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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Good Morning Everyone, Its just gone 7am,just dropped in briefly,got tables to set up at ABC,for the mens breakfast,dont want to be late and have them all talking about me being a skiver.Well the Gulf Stream continues to work in Scotland,the winds from the South West are melting all the snow and ice,thank goodness. Oh, points of clarification required-JudyKW,goodness knows why I ascribed your barbed comment to JudyMI regarding a certain lack of enthusiasm on my behalf in getting to work,I am sorry JudyMI,we all know who the guilty party was, dont we?.JudyKW,I cannot really complain,your intuition is not misplaced,but I still got you,didnt I? "I am such a thicky",those of you who know me,should have clicked with this expression.In Scotland,one who is a bit dim,one can short of a six pack or even dense is commonly described here as being Thick,it was in reference to Bruces use of fractions in his post,I said where did he find three quarters on his keyboard? Chuckkies?good grief and heavens to Betsy,dont tell me you dont know what chukkies are,talk about thick?it is a good old Scots word for pebbles of the larger variety.Again in reference to Bruces remark about them being used on frozen Canadian roads. Got to dash everyone,tables await,will try to return to-night.Have a really brill day everyone.Bye.
  2. Hi Libby, Gosh have you any idea what you have said? It is one of my favourite songs. Maxwelton Braes are bonnie, And its there where Annie Lawrie, Gied me her promise true, Gied me her Promise true. Its a really haunting song,and I have known it all my life,but I know nothing about Annie Lawrie,must check it out on Google.Thanks for your post.
  3. Good Evening Everyone, Sorry I couldnt open the mail this morning,something awful intervened,Anniesland College has re-opened,I know you are all so disapointed by my absence,but hey, Ive got to go back when called.What a change in the weather,its got so warm I could have gone to work in a T shirt and shorts.All the snow and ice is melting,you wouldnt believe how things can change in such a short space of time. Judy MI,Oh you are a little rascal,with your feminine intuition,you really have the ability to see through me better than a CT scan,its so un-nerving that someone knows you better than I do myself,your little dig "getting to the market OK,but not able to get to your work" You are so close to the truth,but Ive got you this time,havent I?,Hah-you didnt catch the third line of my little ditty-did you?-Anniesland is Closed,Senior management, despite my appeals to the contrary decided themselves to close the College, Tues,Wed,and Thurs,so One up for Eric Tee-Hee.Go on talk your way out of that one. Hi Ann,I think now with the thaw on,everything in Scotland will soon get back to normal.Gosh what have I planned for the weekend?Boy,well Saturday is Mens Breakfast at the ABC,so I am out at 8am,to help set up the table placings for everyone,then serve everyone with eggs,bacon,lorne sausage,tattie scones,black pudding and baked beans,gulp,one million calories per plate,then I help clear up,and put away the dishes.Got to pick up Jennifer at the opticians at 11.30am,she wants me to take her shopping to Tescos,also to help me choose Christmas prezzies for Sally.Sunday ABC,then to wee sister Irenes to shop for more prezzies for Max and Mia,boy hope I have time left to post in?. Hi Bud,never thought about it before,but Sked-ule is more natural for me. Hi Stephanie,Home made bread?sounds really complicated,to be quite honest,baked beans on toast is about my limit,gosh you have a point?how can I have toast with no bread?oh well time to open a can of Heinz Veggie soup,and dook some slices of bread in it,oh,oh. Hi Annette,caught you,anyway,thats not really important,the real question is-What do Scots wear under the Kilt?. Finally,you will be relieved to know that the Film guys are coming to my house on Tuesday at Noon,I have been provided with a list of questions they would like me to respond to,gosh there were so many,I really dont want to bore you,but basically its about educating people about the early signs of LC and how to cope with a LC dx.Hope to be on best form,I will follow my own lifelong mantra,the 5 Ps-Proper, Planning ,Prevents, Poor Performance,goodnight everyone,see you to-morrow-god willing.
