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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Ooops,Sorry these escaped my round up.Staff at LUNGevity Chicago,I will append all names later. Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 344&type=1
  2. Hi Everyone, Today I visited LUNGevity's head office and met al the staff,two of whom offered to show me aroung Chicago,we decided on a river and lake boat ride to see the skyline.To morrow I will be visiting the Planetarium and museums.Hope you like the pics. Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... bbe&type=1
  3. Good Afternoon Everyone, Thanks for your good wishes regarding my cold,still here, but I promise this little bug I refuse to let develope into man-flu,just back from a great day out,exhausted.Well having visited our LUNGevity office in Washington DC,it was time to hit the headquarters in Chicago,I phoned ahead to give the staff forewarning,you got to give people a fair chance to escape the building,have'nt you?.Well I got properly dressed for the occassion,must pass KatieB's muster,so kilt check-Breathe Deep T-Shirt check,off I went,what welcome,nobody had bailed out, Barbara and all her team made me so welcome,took some photographs (will post in soon as).Well we chatted,it was then decided,two volunteers to show Eric a bit of Chicago,decided on a river and lake boat trip to have a good look around Chicago's architecture,it was just great,as my pics will show,prior to boarding the boat,we visited the newly erected statue of Marilyn Munroe,at 30ft tall she is going to be a must for tourists to visit,its of course the famous walking over the grill scene,I promise I kept my eyes at street level LOL,imagine my two companions were unaware of the film she was in with Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis-"Some Like It Hot" a must see for everyone who likes films.After the boat trip it was time to say good bye to my two companions,however I do have tomorrow with some company of LUNGevity staff,we are going to visit the planetarium,perhaps even a museum,thank you Barbara for you and your staffs efforts showing me around. Oh last night,I was planning a early one,first a beer in the bar and then to bed,see if I can shake off this cold,well I got chatting to a fellow hotel guest,who was here with his family,his name was Scott,(Irish background)as we chatted his wife turned up,they had planned going out for a meal,well he asked me would I like to join them?,well no need to be asked twice,we went to Chinatown,a really authentic Chinese restaurant,ie,the only other customers were all Chinese,so I just knew the food was going to be good,and it certainly was,the table was laid with 3 different dishes in the centre of the table,and with the use of only chopsticks,we were able to sample all three dishes,Scott refused to accept my contribution to the bill,not only that during the meal he disapeared for a while,when he retuned he handed me a box as a present,it contained a jade type buddha? which was a good luck charm for good health,thanks guys, for sharing your night with me,it was very much appreciated.I really have to say,the generosity of Americans towards me has been overwhelming. Going to have a short nap,before dinner tonight,I will post in my pics later.Bye everyone.
  4. Good Evening Everyone. Finally got to my hotel room in Chicago,these last days since leaving Niagara,have been really difficult for travelling,15hrs stuck at Buffalo,waiting for the train to Cleveland,no sleep that night,little the following day.I managed to pick up a cold yesterday,and it it now taken a hold on me.Again the train to Chicago was an overnight one again,I cannot sleep sitting upright,3.30am departure from Cleveland,we arrived in Chicago one hour overdue 9.30am,apparently held up by rail frieght movements,really tired,sore throat,running nose,I arrive at the Holiday Inn,only to be told they do not check anyone in until 3pm,not what I wanted to hear.I had breakfast in a corner Pizzeria,I went back couple of hours later and asked for a beer,sorry we dont sell drinks unless you also buy a meal,whatever happened to the saying the customer is always right,but I am not hungry after my bacon ,sausage,two eggs,potatoes and toast,just recently.Well managed a sleep for three hours,going to get a shower and get dressed,go out and find a quite place for a beer,still not hungry.Wonder what Chicago has to offer me this week,I know absolutely nothing about this City,the windy city I am told,so I am not going to wear my kilt,well actually I am going to wear it to visit the LUNGgevity office here,along with my Breathe Deep T-shirt,if I can find out where it is.Well enough about me and my moans and groans,what are all you getting up to,sorry I am not keeping good track of your posts,so forgive if I am a little vague on your adventures. Hi JudyKw,with all thats you have been through recently and still going through,I really dont think you have anything to reproach yourself for in meeting up with friends,when you are not feeling at your best,relax,you dont have to fake anything with friends,if they are friends,everyone understands what you are having to deal with,just be yourself,and enjoy youself . Hi Bud,what on earth-still cycling? in this weather,phew I have enough problems dealing with the heat just walking the streets,and I am not in Texas.Nice to hear you have moved up in the world,hob nobbing with the Mayor,well done you,you will still post in to us ordinary mortals?. Hi Annette,Hows the new shoes,$200? these are not for wearing,you put these in a glass case and then into the display cabinet.Best wishes for your Birthday,I would have loved to share it with you and Keith et al.Good to hear you are getting back into your reading stride,I was always a good reader,just dont seem to have the patience for it anymore,maybe this will return. Hi Judy MI,Gosh you and JudyKW are always up to something healthwise,now you have broken your finger-ouch-hope finally this is your last health issue. Got to go,bye everyone,see you all to-morrow.
