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Everything posted by Tami

  1. I hope that no one will think this is tacky.... I had my pneumonectomy 2 years ago this April (!) before that two other thorocotomies. Last year at my annual x-ray they found two broken ribs. Unfortunately one of the ribs was complicated fracture as the one bone sticks up with the other part of the bone settling in somewhere in the middle (esentually the two broken ends don't meet) Anyway my PCP told me that it would take time but eventually scar tissue would form over the oint of the sticking up rib and it wouldn't bother me as much. Here in lies my question... sometimes (like now) I get pain in that area and I get scared. But what I'm wondering is if this could be due to the bras I wear. My incision runs across my left breast and it pulls my breast a bit anyway. Three operations on that area have created quite a mess on that side. So now I'm wondering if wearing a "cleavage type-pump them up bra" could be causing me to have periodic pain. I try to rotate them but sometimes I end up wearing the padded ones more ofter. Has anyone else notice that certain bras can cause an achy feeling in the chest?
  2. Please let me in on the joke.... I have a chihuahua too. I also have two other dogs. My Riddick is 1.5 lbs and I must admit rather creepy looking with the big bat ears, shiny black coat etc. He also has a couple of other unique qualities about him but I think he would be offended if he were considered a rat!!!
  3. How do you know if you will qualify for diability? I started this journey back in 2001 and I worked throughout my chemo treatment, radiation, surgeries (including pneumonectomy) and now here I am. I didn't go the disability route because as a single mom with 3 kids I barely survive and could never go 6 months without income. But it is getting difficult now.. I don't know if I would qualify now for diability as my treatment is over and has been for almost 2 years now (hooray!) BUT... I'm left with pain in the ribs from 3 thoracotamys (sp?) and I have some broken, displaced, ribs that hurt all the time. Numbness, hearing loss and sitting at the computer all day is creating additional problems. I have pain throughout my neck and arms etc. I've tried to get up and walk around etc. but things aren't going well--along with an incredibly stressful job. I'm hoping that I don't require any further treatment etc. but would I qualify because I no longer require any treatments? I read somewhere that if you have a pneumonectomy you may actomatically be eligible but I don't know. Also I'm still fairly young--30's. I may be on it for a long time. What about health insurance? Do you get a certain amount which stays the same throughout your lifetime? I have so many questions and I don't know who to ask. I don't want to talk to my doctor just yet and I can get time off to leave and meet with anyone at a diability office. Anyone out there with any information????
  4. Sandy, same thing with me. After 3 surgeries on the left side they are always "concerned with something" when we do my mamograms. They called me back for me tests once-yikes! but it was nothing. It was almost like when they did the inital mamo they didn't "notice" the beautiful scars that are running all over that area? Because when they brought me back in for the ultrasound the tech was like -- oh, did you have previous surgery? Let me look at your records (NOW you look at my records?) What a pain. .. i just went for my last mamo in December. They did 3 shots of the right breast, 5 of the left. told me to wait--came back and said they wanted to look more closely at the left. 3 more shots... Then I wait again. Finally they come out and say could we look at it one more time?? They do about 4 more "rolling shots" squishing it in an unbelievable way and finally I say you know I've had surgery in that area... see the scars? Feel the SCAR TISSUE here??? She looks, I go out to wait and finally she comes out and say's "Okay you can go" (a little too damn perky--I think) and that's it till next year and we do it again..... I know it's tough but I think it comes with the territory.... Try not to worry-
  5. Peg, give him a chance to catch his breath (those negative appointments can really turn you inside out) and then help him get on with living. I would talk with your docs again. If he is otherwise strong and feeling all right why can't they do the radiation and chemo together? When I had my radiation (12 crummy weeks of it!) I had chemo at the same time. It's not fun but it's doable. I'd check on it again--I don't understand why it should be either/or... Especially when the chemo is helping the lungs.
  6. I hope those of you who may feel this is inappropriate will forgive me I have no one else to ask and this is truely the most difficult of decisions. As you may remember I began this journey in March of 01 I've had 2 thoratic surgeries, 2 6 week rounds of chemo, 12 weeks of radiation, misdiagnosis, and finally a pneumonectomy of the left lung in 02. So far so good. I just turned 40 in November. Well that's the history, here's the problem. I just found out that I am 1 month pregnant. This in itself is funny--I have 3 children 17(!), 12 and 11. The first one I went through fertility treatments finally using Clomid and was able to get pregnant. I wanted another child desperately and went through more and more infertility treatments finally after using perganol (sp?) and an experimental ovarian surgery I had #2. The doc's said that's it but low and behold while still nursing #2 I had enough perganol remaining in my system for #3. It was a miracle and I was thrilled. That brings us to 01 and cancer. I signed papers that informed me that chemo would destroy my fertility (that was just one of those trade-offs), radiation may as well. I also developed a cyst on my left ovary during treatment and surgery was preformed to remove it as a precaution. My doctor put me on Birth control pills to keep me from experiencing problems with menopause and they regulated things for me and I've been on them faithfully. But I suppose fate has decided to make my life interesting again. I am pregnant and have no idea what to do. I keep thinking I'm too old for this, I don't think I could carry a baby with one lung will it get enough oxygen? What about the side effects of all these treatments? Then the BIG question!! The odds are against me living to see this child grow up. I may not even get to see it enter kindergarten. I know that no one has any guarantees in life but I KNOW the odds are not in my favor. I'm really torn up inside and I'm scared. When I was sick the thing that tore me up the most was leaving my kids. Not just dying but being in the hospital, being on the couch sick. I wanted to be with them and do things with them. But I had the consulation of knowing they were older and could understand. But a baby.... I just don't know what to do.
  7. With the Holiday Season Approaching 15 things to do at Wal-Mart when your spouse is taking his/her sweet time.... 1. Get 24 boxes of condoms & randomly put them in peoples carts when they aren't looking. 2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5 minute intervals. 3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the restrooms. 4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, "Code 3 in Housewares . . ." and see what happens. 5. Go to the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away. 6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area. 7. Set up a tent in the camping dept. and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they bring pillows from the bedding department. 8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask, "Why can't you people just leave me alone?" 9. Look right into the security camera, use it as a mirror and pick your nose. 10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the anti-depressants are. 11. Dart around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the theme from "Mission Impossible." > >12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different size funnels. 13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK ME! PICK ME!" 14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!" And last but not least: 15. Go into a fitting room, shut the door and wait a while and then yell loudly "Hey... There's no toilet paper in here!"
  8. Tami


