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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Hi All, Its 12.14am on Friday,I really should be starting the morning air,but I think in this case a reply to Thursday's Air more appropriate,I had previously (Tuesday) confirmed with one of my bowling buddies,I would be there for the 8.30pm starting time on Thursday.However later I discovered my daughter Jennnifer had bought me tickets for Sally and I to see Mamma Mia at the Armadillo Centre in Glasgow on the 17th of March.Sally phoned one of my bowling buddies that I have to cancel out.Jennifer bought us brill seats -centre second row from from the front,we settled down,and as soon the overture began,I was immeadiately wrapped up in the magic of a live theatre show,was it good? it was wonderful,I was singing along to the music,the songs of Benny and Bjorn were brillantly strung to-gether to form the narrative of the story,costumes were outstanding,performances of the cast exuberant and energetic,a total joy to me,so much was I enjoying myself, Judy of KW came into my mind,how I wished she could have shared with Stan the seats next to me,I just know this was an occassion,that would have been the perfect antidote to her current situation.The last part of the second act,I was up on my feet singing along word for word with the cast,finishing up with Waterloo.JudyKW, since my dx I promised myself to share with everyone honestly, for good or ill,exactly how I feel at a moment of time,if Mamma Mia comes anywhere near you,go and see it.Goodnight everyone.
  2. now chust a wee minute Becky,crivvens jings michty me and help ma boab,Iam SCOTTISH,no Irish,we might be Celts but theres a wheen o' a difference between us,noo dinna get me started wi an explaination,well one example oor Scotch Whisky is much better than the Irish WhiskEy equialent,nuff said,Happy St Patricks Day.
  3. Blilliant Ginny,thanks cannot wait to share with the guys.
  4. Good Evening All, Good to be with all my friends again in LCSC,hang on, wait 'til I close the door in that manic facebook,great fun though isnt it? Think the mood tonight for good reasons requires us to be reflective,in how best to support each other. Bud,After 15 years with Sally in her condition I am very experienced in all alcoholics behaviors,you would think I could offer you some wonderful advice on how to turn things around for Marie.Alas after 15 years of my endevours,the only thing I managed was to manage myself in how to cope with myself,does that sound stupid?.Sally had every means of support at the outset,rehab 8 weeks £8000,total waste of money,loads of friends clamouring to help,but gradually they all quietly disappear,as they realise how inneffective they have been,and really dont want to try any more.I think my greatest asset was the patience I had and this incredibly strong belief that one day Sally would "wake up" and walk away from alcohol for good.Sally could steel herself to stop for a time,I liken it to having a strong elastic band fixed around her waist the other end of the elastic fixed to a big bottle of booze,and as she walked away from the booze the tension in the elastic grew and grew until she was pulled back to it again. Recently my thoughts are evolving about leaving Sally,my life has taken an unexpected turn,my retirement will give me unlimited time to reflect seriously about which direction my happiness lies.Financially I am comfortable,mortgage forget it,good pension and money in the bank to boot.Sorry Bud slight diversion please forgive,but one that I hope will not be lost on you as you prepare for supporting Marie,I always believed Love conquers all and still do.Sally's experience dosnt have to be Maries,maybe if I had tried different avenues,AA and Al-Anon,Sally couldnt do with these organisations,I went to one myself and the invited guest speaker,went on to describe his "adventures" being a drunk in lots of jocular anedotes,that were entirely inappropriate at that time for me. Annette,It didnt surprise me to hear,the decision of the panel,think your Mum could do with a break,but not so for you? Not having the priviledge of knowing wayward properly,I really cannot appreciate how this will impact on you and your family unit.In anticipation of the worst case scenario,remember the harmony of your family unit must come first,so I would recommend a plan B to be thought about now. Judy I really must finish on a lighter note,naked dash,how I wish I was there with my trusty camera,can you imagine youself being posted in the family album here?LOL.Goodnight everybody,hope we can all wake up with a big smile tomorrow and forget our cares.Byee.
