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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. MO, I just read all this -- What a day you had!!! Very scary, but I'm so glad it ended as it did -- I about cheered out loud when I read: "I feel as good now as I ever have, lol." I just have to say that not many people I know have as positive an outlook as you do and stay in such good spirits, even through something like this. You're an incredible woman! I am keeping you in my prayers. Let's not have another day like this, okay?! BeckyCW
  2. BeckyCW


    Berisa, I was glad to see an update, as I was wondering about your father, but sorry to hear the news is not better. I'm glad you're not giving up, and will pray for you and your father and family members to be at peace with all decisions and outcomes. I hope his confusion goes away soon, and that he feels better. I know that just having you nearby is doing him a world of good. My heart is with you, BeckyCW
  3. Cookieman, Just to add to the confusion, I thought yet another Becky should pipe in here. Your Becky is an inspiration to everyone here, not to mention the source of much comic relief -- although I'm sure this does not surprise you. I'll look forward to hearing more from you! (And better luck next time hiding those cookies.) BeckyCW
  4. Dean, I'm so glad you posted a message elsewhere to point to this new forum -- I might have missed it. What a great thing you're doing here! BeckyCW
  5. I hope Howard's just too busy living and enjoying his family to be posting messages. Howard, you're in my prayers! BeckyCW
  6. TBone, No, I don't think Katie or Rick EVER sleep! When would they have time?! It's the kind of weather we live for in So. Calif -- Clear blue skies, not even a hint of smog, lots of sunshine, warm weather, but still some snow glistening on the mountains. Y'all come on down! Or if you must, stay where you are and enjoy YOUR good stuff -- the geese, and the deer, and the tulips... it's all good! Enjoy the week, everyone! And Rick & Katie, I can't thank you enough for all you do. BeckyCW
  7. Dean, I love the idea of you writing a book to collect some of that wisdom for others to enjoy and learn from. I bet if you just went back through some of your posts here on the board, you'd find enough themes to make at least a dozen chapters. I, for one, would buy the book in a heartbeat. And I know I'm not alone. I'd do anything to help, too. Your words are inspiring and you have so much wisdom to offer others -- whether or not they have lung cancer! I hope you're enjoying this incredible weather we're having. This is why we live in So. Calif., right? Hoping you and Gay have a great day tomorrow, BeckyCW
  8. Berisa, Just wanted to say your dad and you are still in my prayers. BeckyCW
  9. Nushka, I'm so sorry to hear about this -- What a horrible shock for you and your husband. I'm sorry for your loss. BeckyCW
  10. Mary, I am so sorry you have to be in this kind of pain. I am the sister of DavidC, a cancer survivor who was a friend of Greg's through this message board. I know how much my brother thought of your brother. He must have been quite a guy. We will not know in this lifetime why some are taken from us so young and in this way. I really wish I knew what I (or anyone) could say or do to make you feel better. All I can say is that I am keeping you and your family in my prayers during this difficult time. I hope you will find some comfort here, among these incredibly supportive people who loved your brother and were there for him, as he was for them. ((((((((hugs to you, Mary)))))))))) BeckyCW
  11. Denise, I pray that your celebration tomorrow of your mom's birthday will be a very happy one. Hey, if you're going to go through these roller coaster ups and downs, a celebration of 60 years should at least be a high point, right?! I hope the scans show all the more reason to celebrate on Monday. Prayers coming indeed for you and your family, BeckyCW
  12. Peg, I'm praying for a miracle for Bill, and for strength for you. I wish there was something more I could do. I hurt for you. (((hugs))) BeckyCW
  13. Cheryl, What a terrible shock. I'm praying for Jack to be back in top form soon. He's lucky to have you, and you're lucky to have him -- and let's keep it that way! Like the others have said, such major advances have taken place in treating heart problems. One of my uncles has had heart bypass surgery before, and he's in this 80s now, and putting younger men to shame. It's no easy thing, I know, but keep your chin up and like Norme said, "Don't go there." Jack's going to pull through this, with your help. Hang in there! My prayers are with you both, BeckyCW
  14. BeckyCW

    Good News Maybe

    Lillian, I came here just to see your news, and I'm so sorry it is what it is. It does sound like they MEANT to hire you, and whatever made that not happen, I bet it had nothing to do with you. Maybe the owner had the hots for the next person they interviewed. Maybe someone else there suddenly popped up with a relative that needed a job. Maybe they were just afraid all the guests would like you more than them. Whatever -- It's their loss!!! I really do believe that this just means there's something out there even better for you. Sometimes things that look great are really just "good enough," -- so I will hope that you find the "just right" thing real soon. Is there any way you can start your own business or service? I know that old "clean the house" trick. Works for me, too -- just scrub the livin' daylights out of something. Thinking of you, BeckyCW
  15. BeckyCW


    Becky, I'm so glad you're aggressively pursuing this! The info from Fay and Mary Ann is probably helping so many other "lurkers" here, too. I've been "here" since January, and I'm still amazed at how supportive everyone is, and how much information is passed on to those who need it. I hope you will find a way to participate in the trial, and if not, I hope there's something else out there for you that will knock the socks off those cancer cells! BeckyCW
  16. Hi, I'm glad to see your message. I am the "big sister" of a lung cancer survivor here, DavidC. I only know your son Greg through reading his old messages, as I only joined this message board in January. But I know that Greg and my brother were friends, having "met" here, and I know that David took Greg's death very hard. I can see that your son meant so much to so many people, and that he really had a great personality. I just wanted to add my voice to those thanking you for raising a great man. Your family is in my prayers. BeckyCW
  17. Cheryl, Congratulations! I'm sorry I'm just now seeing your message. ConnieB is right -- You are apparently already a great fundraiser! I'd be happy to help you in any way I can. You can PM me anytime, please don't hesitate! BeckyCW
  18. BeckyCW

    Good News Maybe

    Lily, I'm waiting to hear, too, and praying you get the job. As you said, if it's meant to be, you'll get it. If not, it's their loss, and it just means there's something even better out there for you. I can tell how much you want this, though, so I really, really hope you get it! You'll have to tell us where to come, so we can start planning our vacations to visit you! BeckyCW
  19. Berisa, Hoping and praying that all is going well for your father today. BeckyCW
  20. BeckyCW

    Thank you

    Andrea, I hope and pray that your mom's surgery went well today -- no, that it went EXCELLENT. She's at a great place, and I hope her care is the best. Will look forward to hearing from you when you can write again. BeckyCW
  21. Francine, I'm glad the chemo fog has lifted and hope the doctor has a good answer for preventing it next time. It's amazing what Jones of New York can do, isn't it? Here's to more fun outings for you. BeckyCW
  22. MO, I hope you have a WILD time! BeckyCW
  23. Sharyn, Add me to the list of those praying for your son and your whole family. Dean's message was wonderful, and even if your son acts like he doesn't "hear" it, that message may sink in better than anything else could. For what it's worth, I know several people who were addicted to drugs at his age, and are now "fine upstanding citizens" with no substance abuse issues. It's hard, but I know he will have your steadfast love and support, and there is every reason to hope for better times ahead. Hugs, BeckyCW
  24. Go, Betty -- Go, Betty -- Go Betty! (read with a little dance) Celebrating with you! BeckyCW
  25. Another Becky weighing in, here -- So glad you're going for the trial. I'm keeping everything that I have two of crossed, too. I hope you're the nicest squeaky wheel they've ever had to put up with -- Whatever works!!! I'm so sorry you have to wait, and sorry about the green-eyed monster, too. Who is the beautiful little girl with you in the photo? BeckyCW
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