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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Good Evening All, Just indoors,spent the afternoon with only my shorts on,exposing my six pack torso to the sun (OK beer gut)building up a sun tan,no peely wally Eric arriving in the USof A.Cannot believe our weather over these last days,only just into May?.I did set off after church this morning with Sally,we were going to visit Culzean Castle on the Ayrshire coast,en route Sally was complaining about her back being sore sitting,well decided just to go home,well I made the best of it,relaxing in the sun reading the papers. Two weeks ago,we had a stand in Minister replacing Ross,apparently he collasped at home on Saturday night and was rushed into hospital,we were told he had gone through some tests and was sent home on Sunday to await for the results to come through.Well last Sunday I didnt attend church,since I was at Yorkhill Hospital Easter Egg Run.Well arrived in my pew,noticed no Ross again,friends around me didnt know I was unaware of Ross's situation,his results show he had a brain tumour,and had major surgery Tuesday last,apparently they couldnt remove it all and there is a meeting of his medical team on Wednesday to decide what to do next.Ross is at home now and is doing well,I have been told he has written an account of his reaction to his dx,and being a strong believer of course his message to us is something extraordinary,its in the Airdrie Baptist Church website,I am looking forward to searching this out. Ross is only in his twenties,married to Deborah,recently become a father to Katie,its so sad,.At my dx Ross would often pop down to see me along with others in the church,his support for me was really special.Facing serious illness and belonging to this church didnt cure me but it did help me in so many ways.I will do anything to help Ross see this through. Sorry guys no funnies today,I will cheer up by tomorrow,taking Dot and Jim for a wee run,no idea where,Dot asked if she could choose and tell me tomorrow when I arrive.Enjoy the rest of Sunday,I will see you tomorrow evening.
  2. eric byrne


    Hi Bruce, I am so sorry to hear of Marisas passing,she did put up a brave fight,please pass on to her folks,my sympathy.
  3. Hi Girls, You are right Annette the guys are nowhere to be seen,I always think it strange at weekends the posts are slow when we all have more time at our disposal?.Well I suppose we have all planned something to do at the weekends. We Scots have been so blessed with our weather recently, our media have been reporting about all the storms and tornados in the USA,its so sad so many people have had their houses trashed,worse the number of people who have lost their lives?we dont get people losing their lives to the weather,maybe soaked occassionally being caught out in a sudden downpour. Annette isnt it just wonderful your daughter being successful in getting her first house?gosh the happy memories that brings back to me,my first house I bought in 1971 cost guess what? £800,about $1200 and although a bit smaller than subsequent houses,I think that house has my happiest of memories. Aw JudyMI,I am so sorry to read you are still not 100% wish the whole nausea thing could dissapear from you,its so debilitating,oh I just hate that feeling.Hope it goes soon as. Well I have posted in my pics of todays jaunt,couldnt have enjoyed myself more,the weather has been so good recently,still got a couple of days holiday to go,where to next I wonder?,so many things to see so little time to catch them all,but I am trying. Well its now Sunday here,ABC in the morning,I will sleep on what to do next.Good night all enjoy the rest of your evening.Bye
  4. Hi All, Such a beautiful day today,so out with the camera to have an absolutely super day out.OK Annette-Edinburgh Castle done last year,just about another 500 for you to go,gosh this is going to take some time,hope you all like them.Here goes with the Facebook link-fingers crossed. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/fbx/? ... 8f42e4ce91
  5. Oh Becky you are so naughty.Tut Tut.
  6. Hi Allan, Welcome to LCSC,I am so sorry for my late response,dont know how I missed you.Well I see you've met some of the buddies,finding this place for me over a year ago was such a blessing,it so contributed so much to my well-being,everyone here pulls to-gether,bit like the Musketeers,all for one and one for all.The site is not all about cancer,I particularly enjoy following the daily banter of the Morning Air. I am not very knowlegable about all the technical stuff raised here,but there are such a variety of buddies here all offering their particular experiences,I am sure you will derive many benefits staying around.Are you aware of www. cancergrace.org?the Docs there are ready to answer any question's you have and are able to repond in no time at all. Allan its a pleasure to meet you,and I am looking forward to getting to know you better.God Bless.
