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Everything posted by Debaroo

  1. Ginny, I am so sorry that I only just saw this post, I havn't been around in a while. I am so sorry about your sisters death. You and Earl have been in my prayers, even though I havn't been around. Please accept my condolences, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers always. Take care, deb
  2. Ginny, I wish there were more I could do, but I am praying hard for you, Earl, and your friend. Sending some vibes of strength your way, and please let us know how things are going. Take care, deb
  3. Denise, if you need a break, take it...we're here, and we'll be here when you are ready and need or want to return. If you wouldn't mind an update now and again to let us know how you and your mom are doing, it would be great...in the meantime, sometimes a break is the best thing for you. I know with my dad there were a few times where I took a break from the boards. It allowed me time to re-charge, which was needed for my own health and sanity. Take all the time you need, we're here. Deb
  4. Diane, my mom experienced major increase in joint pain when she was on carbo/taxol (ovarian cancer), my dad never had a problem with the stuff. Mom has bad arthritis and fibromyalgia, and the chemo exaserbated the problem. She was placed on celebrex, but had stomach problems on it, so she just took good ole' ibuprofin. Hope this was of some help. Take care, and keep us posted, Deb
  5. Sharyn, sorry I am late on the posting here. My dad used to experience pins and needles in his feet mostly, and that is a type of nuropothy (sp?) is a very common long term side effect from chemo, I believe platnum based ones especially. I am glad that your mom got your dad to drink water, we all know how commonplace, and how bad, dehydration is for someone with cancer-and anyone in general. I am glad that he was feeling a bit better, and hope he enjoyed the burger at his neighbors house (GO SHARYNS DAD!!!). Please let us know any further findings and how he's doing. Take care, and I apologize again for my late response.
  6. Debaroo

    Hey RY!

    Ry, GREAT NEWS!!! Hey, I know how it feels to have to use the saran wrap for showers. When my husband and I were dating, we went jet skiiing, about 10 years ago, and I broke my ankle. I had to have emergency surgery, and then a cast, and for about 2 months had to keep my leg out of the tub...let me tell you, the FIRST THING I did when that cast came off was to get in the shower and stand in that thing like "Gorillas int he Mist", I stayed in for an hour!!!!!!!!!! ENJOY the freedom. Take care, deb
  7. Dave, please send Estelle my love. She has always been so supportive. Tell her there are alot of prayers being sent and wishes for the treatment to work. Thank you for letting us know. Take care, Deb
  8. OK, I got the reply, and don't know how to paste it here. But I found out that his mother died of lung cancer when she was in her 40's and he was only 20. He was not sarcastic, and was pretty respectful, no name calling. Although he did say that I didn't 'own' grief and loosing a loved one, then told me about his mom. I responded that I never thought I did. Anyway, we'll see what his next response is. If you could let me know how to cut/paste to post the response, I just can't re-type the whole thing. Take care, Deb
  9. Billie, I LOVE your quote. AWSOME, TOTALLY AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to your future posts. Take care, Deb
  10. Curtis, thank you so much for keeping in touch. I wish there were more I could do for you and Katie. My heart is with you, and my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself and Katie, you're doing fine. ((((((((((Curtis and Katie)))))))))) Deb
  11. Debaroo

    Our battle is over

    Debbie, I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how difficult it is to loose your husband, your partner. Please accept my sincere condolences and my prayers. Deb
  12. Kelley, when did you e-mail him and how long did it take the SOB to get back to you? I e-mailed him this morning (I posted a copy of the e-mail I sent above). Still havn't heard a word...then again, I told him not to bother if he would just be disrespectful. Maybe there is an inkling of humanity in him ...NAAAAAH ! Take care, deb
  13. Ok, so I am a glutton for punishment. I just don't like seeing my friends being treated so badly. So, here is my e-mail: My father died on December 23, 2003 from lung cancer-and I am suprised that we were actually able to have a happy Christmas for all of his grandchildren, as their "Poppy" was a huge part of their lives...they adored eachother. Dad smoked from age 9 to age 57. Maybe you can't "name" people that actually died from secondhand smoke, but I can name a whole family, not to mention countless friends who had a part of them die on December 23, 2003. If your only reply will be a smarta$$ one, than don't bother. We are dealing wtih human beings here. If you have no emotion, than you can't have any idea about what it is like to watch a wonderful, caring, active person slowly and painfully deteriorate and die. I feel sorry for you, you are stuck in 'logic' mode...you have to see more than the 'numbers' and statistics, whether there is an ability to "name 3" or not, dosn't matter to me. What matters is that smoking kills, period. And yes, my dad did take responsibility for smoking for so long, but he did quit. Eleven years prior to Dx. He quit because his oldest daughter was expecting his first grandchild and he wanted to try to be around to enjoy his family. Because THAT was his life, we were his life. Please, if all you can do is come up with sarcastic remarks, instead of just backing your point in a respectful way, than just don't reply. You've made your point. You can 'smirk' to yourself all you want, you obviously need the ego boost. Take care, and good luck to you. Deb ----------------------------------------------------- That was my e-mail...now we'll see what this pathetic excuse for a human being has to say. It seems that this guy has too much time on his hands...who is he anyway...who does he work for...Could it be----SATIN!?!?! take care, guys, Deb
  14. Debaroo

    In a peace now

    Berisa, I was so sorry when I logged on and saw your post about your beloved father. Your father will continue to be with you, and I hope that his spirit and your memories of him help you and are of comfort to you. I also hope that you stay on here, you have lots of valuable information and insight. Please, Take care, Deb
  15. Shirley, I would be honored if you used the picture of me and Dad. I'm actually going to be helping my sister with a fundraiser at her school, so I'm looking for ideas, myself. Good luck to you!!!! Take care, Deb
  16. Debaroo

    10, 9, 8, ....

