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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Becky, Thanks for your trick or treat explaination,I wouldnt give the little rascals candy without having earned it first,so get them singing or reciting a favourite poem or even telling a joke,helps teach them you gotta earn your pay.Anyway I follow giving the kids candy as the treat part of the expression,what is the trick part,putting a rattlesnake in their bag?or would that infringe some animal welfare law?
  2. Pumpkin. By the way Becky, Bobbin for apples?article in the newspapers here,letters being circulated around all the schools in Scotland by the Health and Safety guys that Bobbin for apples is hereby banned forthwith,due to it being unhygenic,a serious risk of spreading germs.Dooking with a fork can continue though.I kid you not.
  3. Good Morning/Afternoon All, Just started my post.its 11.55am,so this will enter pm also.Weather here as yesterday,overcast but dry and warm,gave church a miss this morning.Just about to leave for Cumbernauld to visit Irene,she has Max to-day,so lots of fun to be had. I had a really lazy day yesterday,didnt have anything planned,did have the garage to tidy up and get rid of some more accumulated junk also buy some bags of compost for my new raised planters,och well, I have all week to do these chores,we really dont want to rush into things,enjoyed my reading and TV viewing. What a contrast you lot had for a Saturday and such a variety of events, Homecoming Football,Picasso exhibition,Regina's Rocking Event and Birthday Parties in the park,Libby, I didnt get your daughters name,I hope she really enjoyed her singing stint.Judy BA and MA,well done, take a bow,time taken is irrelevent,this is something I wish to do in four years time when I retire,and deliberately take twelve years to get them also,wonder what to take?I seem to be interested in everything under the sun. Got to go now,have a great Sunday everyone.
  4. Good Afternoon All, After Thursday and Friday glorious and sunny blue skies, Saturday just had to be overcast however,at least it is dry and warm,not JudyKW dry and warm though. Well its the first day of my weeks vacation from work,nothing much planned but I intend to visit Aberfoyle on a Autumn photo shoot,I was there last year at this time and the scenery was just beautiful,but without my camera can you believe it.Never go about without your camera eg I was walking down Sauchiehall St in Glasgow last week on passing a hotel a couple of photographers emerged from the doorway (real ones with all the really expensive gear),following them into the street for a photo session you will never guess,a group of about a dozen Massai warriors,both male and female,complete in full traditional costume in red,the men carrying long spears,all of them sporting loads of stands of highly coloured beads.Apparently they were a dance troup touring the UK,drat missed my oppertunity. Hi Judy,Think I would really enjoy Dominicks company,he really does enjoy learning dosent he,wish he was one of my students,have a great birthday party in the park,please pass on my happy birthday wishes. Hi Libby,Gosh your daughter has a real special weekend,imagine getting to sing at the opening of a football,oh I am green with envy,hope she has a great time,sorry but the Goo Goo Dolls seem to have passed me by? Hi Stephanie,another one with an eventful weekend planned,Picasso,great to see his work,does make your head spin a bit though,trying to understand his perceptions,I really dont see women as he does,I prefer my own view of them thank you.Have a great day out and a fine meal in the new restaurant. Another one of my work colleagues retired yesterday,bet you cannot guess how many years she completed at Anniesland College? 44years hows that for loyalty,we had a presentation tea for her and lots of goodies were passed her direction,she had the affection of all the staff here,her remit was quality systems and accommodation,god help you if swopped classrooms with another lecturer without telling her beforehand,or you and your class were not in the room she had timetabled,her voice alone just would blow you away,excuses offered were flattened by a steam road roller response.We will all miss her so much,guess what she is for years an avid fan of, and a fountain of knowledge of -American Football,shes hopes to get to a superbowl now she has some time on her hands.I f you do bump into Linda,dont argue with her,you will always be in the wrong.Bye for now,enjoy your weekend everyone.
  5. Hi MaryAnne, In the words of a well known gameshow host in the UK "didnt he do well?".Congratulations Joel,you were absolutely brilliant,I had heard cyberknike mentioned here so many times but never knew what it was,thank you for your presentation, you have put that mystery to me to bed.I wish Joel many years of good health and happiness.