  5. Good Evening Everyone, Well bags are packed,I am ready to go,taxi driver will be arriving to pick me up in a couple of hours. I had a great day in Clevelands Museum of Rock and Roll,its a shame they have a no photography rule within,I did sneak a couple anyway,might end up in jail?.There was so much to see,maybe too much,histories of music genres,individual stars,costumes worn and of course lots of guitars.There was a whole section given to British Groups,all my favourites,Kinks,Beatles,Rolling Stones,Hollies,Dave Clark,Petula Clark,oh the list goes on,what no Cliff Richard and the Shadows?its a shame this guy so deserves a place here,think he has sold more than 200 Million records worldwide.I am going to write a letter of complaint to the Museum.It is also striking the American stars that were missing,unless I just didnt notice them,eg Beach Boys,Bread(David Gates what super songwriter)Bob Dylan,didnt see Diana Ross or Tina Turner? there were many like- 90% of stars,I have just never heard of,but still fun to read their histories also.Maybe the missing popular singers and groups dont really fit the Rock and Roll genre,and are therefore excluded? I was picked up by my local taxi driver Dave,he has done a lot of running me about,we have become good friends even introduced me to his partner today,anyway he dropped me off at one of his local posh restaurants for my evening meal,really enjoyable,I went through to the bar and ordered a Drambuie on the rocks,always nice after a dinner,the girl asked if I would like another,no thanks,I got packing to do,here, just as well I refused,you know what they charged me? $11.72.I did tell her ,that her restuarant has just won first prize,for the most expensive drink I have bought in the USA,beats Rosie O'Grady's by $2.72.LOL,funny I dont think she was too pleased with that accolade,but she did apologise,she dosnt set the prices. Well thats all folks,hope I have'nt been too boring,I will get back some time to-morrow from Chicago,this will be my longest stay so far,I move out next Saturday for St Pauls/Minneapolis. I have managed to catch a cold today,sore throat and bunged up nasal passages,think its to do with the constant changes in temps from being outside and then inside to air conditioning?Bye for now.
  6. Good Morning Everyone, Just a wee quick post,Judy I am in Cleveland today also,my train to Chicago leaves tomorrow morning-early-3.00am,arrives 8.45am.I am waiting on confirmation of a hotel booking in Chicago,another Holiday Inn one,its ideally located right in the city centre,it looks really good,I used the advice I read in the Rough guide to the USA.I am just about to set off for the Museum of Rock and Roll.Yesterday I had a wander around my hotel,there is a local shopping centre,one shop is modelled exactly as my Costco in Glasgow,same procedure,you got to sign up and pay for a membership.however,with my Scottish accent and blue eyes,the lady at the membership desk said,go get what you want and I will put them through for you.Its funny,seems they dont get many Scots in the store,the assistants kept going on about my accent,which of course is silly since they were the ones with the accent.i did take a pic of two of the girls,promising to put them into facebook.I did manage to find a pack of 4 reading glasses for $20,so back to the hotel happy,it is so hot,I scouted around for a bar for a beer,there's not even a restaurant in this area,my hotel dos'nt have a bar either?. Well got showered dressed,asked at the desk about local restaurants,found a likely one 2 miles from the hotel,it was just brill,great food, ambience? soon after my meal a band came in and set up right next to my table,their music is not one I am very familiar with-the blues-well their type anyway?,but it was enjoyable to listen to,if a bit strange to my ears.Anyway they had a break and sat down beside me for a chat,well they sure were friendly,we shared a good night,a couple of beers, I even had a wee drambuie (or two) we parted comany at the end of the evening,they have taken my email address to keep in touch with my adventures that lie ahead,KatieB provided me with cards with my contact details printed on them,but I had given away what I was carrying to the girls in the store earlier in the day and forgot to put more in my wallet. Well museum time,I will come back tonight and let you know all about it,have a great Sunday everyone.Bye.
