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Posts posted by michellep

  1. Good Morning Everyone! We had a light snow last night and I see a thin layer of ice across the swimming pool this morning. This means my power bill will start to increase because I have to run the pump at night to keep the pipes from freezing.

    Randy snuck into my bed last night! Kept me awake through most of it curling up against my face and purring. It's nice to have a companion in bed at night but not when they keep you awake. (Sounds dirty huh? There goes Randy's reputation.....AGAIN) I'll post pics on FB soon so you can all see how cute Randy is!

    Running some more banking errands this morning so I'll check on my FB cafe and head out soon. For those who don't know, I don't play FarmTown anymore. Don't like it much....but I adore the cafe game. Helps keep my mind off things ya know?

    Take Care all!

  2. Happy Monday everyone! It's in the 30;s outside this morning. I hear we have snow on the way. A little bit would be okay, but last year my husband had to shovel it out of the driveway so I could go grocery shopping. I'm thinking I should head out today and stock up just in case.

    Went to pick up my kitten "Randy" yesterday. I keep trying to look to make sure it's a girl but at this early age it's hard to tell, plus I don't think she likes to be exposed! LOL She's very loving and I think she will be ruling the house soon. Right now she's crawling all over my keyboard causing me to back track while typing this. Only one problem with her....she has terrible GAS! Not fun when I have her tucked under my robe when it happens. Perhaps it's due to the type of food they were giving her. I just hope this new kitten food changes all that.

    Today I have yet another financial issue to take care of since my husbands passing. I had no clue that not only does the social security pull funds out and then reimburse weeks later, but apparently the pension works the same way. I had transferred most all money into another account and now I have the see if the bank manager can reverse all those stupid nsf fees and close that account completely.

    Judy, sorry you're feeling tired and having problems with your eyes. I hope today will be better for you.

    I know Lilly just left on vacation yesterday but I miss her already


    Have a good day everyone! Gotta run....the kitty wants to type! LOL

  3. "lilyjohn"]Yes I did bake a few things. Some I gave to my neighbors and our service co ordinater. The rest to my family. I will take a few cookies on the train but not too many. I guess if this headcold wouldn't have stopped me I would have baked way too much.

    I made Pralines

    Chocolate fudge with walnuts

    peanut butter fudge

    ginger cookies and cream cheese spritz cookies

    The spritz just kind of melt away in your mouth and I am a ginger cookie fanatic. That is why I hurried and gave most of them away.

    Lilly...wanna come live with me? :D Although for some reason sugar reacts on me like a sleeping pill. The doc says that's a "good thing". So, I figured it out...I can eat all I want just before bed time. It's works! Also works on making my butt bigger LOL :D

  4. Good morning everyone! I actually slept this morning till 5am...that's two days in a row now. I'm trying to change my routine (whatever that is these days)!

    It's cold outside this morning....probably in the 30's but should warm up once the sun is shinning I hope.

    Actually left the house yesterday yeaaaaa Took my son to wal mart for a new cell phone then went to the grocery store on the way home. I wish it had dawned on me that it was the 1st of the month. It was packed everywhere with people. I hate crowds....they make me nervous. Anyway, going out yesterday ended up costing me too much money ughhhh So, today I'm staying inside.

    Judy, I know what you mean about arthritis in the hands. I used to crotchet a lot and had to stop because of it. Sad really because I loved it so much.

    Any of you who read my wall yesterday knows I'm going to be getting a baby kitten! I hear she's a little terror and yet adorable, so I've decided to name her Randy! :D:D

  5. I too am so sorry to hear about your Mom and also that her doctors are trying to get financial assistance for the Tarceva.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you....as always.

    I too hate this disease....more than I can ever even begin to say.

    Bless you and your Mom Susan.

  6. Diane,

    It's always smart to look ahead but also remind yourself that you are currently stable. That's such a wonderful thing!

    I wish only the best for you and you're family.


