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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Hi All, Thanks to Chris I did this all by myself,my first batch into facebook,hopefully Chris gets to retire like me now. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?fbid= ... 7e728ab987 Eric.
  2. Hi folks, I wanted to take the time to show you guys over in America the typical Scottish weather we have here in the winter. Again I've used Facebook for this as its a little easier to manage than uploading pictures to a forum. http://www.facebook.com/album.php?fbid= ... 0f5c08ea71 Eric
  3. Hi folks, Well since I'm new to Facebook I decided to put this album on there for you to look at. If you want to add me as a friend feel free. Looking forward to hearing from you! x Eric http://www.facebook.com/media/set/fbx/? ... a32f8d211e
  4. Good Afternoon All, Beautiful sunny and warm spring day,yes winter woolies definately gone,well for today anyway,got on my shorts,T-shirt and sandals on,give the neighbours something to laugh about with my short hairly legs exposed, really peely wally also (do you use that expression?or is it Scottish?).Just waiting for Jennifer and Chris to arrive,maybe give him five minutes to settle in then Shang-Hi him up here to get my pics into here and facebook,much watch him closely got to learn how to do this for myself.Just about knackered myself,swept all my monoblock driveway,and rear patio areas,just showing off for the kids arriving,hauled the garden furniture out the garage,but I cannot lift the table up over my stone planters to the upper patio level,another little chore for Chris when he arrives,no rest for the wicked.Bet he just loves coming out to Airdrie,always gets something to do,always gives me this fixed grin when I ask,yeah- sure no problem,methinks one of these days ...... Judy hi,gosh I only have to miss a days post,and I feel so left behind in the news-you at home now?glad everything went well,ye gods that was some ammount they drained from you eh,bettcha you would manage a marathon now with all that weight loss.Oh one of my workmates is off to run in the London marathon today,he did it last year,just over 3 hours,what a guy,I couldnt even run to the bus stop.Well I am so glad you are back on top of the world again. Look out for my pics later,hoping Chris is obliging of course,I will drop by later tonight .bye.
  5. eric byrne

    Prayers Please

    Hi Nikkala, Gosh you have gone through the mill,thankfully much better dx than the worst you imagined,though I dont know what the dx means?Best Wishes to you and your daughter.
  6. Hi Fred, I just love happy stories,thanks for posting in Kasey's NED results,I am sure next test similar results
  7. Hi Ronnie, oh I just love stories about new fossil finds,one of the reasons I am going to Montana,I may even join in a dinosaur dig,anything else you discover about these finds please post in.Is there a link to the uni the finds were taken to?
  8. Hi Bud, Just getting ready to go to the bowling,love a quiz,vermiculite-insulation material,granular form-you are going to insulate your loft?
  9. Same goes for me too Judy.I was too shy to ask
  10. Hi Robert, Welcome,Boy you took your time in getting here?,better late than never.I am sure everyone here is going to be impressed with your story,certainly bucked me up no end.Everyone here are so supportive and friendly, bettcha you are going to wish you arrived sooner.See you on Friday at Roy Castle's -Our mutal friend,Susan Christie is leaving,to take up a Teaching post in Nepal of all places,so Robert,Sheila and I are going to present her with a wee prezzie,a token of the regard we held her in ,for all the hard work she has put in advancing the Lung Cancer cause in myriad of ways,she has been a real heroine to me personally in helping me to become a more effective advocate for Lung Cancer. Robert we will need to encourage Sheila for a visit here,what thinks you?
  11. Hi Ronnie, Isnt it amazing,I am 62 years old always had a particular interest in learning all about the Planets wildlife,thinking I must have seen them all,and you come up with a hammerkop,never heard of this bird,thanks for the pic.Amazing story of the Zebra,Horse and Foal turning up on your building site,did they get a start?.Did you hear about the cannibal,applying for a labouring job on a building site,the foreman says OK,start to-morrow 8am,next day he shows up with another guy,the foreman is angry with the cannibal,look he says I only gave you a job,not your buddy also-the cannibal replies,oh he is not my mate,he is my lunch piece.