  7. Good Evening Everyone, Finally arrived at my hotel in Cleveland,it is as Stephanie said on the outskirts,$45 taxi ride instead of the $120 Boston Framingham? location,although I did ask the front desk,about the public bus link with Cleveland,all I got was vague looks,hoping its just because the staff have no need of that service,well its not that important since I will be departing for Chicago on Monday. Well what can I tell you about since I brought you up to date yesterday in the shopping mall in Buffalo,well what follows wasnt the best of my holiday so far,I did find a nice restaurant for a beer,steak and french fries.Its leaving 9pm,stores beginning to empty,I discover it closes at 9.30pm,better get back to the station before I am left here-alone-in an out of town mall,I have a card for a taxi number,would you believe,battery is dead,search for a public phone,nowhere to be found,starting to feel uneasy,since I have no idea even to walk the 4 miles to the station,I dont know in what direction?anyway I enter a shop to ask if I can use their phone for a taxi,the young assistant says no problem-I use my phone for you-wasnt that really nice,he even refused any payment from me.Well relief taxi arrived as the car park was just about empty,arrive at the station,still 2 1/2 hrs until the train arrives at midnight,sitting in the waiting area,with a few other passengers,an annoucement is made,the train is running late ETA now 3.00am,oh no,not what I wanted to hear,I have been stuck in Buffalo since 1.30pm,thats going to be approx 15hrs total,I am really a tired bunny,I try unsuccessfully to get comfortable enough in my seat to get a sleep,thank goodness for my ipod and a copy of a rough guide to the USA,actually train arrives at 3.30am,the railway staff are wonderful at misrepresenting the situation,they are quite pleased to say,the train is only 30mins late,I had to remind them of the other 3hrs they had, ahem- forgotten. Anyway,arrived at the hotel,I just flopped down on the bed and did I fall asleep?,just woke up now,had a shower now feeling much more refreshed.Think I will go now and explore the local environment. Well not many posts in so far?hopefully more will drop by later. Hi JudyMI,what on earth are you doing-putting children on thr grill,I am going to report you,(brats-indisciplined children?)Sorry to hear about your kidney infection,hopefully will clear up soon with the treatment prescribed.Good signs from the Doc making reference to your previous scan seemingly unchanged,well I am sure this will be confirmed by your oncologist shortly. Hi Lillian,Really sorry to hear about your head cold,you are absolutely right to pass on driving your friends about,take things easy,I am glad you had a super time with your daughters nad family visit,shame these visits pass so quickly,bit like my holiday,the days are just rushing by,well certainly hope any more days like yesterday,will LOL. I will stop by later see who subsequently turns up,have a great weekend everyone.Bye.
  8. Hi Everyone, I travelled to Toronto from Niagara Falls,just for a wee day trip and meet up with Jane,we went for lunch in the CN Tower,wonderful views,not many pics though,too busy blethering. Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... e1e&type=1
  9. Good Evening All, Arrived at Buffalo station,its a bit remote,I have arrived by taxi to a huge out of town mall,about 4 miles from the station,killing time wandering the shops,I lost my comb yesterday,so despite such an array of shops here,finding one that sells combs isnt easy,bought one eventually in a beauty shop,$11,the girl said its made of carbon fibre,so should last a lifetime,yeah right so does plastic ones last similar,if I didnt keep losing them,rather have a plastic $1 one,well Eric,this is America.Guess what? another wee irritating setback,somehow I managed to break one of the legs of my reading glasses,its OK,they were only £9 in the UK,no point Eric having more expensive ones through turnover LOL,losing and breakages, well I found a shop here that sells glasses,the assistant keen to help me choose a new pair,think the cheapest started at around $130,poor chap didnt realise I am from Scotland,needless to say I am typing here with glasses missing a leg. Oh spent some time going into a cinema to watch the new Harry Potter film in 3D,although I hadnt a clue trying to follow the plot,but the special effects were really good,I think to understand the film you would have had to have seen the previous dozen or so,or have read Rowlings books,I have done neither,its so very British I wouldnt have thought an American audience would enjoy it?. Thanks Stephanie for the lowdown on my hotels location,I really struggled to get some where local to the Rock and Roll Museum and the Amtrak station,it wasnt so much price reasons,but all the hotels in that area were fully booked.Well just 6 hours to put in,really disapointing that Amtrak only runs one train per day down to Cleveland and Chicago.Well Monday I will move down to Chicago,probably going to have the same problem. Well I cannot stand in a shop dorway posting all day,think I will go and find somewhere to eat,seems all I have seen so far is fast food shops? I might be back later to have something to do,bye.
