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Everything posted by Debaroo

  1. Debaroo


    Curtis, wow, thank you so much for sharing that message. It is such an intangible thing to try and bring to words how it feels to loose a loved one, but that quote brings words to the emotions and allows them to be heard and acknowledged. Thank you Curts. Take care of yourself and that little girl, hold tight to one another-Love Deb
  2. Beth, I wanted to take the time to welcome you to the family. Am I understanding you correctly, has your father been fighting lung cancer for 26 years?! Now, with regard to the loss of apetite, when my father was on decadron for his brain mets in Dec 2002, he had three mets and received gamma knife, which took care of the tumors. When he was on the decadron, he ATE and ATE, and of course gained weight from eating and from water retention and swelling. But when he was weaned off the decadron, his appetite was GREATLY reduced. It was awful, but from what the doctors kept saying, par for the course. So the apetite loss could be from withdrawl from the decadron, I remember the doctors saying this could last for quite a while (and it did), but I am sorry that I don't recall how long that they said that it could last. I know that Dad was on decadron from when the brain mets caused enough swelling to give Daddy symptoms, then in about two weeks he was treated with the Gamma Knife, and he was kept on the decadron for a few months, and he was weaned off over a period of a couple of weeks. So his loss of apetite happened AFTER he was completely off the decadron. Now you said that your dad was taken off the decadron before he even had the brain surgery, so I am wondering if the loss of apetite would would be even worse and occur quicker since he wasn't weaned...You might want to ask the neurologist or oncologist. They may be able to try an apetite enhancer, My dad was on one for a while- it was Megace, you might want to ask about it, as it might help your dads apetite. The only thing that really helped my dad was when he was put on a steroid to help with his breathing. I hope that this was of some help to you, I am sure that some of my friends here will be able to help you even more. Please take care, and keep us posted. Deb
  3. Tiffany, I just wanted to join my friends in welcoming you to the family. I am also sorry that you have the need to be here, but it is wonderful that you found us. I know that cancer itself tends to diminish red blood cells, thereby making blood oxygen level lower, so it might not be the cancer in your lungs doing it, so much as just the fact that you have cancer. My mom was Dx with ovarian cancer last April, and that was the only indication that anything was wrong (we assumed it was her heart). There is a wealth of information on this board, as well as on other websites on the internet. This information was so helpful when my dad was fighting the disease. And please try not to let the statistics get to you-every person responds differently to the treatments and also each cancer responds differently-what dosn't work for one person, does work for another and vise-versa. Again, welcome to the family. Take care, and please keep us posted as to how you are doing. Deb
  4. Great letter, Fay. I saw the episode, too...I've never watched the show before. But, and I hope that this dosn't offend anyone...the night before my Dad died, he was in excruciating pain-and for the first time since he'd been diagnosed almost two years prior-he asked me if 'mercy killing' was legal here ...when I said it wasn't he was disappointed...Fortunatly the pain subsided, and he felt more comfortable, even until he died-and for that I am most grateful to God. But when he asked me that question, my heart broke, it was just so sad, and I know that it was the pain talking, because in the two years of his battle, he NEVER felt that euthinasia was an option, but since I was a kid, we've talked about the subject and Daddy has always felt that it should be legal...He had a very low threshold for pain, and when it reared its head-that is the only time when he brought the subject up after his diagnosis. I am glad that you wrote the letter, Fay, because the worst thing the media could do, since little attention is given to lung cancer to begin with, is to give the general public false ideas about lung cancer and those living with it...and the wrong idea about how you can get the disease-a false sence of security that if you dont/never smoked you are safe=BULLS#$*&. Just my experience. Hope it dosn't offend anyone-everyone has their own idea about how to live and face something like cancer, and I respect all the different ways that people choose to handle it. Everyone is different, and I know it could happen to anyone. Take care, Deb
  5. TJ'smom-RUN for a second opinion! I know that when a needle biopsy comes up negative, than usually a surgical biopsy is ordered-because the needle either missed the tumor, or it actually is not cancer-but the surgical biopsy will be more conclusive. I don't understand why the pulmenologist would say that he believes it IS cancer, and yet has a 'wait and see' attitude with regard to trying an antibiotic...your instincts are correct, in my opinion, and a second opinion would be the route I would take. Good luck to you, and your father. I know how rough this time is during the whole 'diagnosis' stage, but you are seeking information, which works in your Dads favor. Please let us know how things go. I hope this was of some help to you, it can be all so confusing, and on top of that, the emotions run wild...I remember as if it were yesterday. Oh, and welcome to the family. I am sorry that you found it necessary to be here, but am VERY GLAD that you found us. Take care, Deb
  6. Speaking as someone who is terrified of rodents (I have been chased by squirrels on THREE seperate occasions)-I don't care if they have a bald tail, hairy tail, or a freakin' perm-I would FREAK OUT!!! Hey, does anyone remember "Letter-man" from the Electric company? He was a cartoon superhero, and there was a villin that would change a letter in a word and cause chaos. Like, and old lady would be walking up a hill and the villan would take a letter "W" and add it to the word "heels" and turn the heels on her shoes into "W"heels !!! then she'd start rolling down the hill, terrified, until letter-man would come along and change the "W"heels back into heels or something, and save the day. Well, Andrea, I would take that R from Rat and turn it into a "C" as in CAT and the CAT will take care of the Rat!!! Go to the local anamal shelter, you will have done a good deed in saving a cat, and be rid of the rat...I know you have allergies, so this might not be possible, but if you can get a Dog, a Maltese-they have hair and not fur and are less allergy causing-and they are a type of terrier, which are ratters, so that might work...or set traps...or move...or, I'm too tired to think more...Good luck with the rodent, and the rat of a building super!!! Hey, maybe the Rat is a relative of the 'rat' and so he feels some type of loyalty to it-or-something.... Its 11pm, do you know where my brain is???? Take care, Deb
  7. Debaroo

