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Janet B

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Everything posted by Janet B

  1. Old Saybrook, CT - I just filled the tank tonight at $4.38. Luckily my husband works 2 miles from town - and all the stores I need are right here. Peace - Janet
  2. Janet B


    Nova I was so very sorry to hear this news. I am thinking of you tonight and praying for you to have strength and feel God's peace. Janet
  3. Tuesday was my last day. At 49 I am officially retired. It was a very hard decision and many many people had an opinion on it. I took some long quiet time just me and God and thought it through and as soon as I made the decision I felt happier and healthier and stronger. My job as a preschool teacher is exhausting, demanding, required many hours of work after school of planning and conferencing and involved being surrounded by germs and sickness daily. I came home from work and literally crashed onto the couch each day. There was the thought that I was giving in to the cancer, and that I would be bored silly and that I would have nothing to do but think about it - but I went with the - Now I will have the time and energy to focus on myself and my health, I will have time to visit with family and friends, I will have time to write those stories and organize those photos and fiinish decorating the house and work on my hobbies. And, as a preschool teacher in a very small school - I am welcome back any time to read and play and visit. So this - I pray - was the right answer for me. I have been smiling since Tuesday. Peace - Janet
  4. Janet B

    Two Years!!

    Congrats Lilly!!! Prayers being sent for many, many more anniversary's!!! Peace Janet
  5. Hi Ellie - I just wanted to say welcome. You have found a wonderful site with great people. You can look at my profile and see that we have age and stage in common. Here I am 18 months later and NED! I pray for the same for you. Peace Janet
  6. Since radiation and Tarceva I have some lovely bald spots on my head of now very short hair - I was sitting on the floor with the preschoolers I teach. As I tried to get up to standing I said I could use some help as my old bones don't work as well as they used to. One little boy studied my face very carefully and said - "You're not old are you Mrs. Brown? I mean - you do have some baldy spots - but you don't have any crinkles."
  7. Janet B

    Gracie's Sister

    I just received an e-mail from Gracie. Her sister Carol died yesterday, May 27. To quote from Gracie - "I just wanted you to know that Carol passed away yesterday. I can't get onto the board, so if you want to, you can relay that to the group, or not. She fought hard but the damned disease won." I am crying as I am writing this. I never met Gracie or Carol - but we have been e-mailing and they have been in my thoughts daily. Gracie is such a caring, concerned sister and Carol's son was to be married next week. I never thought she wouldn't make it. I hate this. Janet (I am posting this here and in Gracie's last post to be sure it is seen)
  8. Janet B

    She's leaving us

    I just received an e-mail from Gracie. Her sister Carol died yesterday, May 27. To quote from Gracie - "I just wanted you to know that Carol passed away yesterday. I can't get onto the board, so if you want to, you can relay that to the group, or not. She fought hard but the damned disease won." I am crying as I am writing this. I never met Gracie or Carol - but we have been e-mailing and they have been in my thoughts daily. Gracie is such a caring, concerned sister and Carol's son was to be married next week. I never thought she wouldn't make it. I hate this.
  9. $4.16 here on the Connecticut Shoreline. Luckily my husband and I both work less than 2 miles from home!
  10. Larry I have been on Tarceva for over a year - I have pretty much daily diarrhea. I guess I have just learned to live with it - I make sure I eat enough and drink enough each day - and if I am going to be in public or away from home for extended periods I take Imodium which helps. My doctor has suggested trying to go down on the dosage but since 150mg has been working so well, I am hesitant to do that. I have not experienced any leg or foot pain - but I have had restless leg syndrome for years and it has gotten much much worse. My doctor suggested Tonic with quinine (he said adding gin was always a good option!) and it does seem to help. With all my side effects I notice that they are always less severe when I am careful about drinking lots and lots of water (like a gallon a day). I am sending prayers your fathers way. Peace - Janet
  11. Larry I have stage 4 adnocarcinoma with mets to the spine also - my mets were also so bad that l was unable to lift my right leg - that and the back pain were what sent me to the doctor in the first place. I have used Tarceva now for over a year and it has been working wonderfully for me. I pray that your dad has the same incredible results. Peace - Janet
  12. Welcome Kerri I found this site because of your father. He is an inspiration to many many people. Peace Janet
  13. Rainy, gray, cold - I turned the heat back on today
  14. I am so very happy for you!!! God is Good!! Janet
  15. Gracie I agree with the others - try to stay calm and busy until you hear more news. I know that sometimes that is impossible - but worrying and making yourself frantic won't do you any good. Give your worries to God. Let us know when you hear any more - My thoughts and prayers are with you Janet
  16. That is such great news!! I am so happy for you both - I pray that the easy breathing continues!! Janet
  17. Stage IV here! I was diagnosed 17 months ago with Mets to the spine and brain and am now NED. I have some crazy Tarceva side effects going on - but other than those I have been feeling pretty good! With my kids I have been giving myself little goals, see my son graduate high school, see him start college, see my oldest daughter graduate college, the next one is to see my middle daughter graduate college - little steps are easier to hope for and pray for, Let the sadness come - but don't let it overtake the happiness. When I get down - I force myself to stop and look around at all my blessings. And then I say a prayer to God thanking Him for those blessings and asking Him for just a little more time. Peace to you janet
  18. Gracie I am so sorry that your sister is having such a hard time. My only advice is to make sure that her doctor knows exactly what is going on, how she is feeling and acting. Don't count on her to tell him, you or her husband should. My prayers are with you both - i will be watching to see how the appointment goes tomorrow. Peace Janet
  19. HI I am so sorry to hear about this latest news. I had mets to the pons of my brain and I went through stereotactic radiation for 6 weeks in the winter of '07 with few if any side effects. I am now NED. I will be praying for your husband that whatever treatment plan is chosen for him, he gets the same good results. Peace - Janet
  20. Tarek I am so sorry for all you are going through. As a mother I can tell you that just by being there your father knows you love him. You are doing everything you can and it is more than enough. You have faith and that will get you so far, because you know that God is there to help both of you have the strength to deal with this. Peace to you, Janet
  21. I have been on Tarceva for a year and am now NED. There are several side effects, but they are all manageable. Did they mention why they switched? Your sister and you are both in my prayers tonight! Janet
  22. Gracie I have been following your posts and I believe your sister doesn't live that far from me.I am on the CT shoreline about 40 minutes down 95 from Rhode Island. I would be happy to be an e-mail buddy and then when she feels comfortable maybe we could meet and chat. You can PM me anytime. Peace Janet
  23. SIX YEARS!!!!!!! You give me and so many others so much hope!! You are our hero - God bless you - Janet
  24. I have to be at work at 8:30 and I woke up today at 8:35! After getting dressed like a crazy person, brushing my teeth - thank God there is not much hair left to brush- and skipping my coffee and breakfast - I drove the 2 miles to work and arrived at 8:50!! My first student was already there waiting for me! After that start the rest of my day seemed very good in comparison
  25. Janet B

    Fluid drain

    Lots of prayers and positive thoughts going out to you!! Janet
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