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gerbil runner

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Everything posted by gerbil runner

  1. Please let Peg know that she and Bill are in my prayers.
  2. Shelly, there's no way you could NOT be affected by losing your mother and supporting your father during his illness. It would be a good idea to ask the dr. for help. Being depressed for a long period of time makes it physically more difficult to recover from depression - it's like the brain wears a path along the sad route. It can become a chronic problem even after the events in one's life take an upturn. Depression is exhausting - you need your strength right now. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Give your dad a hug.
  3. Welcome, BJ! Enjoy your break from the dr. and your vacation. PCI is not an easy decision either way. There just isn't enough info. to satisfy most people.
  4. Tbone - Have a great time in FLA, and eat some great food. And those tumors better party now - their days are numbered!
  5. gerbil runner


    Hang in there, Ray. Prayers going up for you.
  6. gerbil runner


    Berisa, I'm so sorry the dr. is running out of options. I hope your dad is comfortable as can be expected. My prayers go out for you both.
  7. Melinda, is it a psychiatrist or PSYCHOLOGIST your MIL saw? This could be an important difference. A psychiatrist is a medical dr. who can write prescriptions. A psychologist does not have the general medical degree, and has less ability to write prescriptions and such. If it was a psychologist, you might be able to reason with your MIL by informing her that such a dr. does not have authority to prescribe anything for cancer. I am not knocking psychologists, we have a family friend who is one. But knowing the difference may be important for your MIL.
  8. OK, Katie? Is there anything we need to include or avoid if we make our own fliers? I think many of us feel we could do this but worry we might say something "wrong". This site is son important to us all, we want to do it right!
  9. Good for Karen! Hope she gets a top-notch GVAX treatment!
  10. Welcome! Hope "Tony" is feeling better soon and finds out about NED first-hand.
  11. Congrats, Mo! Wishing you many more anniversaries.
  12. Yvonne, my sincere condolences for your husband. LC is such a terrible thief.
  13. Paddy - have a great trip! Travel safe. BTW, the security line at the airports may be worse than you remember. Bring a book and get there REAL early.
  14. Low white blood cells leave one open for infection. Please call his dr. ASAP. Hope he's feeling better soon.
  15. CMEAND, Hope your dad gets relief from the back pain with the radiation. The more your dad drinks, the better. The body needs fluid to deal with the chemo and radiation. It can be difficult to get down all that liquid, so drinking all day long is the best bet. Let your dad know that any sudden change or odd symptom may be important. It's not complaining - it's making sure little problems don't become big problems. It's in his best interest to keep you - or someone - wel-informed as to exactly how he's feeling.
  16. Hi, MJB. Aggressive onc's are wonderful. Everyone deserves the chance to fight with all they've got. You probably won't be faced with the PCI question until all chemo and other radiation is done. Radiation to the lung and adrenal may be done with chemo, and probably SHOULD be done at the same time if the dr. feels it's in the plans. Extensive sclc does not always get radiation, but with only 2 sites, it may be possible. Best wishes for you and your husband. Please visit often.
  17. Many people can't quit, even with a cancer diagnosis. Heck, my mom kept smoking after her heart attack. It is VERY hard to quit, especially under times of stress - and what's more stressful than cancer? The 2 things that helped my mom quit were being in the hospital almost 3 weeks where it was impossible to smoke, and the fear that she would rupture her lung tumor by coughing (which was a very real possibility before she got chemo) and bleed to death. Then, she had such a great tumor response, she's inspired to stay quit so she can beat this beast. Try not to be angry with your mom. It isn't personal. She's likely scared, depressed, in physical pain, and ashamed that she smoked in the first place. Talk to her dr. about medical support to help her quit - antidepressants may be of more help than the patch.
  18. When my mom was doing radiation, the actual "fry time" was so long, mom asked the radiologist how they would know if it was too much (she was kind of kidding with him). He deadpanned back "If the little blue tube pops up, it's too much" . Mom and I both had Perdue Chicken flashbacks. Sometimes ya just gotta laugh.
  19. Mo, glad you're feeling better after the tap. Forgive me if I'm totally out of line here, but...if another puupy is out of the question for you, might I suggest a smaller, furry pet? Guinea pigs are wonderful lap pets and are easy to care for. They squeak when you come in and love to just sit on your lap. Little kids love 'em, too - much gentler than rabbits (we have 2 in my middle son's room, I had them as a kid). Some humane societies get them on occaision. Furry company is hard to do without.
  20. Ginny - maybe it's the idea of the "medical community" saying that he deserves more out of life than sitting around. It's one thing when family says it, but another when the dr. does. Kind of implies that they believe you have a lot more living to do. Either way, hope it works out well.
  21. Dan, I'm sorry your news is not real good. And your surgeon needs a hard slap upside the head. Being "too busy" doesn't cut it in my book. Then there's the slap for your onc. who wouldn't try a needle biopsy. MO is doing the topotecan right now, and her results are very good, from the sound of it. Hopefully you will also have a good response. Take care of yourself, and keep us updated.
  22. Yay! Guess you're not "speechless" anymore!
  23. Ginny, I hope PT gets Earl back to being more "fiesty". Nice weather should help give him some motivation.
  24. Karen, hope all goes well for you. (Pssst...Dean...can we really pay someone for a quick recovery? Where do I send it? - Sorry, couldn't resist )
  25. Mo, I'm so sorry you had to let your Shaba go. I'm sure my rottie Sam is welcoming her, too.
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