  4. Hi All, Thought I'd upload some pictures from Oran Mor. As you can see my sister joined me and we had a great night.. No cheeky comments about my legs in a kilt!! Enjoy... Eric
  5. Hi Everyone, My name is Max and I am 4 years old and this is my wee cousin Mia, Uncle Eric asked me if I could post some pics in, since he is hopeless in doing this himself. He said it was time we introduced ourselves,but since he suffers from dimensia, in not realising we've met before in the Glasgow Science Centre,and he is holding Mia in his Avatar. I have found some pics of him and my gran, at their night out at the Oran Mor, him in his kilt-he is a big show off, so dont encourage him, bye for now, Mia says bye also. Max Clarke aged 4.
  6. sorry about the errors,forgot to re-read before clicking the submit button,oh boy.
  7. Oh joy, oh rapture, unforseen, For now the sky is all serene, Anniesland is closed again, And Eric's back for a refrain. (apologies to Messrs Gilbert and Sullivan). Blooming heck, the post yesterday was busier them the M8 on Monday,and so many brill ones to reply to,why my mail today could be longer than Tolstoys War and Peace,relax only kidding. Well its 9.30am here,clear skies and warmer, -4 degrees,tomorrow I am sure will reopen mild spell expected plus 7 degrees C,(sorry you will have to covert that into your money,I am as baffled as you).Snowplough cleared Sutherland Drive yesterday afternoon,so I will make it to the shops today. Transport disruption is making for shortages in the shops,Glasgow bakes most of Scotlands bread,so outlying villages are having to do without,Edinburgh has called on the Army to help clear the streets of local villages.Another problem is shortages of fuel,garages are getting low,the Grangemouth refinery in Scotland supplies most of the garages in the UK is having difficulty in maintaining supplies.Diesel has virtually disappeared from the forecourts,thank goodness I filled up with petrol on Monday.Reports of more Artic weather heading our way by Monday,what on earth is going on?. Bruce, I never got to hear anymore of the vibrating ice-breaking vehicle,but the M8 is now open, one lane, both ways. Where on the keyboard did you find fractions? oh I am such a thicky,three-quarter inch chukkies on the road? oh boy,think I would be wearing a crash helmet driving in Canada. Hi Libby,going to see your daughters concerts,brings back happy memories to me,watching Jennifer in the choir at Christmas Concerts,Airdrie Academy choir is famous for the enthusiasm of its orchestra and singers,they always tried to lift the roof off the Assembly hall.By the way the film crew are coming on Monday-weather permitting. Annette,what a surprise,you in the Navy?travelling the world?you lucky person you.You didnt bump into Kaseys Fred, or Randy did you? dont mean your ships collided of course.LOL.What about Little Torch Sky?-love it-who else but Americans could dream up a place name like that,wonder where it came from? Hi Ginny,good to hear from you,it would be nice if you can find out where your friend comes from in Scotland,maybe we've met?.Hope you have a really good night out with the girls,I can hear you all now chattering away,having fun.Mind, not too many Vino Collapseos. Got to go his masters voice calls,Sally is wanting to go to the shops.Bye.
  8. Hi Ned, Always a pleasure to see you visiting,yes there are hundreds of differences in our words,Just have to look at Buds spelling Offense in todays post,this is our Offence,expand this a little further,in watching Americans War films as a kid,it really used to amuse me to know Americans didnt know how to spell,because their Army,Navy or Air Force notice boards always had Defense on them where as everyone knows its actually Defence (Tee Hee).Also the use of words Gas where we say Petrol,but my real favourite which always raises a smile when I hear an American pronouncing Aluminium,we say AL-you-mini-um,you say Aloom-in-um.gosh this is fun,must get my thinking cap on for more.Goodnight Ned,thanks for the subject.
  9. Gosh I must be morphing into being an American,just re-reading my post AFTER sending,and noticed I had spelled snowplough,snowplow isnt that weird?Bye Y'All.
