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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Hi Susan, At the risk of boring all the buddies here,may I mention my friend and fellow Glaswegian,Robert Lowe,I discovered him about a year ago,I was in the dark mist of reading and researching success stories of long term Lung Cancer survivors,and being constantly disapointed,then one day I bought a Glasgow popular evening newspaper called the Evening Times,in it described the story of Robert,dxd with SCLC in 1993,almost died three times from his treatments,but survived, then in 2007 was dxd with NSCLC had treatments which included surgery,now recognised as the UKs longest survivor of both types of Lung Cancer.he with a specialist Lung Cancer nurse Penny Downer, set up a lung Cancer Support group in Glasgows Stobhill Hospital,I had to meet this guy,so I joined the group.Turns out we both had grown up in Springburn,a district in Glasgow,we went to the same Secondary School and despite Robert being in attendance 10 years in advance of my arrival,we were able to exchange gossip on the same teachers we had.Robert is 71 now,and I regard him as the Uks oldest youngest teenager if you can get what I mean,living proof that you can beat this and be happy to boot. You can read Roberts story yourself in cancergrace or in Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation.org for a much more detailed report. Best Wishes.
  2. Ooops Bud, Sorry,imagine me not saying Hello,hope the rest of the work day flies in,catch you later.
  3. Good Afternoon All, Yes, its me again, Iam back,bet you are glad I am off on holiday.What was that groan I heard?. Been to B&Q got the paint,filler and sandpaper plus for the birdies,seed and coconut filled with fat,phew thats enough work for one day,I am exhausted. Good to see you Ronnie-demolishing walls,its PPE time, are you are wearing the dust mask and the googles-good-just checking, now dont be going and hitting the hand holding the chisel with the hammer-have fun-demolition is always more fun than building, methinks. Oh Brucie,what a shame about the baby LLama,never mind soon the calf(s)? will arrive,what fun.Tell me about computer viruses,I had one recently had to have Chris out to remove it,it was touch and go sayith he to reprog my whole computer,it turns out it was a scam,the people who planted it offered for 30 dollars to remove it,Chris warned me not to respond to that offer,they are only wanting to get my bank details,to rip off my whole account.No the music I listen to are the cds I load in and also You-Tube.Good to see you Buddy.
  4. Oh Judy, Salish Sea, its in the bay in the Vancover Island Area you must read the Captains Cook's Three voyages of discovery,what a cracking read-he should have skipped out Hawaii though LOL. You'll never guess-an hour after Sally to speak to her manager,she phones me-can I pick her up at six thirty,seems she is back on the check out,can you believe it?. Chores? well yes-you know its raining heavily outside just now and I had my heart set on working outside sweeping up etc.Think I will visit B&Q and pick up the paint I need,but it is a bit late to start now,we dont want rush into these tasks now do we? Do you know I have been on this laptop since I got up this morning,its so addictive to me,what with LUNGevity,facebook and CBN,playing my sixties cds through it,its much more fun than chores isnt it?.Ooops here is my little Jeeves man arrived on screen again with more mail,excuse me this might be important-catch you later.
  5. Wakey,Wakey Everyone, Its 8.35am in a overcast Bonnie Airdrie,I am still in my jim-jams,(did you know pyjamas is a Hindi word meaning loose drawers)Seems I can wrest to opening of the morning air for the next fortinight with impunity from you guys on your side of the pond Hee-Hee. Now what will I do with the rest of the day?too many not fun things available,emusioning dining room,living room,stair well and landing areas,monoblock drive and back patio a real mess still with last years Autumn's leaves.Going to get the garden furniture back out the garage,soon be barbie time,if we can get a day without rain,you can never depend on Scotlands weather we can get 3 seasons in one day LOL. Sally's going down to meet her manager this morning,I refused to drive her down,since her manager just told me to get her to send in a letter of resignation.She thinks she can have another,very,very,very last chance-fat chance I was thinking,but nothing surprises me with Sally. Hi Annette,sorry about your B/B team losing,when you support Airdrieonians F.C. you get so use to such disapointments.A reality show called "Deadliest Catch?" I would have thought describing women in these terms,however true,as being politically incorrect these days? Hi Judy KW,got my Times atlas at the ready,I am following you (gosh does this make me sound like a stalker?)Okay Doky understood the FL and the SC,now GA has got me?its not another one of these states identified by that dyslexic cartogragher referring to Georgia?Think another one that confused me was PA-was that Pennysylvania?. Hi Stephanie,Gosh is my Times atlas getting big licks today?Salish Sea,oh my goodness checked the index-its not there?this cost me £60-I want a refund-wait a wee minute I will check this out on Google (five minute pause)-I am back-yeah-I know where you were-that whole area if I remember correctly was discovered by Captain Cook in his third and final voyage of discovery.My atlas is a few years old and the name Salish Sea was only recognised by Canada and the USofA in 2009 and 2010 respectively says Mr Google. Hi Judy KW,Isnt it just great to be on holiday every year the Masters is on TV,well wont be a problem for me next years,me being retired, in all, or is it an all in American speak?I just love Augusta,what would I give to play a round there,probably a load of tears at the price I would have to pay.Thanks for telling me about the young(ish) Scot winning a trophy over there,it was in our press a couple of days later-I have forgotten his name-oh this dymensia can be such a nuisance at times. Well have a nice day all you workers,I am so envious of you,having some structure to your day,might go back to bed for a wee while before starting my chores. Catch you all later,byee.