  10. Good Morning Everyone, Just about to vacate my room,I am departing Niagara Falls for Buffalo on the 12.30pm train,unfortunately the next train to Cleveland is not until midnight,so I will just have to kick about Buffalo with my suitcases for about 11 hours-sigh.I have booked the Holiday Inn until Monday,its at Oakwood Village,hopefully not far from Downtown Cleveland. I spend the most brill day in Toronto yesterday,meeting up with Jane,think we both talked the legs off the table,we just got on so well with one another,always a concern,prior to meeting someone for the first time,I need'nt have worried.Jane is just a lovely person,I am so glad my taxi driver initiated the idea to take me to Toronto,I would have never considered it myself,in fact I had no idea,geographically how near it was to Niagara.Jane had arranged a meal in the CN Tower,the restaurant actually revolves,the views from the restaurant were just amazing as my pics will show,we also went for a wee drink at a local pub,it was so hot to walk about outside,the air conditioning within was such a relief.Our time to-gether?,well I just dont know where it went,in no time we had to part for our respective taxis,I just want to say Jane,thats for taking the time out with me and your company,you certainly gave me a day to remember,maybe with luck,we can meet uyp again. I am sorry Judy's,I am floating about everywhere having the time of my life,and you both are not having the best of times,JudyMI-is my schedule too busy to meet up with a friend? all my friends in LCSC are my schedule,its one of the main reasons I am here to meet as many of you as is possible,my only regret is missing so many of you,OK,Niagara Falls,Empire State Building,Smithsonian Museums,absolutely wonderful,but meeting you all is infinately more rewarding.I really hope your thoughts of a return of your cancer is unfounded.Why guys drink?maybe like myself,its nothing more than a wee bit of leisure sharing a pint with the boys,than something of a deeper reason. Sorry got to go,I have to vacate by 11.00am.Not looking forward to the next 24 hours,may be I can manage to get back on line and share some company with you all,sorry I didnt get to mention everyone,just lack of time,be good everyone,bye.
  11. Hi Stephanie, I just had to chuckle to myself,typically I read my post after I have posted in, so reading the word Boston? instead of Seattle,where did that come from Eric?sorry about that maybe, Judy KW is right I need to rest up for a bit.
  12. Good Evening Everyone, Moisture inside camera panic over,I recharged the battery,re-instated it,and the camera is working perfectly.Tomorrow is all arranged,I am going to Toronto,meeting up with Jane (Trawna),she has kindly agreed to meet me,thinking of doing it with some style,wearing my kilt and the Breathe Deep T shirt,as KatieB says,plenty of pics please,well that shouldnt be a problem now.Hope you enjoyed my pics today,its funny I had a walk up the town centre just opposite here to the American Falls falls,it occured to me with the sight that beheld me,that on one hand we have one of natures most beautiful scenes,and on the other,we have Canada's Niagara town centre,it is really such a tawdry place to visit,it is just full of casinos,penny arcades,Franensteins Haunted house,waxworks,fast food places,one bar I went into just to have a cool down beer,sitting at the bar stool the barmaid asked if I wished to see a menu,well the place was simply jumping with people,I could hardly hear this lady for the background noise,sorry not my idea of a place to eat,I left after the beer back towards my hotel.I was thinking to myself,I am I such a snob,thinking along those lines,maybe I should appreciate more that some people there were actually having a great fun day out with the family,well I am settled in the hotel lounge and got chatting to a Dutchman who is also working on his laptop,when he said to me,isnt it a shame to have such a beautiful natural wonder like the Niagara Falls to have opposite such a grubby town centre,my wife and I only stayed for a couple of minutes and left.Well he had no idea how much better he made me feel regarding my thoughts. Hi Randy,It was was Christine I had missed,she left as I was arriving at the Falls.Shame I would have loved to have met up,she really is such fun in facebook. Hi JudyKW,I hope everything went well for you today.I know what you are saying about a day out,but it things just seem to run away with me,as mentioned I am meeting Jane in Toronto tomorrow,I am really coping well with my holiday adventure,I suppose I can rest up when I return to Scotland,but hey in the meantime,its party on. Hi Judy MI, You really are not having the best of things healthwise just now,spasms,hernia and the thoughts of a recurrent tumour,well I am really hoping your tumour concerns are misfounded,and the others can be successfully dealt with.Best wishes for better days starting tomorrow. Hi Annette,Hope you enjoyed the Falls pics,you just gotta see them sometime.I agree do with you regarding JudyMI,I would have loved to meet up,it did cross my mind to visit Grand Rapids en route to Chicago,I think thats somewhere near where Judy lives we will see how things go,both for Judy and myself.Nice to hear wayward earning some brownie points for a change,could this be a turning point?. Hi Alan,Good to hear from you,gosh you are another that I would have loved to have met,I passed near your neck of the woods twice,my train stopped at Baltimore station too.The Red Sox? is that the ones from Boston that wear funny Viking helmets,I seen them in their hundreds,but I didnt have my camera with me at the time,drat.Catch you next time round Buddy,take care of yourself. Hi Stephanie, Nice to hear temps in Boston are warming up for you,seventies is just perfect for me,so hopefully August will be similar,really seems Seattle temps and weather is much as Scotlands,so if its pouring down on 13th it will make me feel at home LOL,looking forward to meeting you. Hi Bud,With the temps I am experiencing since I arrived in the USA,just adds to my admiration of your cycling abilities coping with temps above 100 degrees C.Well just going next door for one nightcap before turning in,goodnight everyone,sorry if I failed to mention anyone,not intentional.Bye.
