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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Hi Annette, The saga of young wayward continues,I suppose if he has shown to be a risk to himself and being a minor the authorities do have a duty of care towards him,someone has obviously has done a full risk assessment to justify their actions.Imagine the reaction from the press if anything untoward were to happen to him.I really hope your Mom can recognise this may be best all round for everyone concerned,maybe she can have a bit more time to herself and rest up a bit, in his absence?Sorry if my opinions are a bit awry since I only have an outsiders view of the problem. Scananxiety? Annette we dont get offered these as a follow up in the UK,our medical guys here dont recognise any merit in having them done,they think its just the American way of generating money,to no advantage to the reciprocant.Well I decided last year to fund my own cost approx £500,my oncologist and GP were not best pleased with me when I presented the report and CD,for them to interpret.All clear basically they told me.Still thinking to have it done again this year?.The Medics here did mention the Scanaxiety effect on patients,another reason why they dont like them here. Hi Judy Good to hear from you,got to keep our ship afloat here whilst Judy's away on hers.Thanks for the story about the Sand Hill Cranes,love to photograph them,I am at present on the internet,looking for a Cannon telephoto lens to buy for my USA trip,thinking 300mm,maybe more?ideal to capture wildlife from a safe distance without disturbing them.Good night all, see you to-morrow.
  2. Good Evening All, Another beautiful spring day here,I met with my Principal today,college board of management have approved my voluntary severance application,only problem is when it becomes effective from,some staff are leaving immeadiately on gardening leave,ie full pay up to the end of June but dont appear at work,with HMIe coming on 21st March, I knew I wouldnt get to leave before that event,they are going to advertise my vacated post at Easter time,looking for me to shepard the new person to allow for a smooth transition into the job,so I suggested I stay until end of April,however the Head of Department,wants me to stay until the end of June,think there may some trouble looming.Anyway main thing this is my last term,39 years,where did all that time go?. Bud,thanks re-spam,yes I am a bit naive/gullable,my daughter is concerned for me travelling around the USA solo,Dad she says you are not street wise,be careful,dont take your laptop or camera,I am sure she will next come out with, if any nice man offers you sweeties (candy) dont go in his car with him.How did I manage to get to 62 in one piece?. Annette,I had Libby's home e-mail address also,and have e-mailed her days ago,had nothing back in return.Just wish we could hear something,even just to hear she is alright,it is a worry isnt it? Katie, I am so looking forward to seeing your new plans for here,I wish you every success in your efforts-good luck. Well Judy's off hope she manages the odd post in now and again.Goodnight everyone,enjoy the rest of the day.
  3. Good Afternoon Everyone, Hello,Hello anyone at home?Annette seems its just you and me today?pmd Libby fingers crossed for a reply,its such a worry when someone disapears for a bit,and always for reasons not to be concerned about.Its like when my daughter was living at home,when she had gone to a night out and wasnt home at the expected hour,you know the feeling?. Woke up this morning to a beautiful spring day,sun out not a cloud in the sky,the morning chorus,blackbirds etc,isnt life just brill.Went to church singing hymns with gusto,we have a great band of musicians,certainly cleared away my lung cobwebs,if you dont usually go to church,if can recommend it for a lift to the week,bit like filling up my car with petrol,does me for the week.Read the Sunday papers,decided to clean out the inside of the car,four months of winter inside,it was filthy and with the weather being so good,Id run out of excuses,got my dyson out to it also,car is now gleaming like a new pin.Well I will be told tomorrow if my application for voluntry severance has been approved and when it takes effect from,fingers crossed for good news.Just thinking,with all the new spare time I will have on my hands I could be in here for hours every day,does that not warm the cockles of your heart at the thought? did I hear some groaning there?.Well just gone five pm,think I will drop by later to see if anyone else has paid a call.byee.