  5. Hi Ginny, Thanks for the laughs,wonder if Ann will come along next? Chic Murray,sadly now passed away, was one of my favourite comedians,Glaswegian of course,I think I posted in one of his previous jokes sorry for repeating myself. Man walking his dog down the street,bumps into another,they exchange the pleasantries of the day,then asks the man "Where are you going?" the man with the dog replies,"I am taking my dog to the Vet to have him put down" "Is he mad?" asks the first gentleman, "Well he is not very pleased" says the other. Chic walking down an icy pavement (sidewalk) in Sauchiehall St,slips and comes down with a painful clatter,passerby enquires "did you fall sir"? oh no says Chic I have a bar of toffee in my hip pocket that I was just trying to break. Chic on holiday to Blackpool,arrives at a B&B early hours in the morning,knocks on the front door to no response, eventually after several attempts the landlady throws open an upper floor window and shouts "What the hell are you doing knocking at my front door at three o clock in the morning for ?" "I want to stay here" says Chic "well stay there then" as she shuts her window
  6. Hi Karen, Welcome to SCSC,you couldnt arrive at a better place.Whatever you need we got it here in abundance,knowledge,experience,hope,empathy ,cyber cuddles,more importantly a right good laugh.The buddies here are so supportive and friendly here,dont think I could have coped without KatieBs gang.Casting my mind back I think compartatively speaking,my mind and body were a incoherent jelly ,this dx is going to kill me and in the not too distant future,couldnt get the thought out of my head,yet despite my worst imaginings,nothing happened?I am way past the 2 year prognosis my dim GP offered me,and just to annoy him further I have decided to stay here for at least 20 more years. Read my buddy Robert Lowes story in cancergrace,two months to live in 1993 with SCLC,survived to develope,in 2007,NSCLC,still going strong,and not only the UKs oldest/youngest teenager at 71 years young,but the UKs longest surviving Dual LC survivor.Happy to tell you Robert and I attend the Stobhill Lung Cancer Support Group,here in Glasgow(thats in Bonnie Scotland you know)and we just never stop laughing when we meet.Yes Karen, LC did rain on my life parade,but hey it came with a great big silver lining,its taken me to places I would have never otherwise gone,introduced me to the most wonderful friends you could ever wish to meet,and they are all here just for you.So wipe away the tears,throw your hankie in the bin you wont be needing it again,and smile, things are going to look up from now on, I promise. Some times personally being a Scot, I find your social security infrastructure grating on my nerves which prompts me,into making ill advised remarks like "I hope you are not a fan of Sarah Pallin, are you?" and such like,my apologies in advance for anything politically I allude to, that you may find irretating, I just want to rule the world to make it a better place.Boy, I do go on when I get started? I do hope you will despite my presence,stay around and get to know the other buddies here,who are less barking than me.Ahem, watch out for Becky,thats all I am going to say.God Bless and byee.
  7. Good Morning Everyone, Its 2.45am here,woke up cannot get back to sleep,thought I would come on and check the mail.Thought of replying to Mondays,no this is definately Tuesday.Cannot tell what the weather is doing outside,all is very quiet though. Boy was it busy on that facebook? I spent hours there,that is a full time job,well I wont get bored when I retire now thats for sure,thank you everyone who befriended me,and Judy for the farmville prezzies,even though I havnt a clue what to do with them.Mind you principal port of call must always be LUNGevity,need to properly organise my time on line. Thinks I have woke up because of the blooming HMIe visit from Mon next,ridiculous isnt it I am retiring anyway but it always increases my stess levels,Assistant Principal coming to see me on Thurs for my final pre HMIe briefing,I am not even on their interviewee list for heavens sake.Bettcha you will also be glad when its finished I must have bored the pants off everyone here-sorry it will definately be my last visit. Bud, I do hope Marie is OK? good thing Rose and Linda took a trip over to her home. Thanks Girls for all the jokes.Guy sitting at the bar in the 19th hole, when a girl sits down beside him,she is wearing a all in one cat suit,full of zippers all over it.She chatting to him,asks are you hungry?yeah a bit, replies the guy,she goes into one of the zip compartments brings out a fresh pack of sandwiches,later,would you like a wee drink with your beer of the stronger variety,well says the guy,you wouldnt have some Whyte and MacKays in there? lets see she searches a few more zipper compartments,would you believe she produces a full bottle,Ice? she jokingly adds,after sharing a couple of these amber nectars,she whispers in his ear "Would you like to play around with me?" good grief he replies "You havent got a set of clubs in there as well?" Old dog joke, in the wild west gunslinger rides into town shoots the whole place up,poor dog lying sleeping on a porch gets hit in the paw,limps off to see the vet.Well as the wound heals the dog starts to practice with a sixshooter,until finally he is proficient,striding into town, holster round his waist and two six guns attached is stopped by the sheriff,and where do you think your are going with them six guns,young pup?,"I am looking for the guy that shot my Paw" Iam off to bed, catch you to-morrow -I mean today,bowling night hooray.
