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Everything posted by Debaroo

  1. David, I am sorry to hear about your canine pal. How are the boys taking it? Its so funny how our pets become a part of our daily lives that we don't even have to think about, like breathing...they are just there, waiting to be loved, and your dog was a very lucky dog to be cared for in such a loving family. Take care, Deb
  2. Ray, I agree with our dear friend Ginny, the fact that there are no new leisions is a definate plus. I join the others in hoping that the Alimta does the trick for both you and David. Take care, Deb
  3. Carleen, I also have been thinking about you and Keith. I just wanted to let you know-you know how the CWD kicks in when we don't hear from someone for a little bit. I think I remember you stating that you would not get to post as frequently as you would like-so I'll cut you some slack. Just wanted to let you know that you and Keith are in my thoughts and prayers. Deb
  4. (DBerry) I have been so worried and hate the thought that he may be alone. Just wondering if anyone has been in touch, or if there is any way to get in touch with him. I miss his face-he reminds me of a good friend of my dads. Just wondering. Dan-we're here-you are in our thoughts and prayers. Deb
  5. Ray, I am sorry that you weren't feeling well, but am so glad to see you are bouncing back-and wishing you many,many more up-days. Take care, Deb
  6. Debaroo

    TBone has died.

    Please forgive me for not having responded sooner. I honestly saw the post on Saturday, but couldn't find the words. I hope that you all stay on here, I am glad that you have stated that you will. T-Bone will be sorely missed here-as you can see by all of the responses. How lucky you all are to have one another, and how lucky you all were to have T, and he, you. I am honored to have had the opportunity to "know" T, and to have gotten to know his extrodinary family. Whenever I see fish, or steak, I think of T-Bone, knowing-now-where the nickname came from. And I chuckle to myself. My wish for you all is that your memories comfort you. I, personally, believe that our loved ones continue to share with us when we laugh, and cry, and that the love that is felt for them by those of us 'left behind' is still felt. We may not notice it, but if you really consentrate-you can feel it...so when you feel you need a hug from T-Bone, just stop, be still, remember-close your eyes-he'll be there. Deb
  7. T-Bone, My wish for you is that Your ship will sail on calm waters, where the fish are plenty and there is no pain...you will be surrounded by love and loved ones awaiting your arrival-and back here on Earth the love of your family and friends will be so strong that you will feel that as well. May He sweep you up and hold you, His love so strong that mere words cannot do it justice. We will try not to stir up a storm with our tears, so that you may enjoy this journey. This is my hope for you... For T's family-my prayers are for this and for you all to have the strength that you need to get through your sorrow. I wish I could do more. Deb
  8. Andrea, I try to get to the gym at least four times a week, but aim at five. I do three cardio and two sculpt (light weights, high reps) classes. It is important to do some weight work as well as cardio, as when you develop muscle, it helps to burn fat. I agree with Ry, I LOVE my step class-terrible things happened to my a$$ when I changed up my workout program. So, every week I do: 1.5 hour sculpt 1 hour step 1 hour cardio kickbox (GREAT FOR GETTING OUT FRUSTRATIONS!) 1 hour sculpt 1 hour aerobics or 1 hour bounce (on mini trampoline, great if you have joint problems, especially knee problems like me. No stress on joints at all!) Thats it. I love the gym because I get the workout done and over with, no interruptions. And when I leave to go home, I feel like its done and don't have to think about it until I go back. Take care, Deb
  9. I actually have a sister in law that lives in Maryland, so we could be in, too. Its not too far of a drive. Deb
  10. Thank you for the notice-I've been wondering where Dan is. Dan, you are in my thoughts and prayers-, I've missed seeing your face as well. Deb
  11. HELLOOOOOOOOOOO, I feel like a complete looser, seeing as how Rachel came all the way from ALASKA!!! Standing with finger and thumb on forehead in the shape of an "L" . Deb
  12. Great Pictures!!!! But, Sandy, I keep expecting your dog to say, with a french accent "....for me to POOP on!". :lol: You guys must have had a great time. Deb
  13. Debaroo

    The Michigan Bash!

    David, I don't know what to say. With every post of yours I was wishing more and more I could make the party-your enthusiasm is contagious! I hope you get a good report and the thumbs up from the Dr.. A good shot of anitibiotic would be great-then you can go to the party. Please let us know how you're doing. Prayers being said as I type. Take care, my friend, Deb
  14. Thank you for keeping us posted, Angie. Please let T's family know that they are ALL in my thoughts and prayers. Deb
  15. Debaroo

    Keith is home

    Carleen, I am so sorry for all that has been going on with you and Keith. I can concur with Don, Ginny, Elaine and Shirley. My mother-in-law had her Pancreas removed, she had pancreatic cancer, and since she was already diabetic, they just had to adjust her insulin. I was also unaware that someone could live without a pancreas-the human body is an amazing thing. My prayers are with you and Keith, please keep us informed when you can, and know we are all with you in thought and spirit. Take care, Deb
  16. Dave, just wondering how you're doing...hope you havn't been around because you've been working on that Golf swing. Just wanted to let you know that I miss ya' and am thinking of you. Take care, Deb
  17. Debaroo

    The Michigan Bash!

    I was going to suggest that you guys from Michigan contact a local news station-I think it would make some interesting news. Still sulking that I can't make it... I meant it about the group hug, you guys!!!! I want a big picture of you all together!!!! Katie and Cathy, I am counting on you guys to give everyone a big hug from their pal Debaroo-I one to eachother from me, too! 10 Bucks says that at SOME POINT, SOMEONE says " I love you guys!" We've all done it at some point, usually drunk, but you know its gonna happen! Have FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Deb
  18. Gayle, I am so sorry for your loss. Please accept my prayers and I hope that you will be able to come back here-you are part of the family. We are here, if you need us. Take care, Deb
  19. Debaroo

    The Michigan Bash!