  6. Hi Ronnie, There are few men who are left to carry out this task for a lost wife,I have always joked that men always go first to give the women the last word.Hope that is not offensive to you at this moment.I have had to do this task previously for both my mother and my wifes parents,sad as that is,I know it cannot compare to your task. Your decision to pass on Pats clothes to others that are less fortunate in this world is one where I am sure has Pats blessing. I do wish for you a return to the happiness that you had from life in Pats company,it may never be the same but you owe it to yourself and your family.
  7. Ronnie, How pleased I am to hear from you,clique never,I would not be here at the slightest of hints of such a thing,your contributions here have only enbellished my reading pleasure.I have always been one to encourage more readers to join in the fun and I am a little sad that you may have felt even the slightest feelings of not being welcome,gosh is it not rediculous that a Scot should be writing thus to an American website?Ronnie who is an outsider in the world of Lung Cancer?surely we of all people on this wonderful planet have the right to a special affinity that goes beyond petty politics,social status,colour,religion or creed.I hold everyone here in equal esteem,and if ever that slips in your view,please give me a bollacking.Anyway come and share whats on your mind.Hope everything in your world is well.Bye for the moment.
  8. Good Morning Judy, Happy anniversary,allow me to extend the shelf life of your string,how could I not?.I forgot to look when I joined?,but your arrival here has added to my enjoyment to being here, no end. Thank goodness for this band of brothers(and sisters)that can maintain the continuity of a daily post,that I never feel alone.There is something a special something about sharing here each day,with you guys,maybe because I am intrigued about all things American,your ways of expressing yourselves?,the frustration of reading about your TV progs that we dont get here,we have our very own stupid TV progs anyway so frustration has not given way to jealousy LOL. I think it only fair Judy,we give an acknowlegement to the many of our fellow readers who look in each day,but for one reason or another are unable to post in themselves,thank you for having the patience to be bothered to read my personal rumblings,I do hope more of you can take up your trusty pens and join with us,the more the merrier I always say?. Finally back to Judy,its a pleasure to have met you here,may you post to infinity "Lang may yer Lum Reek".
  9. Hello Everyone? Judy,where have they all gone?just you and me?. Och well better just get on my ramblings then.Party night Friday,oh what a night (that sounds like a song to me?)twas brill,Fish and Chips Party,you know the difference between Scots and the English? just thought about that you know,well we principally eat Haddock whereas the English eat Cod,deep fried or smoked ye cannae whack a guid Scots Haddie,sorry about that slippage into the venacular.Weather? nearly forgot,another beautiful sunny spring day,dont know the temp but I was out and about in my T shirt and comfortable. Jennifer phoned asked if I could help move more of her gear from my house and Chris's to her new flat,she says she has already well settled in.Spent most of the day with her,it was fun.Finally happened Sally failed to show for work today,her manager told me to tell her not to return,but instead send in a letter of resignation,she tells me there are so many others out there just desparate for her job and willing to work at it.I thanked her for her patience and I understood her position,I will relay the message when Sally returns from Planet Pluto.Moving into a new flat in Glasgow for me and myself is taking on a new probability.I think its time after 15 years of living "alone" to move on to adventures new,maybe even find a new someone to share a proper relationship with?. Seems I got confused with Jennifers play this weekend,they have only just begun rehearsals,its on in Kilmarnock at the end of April.Made another Boo-Boo,my six monthly respiratory check up was due soon which also includes the standard X-ray,how soon? I hear you ask,last Tuesday I discovered on retrieving the letter from the drawer.Particulalry noted the dire consequences that will befall anyone who fails to keep an appointment without previously informing them.Its the six month gap thats to blame,must invest in some kind of a diary,probably forget to read that also.I may have to plead dymensia or insanity,the latter being more likely. Well Judy nothing to respond to with the absence of other buddy posts,just to wish you a very pleasent trip with Stan,your decription of the Florida Keys scenery just makes me wish I could be travelling with you.Yeah I suffer easily from car/bus travel sickness also,fortunately not on trains and planes.Goodnight Judy-God Bless.