  7. Tarceva is no longer considered a trial drug. You oncologist can prescribe it to you if he feels it will help. Good luck and let us know how you're doing.

    My husband took Tarceva.....just make sure to get the prescription cream to help with the rash that follows.

  8. I was told when I had to call hospice in for my husband that medicare covers the costs 100% at the earliest of 60 yrs old. Before hospice was called in we used our private insurance for nursing and health aides. It was very difficult to say the least on getting our insurance to approve these visits. I don't know your age, but if your at least 60 yrs old, I would suggest calling medicare and asking.

    Having hospice in at the end for my husband was a blessing. They treated both of us with lots of caring and love which was a world of difference from our private insurance company.

  9. I don't really quite understand why suddenly yesterday was so hard for me. The tears just would not stop. I assume it was because reality was finally beginning to set in. I kept telling myself these past weeks that he was just on another business trip and would be walking in the front door anytime. Logic tells me of course this isn't going to happen, but something just kept holding on to that wish.

    It was 10am yesterday during my meltdown when my son came in and I immediately asked him to go to the store because I needed a drink and buy some alcohol for me. He didn't like it but he went anyway. I ended up spending the day drinking and finally fell asleep at 6pm. The only good thing about that is I actually slept till 5am this morning which is rare these days.

    Coming here and reading your posts helps me a lot and I appreciate all of you more than I can ever say. I'm telling myself that this is going to take time....a lot of time. It's only been 6 weeks for me and I shouldn't push myself into healing so quickly and I certainly shouldn't be going through his things right now. I need to just walk away for a bit and get outside of the house and perhaps visit with friends. I'm going to try


  10. In some ways things seem to be getting harder for me. I don't know if it's because the shock of it all is setting in or the holidays are here. Going through all of my husbands things (slowly) if so difficult. I have many places where I started and put things into piles and had to stop because of the tears. Now I have these "piles" all over the house.

    I know that I need to walk away from these projects and get out of the house but I can't seem to bring myself to do it very often. I think I've only left twice in the past six weeks. I'm hoping that this job I'm waiting for will help me. They said it takes 5-6 weeks for the criminal back round check to be complete. Seems like a long time, but then time is all I have right now.

    I've decided not to put the big tree up this year. I'll get a Charlie Brown tree like Randy!

    Anyway, for all of us who have lost a loved one I want you to know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you.....for all of us.

  11. Hello everyone! I woke up again as usual at 2am. Can't seem to get myself into a normal routine. When I woke up I thought I heard the swimming pool pump running and maybe my son forgot to set the timer. I looked outside and it was raining! I had no clue it was coming but I'm glad it did because we haven't had rain for such a long time.

    I don't know if anyone remembers but I went to get fingerprinted for a job. Well, it seems I'm now having issues with my home phone. (canceled the cell last week). When people try to call me "sometimes" they get a recording saying this number is no longer in service..........OMG What if this place tries to call me? I've called Verizon a couple of times and they can't seem to fix it. Don't know what I should do now other than go over to this place on Monday and explain. Just wish I could get it fixed!

    Today I'm just going to stay inside which is typical for me these days, but I want to try and sort out some of these piles I have of my husbands things. I have a few items set aside to mail to his son. Just hope he appreciates them, but at least I'll have tried right?

    Well, I'm off to FB now for a while and enjoying a hot cup of coffee. Hope everyone is doing well today.

  12. Kim,

    I'm so very sorry for your loss. Losing someone you love hurts beyond words I know. I lost my husband on 10-13-09 and am deeply grieving. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at such a sad time.


  13. What? Where is everyone this morning? I wonder if all of you are so full of turkey you can't get out of bed today! LOL

    It's another one of those mornings where I don't know what the weather is like because it still dark outside. I got up again about 2am this morning. I gotta figure out a way to change my routine I suppose.

