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Everything posted by JudyB

  1. Ray, Gotta put in my 2 cents. I know your positive attitude will take hold again once you have digested this minor setback. You will do what you have to do and come thru with shining colors. I know you will. JudyB
  2. JudyB

    Animated Pictures

    Interesting Donna. Why don't they do that for lung cancer? If they can do a needle biopsy, showing that they can get at the tumor, why can't they do RFA??? Anyone have an answer?
  3. Have you all seen the hypocritical ads on TV put out by Philip Morris (I think that's who)? Saying how concerned they are about smokers and how bad smoking is for your health. I GET SO *&%##$%$# MAD WHEN I SEE THAT!!!!! If you really are concerned then STOP MAKING CIGARETTES!!!! Grrrrrr
  4. (Sometimes we need a breather from the 'real' world) What Exactly Is Marriage? Perhaps difficult enough for adults to define, this question received some interesting responses from those of a younger generation... What Exactly Is Marriage?? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Marriage is when you get to keep your girl and don't have to give her back to her parents" -Eric, AGE 6 "When somebody's been dating for a while, the boy might propose to the girl. He says to her, 'I'll take you for a whole life, or at least until we have kids and get divorced, but you got to do one particular thing for me.' Then she says yes, but she's wondering what the thing is and whether it's naughty or not. She can't wait to find out." -Anita, AGE 9 How Does a Person Decide Whom to marry?? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "You flip a nickel, and heads means you stay with him and tails means you try the next one." -Kelly, AGE 9 "My mother says to look for a man who is kind....That's what I'll do....I'll find somebody who's kinda tall and handsome." -Carolyn, AGE 8 Concerning the Proper Age to Get Married. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Eighty-four Because at that age, you don't have to work anymore, and you can spend all your time loving each other in your bedroom." -Carolyn, AGE 8 "Once I'm done with kindergarten, I'm going to find me a wife" -Bert, AGE 5 How Did Your Mom and Dad Meet?? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "They were at a dance party at a friend's house. Then they went for a drive, but their car broke down...It was a good thing, because it gave them a chance to find out about their values." -Lottie, AGE 9 "My father was doing some strange chores for my mother. They won't tell me what kind." -Jeremy, AGE 8 What Do Most People Do on a Date?? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date." -Martin, AGE 10 "Many daters just eat pork chops and french fries and talk about love." -Craig, AGE 9 When Is It Okay to Kiss Someone?? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "You should never kiss a girl unless you have enough bucks to buy her a ring and her own VCR, 'cause she'll want to have videos of the wedding." -Allan, AGE 10 "Never kiss in front of other people. It's a big embarrassing thing if anybody sees you....If nobody sees you, I might be willing to try it with a handsome boy, but just for a few hours." -Kally, AGE 9 The Great Debate: Is It Better to Be Single or Married?? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "You should ask the people who read Cosmopolitan" -Kirsten, AGE 10 "It's better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need somebody to clean up after them" -Anita, AGE 9 "It gives me a headache to think about that stuff. I'm just a kid. I don't need that kind of trouble." -Will, AGE 7
  5. Cheryl, Someone posted this site awhile ago: http://crossingthecreek.com/main_index.htm It's just one person's view, but it is very interesting. JudyB
  6. JudyB


    Dave, What's that old saying--"you can't keep a good man down?" Can that include laying up for a weekend? You're damn right!!!!! Seeing your tournament all the way thru! What an Ironman!!! JudyB
  7. Peggy, With so many trials going on and so many new discoveries regarding LC, one can't lose hope. Hang in there! Hopefully Mike's drs. will find the chemo(s) that will do the job! JudyB
  8. Shirley, I think it's sometimes harder for the caregiver than the patient. At least the patient has things going on all round him and to him and in him, while caregivers can only wring their hands, watch and offer encouragement. Now I'm neither a nurse, nor a Dr., but if Randy has to be lying down alot, has anyone suggested pressurized stockings for his legs? I know they were put on me when I was in the hospital, and I have no history of blood clots. Just a thought. Hopefully, one of your next posts will be in "Good News!" JudyB
  9. JudyB

