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Posts posted by shirleyb

  1. Maryann,

    I am sorry you are going through this with your husband.

    Not alot you can do to help someone when they won't help themselves. From what you have written your husband is not only addicted to cigarettes and alcohol, but to pain meds too. Scary place to be.

    Drug addicition, be it smokes, drink, or drugs is an ugly thing.

    I hope you decide to get help for yourself first and foremost.

    My heart goes out to you at this time. Maybe a 2 x 4 upside his head will help him to wake up to his actions and how destructive his actions are. Under all the problems he has, he must have some good qualities otherwise you would not still be there for him.

    Best of luck in all that you do.


  2. Janet,

    I am so sorry. Words cannot ease the pain you are in, just know you are in my prayers.

    Ron was a very special soul and will be missed by many.

    Praying for us all.


  3. Pat and Brian,

    I can only pray that God is merciful, that He gives you comfort, strength, grace, dignity, and understanding in the days and time to come.

    You have my prayers now and always.

    I will always be here when you need me God has said. Trust in Him.

    All my love and warm hugs.


  4. Beth,

    I understand only too well where you are at. It takes time. Take care of yourself and your boys. Be first for yourself and them right now. We will be here when you are ready.

    You have all my understanding and love.

    Prayers continue for you and your family.


  5. Sweetie,

    I wish we had the answers to your questions, but none of us are God and can't tell you what you want to hear. All I can say is live in the moment and make the most of the time you have now.

    Christmas is such an emotional time for many people. We sometimes forget what the real reason is for Christmas. It is not for presents and gifts, it is for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Try not to put the importance on the 25th but put it on today.

    As the saying goes, yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a dream, today is a gift. Enjoy it for today and let tomorrow take care of itself.

    Praying for us all.


  6. Beth,

    Again, I am so sorry. I know Bill is in a better place and without pain. I only wish that you and the kids could have the same peace.

    The days, weeks, and months to come will be difficult for all of you. Come back and lean on us for support and know that you are loved and not alone in what you will be going through. We will be here to help you anytime you need it.

    Much love, warm hugs, and many prayers for all of you.


  7. Thank you all for letting me share this with you. I am humbled by your replies and I am thankful I could share this story with you.

    My father lived another 15 years after his heartattack. We truely were blessed that he had more work to do here.

    My dad was my bestfriend and when he passed I was devastated. But this was one of the stories he shared with me that meant the most.

    When Randy died, this story is what came back to me to give me the most comfort at his untimely death. I miss him so but I also know he is in a much better place.

    When my mother passed this past April and I had the chance to talk to her, it is what I reminder of as she was dying. I told her it was time and dad was waiting for her. She passed shortly there after.

    I am glad you found comfort from my sharing.

    Peace be with you all as we continue to pray for each other.


  8. When my father had his first heartattack, he had the profound pleasure of an "out of body" experience.

    His heart had stopped and as they were working on him in the ambulance, he saw them working on him. He was above them looking down. He told of having this very bright light coming at him and all he could do was watch it. Soon he was traveling in the light, only to meet his mother, my baby brother, and others who had passed before him. In this place of complete peace he saw what he could only describe as the most beautiful, peaceful, more than he had words to describe place. He was with his loved ones and he felt he was in the presence of God. And he told us it was everything that you could imagine heaven was only 1000 times better. Soon after arriving there, a man who had an aura about him, approached my father and told him it was not his time yet and he had to go back. Dad of course did not want to leave. He was so at peace here. But this man held my father in his arms and told him, you have more to do yet and you must go back. Back my father came.

    After dad was able to talk about what happened, as it took some time for him to be able to even begin to tell his story, he said, he would never fear death again because he knew what heaven was like. This experience allowed my father to become truely one of God's children. And in his sharing of this experience, I feel I too am one of God's children. We have no fear of death because our reward is to be in heaven with those we love now and in the past. We will be in the presence of God and He will comfort us and guide us.

    Dad always said life on earth truely is short, but our life in heaven will be forever.

    I just wanted to share this story as I know there are many of us hurting right now with the news of Bill's passing. Bill's passing I believe has brought the loss that others of us have had here to the forefront of our memories. We know what Beth is experiencing and the pain she is in right now.It brings our pain of our losses out too. I try so hard to remember what my father shared with me about his experience because it does give me comfort in knowing that although I miss those that have died, I know they are in the presence of God and it is everything you could imagine and more. They are painfree, at peace and just waiting for us to join them one day.

    May we all tell those we love that we love them. May we all be able to get our relationships right with one another so as not to suffer from anixety of guilt for not telling those we love that they are most precious to us.

    I continue to pray for all of us.


  9. Pat,

    Thank you for the update.

    Beth there are no words to express the profound sadness at hearing the news of Bill's passing. My heart breaks for you at this time. I am so so sorry.

    May God hold you close and may your memories bring you comfort. Bill is so loved as are you.

    Praying for us all.


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