    Good Scan - Again

    Dave, your post made me so happy!!! Go enjoy yourself, and wack a few golf balls!!!! Take care, Deb
  8. Peggy, thank you for the update, please tell Peg that she and Bill are in my thoughts and prayers...I only wish there were more I could do. Take care, Deb
  9. Debaroo

    Home now

    David, WELCOME HOME-you have been sorely missed, my friend. Please try and take it easy, and build yourself up. WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care, Deb
  10. Andrea, I am so sorry for your losing your mother. Please accept my sincerest condolences. Your mother will continue to live on in your memories and in the lessons that you have learned from her. She is a part of you, as you were a part of her. I wish that there were something I could say or do to ease the blow, but I know that that is not possible. Just allow yourself to grieve, remember that there is no right or wrong way, it is just something that you have to go through-in your own way and time. We are here, in the meantime, and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care, Andrea. Deb
  11. Dan, I have been thinking about you, and was glad to see your post, though I am sorry that you have not been well-and as far as your doctors, I say we get a nice caravan going to your onc. office and "POW, right in the kissa!'" In the meantime, please take care of yourself and know that you have all of us pulling for you. Take care, Deb
  12. Debaroo

    2 years!

    Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!! And many, many, many more to come!!! Take care and enjoy!!! Deb
  13. Oh, Berisa- There is nothing I can add to what all of our friends have posted already. Try and take care of the infections first, Melinda provided some good information there, and try and keep your mind on the fact that you HAVE done so much for your Dad. And he knows, and everyone knows, that were it in your power, he would be cured. You and your family are in my prayers, Berisa. Don't be so hard on yourself. You have much to be proud of, and I am sure your father is proud, too. Please take care, and keep us posted whenever you can. Deb
  14. Great news Andrea!!! The ONE time it is a positive thing to be negative!!!! Take care, Deb
  15. Debaroo

    A Sign From Dad??

