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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. eric byrne

    One Year

    Hi Ronnie, Like KatieB,I cannot believe its a year since Pats passing,its nice to have a place to visit Pats resting place that you can place flowers.I am sure Pat would be pleased by your guesture,may you continue to post in,it been a pleasure for me to read your posts over this last year.I wish you happiness as you continue your lifes journey.
  2. Ooop Sorry, Think I clicked the wrong box folks,sorry,what a numpty.
  3. Good Evening Everyone, Well a quiet Monday follows a busy weekend,Star Trekk on Friday and the Bon Accord on Saturday.Myself ,Jennifer and Chris had a super night listening to the Morgan Lee Band,not that folk music is Jennifer and Chris’s type of music (Chris plays Bass in a very successful heavy metal bandI -definately not my type of music).It was quite a surprise when Hugh the lead singer and mandolin player introduced a song and said it was dedicated to Eric who came to see us in Arran.I gave the band the DVD of my pics of Arran,dedicated to the best folk band at the folk festival,think that got me some brownie points,on Sunday they asked me to befriend them in facebook,also telling me how they enjoyed my pics of Arran.I checked them out in facebook,and found they had some videos of some of their concerts,which I really enjoyed seeing. Today,spent some hours in the gym and pool,likewise planned for tomorrow am.Pm invited into Roy Castle’s Glasgow office,I am taking the DVD pics of Fridays walk for their usage.I think the meeting is to introduce me to the new members of staff I was involved in the interviews to choose them,possibly also to define my new role as a volunteer. My sister Dot phoned to remind me to book a cruise on the Waverly this Saturday“Doon the Waater”as they were called, yesteryear,thousands of Scots prior to having the means to travel abroad,to Europe and Florida,they had holidays on the Isles of Bute-Rothesay.The Waverly is world famous,I think for being the last sea going paddle steamer,it should be fun,there is folk musicians on board to provide the entertainment throughout the journey there and back.The boat is that old,and the owners have constant problems in finding the money to keep the ship maintained e properly,so I may end up being marooned on Rothesay,hope I can be rescued in time for my flight to the USA.LOL. JudyMI,Sorry I missed the US open,unlike Augusta which is covered by the BBC,the open isn’t,it probably is available on the subscription channels like Sky Sports.Good to see he didn’t lose his nerve this time round.Well I do have full access to watching Wimbledon for the next two weeks,come on Andy,you can beat Nadal et al. Hi Judy,Cracker Barrel is a very popular cheese in the UK,but not a restaurant.LOL. Hi Annette,Its 9.15pm here,so I presume your ordeal is over now,I hope everything went well and you will be posting in some good news regarding Marco. Hi Bud,you sure take your fishing seriously,”I have just installed a new depth finder transducer”sounds like you are tracking submarines(watch out Randy) I will believe it ,if you next mention fitting a depth charge launcher. Hi Lillian,100 degree temps and out walking about,who do you think you are-Bud?,Funny you mentioning Scotlands scenery,I remember some years ago,new maps of the UK were being discussed to include areas in the UK having areas of outstanding natural beauty,eg,the Lake District in England and Snowdonia in Wales,to simplify things the whole of Scotland was designated thus. Hi Sara,Happy Birthday-belatedly,glad you are getting the nausea problem under control,oh I so hate that feeling,it can really get you down.The outdoor comedy night sounds just what the doctor would order for you,glad you had a happy birthday.gosh 32,what would I give...... Hi Bruce,Well your buddy catching a 35lb Lake trout,must be a local record,eat your heart out Bud. Got to go now,enjoy the rest of Monday all,bye.
  4. Hi All, Thought I would share with you the ladies walk around Glasgow city centre. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 99351a621a
  5. Good Evening Everyone, Busy day today,out and about with Jennifer shopping for home decoration materials,she is moving back in with Chris and wants his flat to have a complete makeover.Her contract at Anniesland College finished yesterday,so she is now unemployed and has the time to spare to carry out the makover,before starting her new job second week in July,I think she is going to take the Glasgow teaching job and not the London one. Well I had a great night last night,with the Ladies Star Trekk walk around Glasgow,turnout was just short of 300 which was a bit dissapointing since the target was 700,it rained all day,so I guess it put a lot of people off turning up.However for those who did turn up,they did have a really good time,hats off to the organisers,it was really wellstaged.Radio Clyde 1 was there to provide the musical entertainment,also organised was Zumba sessions to warm up to,fortunately,early on in the evening the rain fizzled out.I did as you would expect, take loads of pics of the entertainment pre-walk session and of course the walk itself,through Glasgow,we had excellent support from the police dept who provided us with an escort throughout the walk,they also held up the traffic at every crossing point on the route,lots of support from the public cheering us on our way and passing motorists,sounding their horns. I have burned my pics onto a DVD to pass on to David McCue of the Roy Castle LC Foundation.org for their circulation,I think he will be pleased with the results.Just spent a frustating hour,unsuccessful,I may add, in trying to tranfer my pics from the SD from my camera into Facebook and here,oh I wish I had a brain,I will be seeing Chris tonight,see if he can talk me through the process-again. I am meeting Jennifer and Chris at eight tonight at the Bon Accord Pub in Glasgow,we are going to see the Morgan Lee folk band,it should be a great night.Got to go, its just on 7pm,grab a bite to eat and on my way,may drop by after I get home,probably after midnight?Bye.