  10. Hi Susan, Welcome,I can recognise myself in your post,with my arrival here more than one year ago,the confusion,anxiety,fear the arrival of something so big in my life I just dont think I will be able to cope with all that it brings. Take a moment to relax for a minute,we have all gone through that part of our cancer journeys and recognise how you are feeling,enough to know that with the passage of time these emotions do subside.Your medical team will fully brief you of their examinations of your tests and procede onto a devising a treatment plan that best meets your needs. I cannot guess what this entails,but in my case it also led to a certain degree of further anxieties,will my surgery be unbearably painful,will I suffer nausea from the chemo cycle,will my gray hair fall out(maybe thats not so bad)what if the treatments are unsuccessful?and many more my overactive brain could manufacture,thats a problem with people with over imaginative brains.Well hand on heart I promise,nothing even close to my worst fears were realised,I sailed through everything with only the slightest of discomforts -constipation-and if I had the advice at that time of the buddies here,to drink plenty of fluids during my treatments I could have missed that one out also. I know mere words of mine may not allay your current turmoil of emotions,wish they could,but just know things do get better with the passage of time.Share with us and I promise your burden will get lighter.
  11. Hi, I am back,nearly 7.00pm.I am getting bored now,still not long to go before the fun starts. Think I forgot to mention that I was called into a meeting at the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation,it was to review the telephone buddies situation,we have funding up to the end of June and the sponsors are going to look at our performance indicators so far into the trial.Not looking good,think lack of publicity has left us under used,but plans are afoot to raise the profile of the service,there are only 3 telephone buddies in the UK,hoping the scheme can become a success and spread itself into the UK.my friend and sponsor Susan is sadly leaving the organisation to take up a teaching English position in Nepal,she is an angel,always wanting to help the disadvantaed of one type or another,I am so going to miss her,but I wish her well in her new adventure. I spent most of the day there,had a nice lunch and met up with her replacement,he has a promotional background,knows absolutely nothing about the world of lung cancer,but seems to be a powerhouse of ideas in how to inject a new vigour into improving RC org profile.When he heard about me retiring shortly,he just came right out and asked me if I would come and work for him part time half a week,I would be given my own desk computer and admin support.Mulled it over for at least 3 seconds and said,I will do it for free,he jokingly said I think I have died and gone to heaven,are you sure?so deal done,I have something I can get my teeth into give my life a new purpose.He was really interested in my trip to the US of A. My daughter is appearing in Odds and Sods this weekend in Kilmarnock,I went to see this over a year ago in the Ramshorn in Glasgow,it was so funny and the casts performances were so professional,when I watch the rubbish currently on TV,I feel so frustrated that am-dram dosnt get a an opertunity to showcase itself I just know the public would love it.Its a bit of a travel to Kilmarnock,probably sold out anyway,but I willtalk to Jennifer to-morrow about going. Talking about going, the gang is beginning to arrive,no wheres my party hat and Kerry Oot (my package containing the wee drinkies)bye just off to get a sore head through eating fish and chips.
