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Everything posted by Elaine

  1. Thanks for the update and the good news! elaine
  2. My vote goes to the pig. Hands down. Pig. Can't keep my mind off that pig. By the way, did you hear about the pig? You know, the pig. The pig. The incredible pig. elaine By the way there is something else about pigs that really is sad. They are one of the brightest animals- and when they go to slaughter, they are hung on a line---pigs realize what is going to happen to them, and thus they scream on their way to slaughter. This is something else I can never forget about pigs. If you have seen it, you will never, ever get that sound out of your mind.
  3. I have to admit, I have been a bit worried myself these past two days. Nina, prayers are still coming! love and fortitude elaine
  4. Elaine


    Here is the info I posted on another thread. I checked the link and according to it, there are no cyberknife locations in Australia. Could she come to US? Japan? Anyway, here is the info: I am posting a link to where Cyberknife is available in the world. Cyberknife is actually different than some of the other radiation treatments that some Drs say is the same as the Cyberknife, from my understanding . Buyer beware, I guess. Anyway, at the least someone should research the various techniques before having any of them. http://www.cksociety.org/PatientInfo/Ck ... ations.asp Here is also a link to a page that describes the various technologies. Yes, it is on the Cyberknife page, but I doubt they are able to lie about their technology a lot, anyway. http://www.cksociety.org/PatientInfo/ra ... risons.asp
  5. Elaine


    Karenl I posted a link to all the cyberknife places in the world about a week ago. If I were to have radiation this is the ONLY type of radiation to the lung that I would even think about doing. It is precise and does not damage any surrounding lung tissue. My love to you and your mom and sister and whole family. elaine
  6. Elaine

    prayers for my sis

    Kim It does seem like it was caught very early and the procedure to get rid of it is not hard at all, but I am sure she could use our prayers and your loving concern, elaine
  7. Bill I, of course, have nothing to contribute about the porta cath. I just want you to know that I think of the two of you and your son (not sure if you have more children or not) a lot. I wish there were something more I could do. Did you ever find out why they are using a chemo that hasn't worked well for your wife in the past (I know they are combining it with something new, but still....) I know you said the onc didn't bring up Tarceva, but maybe you need to bring it up. Your wife's "profile" suggests it has a good chance of working.. As far as changing oncs, I would say if you still are considering it, call around now. I would say that with the recent scan results, you could make the case that this is an emergecny and I am SURE that your wife would be seen within a week or two. You could do that as a second opinion without officially leaving the current onc. That way you wouldnt be putting all your eggs in one basket. Maybe I am out of line for expressing my opinions on this, but I worry about you both. Sheesh, I worry about us all. love and fortitude, my friend elaine
  8. Mo I wish I had a wand for the anxiety or a big blanket that would take away the worries. I am keeping you in my thoughts. Hope to hear good news soon. love and fortiude elaine
  9. I am assuming that the posts from that forum were archived in the grieving forum? But where were the financial posts archived??? elaine
  10. Elaine

    Prayer Request

    It's a beautiful prayer. Is it also a hymn? I sang it to my own tune just for the three of you. elaine
  11. Elaine

    Apt Tuesday

    Nina You are always on my prayer list. I will move you to the top. love and fortitude elaine
  12. Betty So glad to hear from you. I am glad to hear you have some help. love and fortitude elaine
  13. Melanie I know what you mean ab out having bad feelings about Drs and quckly getting other ones. I had horrible Drs. and instead of finding new ones, I just avoided them all together. But I finally decided I needed decent Drs and still had troulbe finding one, but I did. She is very good and that has helped a lot. I am wondering how you are doing and hoping to hear from you soon. love and fortitude elaine
  14. Margaret, You might try using a fan or opening a window. Sometimes air can help with SOB. I guess ask hospice about this. I think of the two of you often. love and fortitude elaine
  15. My best to you both. I know you would rather not be needing this site, but you can find answers and support here. elaine
  16. Elaine


    I am so sorry. My his family and friends find comfort at this rough time. love and fortitude elaine
  17. Curtis This is bittersweet, I know. It is a great honor. love and fortitude elaine
  18. Oh, I guess I have never had a PET specific to the brain. Why dont they do them more often instead of MRI? Expensive? I misunderstood the info, and wondered why I hadnt ever seen pictures of my brain when I got PET results. Now I know. Where did you get the reader for your scans? I cant read mine on my omputer. Thanks elaine
  19. Elaine


    Ry, I am so sorry. It really is devastating when children lose a parent. I wish all the best for the family. Give Jillian extra hugs too. It may not seem like it, but little ones are effected by the loss of a freind's parent. love and fortitude elaine
  20. Elaine

    Brain MRI

    Wishing a headache is just a headache. I know what you mean. Nothing seems to go unnoticed with me anymore. love and fortitude elaine
  21. I am a little confused though. It seems to be saying that PET can identiry brain mets, but I was told that it is not reliable at all. Plus the images on the pages I looked at didn't seem to have any areas of uptake that aren't cancer, but my PET had several places that had uptake that were deemed probably not mets. It still confuses me. I am having plain radiographs of several areas Monday to be certain, I guess but not even sure that xrays will tell the tale. elaine
  22. Elaine


    oh, Ok I get it now. The symbols for each number change each time the page is accessed and there are only the multiples of nine that are possible for the "right" answer. elaine
  23. Elaine


    but you aren't supposed to select a single digit number. Not following you but that doesn't surprise me, since I am a complete number failure, lol. elaine
  24. Elaine


    Pls tell us!!! I didnt even concetrate on my symbol, lol. elaine
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