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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. BeckyCW

    Thank you

    Just want you to know I'll be praying for your mom's surgery to be successful tomorrow, Andrea -- and for your dad's tomorrow as well, Berisa! You know there are many, many here (even those who don't post messages but read them!) who are thinking good thoughts and praying for the best possible news from both of you! (((hugs))) BeckyCW
  2. Berisa, Just saw this update and wanted to thank you for keeping us posted. I will say an extra prayer for your dad, that his surgery is a great success! BeckyCW
  3. Berisa, I, too, have no answers but want you to know that you and your father are still in my prayers. BeckyCW
  4. I just read these posts, top to bottom, and laughed a lot. I stopped mid-way and went to eat the 2 monster tacos my husband brought me from a fast-food place that shall remain unnamed. I remember a separate set of messages about this in February (?) and I had "signed up," too. Since last summer I'm down 15 pounds, but I'm now stuck -- and this is good motivation. Like David & Karen said, we've got a family trip planned to Glacier Nat'l Park this summer, and I have to be able to hike! Them's my old stompin' grounds (worked there 4 summers during college) and I will feel like a real loser if I can't even keep up with our parents, who will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary there!!! (Yes, they are in better shape than I am. They dance.) Anyway, in the month or so since "signing up" for the "FCSC" here, I've gone UP a pound and then inched my way down 2 pounds, for a net loss of 1 stinkin' pound. However, I've gone back to working out so there's more muscle there, and my clothes are looser. Shopping with a friend on Saturday, she insisted I try a size smaller skirt, and -- miracle of miracles -- it FIT. First time THAT's happened in years. Still... long ways to go. For the record, I weigh in every Sunday morning (and Norme, I bought new scales) -- before eating or drinking anything and without a stitch of clothing. I exhale fully before stepping on, too... My goal is now to lose 2-3 pounds a month for the next... oh, say... 2 years. But if I have to completely give up chocolate, I give up right now. Sandy, I like what you said -- you have to just "budget" for it. Good luck to us all... BeckyCW
  5. BeckyCW

    Combo Kid

    MO Sugar, This is not a case of "two is better than one!" I'm sorry to hear about the new development. Just means you have more enemies to fight, but I know you'll rise to the demands. Here's hoping you find weapons that will fight them both, causing as little interruption to your busy life as possible. You're in my prayers, BeckyCW
  6. Becky, Thank you. Beautiful poem and a good reminder. BeckyCW
  7. Gina, congratulations on the anniversary that is TRULY worth celebrating!!! BeckyCW
  8. BeckyCW


    TBone, way to go with the shrinkage! Sounds like good news to me, and I hope it only gets better. Glad you're trying for the clinical trial, too. I hope you feel lots better soon!!! BeckyCW
  9. BeckyCW

    T-Bone's Scans

    TBone, I've been thinking about you, although I wasn't on the message boards for a few nights, there. I am glad to hear you're feeling a little better -- Just keep that up! Also glad the big test day is over. Thank you for explaining (?) the nicknames, ViVi! I've been picturing you all as good characters in The Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood... with brother TBone added in for spice. Thoughts and prayers comin' your way, BeckyCW
  10. Welcome back, MO. I hope the food supply in Omaha was adequate! Hoping you continue to feel this good after the next treatment, too!!! BeckyCW
  11. BeckyCW

    MRI Question

    Yeah, Dan, why IS it that so many people say "nucular?" LOL Heather, I hope the MRI went well and gave only good news. BeckyCW
  12. BeckyCW

    Shared response

    Gay, that was a beautiful message you shared. You and Dean deserve each other -- and I mean that in the nicest way! You seem so very connected and supportive of one another, and while I know it's no bed of roses, I'm glad you have each other to share life, day by day. BeckyCW P.S. I'm also glad it stopped raining!!!
  13. Kate, Just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you and your dad, and hoping for the best possible care for him. Dads are such special people, and I know this must be so hard for you and for him. You're right, this is an evil disease and no one deserves it!!! Keep your chin up and never hesitate to "let it all out" here, if it helps. I'm praying for you. BeckyCW
  14. MO, Thinking good thoughts for you, and saying a little prayer! BeckyCW
  15. Dani, GREAT NEWS! Happy dance, here, too. BeckyCW
  16. BeckyCW

