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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. I'm not sure if it's appropriate to say I'm "happy" you're all having these anniversaries in February. (Wouldn't it be better to just leave Feb. for Valentines Day and Presidents' Day, and have nobody have ANY cancer days?!) -- But anyway, "happy anniversary" to all of you. Wish I could send you all one big Valentine's card!!! BeckyCW
  2. I love your message, especially since your mom has agreed, and LOVE the gloves idea. I wonder if there's a polite way to add something to the message about not barraging your mom with questions or talk of cancer, as she wants this day to be about happier things? (well, something more tactful than that) It would also show that she doesn't want the spotlight. People might be so touched they want to tell her they're concerned about her, etc... This would let them know this isn't the time or place. Not sure if this can be done politely or not, just thought I'd throw the idea out. I'm wishing you a day completely full of joy for you AND your mom! BeckyCW
  3. Well, it's not DavidC in drag, but it's cute anyway. The new avatar is me holding baby David (awwww!), and middle sister Tammy (now the mother of 2). Don't you just wanna pinch his little cheeks?! I just thought this might tide us over until those photos of him in drag show up... BeckyCW
  4. BeckyCW

    Good News!!

    Marilyn, VERY COOL!!! Celebration definitly in order! BeckyCW
  5. Dean, Glad to hear there are people at the VA on your side. Can't wait till you're scootin' around on the scooter! BeckyCW
  6. Scooter prayers coming from here, too. And add me to the list of those willing to call and wreak havoc with the VA if you need us to!!! BeckyCW
  7. BeckyCW

    How is Buddy?

    Norme & Buddy, my thoughts and prayers have been -- and continue to be -- with you. BeckyCW
  8. Daddysgirl, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope for a miracle, and I see miracles happen everyday... but I also think it's not "negative" to plan realistically for the situation. Regarding your dad's "last wishes," I can only imagine how hard that is to talk about, especially if he doesn't want to. Maybe you can find a way (?) to get family members talking about the fact that we all will die, it's not a question of "if," but "when," so how about if we all get prepared, so as not to make it hard for the people left behind to know what to do? If it's not even directly related just to him or his disease, but to everyone, maybe it would be easier? People die at every age... I work for a childhood cancer foundation. It's just that adults get to decide what they want done -- and the fact that they do sometimes make those decisions makes it easier on family members at a time when they are in great pain. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to harp on that part of things. I know this must be so very difficult for you -- and your fiance! If you and your dad both want it, the early wedding sounds nice. If not, he will still know you are happy and have a wonderful new life to look forward to, and I'm sure that will give him some peace, too. Hang in there, I wish there was something I could do. BeckyCW
  9. I am so very sorry for your loss. It was our loss, too. My prayers are with you and the rest of his family. BeckyCW
  10. BeckyCW


    Annghall, Welcome! Your husband joined this board about the same time I did. I'm here because of my brother, the infamous DavidC, who shall soon be seen in here drag, all for a good cause. (Ask TBone... ) Good to have you join the rest of the family here. Give TBone a hug for me. Becky P.S. Are you Ann, or Annie, or Angie?
  11. Dean and Fay and everyone else who posted here... I just wanted to say how much I respect you all for your choices and for speaking your mind, standing up for what you need to do for YOU. I have learned so much from all of you, and I think you are all pretty incredible people. I especially appreciate how much everyone here really cares for each other, whether or not they approach the big things the same way. You're all in my heart to stay. BeckyCW
  12. Angie, more prayers coming from here, too. Hang in there -- Wishing you and your dad the best of all news. BeckyCW
  13. Rick, I don't know anything that can be of help to your friend, I'm sorry, will just say some prayers. Dan, I see the post above was your first, and I hope you'll come back and write often. This is a very caring group, and a good resource for information and supoprt. I just sent you a private message (PM) to say "welcome" -- I'm hoping you have good news from the results of your scans soon, and that you'll share the news here with us. BeckyCW
  14. What great news to share with us all -- Thank you and "way-to-go, mom!!!" BeckyCW
  15. BeckyCW

    My Buddy

    Norme, My thoughts and prayers are with you, Buddy and all who care for him. You've made such an impact on me in such a short time. I will say a special prayer tonight. BeckyCW
  16. BeckyCW

    Escaped again!