  7. Good Evening All, Its 8.40pm,just home from my Glasgow shopping,left Sally at home she is in my black books again,unable to go to work on Thursday,firm told her not to come back in on Friday,had to scour the house before leaving for money and alcohol.Well from a not promising weather front this morning the sun burnt off the cloud cover leaving us with a glorious sunny day,I just love the buzz of the city,its shopping precincts full of happy shoppers,the street entertainers,one group in particular they call themselves Clandonia,three guys with big old fashioned drums they beat the living daylights out of and a piper,they make you want to dance in the street,I saw them previously at Christmas doing a show in George Square,I even bought their cd which I often play driving in my car. Went into this Kilt shop to enquire about hiring or buying a kilt,well since I want to wear one for my American holiday for seven weeks buying is the cheaper option.I asked to see the Bannockburn one I wore to the Oran Mor night at Christmas last,amazingly,he said the designer of that kilt does not allow it to be sold,its only for hire??.So I searched to books and found one a close match,well decision time-he gave me a price,which I hummed a bit about-OK he said I will throw in the jacket free of charge,thats my boy,its a deal.I asked if it could be ready for 11th of June (Craigs wedding) said if it isnt ready in time,he will give me a free hire of any kilt ensomble in his shop,isnt that nice? Where to next?,tummies rumbling,off to the recently refurbished indoor shopping mall called Princes Square,its just beautiful,dont shop here unless you have a load of cash,prices here are not for me,but the food cafes are great,I had a lovely Italian meal and a Peroni for less than £20,which is very reasonable here.Did some more wandering the streets,bought a new USB (8GB)going up to Dots for Jim to download the Spartacus 1st series.Spent the remainder of my time at Dots,downside she loves royal weddings and she kept the TV on to watch the replays,well I didnt complain,as Jim took away my USB and downloaded Spartacus. Bud,I didnt know that about Andy Whitfield,such a shame particularly with him now having to be replaced,I love John Hannah playing Batticus he is Scottish you know,makes a perfect villian.Mind you its a bit rude and violent,but like the Godfather films they make for good viewing,I will put it off if the Minister arrives. Judy MI,thanks for the giggle mixing up Harry with William sure Kate would be suitably horrified at the very idea. JudyKW,I have Libby's home email address and have e-mailed her twice over the months,even just to tell me she is OK and just taking some time out,but sadly she hasnt replied,it does make me feel a bit uneasy. Well that's all folks (now where have I heard that before?)oops before I go Hi Annette I hadnt forgotten you,hope you will enjoy Beauty and the Beast later tonight,checking my watch-think you have 2-3 hours to go,it is tonight?isnt it?.Bye
  8. Hi Bumbinokid, Hello and welcome to LCSC,there are so many new friends here for you to meet,I am sure everyone will pitch in to help lighten your burden.I am really sorry to read of your fathers dx,and I can fully appreciate the anxiety of coming to terms with something so big arriving in your life you are so unprepared for and dont think will manage to cope.This is particularly more painful for you as in your decription of the closeness and loving relationship you have with your father.I know at this moment in time you feel utterly frustrated that you cannot take this away from your father,that there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel.I can promise you,things do improve,try not to race ahead to the future but live for today and take one step at a time. At the time of my dx,I had such a hard time coming to terms with it,further anxieties arrived when my oncologist went on after all my tests were complete to tell me what his action plan was for my treatments,my over imaginative brain started to dream up all kind of scenarios,will my hair fall out with the chemo(ok for the gray ones)will I suffer with excessive nausea,will my following surgery be really painful,will I be a permanently disabled person afterwards having difficulty with breathlessness?.Well as time passed and the treatments progressed,guess what? for all my anxieties nothing even close to my imaginings came true,I sailed through the lot chemo,surgery,only one episode if discomfort was constipation and I would have missed that if I had found here earlier,as the buddies here would have advised me to take lots of fluids through chemo. Be on guard for "medical professionals" who through some twisted urge to shock you,venture to give out death sentences,I had two such people,my appointed lung nurse and my GP,both gave me unsolicited verdicts of two years max to live,well just for spite I am still here 2 1/2 years later and determined to stay around for at least another twenty years.Please pass on to youe father my very best wishes for a successful course of treatments and maybe when he feels up to it come on board here and share in the fun of the forum Morning Air.