  12. Good Afternoon All, For something completely different at this moment in time I am sitting at my workdesk,way past close of business,its 5.20pm,everyone's gone home,large empty office,oooh its spooky,what that noise I heard?.Boo!! Well my work buddy Bill ran me into work this morning,so I could leave my car at home.Our Senior Jannie sorry Campus Attendant has also accepted voluntary severance,and the college has organised a big Fish and Chips party,no Ive never heard of one either,its BYOB and I certainly have,bet you cannot guess?,you did-yes una bottle of the Whyte Mackays best amber nectar,and in support of my American Buddies una case of Budweisers,just in case I get lucky and get to share the company the of the attractive members of the opposite agenda,some bottles of California Light Wines. I had a class up to 4.45pm and didnt have time to go home,and then return,too much bother.so got to put some time in until the fun and games commence at 7.30pm.So here and facebook will have my attention,thought about doing some marking and internal verification of lecturers marking of student scripts,yeah that was as far as it got. Thats us on holiday until Tuesday the 19th of April-hooray,you know I will only have 8 work days in April,Good Friday and the Royal Wedding are added to the holiday total. Bit of bother with my departure date,I had agreed with my Principal that my replacement will have the benefit of my support to help ease them into my job,closing date for Applications was on Wednesday,guess how many applicants? a big fat zero,since Bill and I both SLs and both going,the guys are all concerned the one promotion will have to do the work of two,despite my re-assurances they didnt apply.I am really wanting to pass the reins into a safe pair of hands for the well being of the dept,I discussed the situation with the Depute,his re-action?simple, nobody wants the job? I will bring in an outsider and pay off one of the current staff. Still got Ned constantly on my mind,infro on his progress is so painfully slow,really hoping that things get turned around. Judy hope your trip can result in you having some comfortable re-assurance that everything is OK. Wrap up well against these lower temps you mention,mind and build in plenty of fun into the trip also. Just off to Facebook now for a wee while ,may get back here later,Bye.
  13. eric byrne


    Good Evening Judy, Bowling to-night,7.45pm leaving shortly for the 8.30pm session,thought I would take a few minutes to read the mail.Oh boy,wish I had more time to gather my thoughts to reply to you,you certainly have a greater call on my emotions than a silly game of bowls but its a team game so trying to square a circle.I am with you in your concern for Ned,especially the silence,half expecting him to suddenly reappear here with some upbeat post,alas no?.I am so sorry for you,I know the constant physcological pressure on all of us,sometimes barely noticable other times a bit more strong,that the cancer is present and about to make a comeback? yes being a LC survivor is not for cissies,but we cannot be a tower of strength 24/7,so accept this moment and believe it will soon pass.I do think about you Judy even at times,in mid work or having breakfast,wishing for you things were otherwise. Goodnight Judy.
  14. Hi Judy, You forgot to post the ones of the poolside talent?
  15. Good Evening All, End of another lovely sunny spring day,3 days to go and I have a fortnight's holiday from work,do you know with the royal wedding and Good Friday,there are only 8 working days in Scotlands Schools and Colleges in the whole of April?.Bet you would have every work month the same eh?. What am I going to be doing with all this time coming,well domestic chores figure a bit,got to emulsion all downstairs and up the staircase and landing areas,springtime is DIY time in our house,gardening too,I have about twenty linear metres of raised planters to fill,with what you may ask?,I havent a clue,I went to Dobbies Garden Centre last year to choose some appropriate plants gosh, I aint easy,the moment I found something I liked and you read the label,it grew to Jack in the Beanstalk height,or not suitable in exposed locations,etc,I gave up,the size of this place is just enormous and the staff,helpful? just kids out of high school knew even less than me, with even less interest in helping me to choose,well I will have another go this holiday. But hey the good news,I will have more time to post wee messages to you all isnt that nice?,who said dont bother? Bud,Honest, I knew your quiz answer,circumference of the earth,had it written bown for to-nights post then caught notice that Katie beat me to it,drat. JudyKW thanks for the laugh,pillow up your "Duke". Annette,Yes I am quite familiar with Murphy's Law,the minute you get into the shower the phone rings downstairs,always turns out to be a "cold seller".Come chime up with the sugar story. Hi Lily,Re your under age bar story,when I was just married we went into a bar with my buddy and his heavily pregnant wife,waitress took our order and left,couple of minutes later a manageress aproached our table and asked us to leave,why I asked?she replied we were all under age and despite our protests,she insisted we leave, well going towards the exit the waitress passed us carrying our order,you should have seen the look on the managers face,when she glimpsed all the poured drinks,we all left with a smile on our faces. Judy MI,sorry to hear about your friends illness.Yes I remember your argument with the light pole-funny-really lucky the impact only damaged the vehicle.Randy really took it well didnt he? I would have been throwing myself of the roof "My new car" certainly for a while you would using public transport LOL.Light Pole- that reminds me, Did I tell you about my neighbour-the policeman,his buddie also a policeman in the witness box being cross examined by a defendants lawer,Lawyer"Are you sure it was my client you seen running out the shop?" "Yes Sir"-"But it was at night,wasnt it too dark to see him clearly" "No Sir there were Street lights on" "I see,now how far away were they?" "Well about from here to the judges bench" "Ah-now how high were the lights above street level-"Well,maybe 15 feet up" "Mmm and how bright was the bulb?" A lot brighter than the questions I am being dreplied the policeman-true story.Good night everybody.bye.