  6. Hi Lillian, Thanks for such a decriptive post,I really enjoyed reading it.What a super end to your car off the road story,I am so pleased to hear of you getting back on the road.I quite forget that walking about in most parts of America at this time of the year is a bit different from Scotland,we average mid sixties,although in prolonged cloudless skies, the sun can push this upwards to the eighties.So if it isnt raining our climate makes for comfortable walking in. JudyKW,there are currently in Scotland all kinds of walks for various charities,in the big cities like Glasgow and Edinburgh,these traditionally take place late at night,in actual fact,tonights Star Trekk starting at 8.30pm is really early as all the other are described as Mid-night Walks.One in Edinburgh is particularly interesting-a mid-night ghost walk,through some of the back streets in old town Edinburgh,where there have been recorded sightings of ghosts or scenes of infamous murders that have taken place over the centuries eg where Burke and Hare, plied their trade,fancy a tour with me? Whooooo!!!
  7. Hi Bud, Thanks so much for the plug socket pic- I have been had,I've got the wrong one,yet it said on the packaging-universal-suitable for use in the USA.I was advised by Donald the guy I met from Philladelphia, on Arran, to buy the conversion one here in the UK as it would be more difficult to find one in the US.At least thanks to you I can now shop with a bit more confidence and get the right one.
  8. Hi Annette, If I focus on something I really go for it,I have let my weight drift upwards these last two years,35lbs,to be exact,its got to go.The last straw for me was climbing the spiral steps of the Wallace monument,I was so out of breathe reaching the first landing area,everyone was looking at me,including one guy who offered me his bottle of water. No girls there get my attention,its strictly 1 1/4 hrs on the treadmill (4 miles) 2kms on the rowing machine,then onto approx 10 muscle exercising machines,total workout-continuous-2 1/2 hours,then its downstairs into the swimming pool-target 20 lengths,although not continuous-yet.Jucuzzi next-10mins,ditto,sauna and steam room.Shower, change,home, total time 4 hours and I feel great.Given up,potatoes,french fries of course,biccies (cookies)max two slices of brown bread/day.Only drinking water,fruit juice or zero sugar fizzy drinks,no tea or coffee(to avoid the added sugar)milk is also off my menu,and the most serious one to drop-my little tipple of Whyte and MacKays. I have been well warned about portions in USA eating places tend to be gynormous,so maybe have to ask each time for childrens portions LOL.