  4. Crivvens Jings Saturday 9.10pm and no mail to read,come on gang,lets get this show on the road.Imagine a single day to pass and nothing in the Air forum,this will not do. Well had a great Friday night at Guidi's,food and atmosphere just cannot be beaten,oh you disagree do you?well then why dont we arrange a wee visit soon ,you are all invited,I will stand the first round. Met my friend to-day,she brought along her friend also,what a fun day we all had,she had booked tickets to see The Kings Speech,what a bummer thought I,I am not really a fan of royalty,however happy to go along with an open mind,well for a film about the British class system,this film had real class,its been years since I have witnessed such quality in a film,the acting by everyone,I think its authenticity of its depiction of Britain at the outset of WW11,was remarkable,OK I wasnt even born then,I just feel it.I remember Sally's gran talking about the past one day I was visiting her,her saying to me remember the rationing during WW11 Eric,for heavens sake how old did she think I was?.The film might be a bit too British for American taste though,I dont know,but I thoroughly recommend it to you. Well whatever you are doing today,I hope you are having a great weekend,I will see you all tomorrow.
  5. Good Evening All, Sorry this is going to be a bit rushed tonight,its 5.50pm,just going in for a shower and get changed for Guidi's,picking Sally up at her work at 7.00pm.Meeting Irene and Pat there. Annette,another sorry,about late postings its really my bowling nights that is causing the problem (Tues &Thurs) dont get home until 11pm,last night eg,too tired to mail,also beaten-again.Going out tomorrow with my little friend,but will try to post in late,hopefully with a funny or two. Bud,thanks for the comment "Eric stop playing with the bots" for the life of me I really dont have a clue what you mean?could you shine some light please?. JudyKW another sorry,"pushing the boat out" must have been a bit tired with that one in the context I should have written "pushing my luck".Admiral Nelson its said had a silver boat table ornament which had wheels on it,it was designed to hold two decanters of wine,when he was entertaining important guests,rare wines would be poured into the decanters and pushed about the table for the guests to help themselves.So it means extravagance,having a good time not sparing the pennies,as my tonight for example.Hope you manage to log on during the cruise,dont think I can miss you for a whole fortnight.Have a great time. Snowflake,briefly get a Dyson,they are great.Sporran and no Knickers,reminds me of a little story passed to me as absolutely true.Guard post at Maryhill Barracks in Glasgow the HLI regiment were forbidden to wear anything under their kilts,there was a mirror set at ground level at the guard post so when soldiers left the barracks they had to stand over the mirror to be examined by the guard to ensure they were properly dressed,or is that properly undressed I should say? Hope I hav'nt missed anyone out?really got to dash, Byee Oh by the way anybody know anything about Libby's absence?
  6. Hi All, Weather Ditto,daylight still as I reach home-just,springs coming.had a bit of fun today,at my partner in crime fellow department SL Bill's expense,he is absolutely desperate to be an acceptable candidate for voluntary severance,well we typed up a letter to him from the College Board of Management,headed paper absolutely authentic writing style,apologising but due to college operational factors,they could not accept his application,just to add to the mix,one for Eric also stating after careful deliberation,the B.O.M. could accept his application,and could accept from him a leaving date of 1st April.we added both letters to the internal post that later the Admin assistant passed to each of us,both envelopes marked private and confidential,wonder what these are? Bill says, Eric,open it and see, Bill pausing to wait for me to open mine,surprise and delight,Eric with perfect poker face,my application has been accepted Bill hooray,Bill hurriedly opens his,talk about hook line and sinker,theyve turned me down says Bill,Eric struggling to keep a straight face,then Bill takes off with a huge rant,everyone in the office gathers round to hear what the fuss is all about,thats it, he says no more HMIe prep work,senior management can make up their own staff timetables,etc,etc,I have to hide my face from Bill, its going all red,holding back tears of laughter.We had to stop him going up to HR,told him its just a joke,the relief on his face,was a pleasure to see.Wait there's another letter in my mail tray,I pick it up, it has the Amtrak logo on it also Trailfinders,puzzled I open it to reveal similar headed paper,long letter about creating good customer service,blah,blah,blah-in conjunction with Amtrak we are awarding you a second free 45 day 18 journey rail pass for the exclusive use for your spouse,a letter informing her of our award has been sent separately.Congratulations.Oh no exclaims I,what is it Eric,sayth all my gathered colleagues,the rascals have sent Sally a letter confirming an offer of a free Amtrak rail pass,her friends at work have been stirring Sally already into revolt about me not taking her with me,this is going to be the last straw,she is going to make my life miserable until July,silence from my colleagues,gradually changing