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Janet B

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Everything posted by Janet B

  1. My son is the type of kid that would write that!!
  2. I have several bird feeders but since I have 2 cats that now go outside - I can not fill them or they would be "cat feeders"!
  3. Welcome Hidilynn! I am so glad you have found us - let us know what the Doc says on the 2nd - my prayers are with you!
  4. Hi Michele - Just wanted to add my welcome. I am so glad you came out of lurker land! It took me quite a while to join too - but I am so so so glad I did. Everyone here is so helpful and their stories are so full of inspiration and hope.
  5. Hi Anne - I just wanted to add my welcome to the others. You will find so much help, support, and hope here. You have a beautiful family! We have to figure out why so many young, non smoking woman are getting this disease. And remember - stable is good!!
  6. You guys are the best group of people I am calming down over the weekend - taking a breath - and then I am going to reread all the stuff you sent and put on my fighting gloves! And as always - God will provide somehow - no worries! Thanks
  7. I just got the news - my insurance company is refusing to pay for my PET scan next week. I want to scream, I want to kick something, I want to cry, and I did sit down and eat a whole bag of Fritos. This has been a month long argument between the insurance company and my doctor and they will not budge. Their reason - well first they said they wouldn't pay for another PET until my chemo was complete. When the doctor got them to understand that Tarceva was ongoing, they changed their story to they won't pay because my last tests were so good - I don't need any more. This is an insurance company arguing with a Lung Cancer specialist from Yale New Haven Hospital!!!! And so I have to cancel my tests, and try to fight them some more - and take a few Ativan to get over the scan anxiety that is now being prolonged - and I am at a loss. This is the most defeated I have felt since the week of diagnosis. I am sorry that I am rambling on and on, but I needed to vent and I knew you all wouldn't mind! Any one else out there have this fight? Any suggestions?
  8. I don't live in Jersey - but I am from there - Kinnelon - and i have family in Bayville, Brick and Howell - all real close to you! I just rented a cottage in Ocean Beach for a week this summer - The Jersey shore is my happy place when I am in the MRI! I have also always wanted a PBGV - they are the cutest!
  9. Janet B

    American Idol

    I think Michael Johns is the best. I really like David Cook also. I like Jason Castro (the kid with the dreads) but I just like him, I don't think he should win! David gets on my nerves and the guys are just better than the girls this year. I only watch the performance show - i never watch the eliminations - they are too harsh for me!
  10. Janet B

    New Game....

    Eight Days a Week
  11. You have just made my day. I am printing out your post and putting it on the fridge. I love love love your attitude - you are such an inspiration - thank you so much.
  12. I am so sorry - I am saying a prayer for you all.
  13. 32 - but I only use 3 or 4 of them!
  14. Janet B

    Great News

    Wonderful news!!! (My PET lit up for a cancor sore once!)
  15. Sorry you have to go through this but it sounds like you and the Doctor have a good plan and you seem to have an awesome attitude and that is more than half the battle! My prayers are with you.
  16. I am so sorry you had to find us, but I am glad you did. As yo can see there are some really helpful caring wonderful people here. You are at a really scary time in this journey. We have all been there and we understand. Read through our stories - so many of us are doing so well. Ask lots of questions of your doctor and us. Take a breath - My prayers are with you.
  17. I am saying a prayer for you and your mother.
  18. Welcome Noelle - you'll find this site so very helpful! I hope you continue to feel better and better
  19. Liza - I just wanted to let you know that you and your father are in my prayers.
  20. Welcome! Glad you found us - I hope we can all be of help. Keep us posted and like Ned said - if you do go with Tarceva there are several of us that can help you out with managing the side effects.
  21. Hi to another Janet! I just want to say welcome - I know you'll like it here - everyone is so warm and helpful
  22. I just wanted to add my welcome - your story is such an inspiration, thank you for telling it.
  23. As I answered on the speeding question - I am a rule follower! I always try to park right next to the cart return so I am not tempted to leave it!
  24. Oddly enough I had my last period the week of my diagnosis- 15 months ago - well before treatment started but gone with the cancer nonetheless!
  25. Grateful to be here for another Easter and to have all my children home. Grateful for my Lord Jesus Christ and His gift of grace.
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