  16. Hi Mandy, Please pass on to your dad my very best wishes for his scan next week,I found your Dads collateral circulation story really interesting,never heard of such a thing before,miracle?someone looking after him from afar?why not. Shortly after my LC dx,I was sent for a Pet Scan,to discover the extent of the spread,this scan showed up a hot spot in my bowel,following a later colonoscopy,the doctor told me I had bowel cancer a second primary to boot.Long story short,they operated on me later to remove from my bowel a polyp the size of a golf ball,which I was told by the time it grew to that size it always proved to be cancerous,well the results of the came back,benign,the surgeon also added,another year and that polyp would have killed me.So my LC dx,actually saved my life?miracle,well I do go to church each week,just to say thanks.
  17. Good Evening All, Oh boy,seems like ages since I have been here,now that was some busy weekend,wont bore you with it all,Jennifers fundraiser on Saturday night for Yorkhill Hospital for Sick Children realised over £700 and still more to come in,I am really proud of her taking this on,the money raised is after deductions for paying for the live band,I was a bit annoyed when she told me the bar had charged her £200 for its use,the prices they were charging for drinks for over 200 people should have been profit enough for them. You will like this one,Got out the house at 10.30am on Sunday morning for ABC (Airdrie Baptist Church)Picked up the Sunday Times en route,arrived at the church 10.45am,funny the main doors are closed?I entered the church through a side door,and then opened the door into the church to reveal our Minister Ross giving the pulpit address?the penny drops as I take my pew.Its not 10.45am Eric its 11.45am,the clocks changed overnight to BST(British Summer Time)Hooray the light nights are back,now to get the garden furniture out the garage,not forgetting the Barbie.Had to apolgise to Ross later for my interruption,he thought it hilareous.Relief all round. Sunday pm,first gardening day of the year,I raked up all the leaves from the lawn from last Autumn,did some hoeing of the flower beds and edgings,you know I planted loads of bulbs last October and the only ones showing are the hyathinths?do you think I planted the rest upside down?LOL. Can you remember the pic of the Grannies I posted in last year?Well my mothers eldest sister Edith died last year at the age of 92,was in this pic as a baby (circa 1915)well we grew up not really knowning Aunt Edith,nor her own family us.Her son Allan was interested in searching his family tree,believing he had no blood relatives,and discovered the Byrnes,we met last year and got to fill in lots of interesting family affairs.Well he and his wife were holidaying in Scotland last week on the Isle of Skye and asked if we could meet again in Glasgow,well sister Irene and I spent a super afternoon in their company,I now discover I have a first cousin Canada BC -Summerland, Lake Okanagon,Kelona.Allan is a retired Director of Pilkingtons Glass travelled the world in his earlier years setting up new Pilkinton Factories all over the place.We spent six hours chatting in a bar and it just flew in,they are such an interesting couple. Oh Dear,I just wandered again didnt I?,sorry about that hope, I havent bored you to death. Ginny,what a shame I would have loved to have met up with you,and it seems you arrive in Scotland as I am leaving for the States,I hope the weather is kind to you,and the places you visit are memorable, dont forget the West Highlands of Scotland and Islands such as Skye,they are really splendid.You cannot come to Scotland without having a wee round of golf at Troon,Gleneagles or St Andrews?Dont forget the Midgie repellent cream. Judy MI,I just love watching the golf tournaments,I begin a fortnights holiday on Friday,so the masters will be well and truly watched by me,got to fit it round some domestic chores though,all downstairs has to be emulsioned and the gardening,you know,this April for Schools and Colleges in Scotland has only 8 working days in it,day off for the royal wedding and Good Friday,then two more weeks max and I am retired. Hi Bruce,Good to see you making another appearance,thinks another slapped wrist from JudyKW is in order,where the **** have you been?,did you bring a note of excuse for your absence from your mother?no? thought not,Judy he is all yours.Now away and see to them calving cows. Good night all,its 11.10pm bed calls.