  10. Good Morning Everyone, What do you mean "Oh no Its him again" sorry but you cannot discourage a frustrated writer,who has plenty of un-expected time on his hands,or should I say two index fingers.Sorry about yesterday I did go on a bit,I promise to be more miserly with words to-day. Well its just gone 11.00am,as you may guess Hooray I am still marooned at home,college closed again,the M8 closed completely for twenty miles east of Edingurgh,in Glasgow one lane open sporadically in both directions.Explaination put foreword by the road transport authorities,was that the previous fall of snow had become hard impacted and turned to ice,snowplowing didnt work in shifting it,the gritting didnt work either because it is only effective down to -10 degrees and Scotland was way below that.They have now introduced some kind of machine that vibrates the road surface causing the ice to break up,which can then be cleared,I havent a clue what this machine is maybe Bruce will know,Hi Bruce how do they manage the snow on your roads? Airdrie station has been given a major makeover and is looking lovely,from being rather run down and poorly lit at night,making particularly female passengers uncomfrotable about using the station at night,the station is just gleaming and light up like a football stadium.The inaugural train journey linking Airdrie to Edinburgh is on the 12th of December,and I hope to be on it,what excitement(what a boring life I have, I hear you say)so its 25mins to Glasgow and 30mins to Edinburgh. Think its time for me to put up the Christmas decorations,my mother wouldnt allow this to happen yet,this could only be done on the 12th day before Christmas and had to be taken down on the 12th day after Christmas.JudyMI THREE Christmas Trees?what are you up to,are you starting an indoor forest?,crivvens jings and michty me. Right Eric,stop right there,lets not repeat yesterday,OK,got to go,have a really good day everyone,now where did I put my sledge?,think I will check the garage first.bye.
  11. Hi Bud, You are both looking good,think its a match made in heaven.Dont neglect Rose though.Wishing you many happy miles together.
  12. Arent these people despicable hitching a ride on our forums,to sell their wares?I was about to respond to the original post,when luckily I spotted the post date.Nearly made a chump of myself.If I could get my hands on this fellah,he would be wearing his shoes in his mouth.
  13. Good Morning Everyone, Sorry I havent been around recently,just got so tied up in other things,missed you all.Well I am sitting at home today,yesterday mid-morning snow began to fall again,heavily,college was closed at 12.30pm,I drove Jennifer home in Springburn got there at 1.00pm,roads were deteriorating,traffic was beginning to struggle,Jennifer asked if I wanted to come in for a coffee,since I had some time before picking up Sally at her work at 2.00pm.I turned her down,preferring to be early rather than late Ha Ha,the whole of Central Scotland at that moment,just ground to a halt.The M8 which links Glasgow and Edinburgh was closed in both directions leaving everyone stranded in their cars,using my knowledge of all the back streets of Glasgow I managed to reach the small district of Swinton reasonably comfortably,unfortunately there is more than one Eric,using this diversion tactic,I found myself in the worst gridlock of my life.Managed to contact Sally to tell her of my situation,told her to stay put until I arrive,as it turns out she had no option anyway,nothing was moving in Coatbridge anyway,than my mobile went on the blink,it was needing recharged,never rains but it pours,finally got to Sally's work at 8.15pm,thats was a drive of usually 45 mins had taken me almost 8 hours.Finally I had to dig my way into my drive to get my car off the road.Well college is closed today,I really hope their is an enquirey into why Scotland roads can gridlock with a few inches of snow,where Sweden and Norway can manage fine with heavier and more prolonged snowfall,I was listening on TV and radio to all the various spokespersons giving vaccous excuses for poor performance of snowplowing and gritting roads particularly when they were give accurate information by the Met office 24 hours previous.I was one of the lucky ones making it home thousands of others had to sleep in their cars overnight and are still waiting for rescue today,think some heads should roll.Finally on the subject,my buddy Bill,his daughter is a Student at Motherwell College,this college was cut off completely from the transport system and all the students had to stay in the college overnight,was she bothered? not a bit,the kids are all having a great big party. Lots of newsy items to share with you,if you have time on your hands that I unexpectively have. Good news-work starts shortly on a new building at the Beatson (a world status hospital for the treatment of cancer)when opened,a team of top scientists have been gathered from around the world,will solely focus on bringing new cancer drugs from development stage into patient usage.Appearently its going to make considerable progess in clearing up current log jams.Another nice bit of news is that Glaswegians donated £8,000,000 towards its construction. Just heard this morning that a team of Oxford Uni scientists have reported after a twenty year research project,that taking 75mg aspirin daily reduces deaths from a wide range of cancers by approx 20%. On my home front,I went to my sisters to get help from her hubby Pat in sending in some of my pics into Photo album(Sally got a bit fed up with my untidy study,decided to give it a make over,unfortunately I now have seem to have lost Chris's step by step guide on how to send pics in,isnt it a scunner?)Anyway,the horse fell at the first hurdle,Pat had forgotten his security password to confirgure my laptop into his wireless system?So I will just have to content myself and try and get a hold of Chris again.Jennifer thinks I should have grasped how to do it myself by now,unfortunately the way my old brain works now unless I am doing a computer type task regularly,it just fades from my memory? Emma Gunby has rescheduled the filming in Airdrie to next Monday,weather permitting.Phoned the hospital this morning to cancel my respiritory appointment,needed have bothered,all clinics have been cancelled until further notice,which reminds me since I sabotaged my previous colonoscopy appointment,my next one is on Thursday,might be cancelled also. Lastly, old big head,has been asked by ABC if he would be prepared to sing Silent Night solo, in the Watchnight service on Christmas Eve,no prizes for guessing what my answer was. Better go now you have probably all fallen asleep by now anyway,see you later.Bye.