  6. Hi Mihalo, G'day yourself sport,welcome to LCSC from a Pommie,or as I am a Scot maybe it should be MacPommie?.No I an not the whinging ignorant one(he lives next door. Dont really match with your request,in having the removal of the upper part of my right lung,but what I can tell you, honestly,I sailed through with only minor discomfort,and I am definately not a Scot with braveheart tendancies,quite the reverse.My discomfort mainly was would you believe one episode of constipation,which in good taste I wont elaborate on to the relieve of the readers,drinking lots of fluids I have since discovered from the buddies here,I may have missed that one out also. I have since returned to work now for nearly two years and feeling great both phsyically and mentally,cannot tell you enough about the contribution the buddies here have made towards my return to full health.I know you will soon discover for yourself,that you have wandered into a place that couldnt be better in helping you through your course of treatments and beyond.I am really looking forward to getting to know you even though you are an Aussie 'n all,good luck sport.
  7. why not Dooking for my next word?
  8. Hi Judy, In Scotland we have a long tradition of "going oot guising" for halloween,I think it is similar to trick or treat which I dont really know much about?.Well children here dress up in a variety of costumes from the scarey to the funny,they chap on a neighbours door who will invite them(theres usually a small group of kids)and they each in turn do their party piece (Mines was the Big Rock Candy Mountain-every verse because I loved to sing)the kids are rewarded with sweets (candy) and would play "Dooking for apples" ie a small bath of water was placed in the living room,with a reversed chair against it,the kids had to kneal on the chair and with a fork gripped between their teeth they had to release it over the water bath and try to spear an apple which were placed in the bath,which if they managed it, they got to keep it,another game was a row of treacle scones suspended from string also smeared with treacle the kids had to try and eat it with their hands behind their backs,of course they had more teacle on their faces then in their tummies.Oh the Nuts, a variety of these were always put in the bags that contained the the sweeties.Shame its changing,kids are more interested in getting money now and their party piece usually is a short joke hurriedly told,who said things are getting better?
  9. Nuts. Here that was a American General reply to a Nazi request to surrender in the battle of Bastoyne during the Battle of the Bulge in 44/45 WW11 ,sure confused them.
  10. Good Evening Everyone, Just after 7pm here,now dark outside,been a showery day to-day but still comfortably warm,evenings though are starting to get a bit chilly. Took the afternoon off work to-day to attend the Stobhill Hospital Lung Cancer Support Group,three new members joined our ranks,including one I encouraged to come after meeting her in Manchester,the more the merrier I say. Penny, our founder and chairperson got married on Sept 18th,so we gave her a little presentation,would you believe she got married in the cinema shevisited when dating her husband. Its a new idea, by the cinemas management,and Pennies was the first wedding to be held there,it went really well.The guests invitations were in the form of a large cinema ticket,and on the billboards outside in the street,were film posters showing Penny holding hands with her husband facing each other underneath,the film title "Tying the Knot" starring etc,etc. Reception was held elsewhere of course. Hi Bud,it is always a bit unsettling for everyone left,when a colleague leaves,I am really sorry that you are somewhat unhappy in your work,never mind,its not forever and you are so lucky to bit fit and healthy to enjoy the many other interests you have outside your work,and us here of course,so come on,give us a wee smile or even a big one if you please. Hi Ann,good to see you making the boards,thanks for your jokes again, I only have to see your avatar to make me laugh,and I mean that in the nicest possible way.Did you hear the one about the Scot visiting a bar in Texas,he asked for a beer and the barman served it in a gallon bucket,whats this? enquired the Scot,Look son, said the barman, your in Texas now,everythings bigger in these parts,Scot now asks for a whisky,barman serves it in a pint tumbler,Yeah says the Scot,dont tell me -everythings bigger in Texas.Barman,asks the Scot if he is hungry,as his bar does a lovely steak,Ok says the Scot,barman now asks how does he like his steak done?Scot replies,remove the horns,wipe its backside and stick it between two slices of bread. Have a good evening everyone.