    KC, Great sign!!! I love that you told your Dad to send you signs and that you agreed on numbers, I wish I had told my Dad to send me signs, so we'd have an agreement. My dad ALWAYS was the one to remind me to change the clocks, too. He'd call over and over during the day to remind me-and all day yesterday I kept thinking about how much I missed those calls... Great Sign, KC, great sign. Deb
  16. Debaroo

    Happy and Sad

    Hey, Mo, it IS a small world!! I had never even heard of that Mt. before. I really want to go there. Have you ever been? I guess our families are of the same mind-was that a special place for your grandmother? Well, I could call you "Cousin Mo" -sort of a Tennissee Ernie Ford/Lucy/Ricky thing ... Take care Cousin Mo- Cousin Deb
  17. Great news Connie!!!! LIVE-LOVE-LAUGH!!! I am sure that JudyB is up in heaven, donning her cheerleader outfit and cheering especially for you!!! Take care, and enjoy! Deb
  18. Curtis, thank you for letting us know how you are doing. I can't imagine how hard this is, or will be. I wish I could offer you and Katie more than my prayers and support. We are all here for you, and hope that you feel up to letting us know how you are doing from time to time. Or if you just need to yell, or cry, or share a story. We're here. And Becky will be missed so much. Your little girl is a huge part of her. I really am so sorry. Please try and take care, Deb
  19. Danni, I am so glad that you decided to join us, and I am so sorry for your loss of your stepfather. I am sure that you have alot to share with us, and I look forward to seeing more posts by you. (but no pressure- ). Take care, Deb
  20. David, David, David, PLEEEESE take care of yourself. Deb
  21. GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for the update, take care, and keep the good news coming! Deb
  22. Debaroo

    Happy and Sad

    cathy, I am with Gail on this one. Your dad will be there with you. My mom recently went to Arizona, my Dad LOVED it there-and Vegas too-he loved both places so much. But there was a mountain in AZ that he really loved Supersticion Mountain, I think it is called. Mom visited their friends that live there and they went to the mountain with some of dads ashes getting this done was a bit of a fiasco . (in a tupperware-really small-container...I KNOW my dad LOVED that, knowing how attatched my mom is to her tupperware-and I bet my mom brought the thing home with her to, God forbid she get rid of a piece of tupperware, she is anal about it ) Her friend read a little prayer, and it was sad, but it was comforting, too, she said. I wanted so badly to be there when this was done, but with my daughter in school and the last minute planning on my moms part, I couldn't be there...but I do intend to go there, to visit the place that my dad loved so much, and I know he will bet here with me, and I will see it as if it is through his eyes, and he mine. And, Cathy, your dad will too. Enjoy your brothers wedding, and talk to your dad, he'll hear you.Take care, Deb
  23. Debaroo


    GREAT NEWS, RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care, Deb
  24. Hello, Dusty! Welcome. I am so glad that 'T' has sent you here, I am so sorry about your sister. My Uncle (my moms brother) and my Dads best friend died of lung cancer within the last 10 years, I also wish that this were around back then. When my Dad was Dx'd in January 2002 I found the LCSfC message board, and though there have been changes in this time-in the board and in my life, sadly Daddy died on December 23rd 2003, one thing has remaind constant, and that is the overwhelming (and welcome) amount of support, information and love that I have found here. So, while I am sad that I needed to seek out information about Lung Cancer, I can say that this message board and my family here have made the journey bearable. They provided me a great cushion on the bumpy parts of the road, and for that I will be forever grateful. I hope that you stay on, share any insights you may have. It is very nice to meet you. Take care, and looking forward to your future posts-Deb
  25. Jane, I just wanted to welcome you to the board. John and Connie gave some very sound advice, let us know how things are going. I am sorry that your dad was Dx, but am VERY glad you found us. In the meantime, he will be in my thoughts and prayers that the scans are all clear. Keep us posted. Take care, Deb
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