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Everything posted by luvmydad

  1. I wasn't on the computer this weekend, so this mornings gratitude kinda covers the past couple of days. I went to moms on Friday evening and she was like a bear with a sore hiney so I didn't stay long. Saturday evening, after spending all day outside in the cold decorating, I decided to invite mom down for supper with us. She jumped at the invitation and ended up staying until midnight because we started playing "mexican train". My son decided he wanted to spend the night with her and went home with her. Sunday evening when we went to pick him up we were shocked out of our shoes....Mom had a Christmas tree up. First time in about seven years. Hunter asked her to put one up and he would help her decorate it. She only put the ornaments on it that I had made while in school and growing up. I didn't remember half of them, it was fun having her ask me "Do you remember when you made this?" They also strung cranberries and popcorn garlands. The tree was beautiful, but not as much as seeing how much mom enjoyed spending the weekend with all of us. Can't wait til dad gets home from work tomorrow and sees that the "scrooge" actually decorated this year. Sorry so long, just thankful that mom had a happy weekend. Teresa
  2. Barb: I will not pretend to understand how you must feel right now, and I can't give you any profound advice as to how to get through this loss. What I can do for you is let you know how very much you have been in my heart and mind the past weeks. Over Thanksgiving I was out of state and "computerless" for a week and I wondered about you often. My son even said as soon as we got home for me to get on the computer and check to see how Barb is doing. This is the first post I have seen from you and I am glad to see you back. Your cyber family loves you and are here for you anytime you need us. Take one day at a time and know that at times like these God IS carrying you (even though it may not seem like it). God bless. Teresa
  3. luvmydad


    WooHoo!!!!! Congrats!!!! What an inspiration to us all!!! Have a blessed holiday. Teresa
  4. White lights!!!! Looks like a winter wonderland when everyone in our neighborhood gets all their decorations up. That's my plans for my husband and son this weekend...to transform our house from Thanksgiving to Christmas.
  5. luvmydad

    Mom is home!

    My sincere condolences. May God grant you and your family peace in the days to come. God bless. Teresa
  6. I want to go out with you for margaritas the next time you go!!! I am still laughing!!! Hey I just realized that you are from Virginia to. Anywhere near Harrisonburg? Maybe I actually can crash the next girls nite out! Teresa
  7. Grateful that I finally got my computer monitor replaced at work today. I was on vacation all last week and when I got back to work on Monday...nothing but a black screen. Hard enough to catch up on all that missed work as it is, much less without a computer. Also, I couldn't check in here throughout the day. Teresa
  8. Please accept my sincere condolences during this most difficult time. May God help you to find peace in the days ahead. You and your family are in my prayers. God bless Teresa
  9. Thanks so much for all these yummie recipes. My grandmother made sure that all us grandkids could bake. So every year she got me together with my cousins and we spent the whole day baking cookies for the whole family for Christmas. I have held this tradition with my husband and son (on a smaller level of course ) and they both look forward to it every year. We will look forward to finding some new favorites. I had thought that with all that was going on with dad this year that I would bypass on the baking. However, Dad had something to say about that. He ordered his favorite sugar cookies!!! Teresa
  10. I am Teresa. I am a supervising deputy clerk in the General District Court Traffic & Criminal division for the past 19 years. I am 39 years old, so I grew up there. I live in Dayton, VA in a small but wonderful subdivision. I have been married to a wonderful man, Richard, for 19 years. We have an awesome 14 year old son, Hunter. We spend ALL our free time setting on bleachers watching him either play football, baseball, or wrestle. Go Knights!!! He spends all his free time chasing pretty girls. To be a teenager again.... And I cannot forget to mention our 105 pound "lap" dog Kasey. She is a yellow lab that will be 3 years old on Christmas day and is a constant source of enjoyment in our lives. She just makes you smile cause she loves ya so much. Currently we are waiting for dad (Jerry) to get his chemo and radiation treatments set up and he should be starting them in a week or so. I am scared about this. I was VERY bitter when I first came to this site because I was so scared. But given time, faith, LCSC members, family, friends, and a little help from my new friend Lexapro I am doing much, much better now. Thank you for a place to share with people that understand.
  11. luvmydad


    Isn't it comforting to know that our loved ones are still "with" us. I know that I have had several experiences with my grandfather. I miss him like crazy and he always comes around when I need him the most. I have NEVER doubted what these signs are, but so many people think I am crazy when I talk about these experiences, it is good to know that I am not alone. Teresa
  12. You definately have much to be grateful for this THANKSgiving!! God is GOOD!!! Thanks for sharing your story with us, it gives all of us so much hope. Have a blessed holiday. Teresa
  13. luvmydad

    It is over

    Barb: Please accept my deepest condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your children during this most difficult loss. May God help you find peace during the coming days. Teresa
  14. Please accept my sincere condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult loss. Teresa
  15. Dark meat, with that wonderful crispy skin from deep frying!!! YUMMMMMMM Teresa
  16. Grateful for being off work all this week, and having a great best friend to spend yesterday and this morning with. Grateful that dad is still feeling wonderful. Grateful this afternoon for this huge 105 pound yellow lab of mine, the one that thinks she is a lap dog. She always makes me smile. It is a wonderful feeling to be loved so much by something so unconditionally. I am not grateful that my father has lc, but I am grateful for the changes that lc has made in my families life. We are learning to not take life for granted. Three months ago I would never have been able to list things of gratitude, as I only always saw the negative in everything. I will be leaving in the morning to spend Thanksgiving with the in-laws out of state so I would like to wish everyone a blessed holiday. Have a blessed holiday season. Teresa
  17. My moms homemade cranberry sauce!!! YUMMMMMM Teresa
  18. I am thankful that my dad is doing better after his mediastinoscopy on Friday. He had a fever all day Saturday and we were afraid he might end up in the e.r. But God is good and he was back to work today. Teresa
  19. Not yet, but our subdivision will turn into a winter wonderland the day after Thanksgiving. I love to decorate for Christmas. Last year our house won first prize in our town for best decorated!!! Teresa
  20. A picture of my son and his girlfriend all dressed up for a formal dance, and a picture of my son and our yellow lab cuddled up asleep on the floor beside each other. Teresa
  21. I am printing your article as I type this so that I can take it to my dad tonight. He is scheduled for a mediastinoscopy in the morning. He has remained so positive thru all of this. He told us early on that God was allowing this storm in his life for a reason, and that something good will come of it. We, to, have had many "signs" that God is working around us, and for us the scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6. God works in mysterious ways. God bless your mom. Teresa
  22. I am grateful for the peace and serenity that God has blessed my father with during this storm in his life. Teresa
  23. Congratulations! ! You are truly an inspiration!!! Enjoy your Thanksgiving. You have much to be thankful for! Teresa
  24. Happiness is learning to be grateful for each and every day. I am learning that no matter how bad things are there is always something wonderful in my day somewhere along the way. Teresa
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