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Posts posted by michellep

  1. Spent my day doing mostly "nothing". Although yesterday I mopped the floors ( I have 3,000 sq ft home with no carpets) so it was a BIG job to say the least. My poor back is suffering from it today.

    Right now my wonderful son is in the kitchen making dinner. What a sweet guy huh? Hope he doesn't get mad though when I tell him I'm not hungry. Maybe tomorrow? Leftovers are always good too right?

    Little Randy kept me awake most of last night wanting to play. So, tonight he's sleeping in my office. Still in training....but I need some sleep.

    Well, have a wonderful week end everyone. I'm sure many will be decorating, baking and shopping! Enjoy!

    ((((hugs to all)))

  2. I agree Randy...I think I should be able to donate them. From what the oncologist and pharmacy told me it's illegal here in California. Both of them just told me to toss them in the garbage. Haven't been able to bring myself to do that though, so for now I have about 30+ bottles of meds sitting in a box. Just doesn't seem right does it?

  3. Oh Judy! A massage sounds wonderful! My husband used to always get me a certificate for them on my birthday etc. Sometimes when he could see I was stressed as well. I haven't had one now for almost a year. Maybe I could drop a hint to my son ya think?

    Today is Thursday which means "trash day" so I'm going to try and toss a few more things out. I need to take advantage of the space since there is so much that needs to get thrown away. Doesn't sound like much fun, but it has to be done.

    Baby Randy slept in my bed with me last night and was such a good boy. No playing with my hair in the middle of the night. Just cuddles and purrs :)

    I'm trying to decide about holiday baking. I would like to make some things for neighbors, friends and my doctor's office. I'll try.....but gotta hope my son doesn't eat them all before I can deliver them. I bought a half gallon of ice cream the other day and it was gone the next morning. I never even got to eat any of it. Seems that my son thinks these things expire in 24 hrs. ughhhh That's okay, I've lose quite a bit of weight this year and don't want to put it back on anyway.

    Have a good day everyone!

  4. My loving thoughts and prayers are with you all....all of us who have lost our loved ones. I'm so grateful that we have each other here or it would be sheer hell for us. I love each and every one of you....and I pray every day for all of us.

  5. My dear friend Ann.....I wish I could help you. I wish that we could all get together in the same place and have one BIG hug...many many. And let's not forget the we'll need cases of kleenex! I myself am in such a sad place and I want so very much to help others. In a way, it helps me too ya know?

    My son has a call into my doctor right now due to my multiple meltdowns. I'm terrified out of my mind thinking they are going to simply put a white wrap around jacket on me and toss me into a padded room. If you don't hear from me, you'll know why :(

    God help us................please find a cure?

  6. Good morning everyone! I woke up this morning all twisted around in my bed. I was in the opposite direction for some reason. Blankets and sheets were all twisted. I must have been having some wild dream, but I'm sure glad I don't remember it!

    It's in the mid 30's this morning but the sky is clear so that a good sign. Still doesn't mean I'm going to do anything outside of the house though. This is my safe zone for now and I have no plans on leaving until I'm forced to on the 21st for a doctors appt. My son is going to have to drive me there because I've been having some major panic attacks? Hoping for a "magic pill" from the doc. It would be easier if I could just do this over the phone but he won't let me. ughhhh

    Baby Randy is very playful this morning. I have more scratches to prove it. Still trying to teach him that my arms are NOT scratching posts.

    Well, have a good day everyone!

  7. What Causes Caregiver Burnout?

    Caregivers often are so busy caring for others that they tend to neglect their own emotional, physical, and spiritual health. The demands on a caregiver's body, mind, and emotions can easily seem overwhelming, leading to fatigue and hopelessness -- and, ultimately, burnout. Other factors that can lead to caregiver burnout include:

    * Role confusion -- Many people are confused when thrust into the role of caregiver. It can be difficult for a person to separate her role as caregiver from her role as spouse, lover, child, friend, etc.

    * Unrealistic expectations -- Many caregivers expect their involvement to have a positive effect on the health and happiness of the patient. This may be unrealistic for patients suffering from a progressive disease, such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.

    * Lack of control -- Many caregivers become frustrated by a lack of money, resources, and skills to effectively plan, manage, and organize their loved one's care.

    * Unreasonable demands -- Some caregivers place unreasonable burdens upon themselves, in part because they see providing care as their exclusive responsibility.

    * Other factors -- Many caregivers cannot recognize when they are suffering burnout and eventually get to the point where they cannot function effectively. They may even become sick themselves.

