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gerbil runner

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Everything posted by gerbil runner

  1. Wow, 9 years! That's fantastic - wishing you many, many more.
  2. The shock of this horrid disease is big. Facing the fact that your mom has a life-threatening illness is very difficult. It brings mortality too close to reality, when we usually keep it as a very fuzzy concept. Learning more about the disease and treatment may help you feel better. And I second/third the idea of talking to your dr. to see if medicaton may help.
  3. gerbil runner


    Listen to MO - she knows how to really live! SCLC can respond very quickly to chemo. Chemo doesn't work as well in the brain, though, which is why radiation is used. Hang in there, and please know that you and your mom will be in my prayers.
  4. Hey, Rick and Katie! We need a "Mister Yuck" smiley out here! Snowflake, I got this before breakfast . Ick. .
  5. Jane and Chick - take a deep breath and relax. If there is still evidence of active tumors, more chemo is possible, especially since it looks like not all rounds were completed as expected. Or the dr. may want to wait and see if the tumor continues to shrink. Getting an obvious response is very good news, so enjoy! I doubt the dr. will change chemo after a good response - only if the tumors start to grow again. Since your dad has had difficulties, I can certainly understand hoping for the chemo to be over for a while. That may come next, so keep hoping!
  6. Denise - I don't have any answers to your questions, but wanted to let you know your family is in my prayers. I know it's scary to see your mom in the hospital.
  7. Boys will be boys, and men...will also be boys.
  8. The line started coming out?! ICK! Hope the new one stays where it belongs and is rmoved on time with not further incident .
  9. Maybe it's a problem of inertia - sitting around begets more sitting around. The more he gets out, the easier it may be. Hope things continue to improve. Enjoy!
  10. Welcome back, Mo! Catch up on your zz's
  11. Howard, I'm sorry to see this disease is making its presence known to you. I admire your dignity, and pray for you during this time of change.
  12. gerbil runner


    Berisa, I can only keep you and your family in my prayers. God bless you and your dad during this time.
  13. Snowflake, my pitbull Mikey is curled up next to me on the couch wondering why I woke him up for a hug. And Sam the rottie is on the Rainbow Bridge apologizing for the litter box "Almond Rocha" and the diaper pail.
  14. Cindy, I was wondering about you too! Glad you're doing ok. May your worst problems be a cranky computer. Hope you get everything back closer to "normal" soon.
  15. Ginny, I can tell you from personal experience with anti-depressants that there can be a real "so what" component. I can only imagine combining that with the lethargy of this disease and treatment. Cutting the Zoloft in half may help - and you're right about not stopping it abruptly, it's a big no-no. Maybe you should get really blunt with the Duke. Men generally don't do subtle even on a good day. Not mean or nasty, just really direct and to-the-point about your concerns and desires. Ask him to be blunt too, and brace yourself for what may come. I have to admit, my relationship with my husband is probably more blunt than most - we are both straightforward people, and our age difference means we learned quickly to never assume you know how the other feels (he is 20 years older than I am). Being blunt and straightforward takes a lot of mutual trust to make it work, but is very worthwhile. Is it possible to get more PT? Or a counselor? You're certainly right about one thing, Ginny - you should be LIVING life. Getting the Duke to talk about it may be the first step, if you haven't been there already. Prayers that you will both enjoy this spring and summer.
  16. Vision is precious - glad yours is safe .
  17. Carlton, I'm sorry the news is not what you wanted to hear. Prayers going out that your onc. will have a very effective answer for the problem.
  18. I'm sorry you and your brother have reached this point. You will be in my prayers.
  19. Abby, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm not sure if I understand correctly, but...Jim's feelings of not wanting to go, not wanting to die, don't mean he can't be happy afterwards. There are stages of dealing with death. Anger and denial are part of that. Generally, we only hear about those who have worked through to acceptance before passing, but it sounds like Jim was not allowed time to reach that point. If we could interview the "souls" who have already passed, we might find many more who admit to fighting to the very end, never accepting what was happening. I don't believe resisting death has any effect on how we experience Heaven. However, I can only imagine how much more difficult it is for you to come to terms with Jim's death. And it's only been 3 weeks! Be kind to yourself, and expect grief to take time to become manageable. God forgives our doubts, fears, insecurity, and anger.
  20. Sorry the news is not good. Prayers going out that the new chemo will work well with no obnoxious side effects.
  21. Shellie, please hang in there. You have so much to offer. I often think that we are incapable of understanding how God views our problems, just as a baby cannot possibly understand a trip to the dr to be stripped, poked, prodded, and have sharp objects embedded in tender skin. Makes perfect sense to the parents, just like your pain must make sense to God. You, your dad, and your husband are in my prayers.
  22. OhioKat, glad to hear from you! Waiting is h@ll. Hope you can keep occupied enough. And the young man you've met...we can pray he'll get a response from chemo.
  23. I'm very happy for you! Thanks for sharing your great news.
  24. gerbil runner

    For Us All

    Gail, I'm so sorry you've lost a friend.
  25. Please please please always tell when you have good news! I'm very happy for you both.
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