  9. Good Evening Everyone, Busy day today,missed out my usual four hour gym workout,spent most of the day in Glasgow shopping for odds and ends for my US hols,some success but still other things to find ,drat,hoped I could do the lot in one visit.I bought a electrical plug convertor from the UKs 3 pin type to your 2 pin type,hope its the right one? This one has two flat pins kinda sloping towards each other at approx 60 degrees,does that sound right to you?. Looking forward to the Roy Castle, Glasgow Ladies 8Km Star Trekk Night Walk through the city centre,I have volunteered my services as a Steward,fun starts at 8.30pm with a Radio Clyde 1 Road Show with the well known presenter Roxy providing the entertainment for two hours, which includes a mass warm up and dancing.The walk commences at 10.30pm,all proceeds to Lung Cancer,700 participants anticipated.Really nice of Marti Pellow (Wet,Wet,Wet) to endorse the event. Saturday Night going into Glasgow again to the Bon Accord pub,the Morgan Lee band are playing,my daughter Jennifer has decided to tag along,so I am really going to enjoy myself. Hi JudyKW,talking of funny books,have you read David Nivens autobiographies?,The Moons a Balloon and Bring on the Empty Horses,the latter a reference to the film director Korda (Michael?)when David was filming the Battle of Balaclava,he heard Korda shouting “Bring on the empty horses”he corrects Korda,saying it is Riderless horses you should have said.Korda furious about being corrected says “You think I know F*** nothing,let me tell you,I know F*** All.Have fun on your luncheon dates,keep smelling the orchids. OK Bud I have to admit I don’t know what a Roku Box is?.Both you and Bruce hankering for retirement and JudyKW too, for Stan,well I have to say so far,I have found it to be very agreeable,I am enjoying the freedom to choose how to spend my day,I just wonder when the long dark nights of winter appear,will I be fully occupied with my time?.I do miss the daily exchange of banter with my former work colleagues,that is just irreplaceable.Hope you can all join me, soon as. Hi Annette, Best wishes for your advocating on waywards behalf,I really hope the school board resist the temptation of taking a hardline that would result in exclusion.Given worst case scenario,is there still a educational opertunity for wayward to enrol in another local school,to continue his education?. Hi JudyMI,Just dying to know,how did Randy get on in his new job?.Gosh lucky you invited to two BBQs on the same day?hope the venues are not too far apart from one another.Tip-dont volunteer for the washing up. Well its actually to-morrow again,see you all later,enjoy the remainder of Thusday.Bye.
  10. Hi Cathy, Thank you for the upbeat report of your Dads progress,its so good to hear.Please keep 'em coming.Great idea you doing a solo to Las Vegas,freedom to do your own thing is just wonderful,I am doing exactly the same,sorry I will miss Las Vegas,maybe next year?.VIP tickets to see Donnie and Marie to boot?dont forget the camera and post in the pics please.Enjoy youself,you certainly deserve to,please pass on to your dad my best wishes.How about getting him to post in during your absence,I am sure we would all enjoy that.
  11. Good Morning Everyone, I did actually write this post for Tuesday’s Air,when will I learn?, after completion I clicked submit and found myself looking at the log in page,I did hesitate before clicking,to consider writing down what I had written,no,we will chance it.Well its all gone,byee. Well its 1.15am and since I no early rise for work in the morning and not being particularly tired I will do a re-write. Quiet day Tuesday compared to previous days,Jennifer wishes to borrow my car the first week I am in the USA,so I phoned my insurance company to insure her as a driver for that week.Jennifer commences a teaching job in a private boarding school in the London area,for the remainder of the time I am away.She has full board and lodgings,so salary can be spent on fun things.However later in the day she phones me back to mention her concerns about leaving Sally,given her problem,at the same time I am away,Jennifer has just been offered another teaching job in Glasgow and it is better paid,so she may consider staying here,well back to the insurance company tomorrow and add her as a driver for the additional weeks I am away. Seems to be some concern I may find America, as JudyKW puts it bland and Annette as boring,after all my adventures in Scotland recently.Well I have to say Eric does not do Bland or Boring,having received from Annette a ton of brochures,also reference to other infro and online,my visit to America is going just filled with fun and excitement,if I don’t enjoy myself it will be entirely my own fault. Hi Judy KW,having read all your posts about your life in a tropical paradise,travelling about Florida and other States with Stan in your RV,where you spent housework pruning a room filled with orchids,I would hardly call your lifestyle bland.Good to hear of your luncheon dates with friends on Friday and Saturday,you are getting back into the swing of things,have a great time,its overdue. JudyMI,I am really sorry to hear of the premature passing of your step brother,can you pass on my condolances to the rest of your family.Could you also pass on to Randy my best wishes for his first day in his new job,I hope he finds himself in a new career that meets all his expectations and rewards.Also for you a new volunteer opportunity you can immerse yourself in.Gosh its all change isn’t it?. Hi Annette,If for whatever reason you decide to leave your present employ,may I suggest a suitable alternative,one in which you are well qualified for-circus performer-juggler-to be precise.Coping with your Mum,work and wayward and still being able to present to the world a touch of humour,leaves me in awe at your patience and resilience,I would have jumped off the roof long before now.Hopefully better times are just around the corner. Hi Sara,wishing you the best outcome for your chemo today,hoping it all went smoothly.Congratulations on becoming the new owner of a Taco Terrier,thanks to Buds research,I now have an appreciation of his breed,may you enjoy sharing each others company for years to come.Looking forward to meeting you in Seattle. Hi Bruce,Nice to see you dropping by,hoping the farming is getting along fine,tell your cows and calves I was asking after them. Well its 2.00pm,time for bed,see you all later in the day.