  13. Hi Everyone, This is the pics taken today at the Canadian side of the Niagara Falls,problems with my camera after my sail on the Maid of the Mist,seems even under a plastic mac,moisture has got into my camera,and is no longer working,hopefully,leaving the lens off and the battery out,it will dry out and work again,fingers and toes crossed,I cannot do without my camera.Anyway,I think there are some really good pics there ,enjoy. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... fc6&type=1
  14. Good Morning Everyone, I am in Canada just now,I left Boston at 7.00am yesterday,rail ticket to Niagara Falls was actually two,one to New York-4 1/2 hours,Lft New York at 1.15pm arrived at my hotel at 11.30pm,its is over the Rainbow Bridge in Canada,someone told me the Falls are better viewed from that side.I thought I would have travelled directly West from Boston to Niagara,cutting down the travelling considerablely,since there is such a rail link,so why New York beats me?. The hotel is well located but pretty basic,when I opened my hotel bedroom door,there was a pneumatic drill going,boy was that noisey,turns out this was the air ,well rather a warm room than a sleepless night,so its off for good.Wish the hotel was the Boston Park Plaza LOL. The Hotel mentions free wi-fi,so I tried to post in last night,my netbook tells me no network,I later discover,its only available in the public areas,so until 5 seconds ago i was sitting on a pack of towels,with another large pack to serve as my table,in the lobby on the first floor,that is until the maid came along and removed my table an chair,so I am now on the floor continuing my post.I am sorry I havent read your posts yesterday,Amtrak has wi-fi on all their trains,yeah right,with so much time on my hands,I tried to post in,their net link just dos'nt work,grrr. The taxi driver who dropped me off last night offered to drive me to Tornonto for $300,and would return and pick me up again 5 hours later,thinking about it?I would have to add another day here,since I was intending to go to Cleveland on Thursday.Need to go now,bodies beginning to ache sitting here,have a great day everyone,I am just off to enjoy all that the Niagara Falls has to offer,someone told me you can walk behind the Falls,sounds fun,I will also go on the Maid of the Mist,hoe my camera can cope with the Mist?.Bye,will post later with how I got on.
  15. Thanks Annette, Hee,Hee,Hee.
  16. Good Morning Everyone, Read the posts late last night but too plumb worn out to post,the ammount of walking I have been doing these last days,even despite my floating on air trainers I bought,I still have sore feet,on one a blister on the side of my heeljust waiting to burst,oh the trials and tribulation of being on holiday. Another super day yesterday,this is getting boring,having so much fun everyday-yawn-wish I was back at work-Tee Hee,oh no I dont.As you may have seen I was on the city sightseeing bus yesterday,went to the aquarium,super place one of the best I have visited,then on to the naval dockyards,got on board the Tall ship Constitution,also visited the museum there,really interesting place,filled with tales of seamens experiences of serving in the American Navy,the hardships,the loss of limbs and lives engaging in battles with the British (Boo) during the American Wars of Independance,mind you they had their good times also,sharing prize money when capturing ships,the museum has two long glass tubes fixed to the wall,open at the top for you to drop a coin in one or the other,The question is-after completing your visit to the museum,would you have signed up to join the navy at that time in America's history? you vote by dropping a coin into the Yes tube or the No tube,well the Yes tube had about half as many more than the No tube,the Yes people must be off their heads,there's no way I would want to share company with cannon balls being fired in my direction,not forgetting musket balls and bayonets. Went to an Italian restaurant last night,the food was just great but oh,I could only manage half the main course,I did ask though for ice cream ,again far too much,couldnt finish it. I went back to the hotel and had a drink of Sam Adams,think Keith introduced me to this beer ,lovely,shared a conversation with a guy on the next bar stool to me,turns out he is a commerical pilot (the hotel seems to be the choice of loads of flight staff?)well as we got talking,he mentioned he also had cancer,skin melonoma 11 years ago,it was dxd as stage 4,since he had his treatment all that time ago,he has never looked back.He is would you believe from Seattle,and was so interested in the