  11. Hi Judy, Thanks for your comments,sorry about my lack of posting recently,just been a bit busy,I did open Saturdays Air which included my reflections on the Cancer Research Report I received,since I was attending their conference as an Advocate for Lung Cancer on behalf of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation at Stirling University.My questioning of the panel about poor funding of Lung Cancer research,made the report,they agreed with my view entirely,but there was a rebuke towards LC survivors for not being pro-active enough in advocating their cause(see Saturdays Air)
  12. Hi Everyone, Thanks to more prompting from Chris I have managed to post these of Loch Lomond,Think Chris deseves a medal for his patience with me.Hope you enjoy the photos.
  13. Hi Everyone, Way overdue sending these in,this place is Killin,and is just to the north west of Loch Lomond.I will hopefully following up with Loch Lomond and the World Pipe Band Championships. Chris is at home watching over me doing this and putting in the necessary prompts remotely,hope you enjoy the scenes.
  14. HI Geri, Good to see a wee Bristol lass online,why on earth are you on at this time?its 8.30am here in Scotland,so must about 3.00am where you are?Youre not far short of ten years yourself,must have haggis and chips and a glass of Irn Bru,to celebrate when this one comes round,I am nearly two years post dx myself,I so want to be in your league,well done.
  15. Hi Barb, Congratulations,10 years,this gives so much hope to all of us that it can be done,thanks for sharing,keep right on ticking for many more anniversaries.
  16. Good Morning Everyone, Beautiful sunny Autumn day here,the trees outside my window are looking great in their Autumn colours,with the grass underneath them being carpeted by the leaves that have fallen,really is a treat to see. Just havent found the time to get on line last week,missed you all,just trying this morning to catch up with all thats been going on,seems you all have been busy also,so many interesting things happening in your worlds. Bud-Spinnerbaker Products "Wow" I have just spent some time "Window Shopping" what a great website,gosh you are so clever and industrious,I really wish you every success,in fact I am so confident you are onto a winner,any chance of me buying a few shares? Randy,what a great story the reporter wrote on her overnight visit to your workplace,really looks like a great place to work in,you know that story was so well illustrated and written,I could swear I could smell the aromas coming out of your ovens over here in Scotland,would just love to get my "wallies" into your produce,well done you,pass on my regards to your colleagues. Judy MI,Hope you have a great time at Art Prize,I had a look in at your link,thats just the kind of event I would love to visit and photograph,lucky you.Boy that was some happening with your friends and the boat wasnt it,so glad everyone involved is none the worse for that experience. Judy KW,I will be thinking about you next week as you have your scans and chemo,wishing you an easy time and no residual effects.I think your re-union night is coming up soon?,hope you and Stan have a great time,catching up with all your former school friends. Donnie,earthquakes, power cuts,tornados and blizzards,boy, you really have loads of exciting events happening in your neck of the woods?my environment seems rather dull now having read your posting.I am not very sure what a concentrator is,a mechanical breathing aid of some kind?I am really sorry you have to spend some time using one,hopefully this is only temporary.How is your current treatment going? Hope to hear from you soon. Eric,wishing you all the very best as you continue your chemo and radio therapy treatments,praying for you that you have 100% success in having these cancer cells kicked out of your body for good. Well its been work,work and more work in my world last week,still at the problem solving stage with students not having received their busaries or EMA funding,hopefully the dust has settled down now.October week college holiday starts next Friday,so I can relax and spend more time here.Received a nice card and gift from Susan Christie of Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.Org ,thanking me for my presentation at conference recently,still to respond with thanks.I also received the final report of the Cancer Research UK Conference held at Stirling University recently,I am really pleased to tell you that my questioning of the panel of Oncologists and top representatives of Scotlands of two major political parties,made the report.More importantly they all agreed that my comments about meagre ammounts of monies being channelled into lung cancer research were entirely justified,they also took the time and effort to add to that section of the report,a dig at lung cancer survivors for not being pro-active enough themselves in being Advocates for attracting more attention to their cause.This entry did sting me a bit,so I think if this is a observation by these types of important people that is also felt in the USA,we have to come up with more forceful ways of presenting our case?Food for thought? Have a great day everyone,see you later.
