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gerbil runner

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Everything posted by gerbil runner

  1. Hi, glad to see you back! I'm beginning to think there just isn't enough info available on PCI. Did you see the poll I posted about it? My mom is wondering whether or not to have it. I hope you will continue to gain strength. Funny how low you can feel, even with NED. My mom says, "The good news is, I'm in remission. The bad news is, I'm sleeping through it."
  2. David A. - be a good boy, listen to your dr., and get better fast!
  3. Glad to hear you and your brother will be able to fight together. As for the antidepressants, ANY change in life, even good ones, are stressful. I'd let things settle a bit before going off the meds. And be sure to ask you dr. for advice - most antidepressants must be cut back gradually.
  4. You certainly have my prayers. May the drs. find the answer and effective treatment fast.
  5. Happy anniversary! I hope you will celebrate many more, with more wonderful vacations.
  6. Wow, there's an ugly choice. How good is your radiology department? If they're very confident at spot-treatment, then future spot-treatment would be less worrying. You're having chemo at the same time...that's for micro mets, right? I personally would worry about losing strength from the damage if the entire area were radiated. But I have no experience with it, so what do I know. I hope you come to a decision you are comfortable with.
  7. Welcome to the club nobody wants to join. We have another member, Bengal, with sclc who never smoked. Very interesting. SCLC can respond very well to chemo and radiation. Hope we hear from you soon in the "Good News" section.
  8. Have a safe move. Hope Copenhagen is very welcoming!
  9. Hi, CMEANDK. This board offers wonderful support. Let your dad know how to find us! I would consider it a good sign if your dad's dr. is not shoving a "time" at him. The fact is, they don't really know. It depends on how your dad's tumors respond to chemo. Many people do very well for a long time. If your dad wants to continue working, that's great. Keeping life as "normal" as possible helps many people cope with an overwhelming diagnosis. Offer him love and encouragement, and visit here as often as you need to.
  10. Sandy - thanks for the good news! SCLC often responds quite well to chemo. There are several long-term survivors on this board with sclc. Best wishes for your dad and the rest of your family - keep us updated.
  11. Bean-si...welcome, though it's terrible that you needed to find us. My mom also has sclc. She is struggling with whether or not to have PCI, also. One of her onc's is in favor, the other opposed. What I have read is that up to 60% of lc patients get brain mets. PCI is supposed to cut the risk in half. So 30% will STILL get brain mets. It's a very individual choice, and the information on long-term effects is pretty sketchy. You have every right to refuse PCI. I think my mom will decline the PCI, due to concerns about possible impaired cognitive function. This board is wonderful for support. Please visit often.
  12. Carolyn has the right idea - drink as much as you can. Hope you feel better soon.
  13. Berisa, I'm so sorry to hear of this latest news. I know Staph can be very serious. Perhaps you can do the most good by seeing to your dad's emotional needs, while the doctor's do their best. I will pray for you and your family during this difficult time.
  14. Welcome, Fall54. Attitude counts for a lot, so if your brother believes he'll be treated indefinitely, more power to him!
  15. Hi, tim-uk. Has your mom had a biopsy? Sometimes it's tough to get the right sample. It took almost 3 weeks for my mom to be diagnosed. She had stent brushings in the bile duct, sputum tests, and 2 bronchoscopies which gave no results. Finally, a ct-guided needle biopsy of the pancreas gave the dx. Hope the doctors find the right answer, and ways to treat the problem.
  16. Values for sale! Okdebi - love to see your picture.
  17. Sharon, that's fantastic!
  18. Great news! Now, please cross that one concern off your list .
  19. Stable is great! Glad to hear it - I was wondering yesterday.
  20. Yes! Now let's pray Iressa works its magic for you.
  21. Curtis, I pray you and Katie will find comfort in the days ahead. Thank you for posting Becky's picture again - I love her smile, with Katie tucked against her.
  22. Hope they get the tap turned off for you!
  23. Prayers going out for a great result and a fast recovery.
  24. gerbil runner


    Rachel, it sounds like you're doing well! I have heard others say that radiation can have effects long after, so it may be the reason you have the ache.
  25. Oh, MO, I was sooo glad to see you posting good news. You've been in prayers, and it's so good to see you getting shrinkage! Your spirit amazes and inspires me. It must be making those c-bugs run for cover .
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