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Everything posted by lindseysmom

  1. It is very tough. It has 2 years and a couple of months since I quit smoking. There are times I still want one. The other night I even reached for one. I know that I can never pick one up again, not for even one puff, my addiction was and is that bad. I too have had dreams about them. I don't think about it all the time anymore. In fact I can't stand to be around smoke anymore. I work with the public and there are times that someone who smokes will come into my office and I start coughing. Best Wishes, Dee
  2. Glad you had a good time Ginny. Best Wishes, Dee
  3. Hi Beth, Did you ever ask your oncologist about the lower weekly dose of chemo as oncodoc suggested in a earlier post. That is how I received my treatment. I did three weeks on and one week off. I started my first round when I was doing radiation. I did not have any trouble with my treatments, until 3-4 months into treatment. That's when my platelet count dropped. Best Wishes, Dee
  4. Becky, Have a wonderful time. Best Wishes, Dee
  5. Hi Dave, Hope you, Karen and the kids have a great time camping. Glad you were able to get your flu shot. I still need to see if I can get one next week. Probally a good idea for everyone on the board to get one if the can. Have a great time. Best Wishes, Dee
  6. Hi Ginny, We have a White Tail resort here in Virginia also. Ours is a nudist resort. Although its getting a little cold here to go. No, I'm really not a member. Have a great time. Best wishes, Dee
  7. lindseysmom

    Too soon?

    Hi Kathy, Chemo reacts different on everyone. I never had any bad side effects from my chemo. I would usually have my treatment on Tuesday and on Fridays I would feel tired and a little achy. Never had any major problems. I worked the entire time I was taking chemo. The only days I missed work were the days I had my treatment. There are some on the board that have had nothing but problems. Hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones like me and not have any problems. Best Wishes, Dee
  8. Dear Don and Lucie, That is wonderful news. Congratulations!!! Best Wishes, Dee
  9. lindseysmom

    Dean Carl~

    Dean, My thoughts and prayers are with you. Best Wishes, Dee
  10. Hi TAnn, My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope your treatment goes well. It is ashame that you had to spend 8 hours there to receive your treatment. I know you had to be completely wiped out. Hopefully you can get some much needed rest. Best Wishes, Dee
  11. Thanks Sean for sharing that wonderful story with us. Best Wishes, Dee
  12. CONGRATULATIONS DAVE!!! Best Wishes, Dee
  13. I was just on ALCASE web site and read this post that maybe helpful to others here on this board regarding Iressa. Under a new law, non small cell lung cancer patients currently taking Iressa(gefifitinib) may be eligible to participate in a special Medicare program that could significantly cut the cost of the drug. Depending on income levels, patients could save between 58% and 98%. Who to call 1-800-532-5274-The Patient Advocate Foundation 866-563-5386- the company that is working directly with the federal government to enroll people. You can also check out ALCASE website. www.alcase.org I hope this information will be helpful. Best Wishes, Dee
  14. Hi Beth, Sorry to see you are still having problems. I was hoping you would be doing better. I haven't been on the board in awhile. By the response you have received seems that it is stress. This post has giving me a sigh of relief. I have had several in the last month. I'm still going to tell the doctor when I see them on the 20th. I would certainly tell your doctor also. I hope you start to feel better soon. Best Wishes, Dee
  15. Hi Beth, I am sorry you are having such a hard time with your treatments. Hopefully the new combo will be much better on you. I can't even begin to imagine everything you have been going through. I was one of the very lucky ones. Chemo really did not bother me that much. Best wishes, Dee
  16. That is great news. Best Wishes, Dee
  17. I am so sorry about your nephew. I will certainly say a prayer for him. Best Wishes, Dee
  18. Welcome Baydreamer. I have stage111B and have done extremely well with all of my treaments. Surgery was never an option for me. I have been stable for a little over a year and feel really good. As for Dad only wanting your Mom with him this could be the only way that he can cope with the disease right now. I never wanted anyone with me. After I was first diagnosed, I went to every treatment by myself, including the time they told me what stage I was in. Best wishes, Dee
  19. Carrie, Welcome to the board. Glad to see you doing so well. I have been stable for a little over a year. Best Wishes, Dee
  20. Hi Beth, Glad to see you are doing a little better. I was never on Taxotere but I also had a really bad case of indigestion. Lasted for awhile but then things got better. I feel great now. Best wishes, Dee
  21. Glad to see Lucie is doing so well with chemo. Best wishes, Dee
  22. The coughing could be coming from her smoking. The smoke could be irritating her lungs. I have not smoke for a little over two years. I loved to smoke, but now if I am in close quarters with someone who is a heavy smoker, I start coughing. I can feel it in all my chest. I am a loan officer and interview people. Some of the smokers that come into my office, well it just just bothers me so much. I start coughing and it can be very embrassing. Its hard to do my job at times. I sorry that your Mom is also having to deal with her job and the insurance issues. Hopefully the attorney will be able to help her. Best Wishes, Dee
  23. Congragulations Cheryl and Jack, Best Wishes Dee
  24. Yeah TAnn stable is a really good word. The word stable is one of my most favorite words now. I've been stable for over an year now. Hopefully the MRI will be ok. Best Wishes Dee
  25. Lisa you and your husband should be so proud of yourselves. What a smart, wise and insightful person your son is. Best wishes, Dee
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