    Ry, I'm in on the party...and am counting down with you! I say we all get together on chat for the festivites, if it fits into your schedule. Let us know, take care, Deb
  17. Debaroo

    5 Finger Prayer

    I LOVE IT!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Take care, Deb
  18. Debaroo

    For Us All

    Gail, I am also so sorry about your friends death. You, your husbandand your friends family are in my prayers. I wish there were more I could do. Take care, Gail, Deb
  19. Debaroo

    My Beloved

    Oh, Peg, I am so, so very sorry...
  20. Shelley, I know that you have been going through alot. And I am so sorry. Just when you think things can't get any worse, with your mom and then your dad-you get hit with your husband, I am so glad that there was no brain tumor, but I am more glad that you came here and opened up to us about the state that you are in. All I can say is that I hope that you will go and talk to a professional about how you are feeling and all that you are burdened with right now. You see, we never know what life will hit us with, and I am afraid that you will decide that it is all too much and make that one final decision. I can sit here and tell you until I am blue in the face that suicide is a permanant answer to a temporary problem-but I know that living without your mother and possibly your father are also permanant-however-I must say that you are more than that. Your purpose here is more than the loss that you have suffered and any loss that you may one day suffer. I have a dear friend whose son died a year before my dad did. Her son was buried the day before his 10th birthday. It was the saddest thing I had ever experienced. And I am amazed at the fact that my dear friend has been able to, somehow, live through this, and she is STILL living through it, and will be living through it for the rest of her life. And you will, too. But you CAN do it, Shellie, just not alone... You feel things very deeply, and your loved ones are so lucky to have someone that loves so completly in their lives. But, unfortunatly, that makes you vunerable to feeling helpless and defeated. but you are not. Shellie, it takes a strong person to love as much as you do. Do you realize that. People that close themselves off are weak, because they live in fear of being disappointed, or hurt. But YOU, YOU Shellie give your heart-you gave it to your beloved Mom, your dad and your husband, and even to us-a bunch of STRANGERS, and you do it because you have the strength to love and to be loved. I am sorry that your mom died, so very sorry. I know that you miss her. But shellie, she gave you your life, yeah, people could say that God gaveyou life, but I'm going to leave God out of this. Your Mother gave you life, she wanted you in this world. You are a part of her, you keep her alive. I hope that you see that. Please, Shelley, please talk to someone. You are an amazing person and if you were to harm yourself, than the bad guys win-the cancer, the evil-for the world to loose such a caring human being would be a tragedy. I know that it helps me get through my day knowing that you are here and that you care-it helps me when I am thinking of my dad and I get sad. It helps because YOU and the people on this board are the ONE POSITIVE THING that has come out of my father getting sick and dying!!!! And I hold on tight to that EVERY DAY! What happened, happened. I cannot control it, but I CAN control how I handle it. And I CAN control the fact that I can see the good in what is an awful situation. I lost my dad, but I have gained HUNDREDS OF FRIENDS! Dad was destined to dye of lung cancer, that fact can't be changed...but the fact that I found this place and these people, I must not neglect to see that there is no way I would have been able to get through my fathers death if it weren't for YOU and the amazing family that I have on this message board. I don't know what more to say, Shellie...Just know that you are so loved here, and you don't have to get through anything in life alone...please know that...please let us know how you are doing and what more we can do to help. Love, Deb
  21. I am so sorry that your mother is so ill, but the others are right, there are many treatments, but it largely depends on the type of lung cancer your mother has. As far as the edima, I would not recommend massage, just in case your mother has a blood clot in her leg(s) (very common in cancer patients, especially if they are not able to be very physically active and are sedentary). My father developed very large blood clots, which caused extreme swelling of the legs, we thought it to be fluid buildup at first, when the clot was discovered a filter was placed in his chest so that if the clot were to release it would not go to the lungs or heart. His doctors then had him take baby asprin (he could not have a strong blood thinner like cumidin because he had Gamma knife for brain mets, and the thinners could cause stroke when radiation is done on the brain). However, if a clot has been ruled out, than definatly do the massage...I tend to be cautious when massaging the legs is concerned, especially the calves. I hope this was of some help to you. I am so glad that you found us, there are some wonderful people here, with a wealth of information. Your mother is in my prayers, please let us know how you are both doing. Take care, Deb
  22. DON AND LUCIE, B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not be happier!!!!!!!!! Do the happy JIG!!!! OK, Now I want to rent the Mike Meyers movie "So I Married An Axe Murderer", very funny movie, and Mike Meyers is hilarious in the scenes where he portrays his Scottish dad... Highly reccomend the film if you need a good laugh... Take care Don and Lucie!!!!!!! Deb
  23. Debaroo

    Prayers Needed!

    Kelly, I am so sorry that this is all happening, but it is wonderful that your fathers doctor won't give up on him, he sounds much like MY dads oncologist. Prayers are being sent, and let us know how things are going. Where on Long Island are you? I am from Long Island, too, West Islip. Take care, and if you need anything please feel free to PM or e-mail me. Deb
  24. Thank you so much for giving me a glimpse of what my mother is going through...I am ashamed to say that I could not have that vision, I guess I try not to see it-because it hurts to much...but here I am, crying as I write this, crying for you, crying for my mom and the loss that you both have had to experience. I know that she wants so much to share it, but it is hard...and I feel so badly that I try to avoid going to deeply into the subject with her-its too scary... Thankyou so much for the insight. I think my mom and I need to have a talk. Take care, Deb
  25. Andrea, you were there for me, and I want to be there for you...Love you, Deb
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