  8. Good Afternoon All, I am supposted to be in beautiful Dunkeld in the Scottish Highlands just now at a curriculum development conference,but I woke up to snow this morning and the road to Dunkeld the M9 is often closed by the snow so I was not taking any chances in getting marooned up there,anyway,with my retirement coming up,do I really need to be attending these events anymore.External Verifier visit went fine yesterday,seems he is going to mention me in dispatches for a couple innovative practices I have introduced to the curriculum developement and record keeping methods,wonder if the principal will stick an extra couple of quid in my severance package.The guy stayed the whole day,me at his beck and call,providing him with the paper stuff he wanted to look at,well the good news is that is the time I will have to face an EV again,so for the biggy the HMIe,week beginning the 21st March,they have sent in their request list of personell they wish to interview on a wide rangs of topics and for the first time ever my name is not on it-three cheers,must be avoiding all those retiring?.They will still though come into my class and sit through at least one of my lessons,got a goodie lined up,setting out a building using different types of levels,laser,theodolite,automatic optical and e-staff,show the students one day indoors how to use the equipement,then the following day outdoors to set out the actual building,including setting up profile boards,hopefully it will be a bit chilly and the HMIe guy wont stay long,not that it will bother me in the slightest,nice to see these desk bound charlies feeling a wee bit uncomfortable out in the fresh air.LOL. Welcome home JudyKW,we all missed you,come on wheres the pics and the holiday gossip?. Oh Becky what have you done?my laptops starting to smoulder with overload,how the devil can I reply to all your friends,I am going to be here until midnight,still I am so pleased to have a new army of people to talk to and with my retiement coming up I will have loads of spare time to fill my day. Better dash folks,just got about another 50 folks to reply to,is there anyway on facebook to write one reply that goes to 50 people?get back to you later,oh my poor two typing fingers,I will have to do a Bud and stick them into iced water to-night.
  9. Hi Everyone, Just back from the indoor bowling,hooray after weeks of receiving a real drubbing from 85+ year olds,we actually managed a draw 8-8,this could be the beginnings of a new dawn.Weather,still cold,some snow on my car leaving the club to-night. External Verifier visit to face to-morrow,he arrives at 9.00am and will stay until 5.00pm,checking all the students assessment materials and curriculum delivery by the staff,think I mentioned in an earlier post that my former student,now a HOD in another college was supposed to do this visit,but had a heart attack over Christmas,the guy thats coming is what we call a typical "Dour Scot"no sense of humour and totally job focussed,if he is not satisfied with all my paperwork he can issue a "Pink Slip" against the department,hey,do you really think I am concerned,maybe leaving end April -dream on buddy. Becky-Gordon Ramsey-what can I say?-fellow Glaswegian-I didnt realise you would get to see BBC progs in the USof A,I have watched him for years doing kitchen nightmares in the UK,then he started doing same as with you guys,OK the format is a bit repetitive,but I still find it so engrossing viewing. Do you mind if I can mention another horsey memory with you?,sorry I forgot to note everyone's post today,Bad Eric. Bet you thought in yesterdays post I was fibbing when I said I got to know all the horses and cows at Bothwell,oh ye of little faith.Well one day I found about a dozen apples in the fridge that were past their best,so I said to Sally-think I will feed these to the horses in the field,good idea sayth she,so went out to the separating fence,leaning over, I flashed my apples,oh for goodness sake girls-stick with the plot,in no time I was surrounded by the horses,which I fed to each one,all the horses bar one-Mandy-she had missed my cue-was munching on the grass some distance from me,so I shout to Sally-I am just climbing over the fence to feed Mandy-OK says Sally-coming out to observe the proceedings-I reach Mandy-totally ignores me carries on with the eating the grass-so I slip the apple into her mouth area,she takes the apple from me without a by you or leave you and starts munching apple instead of grass.Eric watching her,starts to plot,wonder what would happen if I climb onto her back and get a wee shot of trotting round the field?,nothing ventured nothing gained thinks I,so I climbed onto her back,I just sat there nothing-she still ignored me,carried on eating the apple and then back to the grass,this will not do,thinks I,so I clicked my heels into her rear end,damn and blast does she not go into a franzy,jumping up and down violently,trying to throw me,and me with nothing to hold on to,gripping her mane like grim death,imagining being thrown and her subsequently trampling all over me to death.Panic,Panic my gaze crosses over to Sally,can you believe it she is hung over the fence laughing her silly head off,does she not realise my position?,after a god knows how long I throw myself off to the ground and Mandy gallops off into the sunset,what a sigh of relief for me. See you tomorrow all,goodnight.