    How Can I Prevent Burnout?

    Here are some steps you can take to help prevent caregiver burnout:

    * Find someone you trust -- such as a friend, co-worker, or neighbor -- to talk to about your feelings and frustrations.

    * Set realistic goals, accept that you may need help with caregiving, and turn to others for help with some tasks.

    * Be realistic about your loved one's disease, especially if it is a progressive disease such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.

    * Don't forget about yourself because you're too busy caring for someone else. Set aside time for yourself, even if it's just an hour or two. Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury. It is an absolute necessity for caregivers.

    * Talk to a professional. Most therapists, social workers, and clergy members are trained to counsel individuals dealing with a wide range of physical and emotional issues.

    * Take advantage of respite care services. Respite care provides a temporary break for caregivers. This can range from a few hours of in-home care to a short stay in a nursing home or assisted living facility.

    * Know your limits and do a reality check of your personal situation. Recognize and accept your potential for caregiver burnout.

    * Educate yourself. The more you know about the illness, the more effective you will be in caring for the person with the illness.

    * Develop new tools for coping. Remember to lighten up and accentuate the positive. Use humor to help deal with everyday stresses.

    * Stay healthy by eating right and getting plenty of exercise and sleep.

    * Accept your feelings. Having negative feelings -- such as frustration or anger -- about your responsibilities or the person for whom you are caring is normal. It does not mean you are a bad person or a bad caregiver.

    * Join a caregiver support group. Sharing your feelings and experiences with others in the same situation can help you manage stress, locate helpful resources, and reduce feelings of frustration and isolation.

  8. Janet..............I'm so very happy for you! What a wonderful Christmas present isn't it? I can almost see that big beautiful smile of yours when you got the news!


  9. So glad you made it safely and you didn't have to go thru snow! They keep saying snow is on the way here, but not yet. Just thin layers of ice across my swimming pool. It is cold though.....I've even been wearing my husbands thermal underwear LOL

    Nope, haven't heard from Marissa or even Carleen. I've sent them pm's to see how their both doing during the holidays but haven't heard back. I hope and pray all is well with them. It's hard when someone just suddenly disappears from the board and I worry so much about them. My prayers will continue of course and I hope they return soon.

    Enjoy the time with your family my friend. You'll have to email me your cell number again. My mind is just crazy these day.

    My thoughts and prayers and with you and Ann now as well. I know this is a hard time for you ladies. Wish we could all get together!

  10. I woke up this morning thinking it was Sunday. My mind is "out there" sometimes. My desktop weather says it's currently 33 degrees but since I'm in a warm house with no plans to go anywhere to day I don't care. Just as long as it doesn't snow which there's no word of yet. But then, up here where I live the weather is always a surprise because they can never truly predict it.

    Turns out my baby girl kitten, Randy is actually a baby boy! After getting mauled all over my hands and arms I finally found out the truth. Well, he's just going to have to get used to the pink collar huh? It has a little bell on it which helps let me know where he is so he can't get into too much trouble. From what I'm told about male cats it's important to have them spayed before six months of age because they tend to spray things to make their territory and it's stinks badly, so I'll make sure that's done asap. ewwwwwwwww

    I had a dear friend come visit me yesterday during one of my bad spells. When she heard my voice on the phone she flew over to cheer me up. What a wonderful thing to have a friend like her. I have always felt she was a gift from God and I still do :) Lucky me!

    I'm hoping to get the "phone call" this week for that job. My son thinks it's too soon for me to go back to work, but I had already pull the wheels in motion you might say. Besides, since I don't leave the house much it might be a good thing for me. Seems all I do these days is Cafe world of FB and fertilize my friends crops.

    No Christmas decorations this year. Can't bring myself to do it, but my son and I will have a nice dinner with honey ham. Another one of my son's favorites.....he sure has a lot of favorites doesn't he?

    I sure miss Lily....I hope she reaches her destination soon. All that train traveling much be boring. I wonder....is she afraid to fly? I forgot to ask about that.

    Well, have a good one my friends and enjoy your day :)

  11. "RandyW"]there are 2 many people here that care about you to let that happen to you!!!!! We aint gonna let you off like that Michelle!!! Don't make me have to come out to fontana and find you!!!! hugs prayers and warm blankets under the stars!!!!

    You won't find me in fontana LOL my niece lives there nor me. But it's semi close. Thanks thoug Randy....I consider you a dear friend. Sorry for any typing errors, but Randy Jr. likes to type. LOL

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