  12. Good Evening All, Gosh its so easy to get days mixed up when you are on your hols,come on guys and gals stop confusing me further,tell me is this Tuesday or Wednesday? Lousey day here weather wise,cold,raining and windy,thats more like the Aprils I know,mind you I really have had some warm sunny days these last two weeks,so I cannot complain. Well went into Glasgow last night to meet with Jennifer and Chris at a Indian restaurant,its called Dhabba's,I had a laugh,they had hung up press clipping of food critics comments in their vestibule,one caught my eye,in large print the headline reads "Yabba Dhabba Doo",good eh?.Jennifer and I have a deal when eating out,she picks the place and I pick up the tab,maybe have to change soon me becoming a pensioner an all.Real posh place,they have a special deal if you book online they only charge half price on the main course,still pricey though.Afterwards we went home to Airdrie,and I had ahem one or three amber nectars(you little liar)anyway to bed in the wee small hours,I couldnt resist saying hello to you all,dont remember what exactly I posted,please ignore,wont risk going back to read it.LOL. Dropped Sally off at her work this morning,thats nearly two full unbroken weeks of attendance hooray,mind you I am on holiday so it shouldnt really count,should it?.Oh used my printer for the first time,writing an appeal against my parking penalty charge from last week,fingers crossed,oh I hate to lose money this way,typical Scot,no,no thats a total fallacy spread about by the English.(Scots top the UK poll for giving to charities you know).Finished off the emulsioning of all the walls I had to do,taking a day off to-morrow,Sally dosnt work on a Thursday so we are going into Glasgow to see Dot,kids Emma and Jack will also be there so some fun for all.Chris and Jen are coming out to Airdrie on Sunday,I have a backlog of pics to share with you,he has agreed to post them for me,OK no need for the yawns, you are going to get them anyway. Hi Judy,sorry about the hospital stay,I am sending you a bottle of Whyte and MacKays for your fridge,do you need ginger ale?.Hoping everything goes well,hear from you later.Hi Annette as they say in the Glasgow venacular HOWSITGOAN"?,Bye for now, I will stop by later.
  13. Hi Bud, I dont understand the whys and wherefores about your responsibilities in sending in this pic of Judy and Annette,but it is so wonderfully warm and comforting,seeing two persons close to my heart in such realistic detail,I just want to say thank you,I am so looking forward to seeing Annette and Keith in July,Judy and Bud,just wish I could include you seeing both of you in my visit in the summer to the USofA.God bless the both of you.Goodnight.
  14. Good Morning Everyone, Its just gone 9.00am here,I have been up for hours,silly isnt it I look forward to hols for a longer lie in bed,and I cannot sleep after 6.00am?.Well today could not be better,the suns out there isnt a cloud in the sky to be seen,all the gardens of the neighbours are just a riot of the colours of the spring flowers. No painting for me today,lots to do,clear the mortgage-yeah,its Jennifers birthday today,she phoned last night to invite us to an Indian restaurant in a district of Glasgow called the Merchants City,its the oldest district in Glasgow,lots of old buildings mixed in with new up market yuppies flats,far too expensive for my blood. Going to pop round shortly to see my work buddy Bill,give him the glad tidings of my retiral on 13th of May,actually I will be in the college on Saturday 14th as the host and principal judge for the national craft competition,hoped I could have skipped this event for the work that is involved but my work colleagues insist I dont have to concern myself as they will do the brunt of the work in preparation,I just have to act the part of Mein Host and give the speeches of welcome and congrats and commisserations to the winner and losers etc.I dont think Bill is going to best pleased with my news about leaving,will probably give the speech of rats leaving the sinking ship LOL,he wants me to stay until his departure date of 24th June,sorry Bill no thanks. Such a nice day,decided to visit Kelvingrove Park with my camera before picking Sally up at her work at 2pm.I will drop by later tonight,see how everyone is doing so have a great day everyone.Bye.
  15. Hi Noonstar, Welcome,almost missed your post,sorry about your dx,please feel at home and share with us your journey,I am sure there are many here who will lighten your burden.Best wishes for your treatments.God bless.
  16. Hi Annette, I am so pleased you met JudyKW,cannot wait to see the pics,yes I am so looking forward to meeting you and Keith in July,it is regretful for me that JudyKW ,Bud in Texas and Ned in Hawaii,the very first to welcome me here,will not be on my itinerary to the USA on my vacation,its so difficult,missing California,Texas and Florida,maybe,with Gods Blessing I will get a return visit in 2012 and fill in the blank spaces.I also have regrets in not getting to meet many other stalwarts here,JudyMI,Becky,Kasey and Fred,Dawn,Ginnie,Stephanie,Muriel, gosh so many others,please forgive, if you are not included in my list,I had promised myself never to attempt such a list previously in case my dymensia leaves any one out,bettcha to my eternal shame I have?.I have to make a special mention of Libby for her long term absence,hoping she will make a return and soon,I am so worried about her,also another mention for Ned,I so miss his mature and experienced reflections on all aspects of LC,to those seeking his advice.Good night everyone I hope you had a great day,see you all to-morrow.