  10. OK Annette, Another chance to make you smile? Young lad comes home from school to tell his dad he has been given a part in the school play and that he is to play a man who has been married for 25 years.Dad says,never mind son maybe next year you will get a speaking part. Since the snow came all my wife has done is look through the window,if it gets any worse,I'll have to let her in. After years of research,scientists have discovered what makes a woman happy-nothing. Paddy says to Mick,"I see next Christmas falls on a Friday" Mick replies "Lets hope its not the 13th. Came home today to find all my doors and windows smashed in and everything gone.What sort of sick person would do that to a advent calendar?.
  11. Good Evening All, Gosh me and my big mouth,just telling you yesterday,that winter has lost its grip in Airdrie,to wake this morning to find the place covered in snow,think Gods got a sense of humour. Annette,looking for a smile?,well hopefully I can oblige,I have so many of life's anecdotes tucked away in my brain,I am sure I could write a book,by some strange co-incidence my life has had an extra-ordinary link to horses and special needs adults.My previous home was in a rather posh town called Bothwell,in a large detached house,surrounded by fields containing grazing horses and cows.Also adjacent is Kirklands Hospital,whose residents are all special needs patients,so after a period I got to know the cows,horses and the special needs patients,as you would do of course.One evening returning from work,near my home I see Dennis and two of his comrades escorting a rather large horse walking up Fallside Road,so I parked my car and approached them,"Dennis"says I "What on earth are you doing with the horse" "We found the horse Mister" "And where are you going with it" says I,well says Dennis "We thought we would take it up to the shops" "I dont think Dennis thats a very good idea,it could be knocked down by a passing car,why dont we take it back to the field it came from" OK says Dennis,well theres no bridle to hold on to,so with my arms around the horses neck,we do a 180 degree turn and head homewards.Well at that moment,we are overtaken by a police patrol car,it stops wouldnt you know and two policemen emerge,approach me,Dennis and Co at this moment in time are skipping around me and the horse,I am desparately trying to look intelligent and in control,and say I am not really with these persons.In recounting this story to my Langside College colleagues on leaving them at a speech I was delivering on my night out,prior to taking up my new position at Anniesland,I was heckled with remarks from the floor like "Honest officers I am a Lecturer in a College" etc.Well the Police,despite my explaination that I wasnt really a patient of Kirkland hospital, helped me to put the horse back into the field. I have time for another one,have you?you have? well good on you,Anniesland College,big department offers a wide range of couses,this one now gone some years ago,was teaching special needs adults some creative skills such as ceramics and other craft skills.One day my office door opens,the Lecturer requests me to come and talk to one of his students,Brian,without waiting for any response from me,he leaves my office,so I follow him,stangely he goes into the male toilets?, I enter,Lecturer looking at a despondant Brian says "tell Mr Byrne what you have done",Brian says nothing but points into the WC cubicle, I look,the Wc has been plugged with a big wad of paper towels from the dispenser and then flushed causing a overflow of water all over the the toilet floor."Did you do that Brian" says I. "Yes" says Brian,"Why?" asks Eric,"Dont know" replies Brian."OK Brian,roll up your sleeves and remove all the paper towels"."What me?" enquires Brian,"Yes and right now" says I,so he gets to work,towels from WC into waste paper basket,etc,etc,finally I flush the toilet to ensure its not blocked,it isnt."Brian, you are really lucky the toilet isnt still blocked,otherwise I would have called in a plumber to fix it,and you would have had to pay his bill of £200.He looks me full in the face and innocently says "Mr Byrne,these things happen".I just about wet myself,trying desperately not to laugh in front of Brian.I phoned the home he was from to explain what Brian had done to the Matron,she said Eric this has been going on for months here and we couldnt find out who was doing it,thanks,from now on Brian will be escorted to the Loo. Goodnight everyone,byee.