  17. Hi Everyone, just back from Costco's,now about to to sit outside and enjoy reading a new book I bought yesterday,Anthony Beevor's D-Day,he is a terrific WW11 writer ,nearly as good as Martin Gilbert. hi Judy MI,thanks,yes the conference was most enjoyable.Let me clear up the Scottish word blether,this is simply a conversation between two or more people usually said in the context of latest gossip,not slang but of the Scots language.Ah Whyte and MacKays,this is the result of many years of arduous research undertaken by myself,to discover the most congeniel blended Scotch Whisky to my taste buds(works best when mixed with American Ginger Ale and Ice)now I know there are far more illustrious brands available particularly in the Malt Whisky ranges,but this one suits me fine,and has never left me with a sore head in the morning.I am really sorry to hear of your spasm problems also causing you to miss a visit to the Art Fair,hopefully this can be solved without resorting to a wheelchair. Gosh everyone seems to be having health problems just now, Donnie no wonder you are having anxieties during your breathless moments,anyone would,really hope your Bronchoscopy can identify the cause,and lead to a successful treatment for it. Hi Judy KW,thanks for your comments,Jennifer,shes my daughter,you can Google her website,type in Jennifer Byrne,shes the actress from Glasgow.Have a great weekend in Vincentown,(back to my Times Atlas time,to find out where on earth you are). Hi Bud,hope your dogs paw is seeing some improvement,have a great time in Oklahoma,love the musical,I have been on stage,singing songs from the show.Is Shawnee,so called, as thats where the Indian Tribe live?,can you get any pictures of them in national dress?. See you later everyone,enjoy your weekend.
  18. Good Morning Everyone, Its 9.00am here in Scotland,its another fine sunny day,and I am on holiday until Tuesday,hooray,I met Jennifer in Glasgow briefly yesterday for a coffee and a blether,she is filming this weekend at Glencoe,its a follow up to a pilot Science Fiction Film she was in earlier in the year,which has gone down well in the world of S.F.Nerds,she was at a Science Fiction Conference in the Braehead Centre in Glasgow recently promoting the pilot film (in character)and was being asked for her autograph by an assortment of Vulcans,Klingons, Ferengi? and other strange creatures,this world has gone mad?Glencoe is a stunning,wild and desolate part of Scotland not far from Ben Nevis,it was where the Campbell clan slaughtered the MacDonalds during a bitter cold January night,it was a particularly nasty attack since the MacDonalds had freely offered to share their homes with them to shelter from the cold.Anyway such wild scenery will play the part of an alien planet nicely. Set off for Manchester,on Wednesday at lunch time,there were six of us,we had to change trains at Preston,stopped at this station Robert passed me down my case from the rack,then retrieved his own,standing on the platform I waited for Robert to alight,no sign of him and I couldnt see him through the carriage windows,the train step retracted and the doors closed at then left the station,I thought maybe Robert got out the other exit,with my companions but he wasnt with them either?We appealed to the station manager to stop the train at the next station,said it couldnt be done as the train next stop was London,he was very helpful though and arranged for someone at London to meet with Robert and escort him to the next train train bound for Manchester,Robert was restored to us about six hours later,bright as a button and full of smiles,he explained as he tried to get off the train he was swamped with passengers pushing and shoving to get on,he couldnt reach the exit door in time. Arrived at the hotel,got showered and changed,a wine reception was arranged for us before dinner,and a name label was stuck onto our chests to ease communication,long story short super dinner and evening spent meeting all the other Advocates and lots of wee drinkies of the Whyte and Mackay variety,the were people there from every part of the UK,all lung cancers or carers,including Oncologists and other medical professionals,as well as the founding members of the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation Org.Everyone I had conversation with I mentioned LUNGevity. Rose a 6.00am Thursday morning feeling bright and excited,showered,dressed went downstairs for breakfast,registration and coffee wasnt until 9.45am so I went for a nice walkabout Manchester,bought a newspaper,read it until my buddies arrived for breakfast.Conference opened with a wecome address by Dr Rosemary Gillesbie,Chief Executive,followed by Professor Raymund Donnelly,Founder and President,next we adjourned to a room with seating arranged for speed dating,one