    I came looking for your post tonight, to see what had happened with the scans. What a relief! Hope your trip is terrific! Celebration definitely in order!!! BeckyCW
  17. BeckyCW


    James, good one!!! I bet I could find other JT lyrics that fit the bill, too. I don't know HOW I missed naming him, as he's one of my all-time favorites. Been to 3 concerts so far and hoping for another. Good pick! BeckyCW
  18. Wow -- Love this! I get irate every time I hear those stupid tobacco-sponsored "how to get kids not to smoke" spots on the radio. This was great! BeckyCW
  19. Okay, my Sunday morning weigh-in told me what I thought it would... up a pound. Ugh. That's what pasta will do. So this week I get to just try to get back to LAST week's weight... one step forward, two steps back - ha. I could try to claim that since I started working out again last week, that extra pound must be muscle..., but I don't think one workout a pound of muscle makes. Ry, I guess my weight is pretty much everywhere, and coming off evenly, but my waist is the worst of it. (Did I say waist? What waist?!) And yes, jeans are DANG expensive. BeckyCW
  20. BeckyCW


    First of all, thanks, bro, for the Shostakovich CD. It was great to hear the "war" music you used during treatment. I can see why it worked so well! I hear something new in it every time I listen. As a fellow music-lover (and hey, we ALL need music therapy!), I just thought I'd share a few of my favorites. Stevie Ray Vaughn (God rest his soul) is near the top of the list. (on the "Couldn't Stand the Weather" CD, turn up the volume on "Tin Pan Alley"!!!) Eric Clapton. Sting. A lot of the music you guys mentioned, although I must be too old to have caught much AC/DC... I'll have to check into that - ha. You can't be depressed when Aretha Franklin is singing. And I'm counting the days to Norah Jones' next CD coming out (this month). This may be weird, but there are 2 other CDs that never fail to make me just plain happy. One is an old Lou Rawls CD called "Stormy Monday," with great old jazzy blues. The other (talk about different styles!) is Lyle Lovett's "Live From Texas," which is full of just plain fun songs -- a little honky tonk, a little blues, a little folk, even a sailor song or two... Who could not laugh at "I go for penguins" or "She's no lady, she's my wife," or the "preacher kept on preachin'" song? Did I mention how proud I am that my brother is/was a musician? Ya'll should hear him play that trumpet -- It's downright amazing. To hear (and watch!) him play with a band (the few times I did) was TOO fun. And the wedding march he did for me (and my sister), well... you just had to be there! My mother (okay, she's DavidC's mother, too) has a cross-stich hanging on a wall and I wish I could remember exactly what it says, but it's something about how God made words for everyday stuff, but for things too powerful for words to express, He gave us music. So true. BeckyCW P.S. How could I leave out Chopin? Nocturnes and waltzes are not exactly cheer-you-up music, but when you just want to let the music "feel" for you (something deep), there's nothing like it.
  21. Ry, I'm in line with ya. I've lost 15 since last summer... another, oh, 30 or so to go! How is it that you're down a jeans size and after 15 pounds, I'm NOT? (Could be because I wasn't necessarily always fastening that top button before? Thank goodness for long sweaters...) Still, it feels good to have at least a few pieces of clothing be "loose" instead of "impossible." My goal is about 3-4 pounds a month... slow, steady and permanent! Tomorrow is my weekly weigh-in, and I'm afraid... very afraid. BeckyCW
  22. Donna, I LOVE that! I'm going to have to remember that one! BeckyCW
  23. FANTASTIC!!! What great, terrific, wonderful news!!! Becky
  24. Gay, I know it took a lot of courage to write this, and I just thought I would say that I wish I lived closer and could get to know you and Dean better. You sound like a couple with so much love and support for each other. I wish I knew what to say that could help. Just keep believing in yourself and loving Dean. I keep you both in my prayers. Becky
  25. BeckyCW

    For Dave C... :0)

    I'm not the instigator, either, but whoever it is, I LIKE 'em! Count me in for a donation, too, as soon as the picture appears. (And I'll kick in a little extra NOT to see the thong.)
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