to slightly dectactable smiles then everyone bursts into laughter,they set me up with a phoney letter also,oh I hate them,they will pay dearly for this,it was only supposted to be Bill in the firing line.My mind is on subtle revenge,but will leave them stewing for a couple of weeks,until they are off guard. Hi Becky,yes Washington DC for the Museums,just discovered they also have a space centre bit in the Smithsonian,thinking about putting Challanger Space Shuttle there when its de-commisioned,wow.Gas price $3.40? Bruce $5.65,yeah we had prices like these in the UK also but that was in 1956? Here's some maths for you £1.30/litre = £1.30 x 4.546L/gallon= £5.9098 x $1.58 (conversion)=$9.34/gallon,and Scotland is a net exporter of oil,(its gas prices are the highest in the UK)does that sound fair to you?.So Becky you are absolutely blessed in having such low prices for gas,but I dont have your health service Tee-Hee. Hi Judy Kw,your cruise sounds absolutely fabulous,move over Annette,I think we could both squeeze into Judy's suitcases,fancy your idea of wee drinkies with umbrellas each night also.Cheers all.Going to consult my Times Atlas to see where all these places are?.Keep us posted Judy,dont be doing a Bruce or an Eric. Hi JudyMI,yes going to the bad fire was always a threat to children when I was young,dont think the childrens welfare people would allow such threats now,the kids might grow up with psychological problems,oh might get to go there yet Judy,I only have pass sins to confess,I am a nice person now. Oh Annette,what a saga with young wayward,I do feel for you and your poor mother,think it is time for you both to find ways for more external help and get a bit of distance from him.He really dosnt seem to consider the effect he is having on everyone.Hope things do get better for you soon. Well off to watch the last episode of Madagascar,its been really quality TV and its on BBC so no irritating interuptions on their channels with adverts,we pay an anual license fee for all their TV and radio channels £130 I think,but its well worth the money,I lothe TV advertising.Byee.
  7. Hi Everyone, Oooh Bruce and I getting a slapped wrist from Judy,being a bit lazy in the posting dept.Judy you were absolutely right,but I havent being very well,did I tell you about my manflu,didnt go until Sunday,that was a full week,well Iam glad to see the back of that bug,hope everyone else has got over theirs.Oh forget the weather,cold,wind and rain,matched my mood perfectly last week,in a trough,however I am back feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed,Yes Annette even been exercising my smile muscles,thats about as far I am going to exercise until the spring(at least). Sorry missed a few mailings,whats been going down?(still practicing my Americanisms for the Hols)Oh Kasey thanks for the explaination about PA,silly me thought you took the first two letters of your state like eg Judy MI -Michigan,so I though you would be PE,anyway I will be in your state and meeting you and Fred would be just brill.Dressing Deers,thank goodness Becky for a minute I thought you were re-arranging its anatomy,for use in the oven.Think the tu-tu would be better in Bruce's Llama,as everyone knows dead deers dont dance very well,think you have convinced me the deer is a lady one,I think it is politically correct that any dressing of a female deer should be done tastefully and in keeping with its gender.May I suggest,forget stillettos,go for some casual footwear,dresses are fine,but slacks and t-shirt I think is more appropriate. I had a tape of Woody Allan as a young man doing a stand-up comedy slot,in an New York Uni,he tells the story of driving to a fancy dress ball,when he collides with a Moose,rather than leave the dead Moose lying on the road,he ties it onto the bonnet of his truck,however arriving in New York,the Moose begins to stir,it was only stunned,nothing else for it,thinks Woody,it will just have to come to the works fancy dress party,on arriving,Woody leaves the Moose with the word-Mingle later in the evening the judging of best costume,first prize goes to Mr Smith of accounts, who is dressed as a Moose,which really gets up Mr Mooses nose,so they lock Antlers in the living room and fight it out. Hi JudyKW,still friends?hope you had a super time with Dominick and Wendy,time to get packing for the cruise next,can you share your ports of call? JudyMI,sorry to hear about you being up to your neck in snow drifts,why dont you take full advantage,you could ski to the shops leave the car,thank goodness we havnt had any snow this side of Christmas,thanks to the Gulf Stream. Sally's Birthday on Friday,I am taking her,Irene and Pat out to Guidis in Airdrie,best restaurant in town,she is really looking forward to it,hope she makes it,there are many occassions such arrangements,turn out to be a disapointment when she is "unable to attend". I have been invited out for a meal and theatre on Saturday with my friend of the other persuasion,I have accepted,dont know whats showing there are quite a lot of theatres in Glasgow,but looking forward to the day out.Oh its all quite innocent,I might go to the bad fire,but lifes too short,so I am enjoying every minute I can "Carpe Diem" as we say.Hey Judy its Wednesday 12.05am,dont suppose you can work your majic again?(pushing the boat out)Eric sporting big cheesy grin. Goodnight all,see you to-morrow.