LUNGevity walk in Lincoln Park on 13th Aug,he is coming to join me-that is,unless his flight intinery prevents him attending. Hi JudyKW, How I wish things just now for you were otherwise,Stan away from home and you having to face chemo on Wednesday,I do think about you,would have loved to spent some time in your company,sharing a meal,having fun.Best wishes for Wednesday,I do hope everything goes smoothly.What is Dominick up to just now? he will probably be on holiday now,any chance he can make a visit to you?think he is just what you could do with,a little bit of his company. Hi KatieB, Another one with an absent husband? Taj Mahal,I would love to see that,boy, was that Shah Jehan rich and in love,to build something that beautiful for his lost wife? I am so pleased to hear Dr Jack West is going to speak at the Breathe Deep Walk in Seattle,along with Sen Andy Hill,I have seen a video of him,he is a remarkable person,such an inspiration,such distinguished company,I am so looking forward to meeting you,and all your friends,its going to be such an exciting day.Wait a wee minute,you've got me down as a speaker along with such company? gulp-where's the exit?,mind you if anyone there asks me to recount my American experience of travelling about for 7 weeks,I am going to ramble on for hours. Hi Annette,missing you and Keith,wish you could have come along with me,it woud have added so much to my trip.Sorry to hear about the continual saga with wayward,its so difficult for you when you have tried your best for him,and he gives you back so little in return.I hope there is a suitable programme the authorities can place him with,that will have a constructive effect on changing his attitude and behavior.Whatever happens to him you have nothing to reproach yourself for,you did everything you could to help him. Gosh thats the maid at the door,I thought she's early,its only 7.15am?,wait a wee minute it was 7.15am on my watch ages ago-its 10.21am my watch has stopped?its self wind,so this shouldnt happen?Got to dash catch you all later.Bye.
  17. Hi Everyone, Sunday 18th July,travelled on the sightseeing bus around Boston,took the following pics,hope you enjoy viewing them. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 9b5e608e18
  18. Hi Everyone, Thought I would sent in the link to my first days pics here,sorry about the disjointed order,its beyond my control http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... dc8cebe831
  19. Good Evening Everyone, Just woke up after a nap for an hour or so,had a shower to freshen up and got dressed for a night in the town.I have had a super day,out looking for a laundromat (thanks JudyMI),couldnt find one,well I didnt really try very hard,found a city bus sightseeing trip ,I asked the driver when he was stopped at traffic lights where I can board,a real gentleman and wit,he opened the doors and let me board,got a ticket? he asks, no, I reply as I take the seat sit at the front of the bus, opposite him,well he says,there is a variety of combinations of rides,two day ticket,plus extras like,a cruise,visit to Harvard at Cambridge,$400 for the two days,he says,I gulp,thinking about getting off the bus at the next stop,he and the passengers have a bit of a laugh on my account,he then says $38 for the two days,well I had the most enjoyable bus ride in this drivers company,he just knew so much about Boston and its History,including Harvard graduates,some like 60 living billionaires,goodness how many since passed away,also famous drop outs,Bill Gates,and the guy who invented facebooks-oh not forgetting Matt Damon.Well I did go to visit Harvard,apparently,if you are a graduate of this Uni you dont say-I have been to Harvard,you say I am familiar with that place. Well the bus trip has given me a chance to identify,places to visit with my camera,oh the pub Cheers is just across the streeet,got a pic of the front just as shown on TV,surprise,surprise,the prog only used the image of pub front,all the episodes were filmed elsewhere. Well I now know why the Hotel is called the Boston Park Plaza,the park is just a block away,Stephanie what a co-incidence you have also been here?,I am on the 14th floor,maybe its even the same room I am in?.Well just to continue,after my bus ride,I went into the park,snapped away at everything that moved,cannot wait to review the down/up loads? to my netbook,oh there was a bridal party there getting their pics taken,I asked could I take some too,this to the groom-sure go right ahead,and I did. Think I have rambled on long enough,you deserve a break,so its goodnight from me,as I venture out into the Boston nightlife. Byee.