    to ConnieB

    Happy Anniversary to you! Happy Anniversary to you! Happy Anniversary, dear Connie Happy Anniversary to you! 8 years!!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!! JudyB (looking forward to my 8 years, in, mmmm, 6 years!!!)
  10. Just wanted to let you all know my latest scan was an, "OK, you're fine, now get outta here!" My husband was so concerned about this check-up, he even went with me. Normally, I get my scan and visit my oncologist and, then make phone calls. With the pain I've been experiencing, everyone was a tad worried. I don't go for another checkup until Nov and that will be a month past my 2-year anniversary from dx! What has been thrown into the mix is a renewed Post Thoracic Pain. It seems to mutate and change, sometimes (like now) REALLY unpleasant. It can go from the high pitch of a nerve pain, to a low, hot deep pain. I'm on Elavil to help, but I don't know if it's doing very much any more. I am to try taking 25mg pills during the day to see if that helps (along with the 50mg I take at dinner). I have an appointment at our Pain Clinic next Fri (was supposed to go today, but they didn't get the proper referral from my HMO). Since I've been having this for more than 5 months, what's another week? I have also found that putting on the abdominal support thingy I got in the hospital does help. Lying down also helps. (I guess that would be the ultimate lying down on the job, huh?) Trying not to grumble too much, but it just wears one down. JudyB
  11. Bengel, Our shopping minutes equal men's football minutes!
  12. Deb, Just goes to show ya what a good attitude can do! And a good doctor! How lucky your dad is to have such a doc!! May things proceed along this positive path!! JudyB
  13. Bess, My eyebrows & lashes thinned. Since I wore different colored wigs I adjusted my brow color accordingly. Same w/eye-liner. Have fun w/it. If you have the patience, you can even use false eyelashes! I liked not having hair everywhere else!
  14. Don & Lucie, I will be waiting to hear your news on the GOOD NEWS, as I know it will be coming for the two of you. Like they says, "You can't keep a good man (and woman) down! Sending the strongest positive thoughts your way!
  15. JudyB

    I'm new here

    Cheryl, Yes, I was told the same thing. "Your tumor is too close to the vertebrae, and may have gone into them." "This tumor is wrapped around your subclavian artery." These words were said to me AFTER I had chemo & radiation. They were also said by the surgeon. I felt fine! No symptoms to back up these dire prophecies. With the support of my rad-onc, I INSISTED on surgery! And as they say, "It all came out fine." If your husband has no symptoms, find an excellent thoracic surgeon that can work around a major blood vessel. I think the skill of my surgeon was ultimately the reason why I survived. It is VERY tricky surgery. Surely, MD Anderson will have just the expert your husband needs. Fight for your husband's survival. Be a pest! Demand the best that there is!
  16. DavidP, Like, double WOW! Every time I see your pix, I feel guilty that I'm such a slug, but NOW! Reading about all you are going to do. . . leaves me speechless. GOOD LUCK!!!!! Get the word out!!!
  17. Carleen, My heart aches for you. I believe this crap is sometimes harder on caregivers than the patient. I had radiation & chemo combined, but the chemo was to boost the effect of radiation and, therefore, not really strong doses. I had throat problems, but couldn't decide if it was from acid reflux (chemo) or a burned esophageous. Also, I had stuff to take before chemo, but not for radiation. I hope Keith gets the desired results from the radiation, without ANY side effects.
  18. Bess, I am sending my most positive thoughts your way!
  19. Good one, David. Here's another: 3 blondes walk into a building. You'd think one of them would have noticed!
  20. Hi ther rinksgal, I also had night sweats and that's the reason my LC was caught at a relatively early stage. But I've had chemo, radiation, surgery, and 2 more chemos, and guess what? I still have night sweats. But, then, so does my husband and his chest xray was fine. He blames it on our mattress (a TempurPedic) and our previous air mattress. I don't hear about that symptom w/LC and my onc. just pooh-poohs it. I've thought of writing a book titled "It's Not about the Bed."
  21. You sure hit the nail on the head: Cancer close up is the scariest. Will he be able to have surgery?
  22. Shannon, I can only reiterate what everyone else has said: That was truly a heart wrenching poem. Whenever anyone would ask me why I wouldn't stop smoking, I always said I couldn't bear to outlive my husband. I can't stop thinking about you.. . .
  23. JudyB

    My first chemo

    Hello Smilin Jay! Great that your chemo has started. I'm sure everyone is getting tired of me repeating myself, nevertheless, drink LOTS of water! If necessary get an IV of fluids. Dehydration can make you feel like you want to die, AND YOU DON'T EVEN FEEL THIRSTY!! As far as your therapist: Refuse to see him again and get someone you'll feel comfortable with. It's your therapy, not his! What arrogance on his part. Are you on an antidepressant? That would help. Now, to your dad. Most men find it very difficult, if not down right impossible, to talk about what bothers them. Talking is only painful, not therapeutic. Men want to solve their "problem." And if the situation is unsolvable, then they clam up. How about your sister? I don't remember how old she is. Maybe you could talk to her. Or your friend Tina. Your dad will need time. Lots of time. How many chemos do they have you scheduled for? Keep in touch. We all worry about you, and are rooting for you! JudyB
  24. JudyB

    A Downer of a Weekend

    Dave, See if you can get an IV fluid hydration. Maybe the day after the chemo. Sure worked for me. It would be awful if you were too sick for your tournament. Keep up the fight, Dave. (I know you will.) Everyone on this board is rooting for you!
  25. JudyB

    Surgery Again

    Dear Ada, I'm so glad to hear your surgery is now behind you. Now just recouperate from that and on to a successful trial!!!
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