  8. Hi Doc, Welcome to LCSC,sorry about your dx,boy if anyone can beat this,you can,right mental attitude,fit as a fiddle,non-smoker,non-drinker,eats more salad than meat,you cannot do any better than that,you have my admiration.Only Bud here can match you in the fitness league,we do all our exercising through Bud,he does the work,we lose the lbs,well thats the theory.Hope you keep in touch Doc,we could do with a fitness coach round here,most of us are couch potatoes,watching stupid TV (as its called here)and munch popcorn with salt and butter? sounds a strange snack to me,but I am Scottish,so more at home snacking on Haggis,washed down with Messrs Whyte and Mackay.Hope your scan feedback is brill next week,bye for now.
  9. Hi Kasey, Thank you for your holiday thoughts for me,particularly at such a sad time in your and Fred's life,please pass on to your daughter my love and consideration for the difficult time she is going through,at the untimely loss of her husband.I still find it so hard to understand,why such things happen,and find reason to believe of a loving God watching over us,and yet I will continue to search and hope there is such a being,but as yet still beyond my feeble comprehension.I am sorry but even your stated location of PA in America I am sure makes perfect sense to all the buddies here,but is lost on me, my terms of reference eg the Oxford Dictionary PA dosnt get a mention,if I refer to my Times world Atlas,there are hundreds of PAs in the USA,eg Pahokee,Fl,Pahoa Hi, Pahrumis NV etc,.I would love to meet the Amish people,they are absolutely amazing to me,seeing the documentary series of the small group of Amish teenagers visiting England and Scotland on TV also the film Witness,with Harrison Ford,has intrigued me further,so put me out my misery where in the USofA is PA?.
  10. Hi All, Just finished my post,30mins ago,pressed submit,up comes JudysMI and mine gone into the ether?darn. Well its Friday,finished self evaluation week at work,decided I am great and dont need to improve or reproach myself over anything,dont fix it if it isnt broke,Ok nobody agreed with me,well tough. Snowflake lots of All Red Blooded American Male stories this week,shooting guns, blasting animals in cupboards,changing real deers into slices of meat,oh dear,as a kid I accidently one day watched the skinning of a rabbit,I threw up,since then the only meat I go near is the pre-packed stuff, in the supermarket.Love venison though. Hi Judy,so happy for you on Wendy and Dominick's arrrival,I just know how much fun you will be having this weekend,and the cruise looming,things are looking good.Ah manflu,know what you are saying,yes there are guys like that,but you really have no idea how much I have suffered this week take Tuesday for example......... Hi Annette well thank goodness wayward is recovering,hope his visitors are well satisfied with him on their meeting on Monday,in the meantime enjoy a great relaxing weekend. Hi Bud,still to check out your link,hope you enjoy a visit to Lake Granbury this weekend,even if you dont catch,the change is good in itself. Hi JudyMI,hope you are getting rid of the bug and can get back to raising the rafters with Randy,men need a good shouting at regularly to keep them aware of your presence. Lily snow in California?wow!thanks for your travel comments,I have deliberately not booked hotels in advance of my visit,for the first time in my life,also travelling light on my own,without having to consider a companions wishes,such freedom dosnt come often and I am not going to waste it,Richmond,Chigago,Montana and Seattle are the only colours filled in on my canvas,I have 48 days and 18 random train journeys available to me,as long as I get to Seattle for the flights home on the 18th of Aug thats all.Just thinking,if I have no work to go back to,I could stay longer,can you cash in plane tickets and get an extension?so Yosemite,Giant Redwoods,Grand Canyon could still be getting a visit?oh its so exciting,wish it was happening to-morrow. 6.30pm dinner time, see you all later,have a great Friday.
  11. Thanks Judy-Iam really impressed-how on earth?dont bother to explain it will just go right over my head,have a great day,ill get back tonight.