    CT Results

    Joe & Gina, What incredible, fantastic, wonderful news!!! BeckyCW
  17. Cory, I'm praying that your dad's surgery will be very successful. Please let us know how everything goes! BeckyCW
  18. Carleen, That was beautiful. I wish you and Keith many more fireflies (I'm with TeeTaa, they're lighten' bugs where I came from!) -- and many more jam sessions, evenings with friends, movies and "normal" days and nights! BeckyCW
  19. Colleen, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I hope it is some small comfort to know he went peacefully in the arms he loved most. My heart breaks for you. Prayers coming for you and your family, Becky
  20. Dean, I've been thinking about you all week, and today I thought, "Maybe the sun is out in San Diego, and Dean can take the scooter out!" (It was beautiful up here, with dark clouds AND sunshine, both at once, but NO RAIN.) I'm glad you did get out, but sorry to hear about the new limitations you're facing. You seem to handle everything with such amazing grace... but I can't imagine that anyone can handle it that well ALL the time. While you have a right to be depressed, I hope you don't stay that way long. You also have a right to be happy, to feel the love of your good woman and all of us, and to live every day to the fullest. I love Cat Stevens, and that's one of my favorite songs. I will forever think of you now when I hear it! Praying for you and Gay, BeckyCW
  21. BeckyCW

    Need to vent

    Oops... I misspoke. That was Howard's theory about the weather, not Dean's. Just had Dean on the brain, I guess... I'm hoping the San Diego weather is clearing up so he can get out on that scooter soon. BeckyCW
  22. BeckyCW

    Need to vent

    People do say the most insensitive things!!! This whole thing reminded me of a much less serious thing, but still... I have a cousin who had a little boy, then 2 years later a little girl. Then 2 months after the girl was born, she unintentionally got pregnant again. And it was twins! So one day she's in the supermarket with 4 kids under the age of 4, and someone walks right up to her and says, "Don't you know what causes that?" She did not take it well. Why do people think they can comment about people's personal lives, looks, weight, etc. without considering how it might make them feel?! While this person may not have known the comment would be offensive, it still seems a little much for someone who doesn't hardly know you! I admit that I have occasionally told someone I am jealous over their weight loss... but always people I know well enough to know they'll be complimented. I like the idea of a ready arsenal of come-back comments. Problem is, once you get all ready, no one will ever say anything again that fits that particular retort! (Sortof like Dean's concept of controlling the weather by washing one's car.) BeckyCW
  23. Norme, I'm another one who remembers getting to know you soon after arriving here through that wonderful message you posted about Buddy's wonderful, terrific day. I look for your posts all the time, and they mean so much to me. To see how strong your love is for Buddy, and his for you... well, it just makes me feel like it's a touch of God here on earth. I am praying for you, and I wish I could come for a visit, make a pot of tea, and listen to Buddy stories for an afternoon. ((((((hugs to you))))) BeckyCW
  24. You know all those emails we all forward to each other? The ones that get forwarded around the world forever, until sometimes they're no longer even true? Let's do that with this!!! If each of us could do like Connie and Ry did, and send it to everyone we know, and put something at the bottom saying to "pass it on," this one could do the same. Circle the globe until one day this disease is at least more often cured than not! Think how many people know or love someone who has or had lung cancer. I think they'd pass it on. Should we also consider linking to a page that gives people a clear & easy way to "do something" -- a way they can get involved if they want to? Volunteer for LCSC to offer support to a patient, write to their congressional representative asking for more lung cancer research funding, make a donation, any other ideas? Sandy, look what you've done! BeckyCW
  25. Yep, this calls for an intervention... Not that we don't like seeing you here, but... GO ENJOY OMAHA! Glad you got to make the trip. Hope the food supply in Omaha holds up. BeckyCW
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