    I've been trying to brainstorm a way I could make it to the festivities, but can't figure a way to swing it...so I will have to settle for waiting for all of your posts and pictures (I hope) and live vicariously through you all. I wish I could be there, man, this stinks. Oh, well, I can't wait to hear how it all went, ENJOY IT YOU GUYS! AND PLEASE DO A HUGE "GROUP HUG" FOR ME-OK? I'll be with you in spirit! Take care, my friends-Deb
  20. I think that upon diagnosis, at some point, we begin mourning. Mourning the loss of the way things used to be. Just the fact that now you have this illness constantly there-hovering-even when Dad was doing well, I was mourning, because I wished I could be back to the days when we weren't constantly worrying, constantly trying to see what was coming up next and trying to stay a step ahead of the disease. It is normal, and you must allow yourself to feel whatever emotions that come to you. But if you need us all to echo it for you, than we will, because you can't feel badly about being sad. It is sad. Sure, we get through things, but because we have to. Please feel free to let us know whatever you are feeling-anger, sadness, laughter, whatever. We are here. Take care, Deb
  21. Joni, I am so sorry for your loss of your husband. Please accept my thoughts and prayers for you, Robert and your family. Deb
  22. Thank you for the update, I am glad that T is more comfortable now. I am also glad that is not 'out of it'. Please let him know we're all thinking of him...also thank you for the post regarding where all of your nicknames came from-it makes me feel like I know you better, somehow. Anyway, Terry is in my prayers-you all are. Take care, Deb
  23. When I was little I loved the song Seasons in the Sun, which is probably one of the SADDEST songs EVER! I don't know why I liked it, I guess the tune was catchy enough, but it did make me sad, sometimes I'd cry...I was a pretty serious kid, I was aware of mine and my families mortality at a VERY young age...I don't know why, as I never experienced a death in the family until I was 16-but for some reason-I lived in constant fear of loosing my mom and dad, or grandparents-I remember being about 5 years old, and my parents going out to their friends house to play cards, and I'd sit on the floor next to my parents bed and cry and cry-completly convinced that I'd never see them again. Weird, huh? Oh, this is a really uplifting post... Also, very recently that song "15" by Five for Fighting, I didn't like it the first several times I'd heard it, than one day, sitting in my car and thinking about my dad the song came on and, I listened, I mean REALLY LISTENED to the song and cried and cried-I pictured my dad in photos that I have of him from when he was a teenager, and different parts of his life as I listened to the song-it really is a beautiful song...why are my favorite songs both songs that are sad???? Uh, do I need Paxil or something.??? OK< OK a happy song-that I love---------uh------um----er-a-ok, I got one "Brass Monkey" by Beastie Boys!!!!!!!! Whew! I need a break...deb
  24. Man, I have really enjoyed reading all of your posts. I feel like it really gives more insight as to who we were before lung cancer entered our lives, and reminds us that we are still the same people that we were before it entered our lives. As for myself, I have had a few other nicknames in the past. Lets see-my first nickname was when I was a baby, I never crawled-and so bounced around on my butt (literally) until I finally walked at something like 18 months!!!! So, my dad called me sweetpea (after the Popeye character, who also didn't really crawl, but tended to scootch around on his/her? butt). The sweetpea also happens to be the April flower, according to those Hallmark datebooks-and I was born in April-I suppose I should have used sweetpea for my username, now that I think about it. Although I was really only called that as a baby. Daddy then called me "Butch" or "Butchie", he called my sister that, too. But of course as we got older and hit adolescance, we-nicely-asked him to not call us that because we weren't boys. I feel badly that we ever did that. I hope it didn't hurt Daddys feelings...but I guess he understood, being the father of two girls can't have been easy. Then in school, being always the shortest one, I was called 'shrimp or shrimpo', 'french fry' (I suppose it was a variation on short fry), and in Jr. High I was called "clyde", due to my affinity for wearing fedoras (I was into Duran Duran-any MTVers from back in the day remember them?-that was before my punk stage, where I shaved my head and wore black for 3 years . Oh yeah, and my friend Candy calls me Denortha-her name is actually Florance, Candy is a pet name her mom gave her and it stuck-I didn't believe her until she showed me her drivers license-then I told her my real name was Denortha-but I was too embarrased to use it-and SHE BELIEVED ME. Denortha is actually a name of a cartoon on an old Sesame street where this hillbilly guy sings a love song to this skinny, homely girl named Denortha...my loving older (5 yrs) sister told me, after we viewed this sketch, that Denortha was my real name and that I was adoped- I, of course, believed her...my parents had to break out all of my baby pictures and pictures of Mom pregnant with me to proove that Darlene was just being hateful . Ahh, sisterly love... I see I got caught up in one of my tangents again, sorry guys.... Anyway keep the posts coming, Karma-are you out there? I'd love to hear your story. Its been great getting to know you all a bit more!!! Take care, Deb
  25. Cindy, GREAT NEWS on your test results and enjoy the Dell. Sorry about your youngest daughter, but I do believe that sometimes we have to learn from our mistakes, although growing up my credo was always to try to learn as much as I could from OTHER peoples mistakes, and possibly reduse the amount of problems that I'd go through myself. But there are always those things that we really do have to learn ourselves. She is young and you are a good mom, I agree, letting him move in would be OUT OF THE QUESTION. She knows you're there, and knowing that will make all of the difference in the world. In the meantime, enjoy yourself!!! Take care, Deb
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