  14. Some examples of Brits humour,all the following have appeared in British Newspapers in their classified ads. Free Yorkshire Terrier 8 years old, Hateful little b*stard, BITES. Free Puppies, Half Cocker Spaniel, Half sneaky neighbours dog, Free Puppies, Mother is Kennel Club registered,German Shepard, Father is a super dog,able to leap tall fences in a single bound. For Sale,Cow and Calves;never bred, Also 1 gay bull. Wedding Dress for sale, Worn once by mistake, Phone Stephanie. For Sale, by Owner, One complete set of Britannica Encyclopedia, 45 volumes,Excellent condition,£200 or best offer. no longer needed,got married,wife knows everything. Finally from one of Scotlands Greatest Thinkers, Billy Connelly, If women are so bloody perfect at multi-tasking, how come they cannot have sex and a headache at the same time?
  15. Good Afternoon Everyone, Just after 3.30pm here,turned out beautiful,-4 degrees though but sunny bright blue skies,they forecast to-night in some parts of Scotland it will reach -22 degrees.Well the snow plough cleared Sutherland Drive yesterday,wasnt perfect driving conditions but I made it to the shops for bread and milk,unfortunately there was no gritter follow up,snowed again last night,only three inches though,tried my car on the road surface but there was an ice base under the snow and I couldnt get any traction,in fact it took me ages to get the car back into my drive. So here I am in my study,enjoying another day off work,west of Airdrie seems to have escaped with only a light dusting of snow,so Anniesland College is working normally,I heard something ammounting to a veiled threat,that senior management are compiling a list of names of those persons who have failed to turn up for work due to inclement weather,well I consider myself honest and beyond reproach,they may end up with their little burned fingers if I am called into question.I did manage to walk round to my local general store to-day,its about half the distance to Airdrie station,so with a bit more effort I will try to-morrow to get a train if my car cannot make it.Problem with the trains is so many have been cancelled,they are so unreliable just now,also if I do get into work theres no guarantee I can easily get home. Hi JudyKW,Ooops sorry left the silent K off from Dominick's name, I keep doing that,a bassoon?this is a first, Ive never heard of anyone who plays the bassoon before,come to think of it I dont remember if I have ever heard one played solo before,only as part of an orchestra,prsume it to produce low mellow notes?I asked Sally about Zucchinni,shes not sure either but thinks its a type of pasta?eggplant also a mystery-a type of veggie?I told Sally we should expand or diet a bit,porridge, haggis and haddock is all very well, but. Hi Libby,thank you, thats so nice of you,Emma has been be online offering me next of the following Mondays or Tuesdays,I told her I had such a sad boring little life,she should choose her bst option,since I will fit in with any of her suggestions,weather permitting of course,I have never in all my life here in Scotland experienced anything like this,and the Artic conditions seem set to continue.I tell you if I win the Lottery,there will be a LUNGevity party like you have never seen before,one can dream can't they.Now about looking forward to another twenty years of working,at best I now have only three and a bit left,would have been happy to retire prior to my dx,however spending a few months at home during and after my treatment,also in the winter months I was so glad to get back to work and a bit of normality,mind you it was before I discovered LUNGevity.I do wish you Libby twenty more working years,albeit happy ones,perhaps doing something different that you can get more fullfilment from. Hi Bud,If you want,why dont you come over to Scotland,I have a spare room, its just brill just now to practice driving skills on snow and ice,just think next time it snows in Texas you can impress the neighbours with your driving prowess. Good night everyone,dinners ready,bye.