    Moses, Jesus, and an older, bearded man were out playing golf one day. Moses pulled up to the tee and drove a long one. It landed in the fairway but rolled directly toward a water hazard. Quickly, Moses raised his club, the water parted and it rolled to the other side, safe and sound. Next, Jesus strolled up to the tee and hit a nice long one, directly toward the same water hazard. It landed directly in the center of the pond and kind of hovered over the water. Jesus casually walked out on the pond and chipped it up onto the green. The third guy got up and sort of randomly whacked the ball. It headed out over the fence and into oncoming traffic on a nearby street. It bounced off a truck and hit a nearby tree. From there it bounced onto the roof of a nearby shack and rolled down into the gutter, down the down spout, out onto the fairway, and right toward the aforementioned pond. On the way to the pond, it hit a little stone and bounced out over the water and onto a lily pad, where it rested quietly. Suddenly, a very large bullfrog jumped up on the lily pad and snatched the ball into his mouth. Just then, an eagle swooped down and grabbed the frog and flew away. As they passed over the green, the frog squealed with fright and dropped the ball, which bounced right into the hole for a beautiful hole-in-one. Moses then turned to Jesus and said, "I hate playing with your Dad."
  9. Tami


    I know that this has been discussed but do you mind if I go there one more time? For those of you with mets--I know that some of you did not have any symptoms and your mets were found on follow-up scans but for those of you who had painful mets what did they feel like? Was it a constant pain/ache that got progressively worse and you couldn't ignore it? Or did it come and go? Hurt just a little off and on? I know that sometimes we associate headaches with brain mets but what about the others, any common symptoms? Thanks for all your responses.
  10. Wow! This board really is a wealth of information. I had chemo and radiation together it was yucky. I was so tired. I was also getting a mix of two cocktails for my chemo. One of them being Cisplatin. i didn't know it could cause hearing problems.... It's been over a year since my chemo and over that time I've developed a hearing problem in my right ear. It feels like my ear is always plugged, my PCP told me it is problably due to a middle ear infection (eustation tube could be blocked) but I just can't hear very well in that ear. I wonder..... It took a while for my throat to get raw. even then it wasn't sore as much as swollen so much I couldn't seem to swallow. but it took several weeks for that to happen and they gave me several meds to help. Staying hydrated helped-for two weeks the only things I could eat were popcicles. It sure felt good!!! I sort of felt like I was in that old Rudolf the rednosed reindeer cartoon. Remember when mrs. Santa keeps telling Santa to "eat" "eaaaat!" "EAT!!!!" well that's what the docs kept telling me. Hang in there!
  11. This may sound cruel and heartless BUT... I was on the MSN website today and I noticed all this money, time and celebrity endorsements regarding finding a cure for AIDS/HIV. As I was reading the article it was talking about the fact that even without treatment many, many people do not develop symptoms for 10 years! I'm not heartless but I can't understand why more money, time, research aren't used for Cancer treatments etc. I would say 9 out of 10 people know someone who's life has been touched or lost by cancer. Why don't we have a World Cancer Day?? I'm sorry for my ranting and raving.... I am so sick of this disease and the lives that it takes. Maybe my own before I even get to see my children grow! If someone told me right now that I had cancer but it wouldn't even begin to manifest itself for another 10 years I'd be thrilled. But with way too many the disease strikes and it claims lives in days, months after being diagnosed--I hate it