  9. Good Morning All, On holiday for the next four days,weather changed,typical,overcast but a least is warm and dry.Going into Glasgow just to avoid the royal wedding,it will be on all the TV channels and newspapers,I am such a republican in this respect,I only believe in a meritocracy,not people by accident of birth being superior and it grates that we are officially designated subjects to her majesty and all her extended family of aristocrats(hundreds of them-all getting a cut of the tax payers cash).I want to be recognised as a citizen of the UK,thought in my lifetime all this would disapear into oblivion.Well thats my rant of the day,sorry about that. My sister Irenes son Craig is getting married to Lorna in June (Mia's Mum and Dad).Funny how nowadays you have children then you get married?.Lorna is English so will enjoy all her Scots male guests wearing kilts.I am thinking of buying rather than hiring and it takes six weeks to have one tailor made.I am officially entitled to wear the Clan MacLaren tartan with my mother being a Paterson,which is a sept of the MacLaren's,I will google it to see what it looks like, since I really liked the one I wore to the Oran Mor last Christmas,it is called Bannockburn after King Robert the Bruce. After my shopping going up to my sister Dots house,her husband is down loading all the episodes of Spartacus,I missed it just being in TV recently because I thought it repeats of the last series Blood in Sand,this is a new series Gods of the Arena,I dont think Jims downloading is kosha, so dont tell on me dont really want to spend time in prison. My parking fine I have decided not to pay,since they made a mistake in my registration number and I did try to pay it online but there is no fine against my car only one against the registration they created by mistake,OK I might end up in jail with this one,but I prefer to have a little bit of fun with them,see if they can get their act together?. Well have a good day all,hope today passes quickly for all you workers,may get back tonight,bye.
  10. Hi Bruce, Sorry to hear of Marisa's latest health problems,I really hope the doctors can get her back to stable again,please if you are in touch with Marisa,tell her everyone here has her well being in our thoughts and prayers.
  11. Lisa, I am sorry at your loss of a wonderful Dad,please pass on my sympathy to all of your family.I also wish to thank you for your kind words of support to all the carers and survivors here,please keep in touch.
  12. Good Evening All, What wonderful weather we've been having this week,warm sunny blue skies,what a contrast to some parts of the USA,heavy rains and even Tornados,reported here on our news that over seventy Americans have died in these storms?I really hope the worst is over. So hot today for classroom work,so took my students outside to enjoy the sunshine,in the guise of doing some land surveying and setting out buildings,think they all appreciated the exercise.Well thats me for another 4 days,off until Tuesday,public holiday tomorrow for the royal wedding and May Day bank holiday Monday-I only have eight working days of my career left.I will be avoiding TV and newspapers tomorrow,I just read that the Queen did not invite Tony Blair and Gordon Brown to the wedding.Tony at the death of Dianne,did a sterling job for the royal family in rescuing them from the gaffs they made in ignoring Dianne death because of her relationship with Dodi(a muslim)he also gave a most memourable eulogy to Dianne at her funeral,that won a whole nation over,not to invite Tony is an absolute disgrace,and as for Gordon,world recognition for his intervention with the banks,to save them from total meltdown.Well I wont be watching so there it is. Talking about politics-sorry-What a strange focus your politicians and media had on President Obama's birth certificate,I appreciate your historic tradition the President must be USA born,but dont you think that would have been investigated eons ago-dont you have other things to think about?of more impotance,our newpapers here published the full certificate today,I really find it all so embarrassing for the USA,did I hear Donald Trump is now wanting to check its authenticity?That guy should be run out of town,mind you he is developing a multi-million golf course to Aberdeenshire in Scotland bringing lots of much needed jobs to the area,so two sides of a coin guy. Hi Annette,hope you enjoy Beauty and the Beast,I am going to take in at least a couple of shows in in New York,love to see The Jersey Boys and Wicked,another show currently running in London is War Horse to rave reviews,the puppet horses used are just amazing,hopefully it will have crossed the pond by now. Been a busy day,I am tired, so goodnight all, enjoy the rest of your day.Bye.