  16. Evening All, Wecome to the Artic Circle,think even Bruce is having milder weather than me,for the second day my car was unable to climb Mt Sutherland Drive,didnt make work again,almost another complete day marooned,but not entirely the snow plough arrived,hooray rescued at last,do you know I swear I have seen a couple of Polar bears in Cairnhill Woods at the back of my house. Emma emailed today to confirm or not the arrival of her film crew at my home,in the interests of their safety,with tears in my eyes,I had to recommend them not coming,it is so disapointing to me,but you know what despite that she could just find someone else in England more convenient,she wants to re-shedule and still use me,isnt that really nice?better be at my best then. Hi Judy KW,you are a bit of a cook arent you?you know everthing you describe is new to me,like stuffed clams,oyters and scallops etc,they all sound so delicious,cannot wait to try your recipes one day LOL.I would love to know what instrument Dominic is learning?,maybe we could duet to-gether,or even a trio with Donnie perhaps?. Hi Bud,thanks for your reflections on workplace cancer attitudes,kinda makes me feel better regarding my experience.I think your dx played a major role on your buddy finding the courage to live his dream and move out West.I know about your dream,leaving the life of working on CAD machines,which I think would be really interesting,but for too clever for my brain,I keep trying to win EuroMillions and the National Lottery,if I do hit the jackpot,you can retire anytime.I think you will manage 7500miles provided I dont send you our weather. Hi Judy MI,did you get home safely from the party?thanks for being such a sport,you are definately No1 on my invitation list for my next party.You know Judy you have brought a lump to my throat,with your carol post,(what a great big softie I am)up until my dx two years ago,I was a member of the Airdrie and Coatbridge Amateur Operatic Society Concert Party(got the Tee shirt and a jersey to prove it)we had a lot of gigs at this time of the year,in the first half of our concert,we sang the songs of our next big show (they cost over £30,000 to stage)in the next half we changed into our carol costumes,Santa hats and Christmas type wooly jumpers,and gave the audience a wide collection of Christmas songs and carols,I always had two solo spots -Eidelweiss and Cliff Richard's No1 hit song Mistletoe and Wine.Sadly the concert party has now disbanded,I so miss it at this time of the year. OK,Judy,when you are ready,my guitars on hand,does the key of C suit you? right blast off time,after three,,,,, Oh the weather outside is delightful Goodnight Everyone.Byee
  17. Good Morning All, Oh boy does my head ache,now where did I put the ibuprofen?,must have been something I ate?.Well thats the last of the guests finally gone,what a party,just all the tidying up to do,dyson(hoover LOL) round the lounge,did you see the pile of dishes in the sink?,you know having parties is great fun,but I hope the next one is in someones elses house.Any volunteers for the Christmas or New Year ones?you are all invited to my next one so mark it in your diaries,25th January-Burns night,promise it will be a great night,its really traditionally called a Burns Supper and in tribute to Roberts drinking nights with his male buddies no ladies,nowadays,things have got a bit more liberal,and women are now invited(to some only)anyway they are always welcome in my home,can you really imagine having a party,and not inviting the Judies,Libby,Becky,Stephanie etc,etc?got to dash,Ive left the tap running in the sink,and the water is all over the kitchen floor.See you.
  18. Hi Judy, Thank you for indulging me on my short flight of imagination,if I can translate, Heres to us, Who is like us? Only a few,and ,who have since passed away. Oh Robert eloping with Clarinda? just one problem,Roberts wife,Jean Armour (and kids)his love was ephemeral,there wre many more Clarindas to enter into his life,what a rascal,I think even the women were secretly in admiration of his prowess. Tattis? no Tatties-Potatoes-what on earth is Tattis? Lastly,McPherson's Rant-He was a musician about to be hanged on a public scaffold,who asked for a last request,which is granted,to play one last tune on his fiddle,love playing and singing this with my guitar, not fiddle.Enjoy the rest of your day,glad you enjoyed the Corries.
