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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. Wow, three correct (DING, DING, DING!) answers from your docs -- and they didn't even need a lifeline! (Did I get my "millionaire" terminology right?) That's terrific! And good luck with the house. That's one way to get your mind off other things, I guess. As my husband would say, "maybe not a good way, but one way." Hope it gets "done" soon. (Does anyone ever really get "done" with a house?!) BeckyCW
  2. Sandy, I checked in to see about you, too. My cat is purring good thoughts, and I'm saying a prayer! BeckyCW
  3. Peggy, I just heard; I'm so very sorry. Daddy's can be such incredibly special people, and it sounds like yours was one of the best. My heart breaks for you. The poem was beautiful. BeckyCW
  4. I'm late to the 45th anniversary party, too, and probably not dressed properly for the important occasion, either! I hope this latest development is only a small blip that will be overcome long before you hit #46, on your way to 50 or more together. 45 hugs, BeckyCW
  5. Kelly, I just saw this, and am so very sorry to hear you've lost your wonderful sister. She seems like a beautiful soul and a blessing to you, and I know you will miss her deeply. I am so sorry. Hugs & prayers, BeckyCW
  6. Laurie, I'm so glad to hear about your mom. And congratulations on the successful concert. Your friend is in my prayers. BeckyCW
  7. Yes, believe it or not, I have witnessed Faith (not even 3 years old) eating vegetables like they were chocolate. Fresh asparagus stalks just dug up from the C-Acres garden? She eat's 'em like they were candy bars. Pretty amazing child. What David didn't mention is that during all this week from h*** with both Karen's parents having major medical problems and while waiting to hear the words "just an infection" about David's bones... Faith is supposed to be potty training. (I think she just got a major break!) Y'all know I'm praying for everyone... Aunt BeckyCW
  8. BeckyCW

    New Photo

    Yes, TBone, tell us names! Great photo. Guess John-Boy has changed! BeckyCW
  9. BeckyCW

    An Update

    Dean, like Sharon said, I was glad to read your post here and bask in the Deanness of your words again. I am sorry you're losing energy, glad you're still enjoying the good parts of life, and especially glad you still have lots of hugs for Gay. You're both in my prayers, BeckyCW
  10. TBone & family, I was so sad to read the beginning of thos post, and then relieved to see the post from you, TBone. I'm really glad you're feeling back to "new normal." My thoughts and prayers are with you! BeckyCW
  11. Ginny, you & Earl have my support, prayers and the best of all wishes. Take good care of yourself -- I know you always take good care of Earl. BeckyCW
  12. I didn't have much of a "vacation" because almost every time I tried to get on the site, I could! That said, there were a few times it was down even for my magic computer, and I used the time to work on organizing my new home office. Having just left a 7-year job to start a new consulting business, there's a lot to do -- from getting files organized to setting up a new computer to getting new letterhead, etc., etc. This room used to be my husband's office, but he's moved his business to a "real" office, so it's mine now. The office is still a mess, but starting to shape up. It will shape up more slowly, now that the site is back up all the time. BeckyCW
  13. Nina, I'm so glad you had good news... Now I hope you feel lots better real soon! BeckyCW
  14. Jen, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I hope the mass is not cancer and that you will have less to cope with than you think. In any case, my thoughts and prayers are with you. BeckyCW
  15. Ha! Your mom does sound like a real hoot. So glad she has good news, and I hope it continues till she's 100! BeckyCW
  16. That's beautiful, Jane. BeckyCW
  17. Jane, We will be looking for your passionate and caring voice back here when you are ready. Meanwhile, my thoughts & prayers are with you as you get used to the world as it is now. May your memories and the spirit of your brother comfort you in this difficult time. BeckyCW
  18. Amen! Katie, Rick, and all the moderators deserve constant thanks, as does everyone who contributes to this group by supporting each other, whether they are able to do so financially or in other ways. And thanks seems too small a word for Jane's sponsorship donation. Jane, you're a terrific sister to Alan, and your gift means so much to so many people! BeckyCW
  19. BeckyCW

    test trauma

    Gail, TERRIFIC NEWS!!! Happy dance goin' on for you here in South Pasadena! BeckyCW
  20. BeckyCW

    HELP please

    Cat, Curse, curse, swear, swear, & more! Sounds like the time has come for a 2nd opinion, if not a change of doctors altogether. I hope you find some answers you can trust soon, and I hope they are answers that provide more hope! BeckyCW
  21. GREAT NEWS! Thanks so much for sharing this! BeckyCW
  22. I'm so sorry to know of your loss of Jean. Thank you for continuing the fight and for caring about all those still fighting. You and your family are in my prayers, BeckyCW
  23. Heather, I have that book, too, and am almost finished with it. I LOVE it! I think it's a great resource for anyone. I really enjoy the perspective of learning what we SHOULD eat, as opposed to more of what we SHOULDN'T, you know? It actually has helped me, since I started reading it, to eat better foods without feeling like I'm sacrificing. With one exception (pumpkin!), I really like all 14 of the foods, and to focus on eating them regularly is much easier than the usual "oh, I shouldn't have that" kind of focus! And for any of the superfoods you don't like, there are plenty of "next best" foods so you're sure to like some of them. It really is amazing all the good things foods can do for our bodies. BeckyCW
  24. Ha -- I have tried several times to say, "... and God bless ____" and then sort of did this combination of a yelp and a growl and almost wanted to spit afterwards, because I don't really mean it and then all you can do is laugh, because of COURSE He knows you don't mean it - ha! So I just say, "Well, God, I WISH I wanted you to bless him... but I guess I'm just not ready... That will take devine intervention." ... and then I just go back to asking blessings on the people I really DO want blessed. Anyway, I do agree that there's no escaping the truth when you talk to God. You just feel the way you do, and that's that, and I think He can handle it. Berisa, I think you said some important things for us all to remember, too. BeckyCW
  25. Gay, I agree -- You and Dean are two of God's angels sent to us. You deserve each other, and that's really saying a lot. I'm so glad to hear about your anniversary celebration, and glad you have the clock as a memento of the "time" you've had together so far, and the time you still have. You're a very special couple! (((Gay & Dean))) BeckyCW
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