  13. Good Morning Christy, Its a pleasure to meet you,missed you first time round.I just want to thank you for returning here to give us an update on Darren,I am so pleased for him with his continued success,it is just music to my ears.Wishing you both many more years of sharing the joys of life to-gether.
  14. So well said Judy,most of my friends have urged me to stop posting here.They really dont get it,they say this is preventing me from getting on with my life,lung cancer is behind you and this site only serves to remind you,telling my friends about Ned,only reinforced their opinion. Like Judy MI,I consider my presence here,special to myself,that in my darker moments in the past,this site shone some light in my direction,if by some small way I can reciprocate by posting in to give some support new arrivals then for that reason alone,I am staying put. Needless to say,this site is not all about cancer,and the joy of sharing with my buddies here every day,just cannot be measured,goodnight Ned,sleep tight,I will never forget you.
  15. Gosh just lost part two?sorry about the interruption,now where was I?,Oh I have been invited to sit on two interview panels for the Roy Castle LC Foundation.org on Monday the 9th of May and 16th.They think having a LC survivor on the panel is a good idea,getting their slant on the appointment of new personel.I had a laugh with Bill,I asked him not to timetable me for classes those days to allow me to attend these interviews,he said Eric you retire on the 13th of May.Oops!. Judy KW,glad you are home at last,safe and sound,hope you are feeling much improved.It was a nice thought to light a candle for Ned.I keep thinking he will post in again,I cannot believe he is gone. Bud,You certainly cheered me up reading about your keystone cops maintenance crew trying to get the machines up and running,I think now would be a good time to ask your boss for a rise?.Hope you are back feeling refreshed with your vacation break last week. Hi JudyMI,What fun with Randy's disapearing act,bettcha next time he will keep you better informed. Hi Annette,Hope everything is going well for you,Mum and wayward OK?. Goodnight everyone,going to sprawl out in front of the TV for a while then bed,see you tomorrow enjoy your evening.Bye.
  16. Good Evening Everyone, Feels like days since I have posted,actually probably is you silly Eric,well that was a busy holiday period,I had so much fun,where did the time go? Beautiful day today,typical- the four holiday days were nothing special-B.B.Q Saturday,rained all afternoon by early evening though the sun came out but was still cool enough to stay indoors,all my friends were there,including Jennifer's boyfriend Chris-no Jennifer,Chris and I are in the dog house,we agreed to the B.B.Q invitation,I forgot about Jennifer's Play Odds and Sods in Kilmarnock,going to lie low for a wee while. Sunday missed ABC ,to visit the Yorkhill Easter Egg Run,it was such a good day out,I will never slag bikers off again by saying they are a bit on the rough side ,they were all absolutely brilliant,friendly and chatty,looking forward to going back next Easter. Well Monday,working in the garden,grass got its first cut,I deliberately bought one of these self push cylinder mowers to force me to take a bit of exercise,yes got myself knackered again,did the edging to the borders,so everything is looking really nice,worth all the effort. Well back to work today,I had a class all day,hate that on returning to work,I like a bit of time to organise myself.I now have only 10 working days left to retirement,I should end up having the best garden in my street. Hi Becky,Good news your brain is normal,well that really has come as such a surprise to me,cos I thought you got yours out of the same shop as me?.Have you actually checked out your doctors qualifications?.You brought back memories to me,some years ago I remember going into a garage to fill up,Jennifer was about 5 then,she strapped into her booster seat in the back,I filled up drove off,chatting away to Jennifer-silence-I looked into the rear view mirror,back seat empty-"Jennifer" I call out -silence-panic-head back to the garage forecourt,all sorts of nasty imaginings going through my head,I get there,no sign of her?ask the garage attendant,had not seen her,oh my god,she's got out my car in the forecourt wandered about and someones kidnapped her,I go back to my car to ponder what to do next? when "BOO" Jennifer leaps up from behind my seat,she had been sitting on the floor,so I could not see her,cannot remember if I gave her a cuddle of relief,or strangled her. Break for Commercial-be back soon as.