  12. Good Evening All, Bit quiet isnt it? its 7.00pm here so I suppose its kinda early yet State side?.Still cold to-day compared to last week,but nice to know winters grip has now passed over here. Be setting out shortly,our bowling team tonight is on the second slot 8.30pm-10.30pm,I do prefer the early shift though 6.30pm-8.30pm,although the times are fairly rotated,looking forward to my retirement to get some day practice in before playing in the evening league. Libby-best wishes for to-morrow and for some great feedback,just be like the song "Dont worry about a thing,because everything is going to be alright",music is great for giving us a wee lift when needed occassionally isnt it?,another one that never fails to cheer me up when I hear it is "I can see clearly now,the rain is gone" forget who sang it,was it Jimmy Cliff ? Talking about Cliff,my favourite singer Cliff Richard is going to America to record a new album of duets with a string of soul singers,also going to be appearing in Las Vegas to promote the album,he is going to be working with Percy Sledge,Dennis Edwards from the Temptations and a disco queen called Candy Staton??.Dosnt mention yet dates,maybe if its in July or August I could pop down,and see him,well I suppose I could if it were Scotland, but Americas so blooming big isnt it? Oops forgetting my time,got to go guys,I will try and drop by when I get home about 11.00pm,have a good evening all,oh by the way did you catch Robert Lowes intro in cancergrace,its worth a read,byeee.
  13. Hi Stephanie, I have been encouraging Robert for ages to get on line in LUNGevity,last week he said he had been having difficulty with the site with the "enrolement" I suggested cancergrace as a back door entry to LUNGevity,so it seems he has managed thus far.I think he mentioned,Katie B,trying to assist him,I am sure he will get here eventually.I am now off to see if I can find him in cancergrace,thank you for bringing this to my attention.
  14. Hi Dave, Welcome,glad you can join us,sorry about the circumstances though,my buddy Robert Lowe,dxd with SCLC was given two months to live,family were sent for,as he was very poorly during his treatments,guess what, that was in 1993,since he developed NSCLC in 2007,had further treatments,now the UKs longest dual lung cancer survivor,also at the age of 71,is the UKs youngest teenager,having the time of his life,I am only to glad to share my time with him,always makes me laugh.I wish you well with your treatments and hope you will stay around and give us your patter.