row stayed put,whilst the row facing had to move one seat to the right every two minutes,to converse with the person opposite,we were all a bit apprehensive,but it really worked a treat,breaking down all the shyness barriers everyone had a great laugh by the end of the session. We returned to the lecture room,for further talks on a diverse range of topics relating to new developments in lung cancer and the current work programmes for the foundation,I was down for being the last speaker in the morning,under the headline "Getting involved in the Foundation"my introduction given by Susan Christie,was really flattering,I felt like a dog with two tails.I opened with holding up to the audience my hand written speech on several sheets of A4 and said I had written all this a couple of nights ago,but I have changed my mind,I would rather speak directly to you,unless I have a pregnant silence moment I may refer,I didnt have to,gave a brief resume of events until completion of treatment,mainly my talk was focussed(as requested) on my activities writing my story for the Roy Castle magazine,my power point presentation at college anti-smoking message,the Healthy Working Lives Video,My Evening Times feature for Glasgoals,to encourage Glaswegians to smoke one million less cigarettes over the coming year.The idea of the message was to encourage the Advocates into becoming more pro-active in supporting Roy Castle aims in whatever ways they would feel comfortable with.Finished with if we can all work to-gether we can make a difference to improving funding for research,changing the general publics attitude to victims of lung cancer who smoked. After lunch I attended workshop one,Emma Gundy,Head of Communications,(ex-journalist)given us tips on how to deal with interviews with the media,newspapers,magazines,radio and TV.each one of these had their own little conventions and aims,so it was very educational for me.Emma spoke to later and gave me her card,said she has some future plans in the pipeline for me?.Oh a photographer was on scene throughout,snapping away like billy-0,she asked me to stand holding up a large white sheet to my chest,I asked if this is a reflector fot the pic,no she replied,later we were shown details of a new lung cancer publicity campaign,in it one picture shows Ricky Gervais hold up a white card to his chest,showing a x-ray of lungs,also Alex Ferguson a Scot and manager of the biggest Soccer club in the world is going to fully participate in the campaign,both these celebrities have lost parents to lung cancer. Gosh I better stop now,I did go on a bit didnt I,but it was a good cause and I really wanted you to share the event with me.Hope I didnt bore the sox off you,speak to you later.
  19. Hi Ronnie, Really sorry to hear of the loss of your pet jackel,it is such an untimely event,one you could have well done without.I know the comfort it brought you,I hope you can consider buying a new pet soon,to fill that gap.Hope to hear from you soon.
  20. Good Morning Everyone, Its 7.30am,dawns arrived,another overcast day,quite warm and dry though.I have been up for a while showered,shaved and dressed,will be setting off for Manchester about 11.30am,I wrote my speech last night which I will re-read shortly and make any ammendments.I am travelling by train,Airdrie to Glasgow,then Glasgow Central to Piccadilly,Manchester,I wont be around until Friday,so behave yourselves whilst I am away.This trip has worked out rather well,since the college is on holiday Friday and Monday,so I have a complete week off work. Judy KW, I have enjoyed your trip,isnt Kutztown a really strange name,maybe I will get to visit it one day?.Still more fun to come with your family and the reunion in October,what a full life you lead. Judy MI,hope your pain has subsided and you are feeling much better,good to read of the fullfillment you derive from your volunteering activities,you certainly dont see them as a chore,I am so pleased for you. Hi Stephanie,my arent you the little mermaid,are you still climbing that mountain as well?.I love to swim also but I havent been back to the swimming baths since my lung surgery,I still feel a bit self conscious about my under arm and back scars,also dont want to frighten the kids.I have similar feelings about October,my mother passed away in October 1987,my dx was October 2008,and there have been other sad family memories of that month,I am always glad to see the back of October. I still have this hunting thing on my mind,think if my family relied on me to provide game food for the table we would all starve or become vegans.The closest I come to meat is the pre-packed stuff in the supermarket,think I must be a closet buhhist since I couldnt kill anything.I suppose this is what comes of being a lifelong urbanite? Bye everyone,see you all on Friday.