  20. Good Morning Everyone, Just got my netbook all set up in my new hotel I booked at 3.00am this morning,well this time I have made a good job of it the room is beautiful as is the hotel,downtown Boston,across the street is a lovely park,and I am close to all Bostons ammenities?(sorry no dictionary to check spelling LOL).I will be going out to explore shortly,must find a laundrette,the hotel offers a cleaning service,boy think it would cost more to clean the clothes than to bin the lot and rebuy everything,eg $7.50 for one T-Shirt,socks $3.50,wonder if thats each? I did get back to expedia,to inform them of my decision to move out of Best Western,when asked why,I told them I was misinformed about the hotels location,my expectations of any kind of a refund were extremely low,its just cutting my losses against over $200/day taxi rides.Well believe it or not,I asked them to check my recorded booking yesterday and you will hear me asking the location of the hotel and being told,in the City Centre,the rep said she would check to see if this conversation is still available and would get back to me,what do you know she phoned me back 30mins later and said,you are correct Mr Byrne you did ask and were told City Centre so we are reinstateing your money back into your account,hooray. Well Judy,I suppose your fish was a baby mutton snapper?glad you enjoyed it,for dinner last night,something I didnt expect to find on an American menu,Haddock in breadcrumbs,a traditional Scottish dish,it is was delicious,washed down with a pint of UK Bass beer,I was a dog with two tails last night,and just to add to the pleasure,I asked the waitress if the TV channel could be changed over,from the baseball to the British Open,sure she said no problem. Well talking of food,its just gone 9.30am and my tummy is beginning to rumble so I am off for a wander,to find somewhere to eat,and a laundrette.I will drop by later to see how you are all enjoying the weekend-Happy Birthday Keith,have a great one.Bye.
  21. Hi Stephanie, Thanks for your suggestions,I asked the guy at the desk yesterday about public transport,bus/train?he told me no buses, nearest train link is 9 miles away.I have been up since the back of 3 am,it now 5.15am,I have just booked into another hotel,central to Boston, I hope,its the Boston Park Hotel and Towers at Arlington Street. I am just going to have to cut my losses at Best Western,I was a bit impatient searching out a Boston Hotel,from my New York room,I really should have explored a bit more,before jumping in,mind you I was totally mislead by the expedia representative,saying the hotel was in the City Centre,I should have double checked,as I have done in the past,by phoning the hotel first bfore confirming the booking,or even Google Earth its location.I dont really think there's much chance of any refund,its put it down to experience time-again LOL.
  22. Good Evening Everyone, To-night I am in Framingham,Best Western Hotel,I have really fouled up this time,I had booked this one through Expeadia,you know the group that fixed me up with a hotel for the Isle of Arran,eight miles from Brodick,trouble was it was on the mainland with no ferry connection,well they've done it again.Prior to confirming this booking I asked the guy for its exact location,-one minute Sir,I will check it out-its right in Boston City Centre,OK says I, confirm the booking.I get a taxi at Boston South Station,its a $100 ride plus tip,from Boston City Centre,no other means of travel available to and from this hotel.I could have spent this ammount on a more expensive hotel for the four nights,and saved all the travel time on the traffic congested roads.I have sent an email to customer services at expeadia,in complaint,will have to wait on a response,if they even bother to reply.Wish I had Googled Earthed-Framingham's location. Well my last night in New York,meal back in Rosy O'Gradys,then off to see the Jersey Boys,music was just great,well worth seeing,mind you if you have to choose between that and Mamma Mia,the latter is the better one.Got back to my hotel,about 11pm,there a bar next door so I thought I'd pop in for a wee quick beer,sitting at a stool at the bar,chatting to the barman,when I hear a girl nearby shouting to her friends "He's Scottish",next I am surrounded by a group of guys and gals of the younger species,Scots,Irish and English,they are all expats living in New York,what a welcome they gave me,its party time,the guys have formed a soccer team and take on Americans all over the districts of New York,they call themselves Manhattan Celtic,they won the league trophy for this year,its hugh and has pride of place on the bars gantry.I wish I discovered this place earlier in the week,since they go in for a couple of pints every night.I didnt leave that pub until about 2am.Everyone inviting me back to New York in the future,dont book a hotel you can stay with us.Kinda made me wish I stayed in New York a bit longer,but Boston was now booked,oh well. Sorry not been taking wee notes of your postings,but I do remember JudyKW mentioning the places on my route,come on dont just sit there pack some bags and you and Stan can join up with me,I would just love your company. Annette,pass on Happy Birthday to Keith,enjoy your pool party this weekend. Hi Bud,big brother is watching you,get that garage door fixed. Happy Anniversary KatieB,(thanks for reminding us Bud,I kinda even forget my own) Hi to everyone else I havent mentioned,but you are all in my thoughts everyday,particularly Sara,hoping everything is going well with her,looking foreward to seeing her at Lincoln Park on 13th Aug in Seattle,and maybe some other weel kent faces to boot.Goodnight everyone have a great weekend,see you all tomorrow.