  19. Hi Lilyjohn, I enjoy reading all your posts,I am really sorry that this is a particularly bad time for you,keep you in mind for four days?hey, can do that standing on my head,of course I can.Hope this down feeling passes quickly,think we all have these moments,I always try to find alternative thoughts to squeese the down ones out of my head,why dont you go to the party upstairs,yeah the St Andrews one,Ill sing you a song or two,on second thoughts you might prefer feeling down LOL.
  20. Good Afternoon All, Phew, just dropping in for a minute,thats some party next door,if they dont quieten it down a bit I am going to have to phone for the police,by the way you have all been invited. Hi Judy,we need some more musicians,how about Dominic comes round to join us?what he is playing this weather?. Hi Bud,Spent about three hours shovelling snow to-day,I checked its thickness on our sidewalk(we call them pavements here)it is 12 inches deep.Yeah about the walking,my Boss was doing all he could to encourage me to get to work,suggested I walk round to Airdrie Station(my daughter told me yesterday they were off)Its a real slog particularly in deep snow I do find myself a bit breathless uphill,particularly two mile ones.This is the boss by the way,who removed my name from my office door after being off work,during my chemo time,also phoning me,to consider early retirement through ill-health,boy was my oncologist furious over these remarks,wanted the guy dismissed, from his job.I also phoned once during to arrange a visit to the college to meet with my collegues and students,he told me not to come,since it would demoralise the staff.I went directly to the college and sought the permission of my Principal,her response?Eric,you dont require permission,why are you asking?oh incidentally my Boss is in her office at this moment in time,not knowing where to look,I enjoyed his discomfort,and explained to me that it was not an acceptable idea.She looked at me sternly and demanded to know who would say such a thing to me,I did decline to say and left her office to meet my colleagues and students.My antipathy with my Boss did have some bearing in not going into work today,also breaking my arm last year in making such an attempt.Allow me to vent a little more,my boss is conspicious by his unexplained absences from the office two of three half days every week,do as I say rather than do as I do perhaps?Sorry about all that,why I feel much better now. Hi Libby,gosh what about the gunman story? I remember Ann describing such an incident some weeks ago,Id be interested,if you could pass on more details that you find out later,hope the children get over this quickely. Well I am off to rejoin the party, catch you all later.bye
  21. Good Afternoon Partygoers, Alas, the severe snowfall in Scotland has prevented my car making the summit of Mt Sutherland drive,and I have to be content to stay at home.Well today is a special day in Scotland its St Andrews day,so I thought we should have a Ceileigh.So lets share some of Scolands culture,of humour,songs and poetry.My first rendition,is of a poem by our National Bard,Rabbi Burns sorry Robbie Burns.The prologue,Robert as you may know, was a bit of a lad with the ladies,he was having an affair with Clarinda,in writing to her he would use the pseudonym,Sylvander,one day Clarinda tells Robert the she has to leave Scotland forever to live abroad with her husband.Brokenhearted Robert pens:- Ae Fond Kiss Ae fond kiss and then we sever A fareweel,alas,forever Deep in heart-wrung tears Ill plege thee, Warring sighs and groans Ill wage thee, Who shall say that Fortune grieves him While the star of hope she leaves him? Me,nae cheerful twinkle lights me Dark despair twinkle lights me. Ill ne'er blame my partial fancy Naething couls resist my Nancy But to see her was to love her Love but her and love forever Had we ne'er lov'd sae kindly Had we ne'er lov'd say blindly Never met or ne'er parted We had ne'er been broken-hearted Fare- thee-weel,thou first and fairest Fare-thee -weel-thou best and dearest Thine be ilka joy and treasure, Peace,Enjoyment,Love and Pleasure, Ae Fond Kiss and then we sever, Ae fareweel,alas,forever Deep in heart-wrung tears ill pledge thee, Warring sighs and groans Ill wage thee. Its diffucult for me to read this peom without singing the words in my head.I play accoustic guitar(badly) and enjoy many of Roberts songs and other Folk tunes.There is a folk duo in Scotland should say was,called the Corries,they toured Scotland, made many records and appeared many times on TV,I have recorded many of their concerts unfortunately they are on VHS video,wonder if they can be copied onto DVD?.the duo were made up of Roy Williamson and Ronnie Brown,who not only were superb musicians but they also made all their own instruments.A few years ago,Roy died suddenly with a brain haemorrhage,Ronnie in paying tribute to his musician skills said "The angels must now look to their