  12. Greg.. I had 12 weeks of chest radiation and I developed that metalic taste. After the 1st treatment it was like I could taste it! Yuck! I could also smell it too. I told my techs and they agreed that it happens once in a while. I later developed that wonderful radiation throat although mine wasn't so much painful as it was swollen. It felt like a rock or something was stuck in my throat. But throughout my treatment I had that metal like taste. I guess it's not just with PCI treatments.
  13. Tami

    Just need to talk

    cathy... my mom died 17 years ago. I was pregnant with my daughter at the time. I felt and still feel all the things you've described 17 years later. I grieved for her when each of my 3 kids were born because she wasn't there to share the joy with me. Again when I went through my divorce and again when I was dx with cancer. It never goes away. I think of her every day and I still find myself wanting to call her and talk things over with her. It hurts, I think it will always hurt. BUT-it does get easier. It's only been 3 months-don't rush things. Their is no set time "to get over it" the time will come when you will remember him and smile and be comforted in knowing that his suffering is over. I will always miss my mom no matter how many years go by. It will get easier though, I promise.
  14. Wow! i was just telling Ray that I was doing quite a bit of research into mediums as well. I have one that I follow and have been considering having a reading done. He is very well known and I have this "need" to talk with him. I have been reading his books and researching him long before I got sick to talk with him about my mom who passed 17 yrs ago. Now that I've become sick it seems like I've been interested even more. If you have a chance e-mail me I'd love to get the name of the person you spoke to. I'd also love to hear any other information. I'm glad your expereince was so positive.
  15. Could someone please give me some information on how disability works? I don't know anyone on disability and while my primary care doctor has been telling me to consider it, I haven't till now. I am my families sole support (single, 3 kids) and I understand there is a 6 month no pay "waiting period" before benefits start. Is there a way to estimate what your benefits will be? Suppose I would now make say 80% of my current salary (that could be way too high-I have no idea) but does that change at all, as in with the cost of living. I'm only in my 30's--that 80% will not look very good say in 5 yrs or 10 etc. I couldn't survive on it. Also I can't go into retirement I haven't worked that long to build it up. Plus what about health insurance? I have mine through my employer I couldn't possibly afford it on my own. Could someone please let me know who I should talk to possibly give me some insight into this. Thanks.......
  16. Tami


    I can't seem to handle any more tests. I sailed through them all for two years and I know they are necessary but I can't make myself go anymore. My surgery was done in April of 02. I had a ct etc. in October all was well. Then I was having some endometriosis removed April 03 and they did a routine x-ray which indicated a broken rib. They say that's normal after 3 chest surgeries and because they removed a piece of my rib and the muscle etc to remove my lung. So forever your ribs are more fragile. I also carry my kids, shovel snow, mow and move furniture a lot by myself (I don't have a spouse or family). But they want me to come in to have my rib x-rayed again to make sure it's healing. I just can't do it. I've refused every doctor apointment/ dentist appointment everything it's only lately that I can even manage a hair appointment . I panic, get sick and can't leave my house. I've tried relaxers, anti-depressants, valium etc. but I just can't do it. Does anyone else get afraid...... no, I mean really afraid?
  17. Tami

    depressing me!