  12. Thanks Diane for the laugh,welcome Ethan,its a pleasure to meet you.
  13. Hi All, Just on Midnight,just about to fall into bed,still got this sore throat,running nose etc,etc,I was just describing the symptoms to a young female colleague to-day,instantly she remarked,exactly what her boyfriend has,apparently its called manflu,its something similar to the flu that a female gets,but its 10 times worse,typical thinks I,why do we always get the short straw,women always get off light?. Beaten again at bowls,thinks,maybe if I get the heave-ho at work ,I will have plenty of hours to improve my game?. Got my US visa through to-day,just goes to show they will let anyone into the USof A,dos'nt it?.My daughter tells me she got hers free 2 years ago,my buddy at work said $14 last year,what does Eric pay? $55 ouch-what do they think I am- made of money,thank goodness I didnt wait until next year to visit. Hey I sent off to the Montana Tourist Board for a brochure,got a nice letter from El Presidente of said state,of welcome,bring all your buddies,you will have a wonderful time,sayth he,and I believe him,it looks just like Scotland,however on a massive scale,really looking forward to dancing round the campfire with Blackfeet,Crow and Flat something or another, was it Head?,no I am not kidding you,may also get to go to a rodeo,can tourists get to sit on one of these jumping about bull thingys?looks like a lot of fun.Oh I cannot wait,I wont be like other Scottish tourists going to the beach with a pail and spade to build sandcastles,oh no I will be bringing a pick and spade to dig me up a dinosaur or two,wonder if they will let me take them home,customs might be a problem?.If anyone has been to Montana,can they pass on any places to visit in particular,they think I might enjoy visiting?much appreciated.Time for bed,good night all.Hey just thinking its Friday,hooray,now how do I move this post to Fridays Air?.
  14. Hi All, Just going out,I am bowling to-night at 8.30pm session,thought Id pop in for a quicky,what a lot of animal crackers(in my soup).Theres so much going on,snowflake no sadly Scotland dosnt have raccoons,not even seen one in a zoo,Iam going to meet some wild life when I arrive arent I,lesser spotted red necks,animals as well it seems.Weve got rats,snakes and bears,.Judy,you got me,police,swat teams,loadhailers,flood lights, this post today could become a Hollywood blockbuster,all we need now is Bruce to arrive on scene sitting on a Llamas back singing Tony Christie's "Show me the road to Armadillo",you are right hav'nt seen one of these either.Hope I can bowl tonight, as well as you lot post,see you 11pm.
  15. You are right Snowflake,I havnt seen a possum before,not even in the zoo,we dont get them here in Scotland.They do look a bit fierce and nasty,glad they are keeping you company rather than me.Tee-Hee.Playing possum,where does that come from,do they really lie about playing dead,then go for you when you get too near?.Sheesh.
  16. Sorry Bud, The tu-tu remark was attributable to Bruce,as we all know.Seems I am getting tired.
  17. Good Evening All, Miserable cold wet blustery day,decided to go back to work still coughing and spluttering,here if you are male you are a wimp if you take time off with a silly cold,OK guys then I will pass it round see if you like it.Sally also went back to her work also,asked her on return what was said about yesterday?nobody said anything,I just got on with my work,she does have a charmed life.Still taking the Lemsips,for all the good they are doing me,think these things just have to run their course ,serves me right for calling Anette Rudolph,my nose is as we say here, Rid Raw. Just about bedtime,watched another round of European Championship Trophy Football Barcelona V Arsenal,excellent game,Arsenal won 2-1 despite being one goal down for most of the match,Barcelona should have beaten them but took the foot off the accelerator too early,thinking they would coast to a 1-0 win,serves them right,it may be a different match when they meet again in the second leg,should be really exciting. Just reading the posts today,what a mixed bag of human lives on show,Snowflake exercising with her potato bags,Lily dancing in the moonlight,Stephanie swimming,Bud cycling,Annette losing weight just reading about you guys,have I entered the asylum today?Bud hate to over egg the pudding,but just one last reference on the subject-promise -no more -35 degrees to -41degrees factoring in the wind chill,how would you like it if I posted you over my fur lined Tu-Tu,youll be as snug as a bug in a rug. Bud, congratulations on your wedding anniversary,sounds like you had a really enjoyable evening. JudyMI,aw a wee baby possum as a guest,you could have kept it as a pet,forget Snowflake saying they are ugly,I thought the pic shows a cute wee creature,incidentally,snowflake,you dont have to squish mouses yknow,you get them" humane" live traps then release them outside. Annette,really sorry to hear about the kid,its so unexpected,hope he will make a good recovery,he is such a worry to everyone just now,was this accidental?think he could do with some councilling support.You certainly have had more than you deserve on your plate just now,hope everything can work itself out soon.God Bless.