  15. Good Evening Everyone, Gosh its late,11.40pm dont want to aggranoy Annette by crossing into the next days air again,I am afraid with my two finger typing style,sure looks likely.Actually tired to-night,went to bed early,fell asleep immeadiately,woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed,so here I am. Well another workday Monday bites the dust,sorry to say Bud,not many to go,think its going to take me some adjusting to,hope I dont miss it too much?Weather today cloudy and colder,returned to my winter wooly jumper.Sunday,really good day out at the christening,Father Gerard conducted the proceedings with applomb,he is my sisters husband Pat's uncle who shared the afternoons party in our company,a real wise and funny guy,who like myself, can and did enjoy a wee drop of the amber nectar. Hi Annette,oh poor mum,MRSA?thinks she has had enough to cope with,,wayward, missing her visits? he cannot be all bad. Good news getting the scan moved back a day,sure you will recieve good news also in the feedback.I am thinking about funding another scan for myself,though this time I dont think I can go to my GP or Oncologist for interpretation again,given their attitude last year. Hi Bud,Reading your post a thought just flashed into my brain,when you mentioned your dog sitting on your shoulder,I imagined it to be a Great Dane and you are struggling to keep upright in your chair,yeah I do know you have one of these little Mexican dogs I cannot spell the name of.LOL. Hi Katie,First I wish your little girl is feeling much better now.Yes I have in my hands the No10 copy of The News,from last years edition from the Roy Castle Foundation as the guys set off on their adventure,thank you for the link I dont have that here?so now I can enjoy reading up on their adventures,what I have read so far has been really enjoyable.I have a quote from the editor-in -chief of Guiness World Records "This attempt has all the hallmarks of a classic world record attempt:its awe-inspiring,its iconic and it will raise a lot of money for charity.It resonates with boys all over the world-when I was a kid I could only dream of driving a fire truck! I am very jealous of their journey ahead". Hi Libby, its so good to have you back,sorry we dont do taxes here in the UK (unless you are self employed)so its all a mystery to me-thank goodness,me a star?methinks not,LUNGevity and all you guys are the real stars to me. Hi Ann,Negative Equity yeah thats reared its ugly head again around many parts of the UK,some more than others,heres hoping for another wee healthy bout of house inflation again to rebalance the books again,remember the tide always returns when it goes out. Please Annette -finished and I wont mention its past the bewitching hour,so dont you be going to change this post into Tuesdays Air now,will you?.LOL,goodnight everyone.
  16. Hi Cathy, I just want you to know,although I have not been active on your string I have been following your postings each day sent.My experience of Lung Cancer pretty much along the lines of Bruces and Buds,I did have one nearest lymph node involved though,chemo and surgery, escaped the bit radio therapy as we call radiation here in the UK.I felt I didnt have much to offer you regarding your dads treatments,particularly after reading the quality of the comments you have been receiving from everyone here.I just want you to know how much I have appreciated reading your posts,they are so supportive of your Dad,and so positive in their outlook,you are one special daughter.I do hope on all our behalves you get to meet up with Ned,please pass on my best wishes for him also as his treatments continue.
  17. Hi JudyMI, 5.00am here,I just woke up,going back to bed,thought I would pop in for a moment,couldnt resist it, remember the Corries in you tube? go back and have another look,I am sure there will be some songs there that shows them playing the Burhan?it really does have a great sound to it especially when the Corries used it.
  18. Hi Ned, I am so sorry to hear of your results,I dont know what WBR is,but I am praying for you that it is totally effective in wiping out the mets.Please keep us up to date.
  19. Good Morning Everyone, Finally got some down time to post,its 8.40am,ABC shortly then off on another bit of the social whirl,a christening,for three,all boys,Susans two daughters gave birth within a couple of days to each other,Benjamin and Jack also older brother Cailean,who is just over a year older.Following the ceremony a big party for the adults at a rugby club,food and live band,so looking forward to it all.Out bowling Thursday, out at a retirement do on Friday,Rhoda my admin assistant never had a night out when she left,until now,she had a super send off at last,she had a similar relationship with the HOD as I have and specifically insisted he would not be invited.Great Italian restaurant,food,speeches and prezzies,what more could you ask? Gosh it seems like ages since I have been here,well spring is well and truely arrived,a ridge of high pressure over the UK has remained all week and still here.I was over at Irenes for the day yesterday,Max and I had a great time playing football,then did some shopping finished up at McDonalds,Max just loves his happy meal.I am not so keen on their hamburgers,too gooey,but their strawberry milkshakes are good. My road tax disc expired last day in Feb,it is illegal to drive about without out one,so went online to renew it,clever system,it knows if you dont have a current insurance or MOT certificate,however at the end of my application,it refused to issue the new disc,it could not find my MOT certificate,no one drives here without one,serious bother with the law,also nullifies your car insurance,well out with the big plastic box where I keep all the legal stuff,no can find the blooming certificate,my work colleague also runs a garage with his brother,fixed me up promptly,disc on its way,relief,seems I didnt get it renewed last year at the annual service?lucky I didnt have an accident or have an motoring encounter with the police.Just thinking,we pay for my size of car 1400cc-£120 per year,which is supposed to go directly on road maintenance,well the number of potholes on our roads today is absolutely disgraceful,seems its cheaper for the council to pay up claims from motorists with damaged springs in their cars than fix the potholes. Hi Libby good to have you back,its such a relief you are ok,hope hubby manages to keep his job.Things in the UK on employement are pretty difficult too,hope the worst is over and we all can get back to rising living standards and more secure jobs. I forgot to note your posts of late,sorry,JudyMI I did go into your grillingguys? link its really good,never tried gosh what is it you call it again jumbo or gumbo,you know the one,the fish dish I think its from the French migrants down in New Oleans,got to try it when I arrive. Annette,sorry about disturbed sleep theres nothing worse feeling really tired and not getting a good sleep,methinks stress with mum and wayward is not helping,have a nice relaxing day. Ginny I do love golf too,with my retirement coming soon,time to look out the golf bag from the garage,did I tell you about my hole-in-one? Time to shower and get dressed,maybe get back tonight after the party,have a great Sunday everyone,byee.