  18. Aw Shucks Cathy,thanks for your comment,you brought a tear to my eye(I am such a big softy)Hope you Dads Chemo on Thursday works a treat and all his subsequent treatments kicks all the cancer cells into touch for good.Enjoy the read.
  19. Hi Michele, Just going on 2.00am Saturday,I woke up, couldnt get back to sleep,oh well,might as well go and check the mail.Well what a pleasant surprise-here you are-bright as a shiny button. First,hope Tuesday goes well,I am sure it will.I am so pleased for you,what a time of it you have gone through?please God its finished,gone forever,all you have to do now is let your body have the time to recover,and get on with life to the full with your family.Three kids? I only had the one,oh if only I could wave a majic wand and start my life over again,three kids would just perfect for me now. I hope you guys missed all the flooding in Aussieland,such terrible events one after the other this year?,New Zealand and Japan,we may get more than our fair share of rain here in Scotland but I know we have a lot to be thankful for that our weather is quite benign. Well think I will get back to bed,busy day to-day,taking my wee sisters two grand kids to Drumpellier Park today(if its not raining).Tonight my daughter Jennifer and boyfriend Chris have organised a charity fundraiser in Ivory Blacks (well known pub in Glasgow) for Yorkhill Sick Childrens Hospital,she has sold over 200 tickets,so I am looking forward to the event,no doubt she will have plans to further empty my wallet,but on the other hand,I will get to dance with all the young talent,well their view of me at 62 is, got to the age of being non- threatening harmless,just to let you know there is still a eighteen year inside me, just bursting to come out at the slightest excuse.Goodnight Michele,hope you are having a brill weekend,wonder how many hours you are in front of me?.
  20. Hi Ned, I just want you to know you havent left my thoughts,I havent heard from you recently, how you are doing?sorry it has to take a post with a gap of 10 days to ask the question all of us here want to know,what is your latest status?.I do feel a little ashamed that in the hurly burly of my own life,I took my eye, off the ball,being too busy to ask myself" How are you doing Ned"Cyber friendships,may be to some ,shallow and meaningless,but not to me,your welcome to me,more than a year ago,remains special to me.JudyKw and Bud also remain in my mind,thank you friend,your words of welcome remain with me,and I can only pray you are responding well to WBR,and can still be my friend for years to come.
  21. Bruce, Your post crossed mine, may I say Congratulations,its the very event I have been waiting for,still no luck-sigh-please pass on my good wishes to your daughter.
  22. Good Evening All, Did you notice 104 read yesterdays air,isnt that just nice to see?.Dont ask where I have been recently,promise not to bore you,but it has been busy for me.Did manage to post a few shorties in Facebook,but thats about it.Sorry guys just rush read the posts,havent cribbed anything to reply to. Today was absolutely glorious,blue skies, sunshine all the way,warm enough for T-shirts,decided to take the students out of doors to enjoy the weather,by doing some land surveying with the optical levels and E-staffs,great fun, always someone who approaches the students to ask what are we going to be building?,think I even got a wee bit of a sun tan. Early bowling session to-night 6.30pm-8.30pm,I want to describe the excitement of to-nights game,a time buzzer goes about 8.15pm,to tell you this is the last "end" well at that stage we are getting beaten 9-5,we have draw by winning 4 bowls nearest the Jack,my first bowl finishes six inches from the Jack,my second bowl just too fast carries on into the ditch-rats-my third bowl stops touching the Jack-hooray- I cannot believe it,my team mates manage to bowl some more goodies,we count 5 up at finish of play,we win 10-5,isnt life just wonderful?,got a wee Whyte and MacKays in my mit at this moment to celebrate,must remember Ive got work to-morrow.Big day to-morrow at work, we get a verbal feedback session in the afternoon from you-know-whos,on their findings,the results are compiled into a final report and put into the public domain,so its really nerve racking for all the staff to have a good one,you can even have access to it in the USA,though for the life of me I cannot imagine anyone being that interested. Oh the staff voted to accept the managment pay rise offer of-wait for it- 0.5%,-they had added a new condition to it -no compulsory redundancies for at least a year,its a shame for everyone left,they are so frightened of losing their jobs,they would accept such a lousy deal,gas and food prices are going through the roof, gas £1.40/litre in some parts of the UK.Average inflation just now 4.4%. Well on a lighter note,Friday out on the tiles,4 of my colleagues that have left now two weeks ago,are having a big night out at Wotherspoons,meal and wee drinkies.Saturday,my daughter Jennifer and boyfriend Chris have organised a charity night out for Yorkhill Hospital for Sick Children,they have sold over 200 tickets,so I am going to give them some support,she will probably coax my to empty my wallet for the priviledge og the invite,mind you as an old foggie,I will get to dance with all the young talent,which at my age,is a real pleasure,its good as the young girls look on my generation as harmless now. Enjoy the rest the day everyone.Byee.