  18. Hi Helen, Welcome to LCSC,you couldnt choose a better place to be than here, everyone is so supportive and friendly and with such a wealth of knowledge of Lung Cancer,you wont go short of excellent advice.My very best wishes for an excellent prognosis.
  19. Thanks Dianne for sharing your story,it does bring hope to so many,your grandson is just so cute.I just know you will have the pleasure of watching him grow up.
  20. Good Evening All, Got showered and dressed this morning,its early going to drop Sally off at her work,then pick up Jennifer in Glasgow.I really feel dreadful,body sore particularly lower back,still coughing and bunged up nose had another Lemsip,finally decide not to go in to work,phoned Jennifer to make her own way in,ask Sally to phone for a Taxi and get herself to work,then phoned my colleague Bill to pass on to HR I wont be in today.Back to bed fell asleep,phone rings in the distance,voice message "Sally,this is Ann,where are you?",I go downstairs its 9.15am,Sally asleep in the chair,gives me dogs abuse for even daring to ask if she has been drinking,no she said I just fell back to sleep in the chair.She phones Ann,in her best voice,apologises and she will be down in ten minutes,oh boy,well I go back to bed,I hear her taxi,and shes gone. I stirred from sleep,feeling rough,downstairs for another Lemsip,its 1.30pm on the clock -oh no- Sally's home sitting in the armchair,she has been sent home by her manager for being intoxicated.She tells me its OK she can return to-morrow.Thats just over a week she managed,it never rains... Slept most of the day off and on,read a few minutes then back to sleep,this is some cold,not had one of these for years,hopfully I will feel better in the morning and get back to work. Hope everyone else is getting over their colds and flus,see you to-morrow.
  21. Good Afternoon All, Like others here I have developed a heavy cold,holiday Monday too.Dropped Sally off at her work at 11.00am this morning,came home feeling miserable,body aching coughing and spluttering,had a short burst posting in having taken a Lemsip,followed by another an hour later,went back to bed and slept until now,5.30pm,what a waste of a holiday.Will pick up Sally at six. JudyMI,really sorry to hear about the ansaphone carry on,hope todays news is good and nothing to do with cancer.I dont understand why you say the insurance(medical?) runs out in two months,your system is really beyond belief,what happens after two months?.I hope Randy can find new avenues to explore following winding down of his business,please pass on to him my good wishes. Annette,well junior wayward,isnt doing much to help the family is he?,I hope he can realise the effect he is having on everyone,and mend his ways.I dont think he would or should receive a custodial sentence,given his age and misdemeaner,probation,public service order may be a better way to proceed,maybe sweeping the streets for a few weeks,will give him some time to reflect?. Bruce sorry about your Wikileaks,you should have been a bit more discreet about being photographed wearing the damn thing,I was,Tee-Hee. Love to stay and chat more but Id better go and pick Sally up,she just hates it if I am late,I will try and come back later after dinner.
