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Everything posted by Jana_W

  1. Hi all It seems that there has been alot of ups and downs on this board this last week. I guess this just reflects what life is like, and that any group of people will not always be able to agree on things and really there is nothing wrong with that. But when we discuss things on email it is sometimes different from discussing them in person and things can get mixed up. I would just like to thank everyone on this board for any support and encouragement they have ever given to me, Karen (my sister) or Karel (my Dad). It means alot to all of us to be cared about and have support and encouragement given to us in a way that means something to those providing it. I wish all of you a wonderful weekend. I hope you all find a special moment in it. Sending you all love Jana xxxx
  2. Ooohh.......now THAT is my kind of diet. Cheers Jana xxxx
  3. Ok. Time for my two cents worth. It's pretty simple really.........if you were Aki, how would you feel being discussed and dissected like this. Supported? I think not. I don't get any of this at all. Aki, if you read this, I am sorry that you had to. That isn't fair. Take care Jana xx
  4. Oh Cat I hadn't been on the board for a couple of days and was so dismayed to read this thread. My heart is breaking for you and the pain you are going through. I really don't think I have anything else to add as there has been so much good advice etc already. I double ditto what Karen said and strongly urge you to keep looking at alternatives. As long as there is life, there is hope sweetie. I wish I had more I could say to help things. But please know I am thinking of you and sending you strength and positive thoughts and energy. with love Jana (and I am so sorry it's taken me so long to reply) xxxx
  5. Ginny I am so sorry that things are so hard for you and Earl at the moment. I am thinking of you often. Jana xxx
  6. Hi Cat I just saw this today and wanted you to know I am thinking of you and hope that everything went OK. Keep strong! Jana xxxx
  7. Jana_W

    need some help

    Hi Luannie I think I may have met you on another site and suggested you come here. If so, glad you found us, and if not, still glad you found us but sorry you had to. I hope the treatment goes well for your Mum. My Mum only had chemotherapy so I can't answer your questions, sorry. I know how hard a time this can be. Please feel free to PM me any time you like. Wishing you well Jana xxx
  8. Jana_W

    A more open forum!!

    Thanks Larry and Cat for your encouraging words. We will keep up up the fight. I am lucky I have such an excellent sister batting with me! Wishing you all well Jana xxxx
  9. Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for good results on the CT scan. Thinking of you Jana xxx
  10. What a beautiful photo Jane. Thanks for sharing with us. Jana xx
  11. Debbie, that was amazingly beautiful. Sitting here with tears down my face at work. Colleagues think I am crazy, for sure. The love you shared with your Dad shines through in your beautiful words. The memories are yours forever. No-one and nothing can take them away. They are for keeps. Not much in life is, so continue to treasure them as you do. with love Jana xxxxx
  12. Oh Ginney, I am so sorry things are like this at the moment. My heart goes out to you. Jana xxxx
  13. Thanks for the update again Connie. I have been thinking about Cheryl and Jack alot and wondering how things are going. Lots of best wishes being sent from Australia for both Cheryl and Jack With love Jana xxxx
  14. Thanks for the update, Connie. I had been anxiously wondering how Cheryl was doing. Am so happy to read she is doing a bit better, and enjoying those meds Lots of love to you all Jana xxx
  15. I just logged on and read this, so please add me to the list too. A whole ton of positive thoughts are being sent from Australia. Jana xxx
  16. Hi I am really sorry to read about your Mum. I have no knowledge of radiation necrosis. I agree with Elaine that the attitude of your doctor doesn't sound great. I would definitely be at least getting a second opinion. Is it possible that your Mum's symptoms could be due to something else like a stroke, or something similar? It seems weird to me that all her other vitals are OK if the whole brain is sufferring from a necrosis. Please keep us posted on how things are going. With love Jana xxx
  17. Jana_W

    A BIG Thank You

    Hi all I just wanted to post a big thank you, especially to all of you wonderful people who sent us thoughts of encouragement and were thinking of us whilst waiting for Mum's PET scan results. It really means alot to Karen and me to have such support whilst anxiously waiting for results. And then to be able to share the news of stable disease with you all was just the best (well, nearly the best......NED visiting would be THE ABSOLUTE BEST). Maybe he'll visit next scan......I hope so........for my Mum and for all of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you Sending you all love Jana xxxxx
  18. Beth I am sorry to read about this. I hope things do improve for you and Bob. Sending you smiles Jana xxxx
  19. BLT Thinking of you and your family Jana xxxx
  20. Jana_W

    My mother was a hero...

    Oh Cindi I am writing to you with tears in my eyes. Your Mum sounds like the most amazing and beautiful woman. How lucky you were to have her as your Mum. The fact that she defied all those obstacles and battles when the doctors and nurses didn't believe she could. Wow! I don't know what to say to you. I don't know if or when things get better. You are living my nightmare so I can only hope that it does get better, and that the pain diminishes a little bit as time goes by. I don't know what else to say. My heart is breaking for you. I am so, so sorry you are going through this. You are not alone. There are at least 1200 other people here who care about you and will be sending you millions of prayers and thoughts to help ease your pain. I am so sorry. Jana xxxx
  21. Jana_W

    I'm Free

    Jane, that is beautiful. Jana xxx
  22. Thinking of you and your Mom. Hope all is well soon. Jana xxx
  23. Hi Cat I don't really have any information to help you with, sorry Cat, but I agree with what Hebbie wrote and others suggested in that you NEED to have all the information and make sure that they have explained it to you sufficiently, and not just given you bits and pieces of information. This sounds like it is all getting very confusing (I know that I am definitely confused) and it isn't fair on you. It sounds fabulous to me that they are thinking of you for surgery and you have every right to be excited about that. Cat, I am thinking of you and really hoping this gets sorted out soon. As always, sending you a zillion positive hugs and thoughts and smiles and especially plenty of calm vibes. Jana xxx
  24. Oh Shellie, my heart is breaking for you. This is awful and sooooo, sooooo, wrong. I do not believe in God, I have never really prayed, but I will be saying a prayer for you tonight, just in case. Sending you love Jana xxx
  25. Jana_W

    Question for all

    Hi Jane Good news that the other tests showed clear. Please let us know after he has his followup with the ENT. I will be sending alot of positive thoughts your way that the polyps clear up and there is no need for surgery. Hope you find out soon. Take care sweetie Jana xxx
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