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Everything posted by MurielK

  1. This is going to sound strange, but you might ask the Onc. about ritalin (the med. for ADHD or ADD). At the Oncology conference in Orlando last summer, good results using it for increased energy. The nurse-practitioner in my Onc.s office was at the presentation. She gave me a Rx for it, but I never tried it. Good luck. If he uses steroids, it seems to be that he should start with a very low dose. Muriel K
  2. Sorry I missed your birthday - just too busy planning my own celebration. Hope you had a great day. Muriel K
  3. MurielK

    Chat Tonight ?????

    I'll try to be there. Ry - 9pm Eastern Muriel K
  4. Thank you! I had a wonderful day and outstanding dinner at an Italian restaurant. The choc. cake was marvelous. Muriel K
  5. MurielK


    I'm confused, too. Muriel K
  6. The pictures are great. Thanks so much for sharing with us. You must have had a wonderful time. Muriel K
  7. Glad to hear from you. Sending prayers and hoping you'll be more comfortable soon. Muriel K
  8. I had procrit in 2003 and aranesp in 2005. Thought the aranaesp was more effective and it's given every 2 weeks, rather than every week. No side effects from either. Good luck Muriel K
  9. So, Don, how did you do on the quiz. I'm quite pleased with my score of 0. Muriel K
  10. Often with chemo, the good blood cells are destroyed along with bad things. (To put it very simply.) Are they checking her blood counts? The drugs used when the blood counts are low are aranesp and neulasta. There are two others (that do the same things) but they have to be administered more often. Hopefully one of our RN members can give you a better explanation. Good luck Muriel K
  11. We are just east of Orlando. We've had lots of rain and one small branch fell on the lawn. We're still getting wind gusts - but not enough to do much damage. It's cool (cold?) outside. This is the first time we've been able to open the windows since last spring. Wonderful! Haven't lost the electricity. Hope everyone else comes out of this ok. Muriel K
  12. Wonderful news. Glad to hear it. Muriel K
  13. We moved to FL just 3 weeks after my 2nd surgery last Nov. We only have one room and parts of the garage to unpack. No one has to see those places. After I finished chemo we got cleaning help and they are wonderful. You may stop in unexpectedly any day but Thurs. and Fri. I just finished putting things away for their noon visit. Now, if I just had a cook . . . Muriel K
  14. Good to hear from you. We need as many updates as you can manage. Good luck. Hope you get some answers - preferably ones that we'll all like. Muriel K
  15. Cindi, This is getting to be too much. Prayers that they find out what's wrong and that it's an easy fix. Muriel K
  16. Do I feel dumb! Found the Scrapbook Forum. Muriel
  17. Where is the "Scrapbook Forum?" Can't find it. Muriel
  18. Sorry, Becky. I missed it too. Happy Birthday! Muriel
  19. Thank you and a happy new year to you. Muriel K
  20. Oh Cindi, I'm so sorry that you even have to go through the wait stage with this. Prayers that this turns out ok. Muriel K
  21. Mac and cheese, also. And, lucky for me, the first time I had chemo (in 2003) my wonderful next door neighbor kept us supplied. Muriel K
  22. Congratulations and prayers for many, many more. Muriel K
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