  21. Hi Kasey, Just submitted a post for you and it just disapeared? I will start again,sorry you might end up with two versions of this? I just wanted to say thank you for being here,I have read all your postings since I arrived,and always felt the better of them.Six years survival is just great,we can all benefit from reading your success story,wishing you many more years of posting here.Tell Fred I was asking for him and also Dunoon is still here waiting for a return visit. Writing my presentation speech to-night for the Roy Castle lung Cancer Annual Advocates conference in Manchester this Thursday,I will be thinking of all of you here, when I am on that stage,bye for now.
  22. Good Morning Everyone, Up early again this morning (7am)overcast skies again,but dry,weather yesterday couldnt make up its mind,sunny one minute then showers the next,ad finitum. Jennifer and I had a great day yesterday,she googled tips in Glasgow but came up blank,so we deposited her junk in my local tip in Airdrie,took us two trips.Chris didnt accompany us he had band practice to attend,some things never change, I remember in my youth singing in a band and sending a demo tape to the Beatles at Abbey Road,we received a lovely Apple logo headed letter by return from them,saying thanks but no thanks,wonder what happened to that letter, probably worth a fortune now? Stephanie really surprised Ikea had made the transatlantic trip also,yes the cateteria does meatballs,I had a Hot Dog and a fruit juice for only £1.40 and you could refill your cup from the dispenser as often as you wanted for free,amazing.Jennifer and I were locked in conversation when we parked in their huge car park,that when we left the store neither of us could remember exactly where we parked,must have spent at least twenty minutes locating it,pushing a trolley up and down the aisles,to add to our embarrassment,there was a couple standing by their car opposite,gave us a round of applause,they had spotted our dilema from the outset,and were happy to watch our progress to completion,what a red neck. Boy the birds have really taken to my feeders,I am having to refill them daily,just watched a huge wood pidgeon on a tiny perch,pecking away at a fat ball. Judy thanks for your update on Ducks Unlimited,I am really amazed,and feel quite squeemish about,the popularity about hunting of wildlife in America,,I have never met anyone in my entire life that hunts,I think all the wildlife in Scotland is protected but for a few private pieces of land maintained for hunting Red Deer and grouse(and haggis)but it is an exclusive club for the aristocracy and the very rich upper classes of English and Germans for some reason?Always felt a bit sorry for the Red Deer at my older brothers house in Glen Strathfarrer,where the deer is hunted,as they come down to his house throughout winter to be fed and are quite tame. Donnie, good to hear you are doing a bit better,may that continue,I also find company health insurance quite strange,we have National health insurance here in the UK,which is deducted from our pay along with the appropriate level of tax,so we dont have to work out our tax bill as you do in America,everyone in the UK has "free"access to healthcare,employed or not,this also includes any tourists or visitors from abroad. Off to ABC this morning,then visit Irene this afternoon,catch you all later,enjoy your Sunday everyone,byee.
