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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. Jane, I love this and will be sending it to my sister, who is a potter herself, if David hasn't already do so! In fact, I'll be sending it to a lot of people who I know will find as much meaning in it as I did. Thank you, BeckyCW
  2. BeckyCW

    The Michigan Bash!

    Okay, even though I can't be there, I'm kicking up the post to do my part. Wish I come and meet everybody -- I know you're going to have a great time -- brownies or no brownies! In September of 2000, I went to a big event for families of kids with cancer in Washington, DC. It was really fun to walk around the room of the reception on the first night and hear people meeting others they'd known online for so long. It was: "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE RICK... and where's your daughter EMILY?!" And "LOOK! THERE'S DARLENE and that must be JOSH!" and... well you get the picture. Lots of tears and hugs and happy-dances and laughter. But this was a family event, in a hotel, in a city. Somehow I picture you guys doing all that and more at Ry & John's place, and I just know it's going to be something very special. Is somebody assigned to keep DavidA from getting arrested? BeckyCW
  3. Beautiful children, beautiful pictures! Thanks so much for posting them!!! BeckyCW
  4. Well, David, I'm glad (and not surprised!) that you got up today and took control. Besides that, we all know by now that you're darn good-lookin' as a bald man, anyhow! (My, the things you learn on this journey! )
  5. Jane, Yes, Gone and Goner works, too! BeckyCW
  6. Saddam and Osama works... except David might not like anyone using those names for something that's still in there at the moment... It's up to you, Dave. But I do hate them that much. BeckyCW
  7. Katie, Welcome, and I hope you won't be a stranger. Shelly must be a great sister, as I'm sure you are to her. I'm praying for you both, BeckyCW
  8. Like Karen said, why name the tumors when they're about to DIE. These tumors are not long for this world. I know none of us could possibly hate anyone enough to name these tumors after them, but maybe there are a couple of imaginary characters we could all hate that much... Oh, and they must be very weak names, too. BeckyCW (who is having a rough night, needless to say...)
  9. I'm so very, very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Alex. BeckyCW
  10. I'm worried, too. Dan, are you out there? I miss you! BeckyCW
  11. Wow -- I hope somebody will post what this is all about soon - Thanks! BeckyCW
  12. Ginny, I am so sorry this has to be so hard on both you and Earl. If only you could have another day for every tear shed, just among us here on the boards, Earl would have another lifetime to share with you. I wish it could be so. Your posts always shine with the devotion you both have for each other, and it breaks my heart to see this happen. My thoughts and prayers are with you and will stay with you. BeckyCW
  13. Yes, may God be with you and give you some special memories to hold dear. I am so sorry. BeckyCW
  14. Margaret, I'm sorry I missed your post about this and am only seeing it now. I, too, have no medical information but wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and praying for you. I'm so glad you're seeking 2nd and maybe even 3rd opinions to decide what's best for you. Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I'm house-bound for a week or so now, but I live relatively close and would do anything I can to help. BeckyCW
  15. I'm so sorry to know about your mom passing away. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish I knew what else to say -- It's just so sad. BeckyCW
  16. Elaine, Same here -- I have no info, but wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and sorry this is happening. BeckyCW
  17. Shelly, By my calculations, you're probably having the deed done right now. Just wante you to know I'm thinking about you during this procedure and hoping only for the best possible news... as soon as you're ready to share it. Still praying for your sister, too. BeckyCW
  18. David, Between your great attitude and the powerful chemo, that cancer had better just get the h*** out of Dodge and stay there. Now. Love, BeckyCW
  19. Shelly, You know I'm rooting for you. Benign is a good word... Hang in there. BeckyCW
  20. Well then, here's to "pampered luxury" -- I'd say he's earned it! David, it was good to talk to you today, and you know you're in my prayers (and the prayers of anyone who comes near me these days)... As TBone says... Praying for us all, BeckyCW
  21. TeeTaa, I'm glad TBone is on his way to a no-pain zone (sorry for the rhyme). I hope the transition from the current medications to this one will be as easy and quick as possible, and that he will soon have that relief he's looking for, to gear up and fight this beast AND to enjoy life. Please give him my best, BeckyCW P.S. As TBone says, "praying for us all."
  22. I am so very sorry. I know you take comfort in the fact that she is no longer in pain... I just wish there was something to take away your own pain now. Your family is in my prayers, BeckyCW
  23. Cheryl, WELCOME HOME! I'm so glad you've got a fightin' plan, and glad you're home to keep Jack in line and enjoy the critters. Hugs & prayers, BeckyCW
  24. TeeTaa, Thank you for filling us in. I'm SO sorry to hear TBone is still in such pain, and I hope that between the appointment tomorrow (thank God!) and the help of hospice, this pain will soon be gone and he will once again be able to enjoy both the little and the big things in life. He is always in my prayers -- I'll just put him there more frequently now, along with his wife, children and all of you. (((hugs))) BeckyCW
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