  17. Hi Everybody, Week 2 of my holidays,sorry guys and gals those of you who are working-shame-shame,just to rub it in,HR just phoned me there,to tell me that my solicitor had been in contact and that a meeting was called to-day to discuss my departure with her and the Principal also 2 Assistant Principals(I know there's 4 APs plus a Deputy)well anyway,she put my case for earlier departure and HR asked me if 13th or 20th of May was suitable,well I hate long goodbyes so 13th of May it is. Gosh I feel a bit funny? 39 years of teaching,what have I done? no I had to take this offer,just I am going to miss my colleagues and students,two and a half years from now it would have been compulsory,without a financial deal,anyway I have you guys to help fill the void.Well money if I think about it is the reason why we work essentially,isnt it?Well with Aunt Nora's and Uncle Charlie's money, tucked away in the bank,my severance deal and pension lump sum,half pay for the rest of my life,I no longer need to work.Sorry guys,I am sharing these thoughts with you,hoping you can see my reasons,that these are not intended for me to show off to you,anyway its really no big deal,not a lottery win.I am concerned that losing a structure of work in my life I may find things difficult adjusting to.I hate change,i just really want things to stay the same forever,but I know they cannot,time to move on and find pastures new,eh?. Lighten up Eric,count your blessings,OK yesterday,kids didnt come to Dots,the weather was so good their Mum (Jacqualine)decided to take them to the sea-side.Well I decided Sally, Dot and Jim would go to the sea-side also,glorious day,Firth of Clyde at its best,just so beautiful,went to Largs then to my favourite restaurant there at the yachting marina,gosh the boats there and the type of parked cars,you can smell the money,open top posh sports cars and the jet set youngsters milling about-some oldsters as well.Well shock horror-the restaurant is closed for refurbishment-rats,a local tells me it just closed last week,but pointed me to another down the road at Seamill,attached to a garden centre,well we all shared a lovely meal,picked up some tourist brochures for Invarary Castle and Louden Castle and several other exciting things to visit,thinking of being retired and taking Max,Mia,Jack and Emma on excursions,what fun to look forward to. Spent all day to-day painting walls,just the upper landing area to do,but the painting and the bright sunshine of spring coming in my windows has shown up the white painted woodwork,doors,architraves and skirtings a bit yellow,so just added to my work schedule.Big day to-morrow,one waited for 25 years,yes-I am going to clear off the final £6000 outstanding in my mortgage and setting up a special credit card account for my USA 7 week vacation,dont want to be caught short,I just havent a clue about how far money goes in America,I have heard restaurant eating is much cheaper and to watch my waistline since your portions tend to be on the large side,accommodation? balance between cost and quality isnt it, what would be a good average for full board per day,dost thou thinkest?Gosh look at the time,need to dash,dinner gong has just gone,try to get back later,Byee.
  18. Good Morning Carol, Sorry for my late arrival,problems with the laptop,thank you for sharing your good news,I love to read such a post when I have just got out of bed,it sets me up for the rest of the day. Kasey my very best wishes for another clean bill of health following your tests this week.