  12. Welcome Dom, Sorry to hear about your dx,I was dxd with NSCLC in Oct 2008,following chemo and surgery,I was looking for some survivor stories that could give me some hope of a future,my GP dismissed my request to return to work,telling me to take some quality time out,since I had only 2 years max to live.What a charmer,well one night I bought my local evening newspaper,in it was a feature of a guy who was starting up a Lung Cancer Support Group in a hospital in Glasgow,what I went on to read was just the medicine I was looking for.The guys name is Robert Lowe,in 1993 he was diagnosed with advanced SCLC,his doctors gave him only two months left to live,Robert didnt give in,he demanded a maximum attempt by his doctors to give him treatments that would extend his life.During his chemo,he was hospitalised,and was so ill going through this treatment,his family were called out to his bedside as the doctors didnt think he would make it through to the next day.Well Robert did make a recovery much to everyone's surprise then in 2007,he was diagnosed with NSCLC,had some treatment and is now recognised as the UK's longest survivor of both types of Lung Cancer. Well I enrolled as a member of Roberts LC support group over a year ago,Robert and I have much in common,both Glaswegians,brought up in the same district,went to the same schools,despite being 10 years my senior,we shared the same teachers,each time we meet its non stop laughter,this guy at 71 years old is also the UK's oldest,youngest teenager,and I am proud to have him as my friend. Dom,I wish you well as your treatments commence,dont take any put downs from people who ought to know better.Just reading of your story of personal courage in the face of adversity,I know you can be another Robert.Keep the faith.
  13. Well JudyMI, You have your air conditioning in the States,we just found a cheaper version for Scotland,we are canny you know.It is more environmental friendly too,particularly for the girls on windy days.
  14. Hi Stephanie, You are right,seems I have lost my monopoly in being the only male on the charity walk,well the main purpose is to raise money for worthy causes,more guys means more money,the more the merrier.Oh the girls are all pussycats,friendly and fun loving.
  15. Hi Everyone, Isle of Arran pics,hope you enjoy them.http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... e632c665e4
  16. Hi Everyone, This is the edited version of the pics from this years charity walk,target to raise more than £30,000.Hope you like them,Arran on its way.http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... f80743192b
  17. eric byrne


    Hi Paulette, How about - "I may have cancer,but it dosnt have me".
  18. Good Morning Everyone, I am back,came home last night,read a wee bit of facebook and did some short replies,I made an attempt to catch up on the Airs I have missed,well you have all been so busy,so much to read,I will have to return after this post. Would you believe when I got home yesterday,Sally was still in her chair,orbiting Planet Pluto,at least conscious of my return,but still spaced out,I asked her, did she attend her meeting with Asda on Thursday(I had to leave her money for taxis)yes she said,I went yesterday,(Sat)unable to give me any coherent infro,so I am guessing she spend the money on more drink and didnt go.There was a card behind the front door,left by the postie,a letter addressed to Sally is at the local post office,she has to sign for,probably from Asda-You're fired message?.The fun continues,I really have to find a flat in Glasgow and move on.Wait until I return from my hols in the USA,goodness knows what state the house will be in?. Well to happier thoughts and reflections,my trip to Arran.Arrived on the car ferry,it was hugh, only been on small ones to Millport before,hotel 5 mins walk away,beautiful,I randomly picked a winner.Spent the first day,travelling around the perimeter of the island,its exactly 57 miles,stopping at various places,to take pics,it really is Scotland in miniture,outstanding scenery,I will post in shortly the pics I have taken.Apparently,visitors who first arrive,continue to visit for the rest of their lives,one guy I spoke to arrived for a holiday in 1964 and never returned home,same with other guests I spoke to in the hotel,they keep coming each year and to this hotel?what strange people?,but the island does have charm and always has something for everyone,I will avoid any further tourist patter,think my pics will speak for themselves. I shared a breakfast in the hotel Fri morning,with a couple who were on their last day on the isle,and were going home early next morning,guess from where?