  23. Good Morning Judy, I am sorry to hear of your brothers lack of attention,in your early days of dx and treatments,I think most of us here have experienced similar surprises about which members of the family and friends were supportive and the others who were not.I did get a few surprises or should I say disapointments from some friends I expected a bit more from?.One I did talk to some months later,said he found my dx so upsetting that he didnt contact me because he didnt know what to say to me,to help.We did re-establish our friendship,when he discovered I wasnt in the slightest upset with him,and agreed with him his re-action to me was perfectly understandable. I cannot give you an explaination to your brothers lack of support,may well be a reluctance with regard to previous family of history with cancer,has left them all feeling a bit afraid of confronting it again through your dx?.Pitching about in the dark for reasons or excuses for their behaviour I dont think is the way.Communication is the key to solving these misunderstandings,they are your brothers,not passing aquaintances,they may have very busy lives,do they live near you?.Surely some premise for a family get to-gether could be organised providing you with a comfortable setting for everyone to relax and exchange your feelings of neglect during your treatment time.It may be they( being guys) lack a bit in the caring/sharing sensitivity stakes,rather than deliberately avoiding you was closer to the truth? I can only guess.Certainly for good or evil,getting a response from them of the truth of the matter,will help you to drop the speculations going through your mind. Is it coming back? Judy I know,how many times has this thought crept into our minds,usually at the most unexpected times,and I suppose it will continue to do so.Did Jesus not say? "There are enough worries in today,so do not concern yourself about tomorrow".That quote helps me a lot in getting by these moments.Until the Doc one day confirms "Its Back",I promised myself never to let this thought overwhelm my everyday life.I am enjoying myself today and focussed on doing the same tomorrow,so thoughts of cancer coming back can ****** off.
  24. Good Afternoon All, Just a quick post in, while I am on my lunch break.Lovely sunny spring weather at the weekend,helped Jennifer with all her gear to move into a new flat on Saturday,thank goodness it was on the first floor,I am so out of condition,its gym every day for me when I retire.Jennifer's flat mate,nice girl, is also called Jennifer. Well they have arrived,HMIe,a whole pack of them,straining at the lead just waiting to pounce on us and bite our bums.They were in camera this morning with the senior management team,no doubt planning our downfalls.Less than half an hour to go and they will descend on us all,picking us off one at a time, at random.I am under my desk at present with my laptop,they cannot see me,behind all the cupboards,but they'll get me, they always do.They call their chat with you,a friendly professional dialogue,dont be fooled they are just waiting for you to make some claim to teaching and learning good practice,theyve got you,-prove it-comes next.You would think a dx of LC is a biggy in your life,no way HMIe visits are far worse.Mind you, I am about to retire,so sod off,oh my,you dont think they will have access to see what I am posting here in my laptop?.Catch you all later,paranoia rules OK.
  25. Hi All, Just for Annette, Anice and respectable lady went into the pharmacy,walked up to the Pharmacist and said "I would like to buy some cyanide" The Pharmacist asked "Why in the world would you need cyanide?" The lady replies "To kill my husband" Pharmacist "Lord have mercy,I can't sell you cyanide to kill your husband,its against the law,I would lose my license,we would both end up in jail and all kind of other bad things could happen to us" "Absolutely not-you cannot have any cyanide". The lady goes into her handbag and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the Pharmacist's wife... The Pharmacist looked at the picture and replied "Oh-you didnt tell me you had a prescription".
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