  17. Hi Everyone, I have posted into facebook my pics of the Bikers fundraising event for Yorkhill Hospital,it was a great day out,the organisers hope they will top last year's total of £30,000.Hope you enjoy the pics and have the patience to sit though seeing them all-184-actually I had approx 400 pics taken,but facebook can only take 200 max,so I had to spend some time editing them down.I really hope the link works,see you on the other channel shortly LOL.Byee. http://www.facebook.com/airdrieeric?sk=photos
  18. Good Morning Everyone, Well, B-B-Q today,I know in America your weather situation means you can plan these with confidence well ahead of the occassion,without the risk of being rained out,not in Scotland-despite being in the middle of a settled period of weather sunny in the morning for eg,by the time you set up all the barbie stuff,it can be pouring-everyone retreating under the Gazeebo.Well its completely overcast just now,no wind at all,looking at the leaves on the trees outside my window they are absolutely still-calm before the storm?well just maybe the sun will burn away the clouds by pm. Just about to leave and drop Sally at her work,buy some niceities, food and drinks for this afternoon. Judy MI,I thought America was proudly Christian? I would have never guessed Good Friday was not a public holiday?does this mean you are also working Easter Monday?.Oh when I arrive in America-the changes I am going to make,this list is just getting longer and longer,maybe I will pop into to see President Obama when I am in Washington DC.I thought everyone knew Randy was one of the Grillinguys,can we borrow him for our barbie-I just love lamb chops. Talking of the weather,you do get the extremes though,hurricanes and tornadoes,love to watch film of these from a distance of course-must be terrifying going through either of those sitting at home-thinking your house is going to do a Dorothy as in the Wizard of Oz.Good idea changing roads to one way in an emergency isnt it?. Well got to go,Sally's getting impatient to leave,have a great day everyone,I will try and drop by later to-night.Bye
  19. Hi Annette, Yes me again-I mentioned previously among the castles I was going to visit was Inverary,this is the ancestral home of the Clan Campbell,I had today been in contact with Dawn to go on to you tube and type in "The Corries" and watch my favourite Scottish folk duo singing a collection of their songs,so many I just love,they also make all their own instruments as well you know.Anyway one their songs "Massacre of Glencoe" relates to a particularly nasty bit of Scottish history where the Campbells arrived at the glencoe village of the MacDonalds and shared their hospitality then later when the MacDonalds went to sleep the Campbells turned on them,some escaped into the hills but being January many died with exposure.I think you will really enjoy theri music-oh the one singing at the opening of the song died not so long ago with a brain hem (sorry cannot spell it)His buddy later reflecting on his musical talents said "The angels must look to their laurels now" which I must echo.
  20. Hi Annette, You finished at work yet,nice biker memories eh?laughed at memory loss following the pub visit,yeah thats happened to me also,wonder what the cause is?.Do you know i was going outside to read the papers ages ago,this laptop thingy is quite addictive isnt it?. Hooray Bruce is back,boy you are busy arnt you,only heard of Black Aberdeen Augus's are the Red ones the same breed?Gosh this calving lark is taking ages,are you still smoking and pacing the floor?.I have the champers on ice,just give me the news when your first born arrives,think he will look like his daddy?