  20. Hi Ronnie, Congratulations on your promotion,health and safety is getting really big here in the UK,with lots of work oppetunities in this area,I teach this subject to construction students and it is getting more complex with the passing years.Is your firm offering you some training,or expecting you to learn "on the job".I think you will find it difficult to get used to your new role,but I guarantee it will exercise your brain,you wont get bored and hopefully you can find the work enjoyable and rewarding,you may think some people you work with will resent your dilligence at times,but everyone does respect and appreciate the efforts of a good health and safety officer.Best Wishes.
  21. Hi Becky, I am still on line when I caught your post,just thinking since I started teaching 39 years ago,I bought a cheapie typewriter to begin the long process of writing teaching notes,its never ending,we didnt even have a photocopier then,we used to run out our notes on a Banda machine,you manually turned a handle and out would come your handout,what a mess it would sometimes make,later the first photocopiers came out,staff had to have a chitty signed by their line manager to have copies of your notes reproduced,it was always the same interogation,do you really need so many notes for your students,could they not hand write some of these,you know you have clocked up 500 copies so far this week. Now I have at my disposal two machines,laptops and a huge smartboard,wish I was just starting my career,teachers today are spoiled rotten,and the learning environment for the students now is just wonderful.Anyone want to buy an old typewriter?
  22. Good Evening Everyone. We are being spoiled with our weather this week,every day this week so far,blue skies and sunshine,got to scrape the frost off the car in the morning though,small price to pay for clear overnight skies,long may this continue. I got my voluntary severance acceptance conditions to sign yesterday,we had only 24 hours to sign and return,I was concerned about the leaving date 24th June,when I would prefer end April,I spoke to my Principal today,and she reassured me that I can sign without predudice,the leaving date is negociable,she only wants me to stay to give a bit of "Handing over the ropes to my successor" to ease them into the post.I had it out with my HOD regarding his poor attitude with me at the time I was off having my treatments,with relation to what I see as" his dog in a manger" attitude to wanting me to stay,he was embarassed and mumbled something like with hindsight blah,blah...,I rebuked him for his lack of social skills,respect and empathy towards me,which he took without reply,but we parted with me feeling better that I had at last, got everything off my chest. Bit of fun going into college this morning,I was prevented at the main doors from entering the building,staff and students had formed a picket line,protesting about government cuts in the funding of Further Education in Scotland,I was given a plackard to hold,it was blooming freezing,all I was dying for was one of my packets of cuppa soup in a mug in my staffroom.The Labour party Education MSP,turned up and gave a rousing speech in support of the colleges action,Mr Cameron and Co, must be really worried now. Went to Stobhill Hospital Lung Cancer Support Group meeting this afternoon,sadly Barbara, one of the original members had passed away since our last meeting a month ago,she had been unwell recently but no one was expecting this.We always have a guest speaker each meeting,today we had Pamela,a Pulmonary Physiotherapist-have you ever heard of such an occupation?I hadnt,she runs classes in what she calls Pulmonary Re-hab,what a interesting speaker she was too,I mentioned getting a bit breathless climbing slopes,well she mentioned a new breathing technique to take account of lung surgery that she can teach me and also offered our group if they were willing to attend a weekly exercise class to help improve everyones quality of life,well everyone was only too happy to join in,so thats set the wheels in motion.Watch this space. Well what have you all been up to?Becky loved the smoke alarm story,mentioning pliarsto an appliance,gosh that take me back some years,as a young boy we had a TV,the channel changing knob broke off,so we used a pair of pliars instead,what fun,I remember my mother also renting a TV,did you do that at one time in America?was quite common in my youth,well this one came with a meter,you would be half way into a prog and suddenly the TV would blank,then a row would break out on whose turn it was to put two shillings into the meter,it was frenetic scene all of us desparate to continue the viewing coupled with the desire to avoid paying in the money,oh bring back the poverty days they were much more fun. Bud hope the hot and cold treatments on the legs have been effective. Well my my type writer ribbon is needing changing,so I am off,see you all to-morrow,goodnight everyone.