    Ray, when I was first diagnosed I felt like such a fighter. I did the tests, took the chemo, radiation, surgery after surgery, I researched it and did everything I could. But I don't believe I could do that all over again, I'm a single parent and I went to every dr. appoinment alone, every chemo, every surgery, everything alone. I was always so scared. If my kids were older I don't believe I would fight so hard-but as they are young I feel like I should put them first and me second and fight. I think that's why the test scare me so much now. I have x-rays and I'm due for another one but I just can't go-I get physically ill, shake and panic so much now I can't hold still. I think about death and wonder about the afterlife etc. I'm a christian so that is a help to me but I'm still scared. I've been reading books and researching a gentleman who is a medium (I know this is strange) for over a year now. He does "readings" about loved ones passed on and also about the afterlife and I believe in his ability. (he is not that person on TV) I know that I will eventually seek a "reading" from him but more than anything in some strange way he comforts me when he talks about death etc. This is something I would've never even considered let alone put any "faith" into. But not anymore. I think that you should do what you feel comforts you and what you need to do. Unless you are going through it you don't understand the emotion of it all. Obviously I don't want you to give up but do what you feel you need to.
  18. Becky, When you mentioned the CT scan were you talking about the ones of your ribs? You mentioned that they were hurting you. My ribs etc. hurt from time to time too. right now I'm dealing with some neck/gland issues but I also have a sinus infection and some sort of ear infection. I hate this disease..... I'm filled with fear and worry about having more tests and yet I'm filled with worry and fear of not having them. Keep us posted...
  19. Tami

    Met questions

    I have a couple of questions about mets. When do most people generally find them? Does the doctor just find them or do you generally have an idea that something is up? Is it during your treatment for the Primary cancer or do they just show up months or years after the primary cancer has been treated or removed. Has anyone here had surgery where primary cancer has been removed but then discovered a met(s) long after that surgery with no other primary cancer (like additional disease in the same area where the primary cancer was initially?) Does this make sense? Thanks to all of you for all your help.
  20. I'm also a one-lunger. I have been getting the flu shots for two years now and I also received the pneumonia shot. Getting pneumonia with only one lung could be deadly--I would definately get the pneumonia shot as it is good for years and I would also recommend the flu shot. I never had one until I started this cancer crap but now I'm faithful. I never had any ill effects except for a sore arm for a couple of days. I'll bet your PCP will encourage you to go for it and I do too!
  21. I really think that we need to also work on the stigma of lung cancer too. Many people still believe that ONLY people who smoke get lung cancer as if you "asked for it." Those of us who have it, know someone with it etc. Know that many, many folks get lung cancer who never smoked ever and many quit years before their diagnosis. We also know that no one deserves any kind of disease. (they would never tell a diabetic that they asked for it by eating too much sugar).I just get really frustrated. When I was diagnosed and called the cancer society she kept telling me all about Breast cancer support groups but nothing for lung cancer. As I've said before I've had 3 chest surgeries, broken ribs etc. with huge scars. This has caused me to have considerable damage done to my left side and breast. My left breast is much smaller and looks terrible BUT I'm not covered for any type of cosmetic surgery because I didn't have breast cancer. If I would have had breast cancer than I could have pratically anything down to lift them, rebuild them etc. It drives me crazy! It's cancer whether breast, skin, prostate, or lung.
  22. Tami


    I can't believe it... I just can't. She was such a fighter. It never even dawned on me to check that column. My heart is just breaking She was such a help to me when this all started for me 2 years ago. We e-mailed almost daily. she was such an inspiration.. I just feel so sad. Then as I moved up I saw the post from KatieB. I am sooooooooo sick of this disease We have lost some very good people.
  23. Tami


    Has anyone heard from Ada? I've e-mailed her a few times but I haven't heard from her or seen any recent posts. I know she's had a few set backs and was beginning a new regime of treatment. I wanted to know if anyone knew how the treatment was going and she was feeling. I'm concerned about her
  24. Tami

    just curious....