  23. Good Afternoon Everyone, This is my third attempt at posting in,why does the post simply vanish just as I reach the final line?. I had a really good day yesterday,oh I took my mouse back since the plug fitting didnt match the port in my net book,the guy took out the cable from the packaging got to the end and pulled the plug off to reveal a USB plug,why do I not spot these things?. Jessica of LUNGevity New York,arranged for her friend Kathleen and I to attend a recording of the David Letterman show,we arrived at the theatre to find a huge queue around the block.Jessica's boyfriend is a lighting engineer for the programme,met us and took us straight into the theatre to the best seats in the house,front row balcony,above the obscuring floor cameras and other equipement .We enjoyed the pre-record rehearsals,a group from Liverpool and the warm up guy,Daivid Letterman also appeared to share a few laughs with the audience.There was a presentation given by a young girl,on new toys for this summer,among them a gun that shoots water pellets,Daivad just had to try it out,some of the audience received first hand experience of the water pellets.Show opened with a new kid on the block actor,everyone knew him but me,seems he was up for an oscar for his last film,I really must get up to date with all the current celebs.Show was over in the blink of an eye,Matin arrived to show us around the set and backstage,downstairs is actually where all the works done,you wouldnt believe all the people thats required to bring a TV prog into our living rooms,one room that Martin showed us,had $15 million in electronic gear installed in it,they had a room devoted entirely to sound effects,another for inserting film clips or charts etc,finally we were taken to the green room,photos hung on its walls of all the stars that have been in it,Beatles,Diana Ross,Tina Turner,Ray Charles to name a few,and now Kathleen and Eric,things cannot get bigger than that.Time to say goodbye to Martin,he sincerely invited Kathleen and I to return anytime,thank you Martin,you are a real gentleman andyou made my day. No wait-the days not finished yet,off to a Irish restaurant for a meal Rosie O'Grady's,super food,Kathleen asks me if there is anything I have still to see in New York,well I have a list as long as my arm,I did mention to her I took a pic of the Statue of Liberty from the top of the Empire State building,but it only appears as very small of course,Kathleen suggests a closer look from the Stattan Island Ferry,would you believe this crossing is free?well as night was setting in I got some nice pics of the New York skyline as well as the SOL.Kathleen finally took me up to Grand Central station for a look,impressive,we then said our goobyes,thank you Kathleen for taking the time out to share a day with me,hope we can meet up again. Well still got my last night in New York,think a meal and finally a visit to see the Jersey Boys.I have spent quite a while here today on line,got my hotel booked in Boston,really looks good with lots to do there,just noticed there a four railways stations into Boston so dont know which one I will be arriving in.Hope to get back to you to-morrow night,enjoy the rest of today.Byee.
  24. Hi Everyone. Some pics from facebook,hope you enjoy. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... ce8aaff059
  25. Good Morning Everyone, Thanks for all your advice in understanding how to get about New York,the penny has dropped,twice yesterday I was able to map read from point A to point B successfully,particularly gratifying when I set out from SW to NE of New Yorks districts,I also walked from 52nd Steet in Broadway back to my hotel,mind you what I saved on taxi fares I lost to sore feet LOL. I visited the Crysler Building,also thought yesterday I would visit the Empire State Building,its only a few blocks from my hotel,well unfortunately,I think half of New York decided to join me,finally got to the observation platform when my cell phone rang,it was Jessica wanting to meet me at a restaurant,phone link was poor,but I did hear her say,restaurants location details have been emailed to my netbook,so having spent only a few minutes taking some pics,it was back to my hotel,to get the details.Well we finally met up,shared a lovely lunch and conversation,this young girl was such a pleasure to share some time with,attactive,intelligent and a natural talent in fundraising,she is off today to Philladelphia to help organise another fundraiser for LUNGevity,we really are so lucky that LUNGevity has her on board. I have another date today,just confirmed with Jessica's friend Kathleen to meet up in 53rd Steet/Broadway at 3.00pm to attend a recording of the David Letterman show,afterwards we are getting a wee tour "Backstage",who knows might even get an introduction to the man himself,would'nt that be something?.I bought a mouse for my netbook yesterday,couldnt wait to get back to the hotel to try it out,removing it from the packaging revealed a round plug with several pins inside,drat, my netbook,has a rectangular socket,so its going back to the shop today to see if I can get it replaced. Bud,sorry to hear about your garage door,what a strange world,when self fitting a new door is more expensive than having it installed by a company?. Well I will now re-attempt having a shower,it was occupied when I tried half an hour ago, thats Hotel Gulag for you,remind me to upgrade when booking my hotel in Boston on Friday.Bye for now,I hope to drop in to-night,have a really good day everyone,bye.
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