  23. Good Evening All, Another beautiful spring day,sunshine all the way,England was cold and overcast,excuse me while I exercise a little smug smile to myself,Tee-hee. Well I formally received my contract of voluntary severance today,slight hiccup,it states last day of employment 24th June,I want to go at the end of April,we have been given 24 hours to sign the agreement,I cannot sign this,I discussed it with senior management briefly,who agreed that they would in my case be open to "Sympathetic Re-negociation"and that I can sign without prejudice.My HOD is the stumbling block,he wants to retain me until the end of term,at the time of my dx he did all he could to disencourage me to return,its dog in a manger time,knowing I want to go,he will do all he can to block me.I think he will end up with egg on his face,oh by the way,he refused to ask for voluntary severance,but management have told him he has to go,just shows what goes round,comes round.I had heard when his departure was first mooted his re-action was "They cannot want to get rid of me,after the work I have done for the college,unfortunately he is a legend in his own mind,oooh Eric that sounds a bit bitchy,anyone in my book who phones a newly dxd person with Lung Cancer,to tell them his replacement at work is doing a sterling job,takes his name off his office door,suggests he considers the advantages of taking early retirement through ill health,discourages his request to come into work to meet the staff and students,during chemo,with the words,I dont think its a good idea Eric,you will lower the staff and students morale,I think is a complete rotter and deserves all thats coming.Nuff said,sorry about that,you know me,Ive got to get everything off my chest. Bud, from 32 degrees to 72 degrees in one day?amazing,then your legs one in hot, one in cold to match,what a situation to be in?.Thank you for your comments on my blog and severance,wishing you could get severance also,I know how you would enjoy the freedom,I feel a wee bit guilty sharing this with you,sorry buddy. Katie B,what can I say? thank you so much,your choice of pic is much appreciated,I promise not to let this all go to my head,I am still happy to talk to the ordinary people here(if they will let me)Best wishes for the new look. Annette,I am so sorry for your situation,wish I could do more for you,I promise to cheer you up when we meet in July,Washington DC?hey that would be great to share with you,wish it was 2nd July. Hi Judy,Life is full of changes isnt it?,usually when we least expect them,I am shortly going to join Randy in being at home,how does one re-adjust?I have worked all my life,formally as a necessity to pay the bills,but now that has been taken away from me,no mortgage etc,enough coming in to be comfortable,and the realisation that money for me anyway,was not really the whole reason for working.I know I am lucky to be in my position,but I really have to find something new in my life to fill the gap.ITS back,something we know at the back of our minds is always a possibility of a return,and how we can face up to it,yes it does cross my mind,and I am sure most of us here.I have a real Christian friend,unlike me struggling to believe in a higher power,who watches over me,said to me at the time of my dx,if he were given the same,he would question his faith,this struck me as odd,I would have felt his feelings would have been the opposite?.Judy, I think you shouldnt even contemplate a possible return,it can undermine your wellbeing without just cause,as Jesus said dont worry about to-morrow there is enough in today to concern yourself with.I do hope after the next scan your feelings are groundless. Goodnight everybody,missing you JudyKW and Libby,hope you both can drop a line.
  24. Hi Helen, Thanks you for sharing your good news,just what the doctor ordered,I am so pleased for you,keep smiling,its infectious.
  25. Hi Katie, Thank you so much,every word from the heart.
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