    This probably isn't the right forum to ask this but I'm curious. I pray that no one takes offense......... During my illness and now beyond I have heard people utter the most rude, utterly stupid, or insensitive remarks... also the kindest and niciest things too. A few stick in my mind that I just can't seem to shake. While i harbor no grudge against anyone to this day it just amazes me the things people will say. Have any of you ever heard a totally off the wall or insensitive remark sometimes made in passing that still amazes you? Or perhaps a stranger gave you a word of hope? Here are my "special ones"... 1) When i was first diagnosed I call my local chapter of the American cancer society. i told her lung cancer and asked for a support group. she kept talking to me about breast cancer groups which I couldn't join. Finally I said to her again that I was talking about LUNG cancer and did she have a support group. Her answer? "sorry, lung cancer patients don't live long enough to form a group"......... 2) After a year and a half of fighting with my HMO I was finally referred to another surgeon for a 2nd opinion. He told me I must first have a PET scan. His reasoning? "Personally, I think you have other cancer spots that the people in these HICK hospitals you've been going to have missed on their scans and if this PET scan shows something I won't operate because frankly YOU'RE NOT WORTH MY TIME...... Finally, 3) when my first surgeon told me my cancer was inoperable he sat on my bed with tears in his eyes when he told me. Then he gave me a hug and said "kid, you're young and you're tough. somehow you'll get through this. I know you will. You'll find a way to survive-just don't give up" If I live to be a 100 I'll never forget both the good and the bad.
  25. I couldn't keep reading without sharing my experience too. I was diagnosised in 2000. Adno in a lymph node in the middle of my chest. I'm also a single mom with no family to help me. I'm alone with my 3 kids. I am their sole support. My HMO would not let me out of the system for a 2nd opinion. My mass was found on an x-ray and i was sent for a biopsy. Due to the tumors location it was just under the heart I had to have a thoratic surgery. Huge incision, chest tubes everything. I was in the hospital 2 days and went back to work the next. Yes it hurt and was tough but my children needed me. That's when they gave me the lung cancer diagnosis, adno stage 4. My lung was okay but it was in my node. Went through 6 weeks of chemo. By myself I drove up and back. I puked, my hair fell out but I worked and I survived. 2nd surgery to remove the tumor. Another thoratic surgery, broken ribs the whole works again. 3 months after the first. This time I was told the tumor was too close to the aorta and I was inoperable. All the while my HMO is rufusing to allow me a second opinion. I recuperated and started chemo/radiation for 12 weeks. At the end nothing had changed. I was so sick but I had to keep working. Otherwise I had no money. People told me about disability but I also couldn't affor to go 6 months with no pay. I couldn't go a month. If I didn't work we didn't eat. But God gave me the strength to go on. I cried, I prayed. I had everyone I knew pray for me. My kids and I prayed together. I watched healing shows, I went to many churches in my community for healing. I was covered with so much oil you could have broiled me. But I did it for my kids. I paid out of my pocket to see an out of service surgeon-he told me I wasn't worth his time. But I begged and I pleaded for additional tests and to allow me a second opinion. I wrote letters and had my PCP write a letter. Finally my HMO told me I could go to Fox Chase Cancer center. But I needed a pet scan first. Thank god the only thing that lit up was my original site. So I went for a consult-he looked at me and said sure I'll take it out. I said the other doctors said it was inoperable-he said not for me. So in April of 02 I had surgery. He removed my tumor along with my left lung and then I had the biggest shock of all-- After they biopsied the whole tumor they discoved it wasn't adeno it was a muciodermoid tumor. Very low grade, doesn't spead almost acts benign. I guess my point is--how can you give up? You have 4 kids! the youngest is just a baby. forget how you feel and just think of what they need. Yes, it's difficult and depressing. But I believe you can do it. Don't be angry at the oncologists-who gives a rats *ss about what they say. I lost my lung because it was fried from 12 weeks of radiation I didn't need. Sure I could be mad but I'm alive. God has worked through a wonderful angel surgeon at Fox Chase. Who knows what they may find next year or even next month. It so hard being alone-I know but your kids come first.
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