  19. Good Morning Everyone, 7.30am here another lovely spring day,all my newly planted tulips are out,stripey white and red petals,surrounded by yellow and deep blue hyacinths,and the scent,springs great isnt it?,after all the dark cold days of winter,mind you I did get some super pics of Airdrie snow scenes,must get Chris to remind me again how to post some in. I was up and out yesterday at 7.00am,I was setting up the tables for the ABC mens breakfast which starts at 9.00am.I just dont know how Cookie Jim copes making approx 30 large breakfasts,I struggle with making only two, LOL.Guest speaker after the breakfast,then clear tables and dry the dishes.Then picked up Sally to run her to Asda's at 11.00am.Thats a full week of attendance,thanks for your support guys,I agree with you that getting the heave- ho might have had more effect on her behavior in getting her to mend her ways,it will probably happen yet.I do prefer her working in company for 30hrs/week,than sitting drinking at home during the day when I am at work.There will be restrictions on her access to alcohol,when I have retired,no more sneaking off in taxis to the off-sales whilst I am at home. After ABC off to sister Dot's house,her grand kids Emma and Jack visit on Sundays,so I will be having some fun with them.Then home for dinner , and back to the masters,hooray another super day-can Rory win this one?will Tiger improve on his scoring with better putting?there are loads of others still in the hunt and can win,so its going to be an exiting finish,maybe even a play off?,isnt Augusta just beautiful?all the azelias and other spring flowers,the TV camera focussed several times throughout the play on an eagle settled on a tree branch watching the action,wonder if he paid to get in?. JudyMI,I opened the Glaswegian golfer, Martin Laird's link you provided,well he was unknown to me,did you notice for a relatively unknown player how much he earned from golf in the last 4 seasons it was millions of dollars,think I persued the wrong career. Ah Annette wasnt that nice of you to suggest a welcome home party for my return on Tuesday?you spoiled the moment though at the thought of Brucie bursting out of a cake wearing his Tu-Tu.However-you did resurrect for me a favourite film moment ,ask Keith bet he remembers it too?It was in the film Under Seige,starring the usually poor actor Steven Segal as a chef on board a US Navy Battleship thats hi-jacked,the scene where a young girl jumps out a birthday cake,she forgot to dress properly for the part,much to my appreciation. Well better get showered and dressed cannot sit here all day,things to do, you know.Have a great Sunday everyone.Byee.
  20. Judy you are so kind,thanks for the link,sorry I have screwed up,our posts have crossed each other.LOL.
  21. Good Afternoon Everybody, Hooray! Iam back,I just couldnt stand the thought of waiting offline until Tuesday,so I decided to take my laptop to my sister Dot, her son Derek,is another Whizz kid on computers,he teaches the subject in High School.Well Derek had a good look over all the laptops progs,decided the whole set up is a mess and wanted to erase the machine completely and reset it up properly,however suggested that I should buy a separate hard drive to save my many pics stored there and some other files.Well down to PC World,found this clever little gizmo that holds trillions of something,but I have quite forgot what,anyway,I dont own a printer so while we were there I picked up a beauty for £150,(£50 discounted)well unfortunately I had to leave the laptop with Derek overnight while he worked his majic on it.Went in this afternoon to pick it up boy has it had a spring clean,complete new set up,he has got rid of all the junk and it is so much easier to find things.I had set up the printer at home,its a Cannon,but need setting up properly dosnt it?Derek do you think you could come home with me and set up my printer? I owe him,refused any reward from me,now I am a child with a new toy,the things this printer can do?,well it will take me a wee while to discover all its tricks,but this is fun,think I should have bought spare cartridges.I have a home movie thingy underneath the TV for playing DVDs it also has a USB port,we tried to play the new harddrive through it,but it wont play,oh well. I am really enjoying the Masters,although I have been so busy I havent seen a lot of it so far,but BBC are showing 3 1/2 hours to-night from 8.30pm onwards,so its Indian Tandoori Mixed Grill,nantara sauce with it,from the Spice of India absolutely delish,wish I could share it with you.I will also have a wee drop of the amber nectar,can anyone have a better Saturday night?,I might drop by after the golf finishes at Midnight.I am wishing you all a similarly happy Saturday,Bye.
  22. Good Morning All, I have struggled to get here,I phoned Chris about mylaptop problems,things have got worse,this site continually freezes,I cannot get into my mail site,facebook,etc.There is a American firm?offering me for $60 to remove their planted worm MS Removal Tool Firewall the worm is called LsaS:Blaster:Worm;Keyloger.apparently,I have 38 viruses?Chris had previously de-bugged me for the same reason,this group are after my bank details,but their threat is just a bluff.Sorry guys but Chris has asked me to shut down until he can come to my home next Tuesday to remove the rogue prog,gosh how will I manage off line that long?
