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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. Denise, I'm praying for your mom, too -- and for the doctors treating her to come up with something to help her get better soon. BeckyCW
  2. DavidA, Happy Birthday! I believe the Pistons gave you all the birthday present you need last night, though. Thursday night the Lakers will wake up and play again, I just KNOW it! BeckyCW P.S. Definition of putz: Pistons!
  3. Ginny, Please forgive me for not seeing this earlier. I am so sorry you lost your sister, and I know it must have been hard not to be there. I'm glad you did get to say goodbye, and especially glad to hear that it sounds like she went in peace. My prayers are with you and Earl and the rest of your family. BeckyCW
  4. Shelly, I'm so very sorry for your loss -- one loss after another. I wish I knew what to say... I'm sure nothing can erase the pain at a time like this. I hope it helps in some small way to know how much we all care for you. You've borne more than anyone should be asked to bear, and I think the world of you for all you've done for your parents. Now it's time to take care of yourself. You're in my prayers, BeckyCW
  5. BeckyCW


    GREAT NEWS! Go Ray, Go Ray, Go Ray (dancin' here)... BeckyCW
  6. Ha! Is this, perhaps, why Andrea doesn't want to be an attorney anymore? (just kidding... boy, have I heard some DOCTOR jokes!)
  7. JC, that's too funny! I'm gonna send it to my missionary friends in Alaska -- who may just go out and buy a donkey, now!
  8. Thanks for posting this! Glad to see doctors being told to keep trying, not to "give up" on patients just because their info is outdated. BeckyCW
  9. Cindy, you're so thoughtful to suggest this. Like Katie said, if the family or MO has asked for donations in her memory to go somewhere else, it I hope someone will let us know. AND since MO was part of our family, I'm sure she'd be happy if memorial gifts were sent here in her honor, to help the group continue to reach out to others and provide the same kind of support that she gave all of us! BeckyCW
  10. BeckyCW

    CT Scan Results

    Way to go, JOE! I haven't been on the boards much lately, and am so thrilled to see this news! May your NED blessings never cease! BeckyCW
  11. Mark, what an incredible and wonderful story. I am so sorry for your loss, but happy for the things you gained -- a stronger trust in God, the knowledge that your new wife is even more special than maybe you knew, and the witnessing of a miracle! Stairway to Heaven has always been one of my favorite songs... now it will mean more every time I hear it. Thank you for sharing the story with us. BeckyCW
  12. Now, David, this is spooky... At work a couple of weeks ago, someone dropped into a conversation, "one year at band camp..." and when some of us had confused looks on our faces (and others were laughing quite loudly), we were told we HAD to see this movie. So maybe KAREN can get away without seeing it, but apparently I can't -- because the DVD was practically forced on me by one of the weird (but lovable) computer guys at work, and now if I don't watch it before returning it, he'll know. He'll be quizzing me. I'll be thought of as a rude prude! So... maybe this is my weekend to watch American Pie. Then I won't feel like such an old fogey.
  13. Cheryl & Jack, Hope all goes well this weekend at the Relay! Just had to chime in with good wishes, because I was BORN in Greenville, TX! (Only lived there a few months, but still!) Way to go for promoting awareness at the event. My thoughts go with you, BeckyCW
  14. BeckyCW

    Flying News

    Paddy, What a great thing! FUN is important! So glad he got to do this. That's one good friend you've got, there! BeckyCW
  15. BeckyCW


    Kelly, Thank you for sharing your father's last days with us in such a touching way. I am so very sorry for your loss, and pray God will give you and your children and family peace and many happy memories. BeckyCW
  16. What great news! Have a WONDERFUL weekend! BeckyCW
  17. MO, I'm sorry to hear you're in so much pain, and I hope you get through this soon. You have given so many of us such joy and hope, and I join all the others in sending you all the best wishes in the world. (((MO))) Love, BeckyCW
  18. Bro, I'm praying that "bonkitis" turns out to be the only problem. Now about that shopping addiction... I promise not to tell Mother, if you're really, really good to me. But you are seeing the genetic pattern, here, right? (Tell me you're not going to go exchange half the stuff tomorrow!)
  19. Laurie, I've missed you too. Glad to hear from you, but so sorry your mom and friend and YOU are going through all this. I will keep you all in my prayers. Hugs, BeckyCW
  20. Hey, y'all, David & Karen have taken Faith on her first trip to the beach this weekend, so they'll see this when they get back. I suspect they'll want in on the party, and it also sounds like a great reason for me to fly to DC and see them and my sister & her family. Like Katie said, as long as I have time to plan and save for it, I'll be there! (as my grandmother would say, "with bells on!") BeckyCW P.S. Have a great Memorial Day weekend, and yes, let's remember all those who fought for our country, and those who are serving now.
  21. Dean, Those are great thoughts. You really should write a book, if you're not working on it already. I'd buy your book for everyone I care about! Here's hoping you have a great weekend, full of the best parts of life. BeckyCW
  22. Andrea, Thanks! I looked it up, and will read all about it. You're right... This could be us in a year or two! Here's the website: http://www.lightoflifefoundation.org/ BeckyCW
  23. Karen, Thanks for posting this -- interesting! I explored a little there after reading this, and found another article on "what to do now" for people newly diagnosed with lung cancer: http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/12113.cfm BeckyCW
  24. Dan, I just logged on specifically to see how you were doing, since I haven't been on the message board as much as usual, and for some reason you just were on my mind! I'm glad to see an update from you. I hope your left hand muscles improve, now that you have a little rest from treatment. Still thinking of you and praying, BeckyCW
  25. Instigator, where are you!? Are you going to identify yourself now? Whether or not you do, thank you for "instigating" such a weird way of raising funds for this organization. And thanks to everyone who has given in response to this! Karen, I'm glad Faith is not traumatized. BeckyCW
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