  22. Hi Sue, Welcome to your new home,it is such a pleasure to meet Tony's partner,it really does show in his post he loves you very much.I am so pleased to hear you have been through your heart operation successfully,now to get on with making a full recovery. Sorry to hear about your re-staging,there are many hear have similar and are doing just fine,the hardest time for me in my experience was the weeks following my dx,I sailed through all my chemo's and surgery with only the slightest of discomfort,but it was the mental side of my experience that was the hardest to deal with,each morning I woke up I had this dreadful imagining,that this disease was going to kill me,and not in the too distant future.I had found a great deal of support from family and friends,not forgetting the welcome I received from all the buddies here at LCSC,eventually with the wonderful passage of time,my fears began to subside,I now woke up thinking about yesterdays post I sent in here,wondering what replies would I receive,hoping that my big mouth hadnt caused anyone some offence (I do have the occassional urge to get on my soapbox) I am a bit of a frustrated politician,wanting to fix all the wrongs on Planet Earth. Lung Cancer has been a rain cloud in my life,but it came with a great big silver lining,I really can say I have enjoyed my two years survival time better than all my previous years prior to my dx,the things I have done since, and the lovely people I have met,not forgetting the places it has taken me to,that I would have missed out on had it not been for my LC.Also the polyp in my bowel that would have killed me were it not discovered by my PET scan for my LC,yes I have been blessed. I am an Advocate for Roy Castle LC Foundation Org,I have been an invited speaker at one of their conferences recently in Manchester,been filmed twice,appeared in newspapers in the UK,old big head has just lapped up all the attention(its the thespian in me,just love to show off). Sue dont think this disease is the end,think of it as a new beginning,a new type of life,but has ample oppertunities in it to have fun.There will be times when you are feeling down,I can recommend a visit here to the Morning Air,the guys and gals are all one can short of a six pack,Bruce,Becky and Annette and many others,they will chase your blues away,no probs. I wish you well as your treatment plan is put into operation,and hope you and Tony will be back to-gether ASAP.God Bless.
  23. Hi Katie, Seems like your friendship with Julian Assange has paid off,the guy in the photo is one that Bruce hoped would never be revealed,but he didnt know Wikileaks would get their hands on it.Come on Bruce,dont sulk,I think you look pretty smart in your outfit,you dont have any more to share with us do you?
  24. Hi Nick, Always a pleasure to hear of a new arrival,congratulations to you both,cannot wait to see the pics (please)
  25. Good Afternoon Everyone, Beautiful spring like day here just back home from Glasgow,warm enough that I didnt wear my jacket,just shirt and jersey,oh oh dont say that Eric,they will pounce,of course also shoes and trousers. Went into Trailfinders to pay for my flights and rail pass,the guy wanted me to provide him with a list of my intinery,where I am going,how many days I am spending at each stopover,this was in order to book all my hotels in advance.I did try,but its too difficult,how can one decide if you have never been to America before?I mean New York for three days?or Boston for two days?you told me there are 18 buildings in the Smithsonian Museum to visit,so how many days in Washinton DC?.I have now got to the stage is the North route west of Chicago the best one,for me?I do want to see the dinosaurs in Montana,and the Crow and Blackfeet Native Americans,but maybe,the other routes would be better?Yosmite and the Giant Redwoods,Las Vegas,Grand Canyon not forgetting New Orleans. So no booking hotels in advance until I get there,has anyone been to Montana and can fill me in a bit versus the other choices? Had a super night at Ethils? 50th birthday party last night,its great to see all the extended family having a good time to-gether,my brother Stewart (Ethils husband)and I had lots of stories to share since we last met,dont see him very often,parties and the like,must try to make ammends.His son is in his third year at Uni,going back for a forth year to take his Honours,he introduced me to his girlfriend,she is here studying the same Business Degree as young Stewart,she is absolutley potty for him,they are both going back to Beijing this summer to meet the parents,this girls English is so good,its unbelievable this is her first time out of China. Its Mia's first birthday today,a party for the kids this afternoon,I am going with Sally for the adults party tonight,oh I know why I crashed out last week,but its all great fun. I have just remembered,when I was at church last Sunday,Bob asked me if I could come earlier to set up the tables for the mens breakfast Saturday next,7.00am would be just great says he,no problem Bob you can count on me.Bob will miss this event for the first time in years,his wife Ann,a lovely woman, has just been diagnosed with breast cancer,which unfortunately has spread to other parts of her body,she is going through radio therapy just now,but the prognosis isnt good.To my absolute horror,despite my reassurance to Bob I clean forgot all about the breakfast until now,crumbs,I am going to feel so badly at church to-morrow,what on earth am I going to say to everyone,dont you wish sometimes a big hole will come along and swallow you up? Katie, remember,all work no play make's jill a dull girl,congratulations on twenty years married,have a great day on Monday. Must dash,its 5.45pm here got to pick up Sally at work again at 6pm,we are going straight into Craig and Lorna's house for Mias party.Have fun everyone with the rest of Saturday,any plausable excuses for forgetting mens breakfast,would be most welcome,before church to-morrow.
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