  23. Good Morning Everyone, Forgot to cancel the weekday alarm clock for 6.30am,couldnt get back to sleep,so here I am. Weather overcast,winds are gone,dry and calm outside. Had a great day yesterday,the college has a tradition of inviting retired emploees once a year for a reunion lunch,and since we have a new college the occassion had a bigger response than usual,so I had a visit from former colleagues I havent seen for quite some time including my former boss who got me started at Anniesland,cannot believe it when he said,this was his seventeeth year after retiring,he has changed little in his appearance,still fit healthy and cheerful,tells me he is off to Lanzerote for two weeks with his wife and two grand-children next week,lucky him. My daughter Jennifer phoned to ask me to take some junk that she and Chris are disposing of to the local tip,then on to a trendy Swedish furniture store called Ikea,to buy a few things for their flat,its a very popular store with young people,very stylish but economical in price,I dont really like much of their stock at all,I suppose I am just showing my age.We will have a good time,probably take in some lunch somewhere,no Sally though she is working to-day. Oh boy,I like the casual way Bud mentions he is just popping out today to do a 200k cycle run,do you ever feel a wee bit crestfallen at the abilities and fitness of others?Bud you are an inspiration to all of us here,in reminding us what can be done despite our illness,I really must try harder to follow your example. Donny,what can I say? I am so sorry to hear about your latest news,I hope and pray that this situation you are in is only temporary,and your lungs will recover with the course of anti-biotics you have been prescribed.Please keep in touch and let us know how you are progressing,hope to hear of some progress in your next post,take care of yourself. Hi Judy glad you had a good time at the Ducks banquet? sorry I have forgotten the exact title you mentioned ,and I dont know how to save what I have already written,and go back and look,I do know I hadnt a clue what a Ducks banquet was,and all this exposure to testosterone,you naughty girl you.Could you provide me with illumination on the subject? Well that all I can think of to share with you folks,just wish all of you a great Saturday,wonder if Bud got his AC fixed?not really a prerequisite for comfortable living and working in Scotland.Byeee.
  24. Good Evening Everyone, Just about to dash out,indoor bowling league game at 8.30pm until 10.30pm,I am in two different teams the other is on Tuesday nights,not a good start to the new season,well beaten on Tuesday,still I think playing twice a week now should improve my game somewhat. I was just thinking recently about out lousey weather over the last few days and was thinking about Pope Benedicts visit to Bellahouston Park in Glasgow,hoping that if there is a god he could fix it and give the Pope some sunshine as well as a warm Scottish welcome.Well what do you know to-day a beautiful cloudless sunny,with thousands who turned up to see him,I watched it on TV,and surprisingly I found it very moving and enjoyable.I am not a Roman Catholic,and I do try hard to find the faith to believe,I suppose anything worthwhile having takes a lot of effort in the getting. Hi Bud,sorry to hear about your dogs leg,hope he recovers soon. Bye folks got to dash,speak to you later.
  25. Good Evening Everyone, Well as they say in Scotland "The nights are fair drawing in",its getting darker much earlier now,in October in the UK,summer time ends and we put our clocks back one hour until the spring "Fall back,Spring forward" as we remind ourselves.There have been some rumblings from some English MPs to having this practice stopped as it tends to suit the daylight hours in Scotland more than in England,but so far the practice remains.Weather to-day, still a bit windy and dreich. Hi Ann, welcome home,missed you and your jokes,you mentioning your sycamore tree,has inadvertantly answered a thought thats been in my mind for years,what would happen if a deciduous tree from a temperate zone was planted in a warmer climate,would it still lose its leaves at its normal time,without temperature changes activating the loss of leaves.The leaves are actually lost because of a chemical change in the tree which seals off the leaf stem at the twig,which isolates the leaf and it dies and drops off.Well you have solved my little question then ,thank you.What a great area to support in volunteering your time and efforts in,helping displaced service men and women,I wish you every success. Hi Bud,thanks for filling me in on the subject of wintertime in Texas,well there will be no building snowmen for you or snowball fights with the neighbourhood kids either.Mind you,you wont be slipping on the snow,and breaking your elbow either, as I did last winter. Hi Judy,glad your stress test is over,I was out of breath just reading your description of it,hope the results are good.Enjoy your conversation with the graduate,its a worthwhile cause. Just about bedtime for me, will be picking up Jennifer to-morrow morning,to take her to college,oh some good news,my buddy,Jim,Head of English Dept,has given Jennifer full-time hours,now she can afford to buy a new car,to replace the one she had to give up last year.Aw I ve just thought,I do enjoy her company now driving her into work,I am now going to be made redundant,oh dear every silverlining has a cloud,never mind we can meet every day now and have lunch to-gether if she wants.Good night everyone.
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