-Philladelphia,gosh after meeting the Lady from Virginia on the West Highland way recently,it is a small world,anyway the guy is called Donald,retired computer person,we talked and talked,did we hit it off,oops I have forgotten his wifes name,well they were going to get a bus to the waterfall at Whiting Bay,I offered to run them in my car,so started a lovely day in their company,Donald was just full to bursting sharing with me,a thousand things about America,tipping,Obama,Congress,Senate and Taxes,boy are these complicated,you have taxes for everything,think that includes breathing.I just about choked when Donald,living on his works pension only,too young for anything from the state,tells me he pays well over a $1000/month for medical insurance,wow,how do you all afford it?,Donalds son is studying Music for 2 years at Manchester Uni at this moment,and appreciates the UKs free health system that includes his son,should he require to use it.I wasnt really prepared for the 2 miles hike to the head of the waterfalls,what a climb,they had to wait for me a few times,until I caught my breath,I was a wee bit embarressed,but they didnt seem to mind at all,well it was really worth the effort,the falls were beautiful,surrounded in heavy woodland,which I love walking through,Donald tells me they are higher then Niagara falls,though not the same volume of water of course.We take lots of pics,will share with you later. Shared a pint with another solo traveller in the local hotel,his name is Dave,works for the RSPB(royal society for the protection of birds)we have such a good time,he comes to the folk concerts with me,afternoons -outdoor ones-impromptu performers just turn up at the venue and give their best for free,weather warm and sunny,a perfect day,music just super,mixture of Scottish,Irish and English.Evening venues ,all in the Brodick Town Hall,I ask the ticket collector girl at the door for any taxi numbers for going back to the hotel,see thinks for a minute,I think John can run you in the mini-bus,yes,no problem,see him at the end of the night,the evening bands are great,3 of them,I climb into the mini-bus at the end of the evening,guess what,the bands of the evening also climb in,Dave and I have become groupies,no we dont head back to the hotels but go with the flow,we arrive at this hugh house and climb out the bus and enter the house,everyone finds a seat in the living room,out comes fiddles,northumbrian pipes,guitars,penny whistles and part two of the folk concert begins, what a night,didnt get home until after three.Well remainder of my break keeps the same high for me,I loved every minute,only sorry Sunday reared its ugly head and I have to go home.Dave and I exchange email addresses,maybe meet up again soon.The band I thought was the best are called the Morgan Lee Band,I tried to buy a cd of at the venues,but they are just formed and havent yet got one out,I spoke to them and asked where their next gig is,its in the Bon Accord in Glasgow next Saturday,so I am going,they have a two hour slot,so even more time to listen to them. Got to go,Irene phoned,Craig and Lornas wedding was brill,Max was a picture in his kilt,wowed everyone there,Mia was as cute too,pics to share when I get them from Irene. Going out to Irenes B.I.L. Brian, today,missing the gym,he is going to load up my MP3 player with music for my American trip.I will get back later,have a great day,everyone.bye.
  19. Hi Bud, Sorry our posts crossed,so thats what a crappie looks like,we dont get that species here in Scotland,more salmon,trout,pike and perch in freshwater,lochs and rivers.You gotta come over someday,I am sure you would enjoy the fishing.
  20. Good Evening Everyone, What a dismal day weatherwise,it has been raining cats and dogs all day,this isnt June?,my mother always used to say,the weathers never been right since the Russians put Sputnik into the high atmosphere,beginning to think she was right. Well pretty much of a quiet day,spend 4 hours in the gym,weighed myself 3lbs down-again-hope it stays that way and continues on the downward direction.Wont be back at the gym until Monday now,just finished packing my suitcase for my 4 day visit to the Isle of Arran for the folk festival,never been to the Isle before they tell me its beautiful,hopefully the rain gives me a break to get some good pics done.I wont be posting in again until Sunday at the earliest,sorry,was that cheering I heard? I have got my hikers and bikers pics into 2 USBs,they only had a small capacity,so after posting I am going to try to put them into here and facebook,not feeling very confident,despite Irene and Pat giving me step by step instructions,theres bound to be something missing I cannot figure out. Hi Lillian,Thank you for your wise comments,entirely appropriate and true,I have tried now for over 15 years to try and effect some change in Sally's addiction,to no avail,she hasnt moved one inch to help herself.It may well be having experiencing 7 weeks of freedom in the USA,it will give me the impetus to find a new life away from Sally.I think I have done the best I could for her.Goodness knows what will happen to her in my absence?. Thanks KatieB,for your tireless efforts bringing to us evidence of a powerhouse of activities going on out there towards fighting the scourge of Lung Cancer.It is so reassuring,I am sure to all of us here, survivors and carers,that this fight continues. Hi Judy,your RV confusion story reminds my of my buddy Allan returning to his parked car having picked up a Chinese carry out meal,climed into the driving seat,to look around and being confronted with a strange family,he did add in recounting this story the car wasnt even close to, or colour of his one.Dont know if I have shared with you the story of Allans Daughter Claire years ago with her friends where they had all been on holiday-well Allan that year,couldnt afford to go anywhere and had stayed at home,he over heard Cliare saying to all her gathered friends-Well we went to America,but it was closed. Annette,I can arrange to pay for a taxi to pick up wayward at Glasgow Airport to take him directly to Airdrie,its only a 45 mins drive.LOL. Good night everyone,see you all on Sunday evening,be good,here, Ive done it again,its tomorrow-just gone 1.00am.Byee.
