is worth everything to me. I have enjoyed the time. Good luck with your decsion. Luv, Brandy
  2. Well we got the results today of my grandpas cat scan. No more treatments. He will be watched every 3 months & they said he was doing fantastic. The Dr said the mass is has shrunk tremedously with more shrinking to go as the radation is still working. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.
  3. I am so sorry that your brother is acting this way. Sickness brings out the worse on people. You & your family are in my prayers. BRandy
  4. I agree with everyone else.... If possible change Dr's. The difference is everything. My grandfather is 78 & the first set of Dr's at the VA said he was too old to do treatment. We have the best Drs now & they have done chemo & radiation when the first set said he would never make it after round one of chemo. 7 wks later & 35 radations we made it!!!! just keep looking. You are doing a great job taking care of your mom. as caregivers we second guess our selves but its not you. ITS BAD ATTITUDES. My cousin is a Dr & she says they are the coldest people in the world & they learn not to think of peoples feelings.
  5. Keep up the good work & our prayers are with you.
  6. That is Awesome!!!!! Congrats & there will be many many more years!!!!
  7. Well today we had a 6 wk check up for my grandpa since we have finished his chemo & radation.... we have made it over one hurdle...we gained 4lbs!!! He has an appitie back & he is moveing around more. We will go on Oct 10 for another cat scan & get the results on the 12th. I know what everyone means about when you are done with treatment or there is a break how you do feel they are normal. I have to say being a care taker is so hard & this website has helped me to get through this time. I will keep everyone updated & we will need a lot prayers for the test results. Thanks BRandy
  8. This is a hard time for you & your family, and I will be praying for you & your family.
  9. We have been going throught the same thing. We have the tussion pearls & cough meds. I bought a reading pillow to sit him up at night & won't allow him to sleep much during the day. We have hydrocodon also.... I have been giving benadryl for allergies. Some nights it works others it doesn't. You can try to put bricks under his side of the bed to raise it. I know it is so hard because you both are so tired. Hang in there. We did the steroids & it got better for 2 weeks & the cough came back.
  10. Jill, We are praying for you & your family. It is a hard time but just make every min. count. Your doing a great job & what you are feeling is normal.
  11. its ok to cry.... I am now taking care of my granpa & I am granpa's little girl. It is the hardest thing in the world but keep strong & be supportive. Help keep up the fight. You can do it. You are important to him & make as many memories as you can.
  12. I am a flight attendant & I say go for it. Do get a wheelchair & take short breaks. When making reservations ask to sit towards the front of the plane!!! Have fun & pack small snacks for energy.
  13. I can relate to you. I to am a grandad's girl. My grandpa raised me since I was 4 & now I am taking care of him. He has stage 3. It is ok to cry & you will do it. I can tell you the exact date & time we were told that he had the cancer. This has been the hardest thing in the world to watch & do, but you will be an inspiration to him. Stay Strong & make many memories with him. I will be praying for ya'll. Brandy
  14. I am so sorry for you loss & I personally know how hard it is to be pregant & have to go through all of that. My grandma passed away when I was 6 months pregant & she was my mom...she had raised me since I was 4yr old. She died of leukiema & she went pretty fast. You will do fine & you miss her more than anything...time does help the pain but just remember she is with you & she will always be by your side.
  15. We've got you & your dad in our prayers & thoughts. Keep up the poistive thinking. Brandy
  16. I am glad your sister is feeling better. Thank you for your post with your sisters symptoms. Thanks again
  17. Thank you, we started steroids & antibotics yesterday.
  18. Can anyone explain what radiation pneumonia is & the signs of it? THanks Brandy
  19. Well the reason they took so long for treatment was the VA didn't want to do treatment to him because of his age & trach status. We had to get approval to go outside of ghe VA. The radiation was used shrink the mass inside his lung. All I know is that is was 3mm & in the left side. I will let all of ya'll know about the results. Thanks for all the encourage & support, ya'll are great. Brandy
  20. I am a newby that is taking care of my grandfather. He is 78 yrs old, a laryngille cancer survior of 36 yrs & now he has stage IIIB LC. This has been the hardest task for me to do. I have a wonderful husband & 2yr old that is on this adventure also. I can't wait to start using this site because it seems like a wonderful place to vent & get help. Thanks Brandy
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