  23. Good Evening All, Really thought I could settle into a new routine of starting the Morning Aireachmorning as I rose,other things however got in the way.What is happening with this laptop recently?its taking on a life of its own,printed lines jumping about,missing out spacing between words,if I make a letter error its taking three of four clicks of the delete key to remove it?.Watch out below,this laptop maybe heading out my study window.Another thing,I am getting full page adverts -unsolcited-twenty at a time takes me ages to delete them all.Can you believe one from "Smokey Joe"to sign the pledge about countryside fire rules in the USA,like Eric is going to set fire to America?come on guys get a life,I only want to visit not burn it down. Sorry guys just in from the bowling GBA(got beat again)mind you,we won on Tuesday night by one point-hooray,skimmed the posts,good to see Ronnie posting isnt it?and even Brucie back?,cannot wait to see the pics of his new grand child sorry calf,isnt this exciting,I have seen this on Telly beforeits quite an ordeal for the cow,ooh Bruce will you be the "Mid-wife?"I would probably throw up me being a townie in all. Went into Glasgow first thing this morning,parked the car in a lot where you guesstimate how long you are going to park,and pay up front accordingly.Lawyers off ice a few minutes walk away,No 1 Georges Square,now there isnt a more posh address in all of Glasgow,the interior of this renovated building was just beautiful.I was led in to office,Lawyer,EIS rep and one other lecturer from the college(female)the lawyer read through word for word all aspects of our voluntary severance agreement,basically its a gagging order,I cannot divulge ever anything that was said, on pain of death.The lawyer asked one of us to leave the office to discuss individual clauses in the agreement,my female colleague,said Eric can I go first?I will only be a minute,sure says Eric-45 mins later she emerges.I just sat down with the lawyer when the fire alarm goes off,the whole building is evacuated,we are left in the street to await the fire service,they arrive some time later,check out the building and then sound the all clear,we re-enter the building and continue our chat.Arrive at the car park 11.30am fixed to my windscreen a £100 penalty notice,my ticket expired at 11.09am,oh if I could catch the ****** that did this,but nobody about grrrrr. Anyway I picked up Jennifer at her flat to bring her into the town centre to do some shopping,my cell phone refused to accept top ups,well being a bit old (I bought it second hand from noah)I thought about buying a new one.Jennifer dosent think I have the ability to choose a suitable replacement so she came along.Had a great day with her,we had a nice pub lunch and met up with her boyfriend and shared a drink to-gether.I chatted to him about posting some more pics in here-Mias first birthday amongst them,I just know you are going to love them. Question Time just about to start,I love this prog.Oh by the way,to-morrow night sees the start of a new drama prog -The Kennedys-is it any good? Byee.Just ran over what I had written a least 30 words without a space between them?
  24. Had a lot of bother tonight my laptop is doing something with the spacing after I have typed, thought I had corrected all these apparently not,sorry.
  25. Good Evening All, At the Coos tail with this post,really hadto start the painting right off this morning otherwise cominghere first may have had me overstayingagain. Weatherhere dreadfulits poured the whole day,it was so dark I hadto putall my lights onto see what bits of the walls I had painted.Got the porch completedand halfway round the living room,gotto the fireplace chimney breastand thought enough for one day,no pointin sickening myself,plenty other days left.Tomorrow is Stobhill LC Support Group,invited speaker Palliative Care Nurse Specialist,then Thursday I haveto go onto Glasgowto meet with an EIS (EducationalInstitute of Scotland) lawyerto read over the voluntary severance document I have with Anniesland Collegeto ensure I fully understand its conditionsand I am not being disadvantagedin any way by signing the final agreement. Talking about laywers I received this morning the cheque from Uncle Charlie's and Aunt Nora's estate,made out to Sally and I,this money (and it only one sixth of her estate) should have gone to their son Bruce and his wife Morag.They were all my neighbours when I lived in Bothwell, many's a great night we had at parties and the like.Bruces ambition was to Migrate to Cape Cod and live next to his lifelong buddy who lived there.Tragically,Morag contracted Lung Cancer and died 3years later,Bruce never got over his loss and became reclusive,I tried to encourage him to come out with me for a game of snooker,something he always enjoyed,he always refused preferring to stay in his parents company exclusively.Bruce died last year, the cause of death was never revealed,I was given the task of clearing out his house by his parents,in preparation for it being put up for sale,it was a real sad time for all of us. Annette yes bowling to-night,8.30pm-10.30pm,this is the last Tuesday of the indoor league,here after its outdoor on grass until the Autumn.Thursay for some reason has three nights to go?.Your maths problems brings back memories,40 years ago I had to study such wonderful maths such as Differential Calculus,3D Trig (did you know there was such a branch of maths) Standard deviation etc,etc,not my favourite subjects but I had to pass them,dont think I have used them since. Judy,no I was not, unlike my daughter- an English Major either "I am doing my garden varcariously through you" ahem,you are? of course you are,whatever that means,I will check out my dictionary later.Hope your trip is going well. JudyMI thanks for the Gratten Raceway link,maybe we could all meet there with Bud and have a race round it on recumbant bikes,what fun.Oops there goes the dinner bell must dash-beef olives to-night- yummy.Byee
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