    I did however call the telephone company at 3am because I've been having issues with incoming calls. People tell me that sometimes they get recordings that my number is no longer in service. This is the last thing I need while I'm waiting for a call on that job huh? ughhh

    Right now I'm having some coffee and pumpkin pie. I was too full to eat any of it last night but noticed my son ate half of it! Oh well, he's a growing boy, right?

    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had our celebration of life for my husband. I sat a place for him at the head of the table and my son and I shared good memories of him.

  14. Today is Thanksgiving and my plan was to do a celebration of life today in honor of my husband with our son. WELL....during the preparation I discovered that my funnels and baster were "missing" :-o Then I remembered how my husband always used to "borrow" these things for god only knows what and I would have to replace them. Well, today was a day when they weren't there when I needed them and it actually made me smile because of all the little "tit tats" we used to have.

    Anyway, it's almost time to carve the turkey and have our celebration of life, but I wanted to post this memory first. Hope you're all having a wonderful loving day!

  15. Happy Turkey Day to everyone! Judy, I'm glad you're able to spend this day with your family, but please don't overdue it ok?

    As always I've been up since 2am again :( I've just been playing FB and visiting here to see if anyone was around.

    I made my pie and cranberries yesterday. It will just be my son and I today, so I'm making the dinner simple. I really haven't cooked much in months since my husband was ill and my son is so darn picky. Every holiday when I'm cooking I like to play music while in the kitchen so I've picked out some nice cd's that will cheer me up (hopefully).

    Getting through all the "firsts" is hard as many of you know. But my husband used to always tell me what a strong woman I am, so I'll get through it.

    Wanna hear something funny? Each year while I had the turkey in the oven I used to tell my husband....look outside...you won't see one single bird in sight! He laughed and said it's because they smell their relatives!!! LOL I'm looking out my window right now too and can't see a single bird. You need to all look and let me know if it happens there too! LOL

    Happy Thanksgiving to each and everyone of you and God Bless!

  16. 17 Ways To Cook A Turkey

    1. Go buy a turkey

    2. Take a drink of whisky

    3. Put turkey in the oven

    4. Take another 2 drinks of whisky

    5. Set the degree at 375 ovens

    6. Take 3 more whiskys of drink

    7. Turk the bastey

    8. Whisky another bottle of get

    9. Ponder the meat thermometer

    10. Glass yourself a pour of whisky

    11. Bake the whisky for 4 hours

    12. Take the oven out of the turkey

    13. Floor the turkey up off of the pick

    14. Turk the carvey

    15. Get yourself another scottle of botch

    16. Tet the sable and pour yourself a glass of turkey

    17. Bless the dinner and pass out

  17. Good morning everyone! Not sure about what the weather will be like here today because yet again I'm up while it's still dark outside, but if it's anything like yesterday it should be clear and just a bit nippy.

    Yesterday was a good day for me. As many of you know I've been having a hard time emotionally. Seems like just after my husband passed things started breaking down around the house. It was especially upsetting to me when my car wouldn't start the other day. I looked under the hood and there was a huge build up of "stuff" all over the battery. I was just thinking that I would call the auto club and tow the darn thing into the dealer and get charged a fortune. But a friend of mine who's husband loves to work on cars came flying over here yesterday and fixed everything for me. He even checked all the fluids etc. These are things my husband always took care of and now I'm faced with the reality he can't take care of those things for me now.

    But anyway while my friends were here I ordered some food delivered and we eat the food popped open a few cans of beer and they put some music on that we all used to listen to as teenagers. It was fun talking out what our lives were like during that era and laughing. I couldn't believe it because we all actually stood up and started dancing to the music! I realized when I lay my head on the pillow last night that this had been the first time in a year that I actually "Laughed". I think it was good for me and I know my husband would be happy too.

    This certainly doesn't mean I won't continue to have bad days, but last night was a good one. PLUS....my car runs now!

    Have a great Thanksgiving everyone. My thoughts and prayers will be with each and everyone of you.

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