  21. Hi Mary, Its a pleasure to meet you,always nice to meet new arrivals and develope new friendships.What ever you have in mind please share,all the buddies here are just like the 3 musketeers,All for one and One for all.We can all benefit from the experiences each individual here has been through,we can only respond when some issue is raised by a postee.I look forward to sharing your future postings.
  22. Hoorah Judy has refound her smile,I just knew it wouldnt be long,what a trooper-the show must go on.I am so pleased for you the feedback is brill.Now lets get to work in ditching these Oxygen bottles.
  23. Hi Barrb, Great news,please pass on my congratulations to Lacy and Zack,I wish them both a long loving and happy future together.So good Rod got to know Zack.Good month for the wedding too,anniversaries of Rods passing shared with the happy memories of your daughters wedding.I really think Rod would be so pleased with this arrangement.Tears,why not?,I have a feeling you will not be alone amongst your family and friends in attendance at this happy occassion.
  24. Good Evening Everyone, Cloudy bright today not much of the sun,but at least warm and dry,Flaming June as we call it here has been anything but so far,guess I am going to leave my sun tanning until I arrive in America. Busy schedule for me today,into Glasgow to return my Cowboy Outfit,en route to drop into the offices of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.org,they had requested me to complete a registration form,to be a Steward for the Glasgow Ladies Star Trekk Night Walk on Fri 17th of June, 700 women anticipated,are’nt I the lucky one again?.New manager David is delighted to see me,we fill in said form,he notices my bags containing the Cowboy Outfit,is really surprised when I tell him about my walk around Millport on Saturday with 300+ women,more amazed when I tell him we usually raise approx £30,000. David tells me he is organising a Independance party at his home,it is to be Fancy Dress-American themed of course,is disappointed after inviting me,that I will be in Richmond that day.Well he accompanies me to the fancy dress shop,we had some fun with him trying on various costumes,finally and appropriately with him being the Boss,he settles on Uncle Sam,a super choice. We shared a lunch in a nearby Indian Restaurant,there goes my diet again after doing so well yesterday,it was one of these buffet meals,eat all you want for £8,we had double helping starters then a main course,to my credit though,I forego the chocolate gateau and hot toffee sticky pudding etc. Off now to Costco,groceries and some new tops and shorts for my hols,trainers sox and knickers too,boy I am going to be smart when I arrive.Too late for gym,so drop in on sis Dot spend a couple of pleasant hours with her.Briefly home then out to Irenes in Cumbernauld,I have to drop off Craig and Lorna’s wedding prezzie and card,(they are getting married on Saturday,Eric forgot the date and booked 4 days on the Isle of Arran for the folk festival starting this Thurs)think Irene softening up a bit over my stupidity,I was really trying to get a break from Sally for a wee while. What a creative lot of buddies you all are when you put your heads to-gether,so wayward is shipped to Scotland to stay with Sally for the duration of my 7 week hols in the USA?I love it,but do you think it fair on Scotland for the mayhem that would ensue,and my poor home wont be fit to return to.Sally and wayward in Monklands hospital de-toxing.Annette canoe trip on Saturday?shame its only for one day.Gosh Mum home on Saturday also,one thing, your life is never boring. JudyKW,You’ve just got to hang in there,it wont be long until you will be returning to your shady nook called home in KW.Best Wishes for all going well. Sara,I do hope the changes in your medication eliminates the nausea and pain you have been putting up with.Thanks for the laugh with hubby cutting your hair and not having to worry about the outcome,will you still give him a gratuity? Well I did manage editing the hikers and bikers pics down from approx 300 down to 40,thanks to my ruthless Sis Irene,I will try get them into facebook and here to-morrow.Got do a wee bit of packing for Arran also. Goodnight All,Here seems I have lost all track of time- its to-morrow 1.08am,too late to readjust to Wed Air,bye.
  25. Thanks Judy, I am sure there are many out there appreciate your comments.Caregivers are really the unsung heroes,the support they provide,often over many years with perhaps little praise,or acknowlegement even,I take my hat off to each and everyone of them,for without this army of selfless people society would grind to a halt.
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