laurals,since Roy has arrived"For the next part of our ceileigh,you have to refer to You Tube and type in The Corries you should find at least 50 videos of their music and songs,press play on your choice I particularly recommend Glencoe,Killicrankie also our National Anthem (which they wrote)The flower of Scotland,go on indulge me, its only once a year,promise you will enjoy listening to them. Now later you have to sit down to some delicious Haggis,Tatties and Neeps,and as grace one must recite the following:- Some hae meat and dinna eat, Some hae nane that want it, But we hae meat and we can eat, So let the Lord be thankit. Finally,but not least,raise a wee dram of the amber nectar and repeat after me;- Heres tae us Wha's like us Gie few an' there aw deed. Enjoy the rest of the party,I am off to my guitar,MacPhersons Rant coming up.Byee
  22. Evening All, Bit quiet today guys,what bizarre weather here in the UK,we dont do snow until after Christmas.I finally coaxed my car up Sutherland Drive this morning at 11.00am,got into work at lunch time,bit of a waste really,I didnt have a class until 3.15pm,and I decided to release them at 4.00pm again,due to the weather outside.Arrived home at 6.00pm just in time for the snow to start again. Stobhill Lung Cancer Christmas Party this Wednesday has been cancelled by Penny,she dosnt want us to be exposed to this weather un-necessarily,maybe we can reschedule another day if the weather improves. Emma Gunby has emailed me to say she is going to travel up to Airdrie with her film crew weather permitting,think its going to be too close to call,cancellation looks more than likely,as the weather reports are still saying artic conditions to continue. Hi Bud,sorry about fish being in short supply,hope its only temporary.The short films proposed are going to be pushed hard by the Roy Castle publicity machine,the films are being placed in facebook,you tube,Roy Castle website and others,so provided they can actually get made,you will get to see them. Hi Bruce,it was really nice to hear about your sons graduation day,they are such memorable occassions,also the oppertunity to spend some quality time with your daughter also. Good Luck to your son in his chosen placement.Thanks for the information on Canada's Airdrie,must look it up on google earth. Just going to have a quick scan of the other mail,before off to bed,night all.
  23. Well Hello Indy, A warm welcome to LCSC,I think you are on to a prize for the briefness of your introduction.Why dont you visit the introduction forum and give us the pleasure of hearing a bit more about yourself,eg are you a carer for some with LC or are you a patient?Dont be shy we dont bite.
  24. Hi Mandy, Still following your "Adventures with Dad" series,what a character he is.Yes I will be thinking of both of you on Wednesday,wishing both of you the best of British for a good feedback session with your oncologist.I am having my revised schedule for a colonoscopy on Thursday,silly me had a bacon roll the day before my last appointment,thinking it was still OK,timewise-wrong they wouldnt take me,I felt so embarrassed,in having wasted everyones time,wont happen again,promise.
  25. Good Morning Dawn, I hope it dosnt take six months in you getting round to read this LOL.Unexpected day off today,woke up to 5 inches of snow outside,shovels out at six am this morning to try to clear my drive and the road in front of my house but its a waste of time,the only vehicles that could move in my street are 4 wheel drives,I live at the bottom of a long cul-de-sac.Airdrie station is about one and a half uphill miles from my house,and not being Bud,I dont have the fitness for that kind of a walk in the snow to get to my work. Dawn I actually wrote you a rather long reply to this post last night just before going to bed,I pressed the preview button to re-read what I had written,and for the second time yesterday the post just vanished?.Oh was I annoyed,I just hadnt the energy to start all over again,it was about midnight and I had work the next day.Do you think God has arranged it to give me some additional time to reply to you now?. I think it is just as well the post did vanish,I really did have a go at your political system that allows your situation to exist.I think I would have been given a lifetime ban from visiting America if any government official had read my post.I am much calmer now,my choice of words now will be more measured. Dawn, I really found your post most upsetting,we in the UK owe a debt of gratitude to our forefathers who fought a long and arduous battle to bring about the modern welfare system we have to-day.I really hope your fellow Americans will one day will "see the light"to bring about social reforms that are long overdue, the measure of any great nation should always be how it treats the least of its citizens.Its great to hear at least health wise you are doing well.God Bless.
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