  21. Good Afternoon All, Annette,its Good Friday,why are you at work? do Americans not get Hols?dont tell me you will be working Easter Monday also?.Well not done very much today,drove Sally to work went to to the supermarket to get some shopping in,should have checked the fridge first LOL,seems we now have about ten litre cartons of various fruit juices and too many steak and chicken pies.Weather bit cool and overcast this morning but brightening up fine and warm now,going outside after this post to sit and read todays newspapers.To-morrow Bar-B-Que at Susans House all day affair,all the usual suspects,Sally will be at work during the day,so will arrive by taxi afterwards.Good photo opertunity on Easter Sunday-going to miss ABC though-going to Yorkhill Hospital for Sick Children-every year on Easter Sunday, Bikers from all Scotland bringing easter prezzies for all the kids there,yes all the redneck heavy metal types you can imagine but with hearts as soft as putty,my sister Dot's husband Jim works in the Hospital and visits this occassion every year this will be my first visit,apparently theres hundreds that turn up,many in wait for it-bunny costumes-can you imagine a twenty stone biker in one of these-and their bikes all dressed up also,I must be very careful about taking pics of these guys,dont want to end up literally in the hospital in one of its beds LOL. Coming home from the shops today,postie had been,I think I had told you about me writing an appeal against my parking penalty two weeks ago,well they turned me down,rats,letter was really mean and nasty-they also have made a mistake-they wrote that my fine was for non-display of my parking ticket,when it was on full display on my dash board,and my ticket says it was for parking time expirey.Anyway I wrote a letter to point this out also agreeing at the end of the letter writing I would go online and pay the fine,guess what? my cars registration number is YP57UFR,in their letter to me its YP57NFR,well when I went on line there is no fine on a car YP57UFR,but there is for YP57NFR which technically and legally is not my car,I asked them how I should now proceed,or will I get the nice solicitor I was visiting on the day of the parking offence to contact to contact them instead. My daughter had been given a speeding ticket which had a digit error in it also,her friend a policewoman told her the violation will be rescinded because og this error,so she wrote to the Procturator Fiscal to point out the error-case dropped,this is fun isnt it?Cannot wait to see what happens next?. Judy KW,I am so confused I thought you were back in the keys?-doh-sorry you are not back to being 100% but you are making progress,hope you get back home soon.Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.Bye.
  22. Hi Annette, Just a quicky,so busy at work(honest Injun) but did you catch my last post in Wed Air?.Catch you all later after the bowling.
  23. Good Morning Annette, 8.25am here sitting at my office desk,quiet before the storm at 9.00am.Jam butties? and its partner chip butty (might end ie?).UK is very class conscious particularly England,working class,middle class and upper class,everything you do,say,schools attended you name it,you will be pigeon holed into one of them,I spent my life trying to ignore this.Working class would say toilet,you say rest room,middle and upper class lavoratory,etc middle class would not eat jam or chip butties,that bread spread with a layer of butter then a layer of fruit jam,or alternatively bread,butter and filled with french fries-delicious,so I guess I am working class(bet the queen enjoys jam and chip butties but it is kept as a state secret). Well I arrive in Philly on Sat 2nd July forget the time,3.00pm ish I think-will check later,probably stay overnight in Philly travel by train to Richmond Sunday,certainly want to share July the 4th with you,how long will you have to entertain me? how long is a bit of string?methinks you might put me on the next train back after only ten minutes in my company LOL,anyway my intention is to entertain you,in my kilt and wee short peely wally hairy legs.I will post again to-night after the bowling.Bye.Did you Google Culzean Castle?
  24. Good Evening All, Another lovely warm and sunny day today,looking forward to the Easter Weekend,weather forecast says this spell is to last through the holiday weekend.Actually woke up this morning at 3am-couldnt sleep-so decided to post in Wednesday Air whilst you were all still in Tuesday,one hour later,just as I was closing I touched the space bar and -woosh-post gone??.Started again now,into the post 15 mins and -woosh- gone again,think laptop will become skyward out my window, if it happens again. Now what was I writing this morning?,wish I would write things down instead of making it up as I go along.Well I told my work mates about my leaving date of Fri May 13th,well actually Sat 14th,got to stay and officate and judge the inter-college competition-20 coming so far-we have arranged for the students accompanying lecturers to visit Rennie MacIntosh's designed School of Art (world renowned for its architectural style)would have preferred them to visit the new Museum of Transport (still under construction) £70 odd million to build,but it dosnt open until June.Anyway big retiral night out to prepare for,meal and speeches,39 years of teaching I do have a few anedotes to share with my buddies.Another popular thing these nights have introduced is the computer projector,old pics of the retiree at various times in their lives,put on a continuous loop.Just got to find a suitable and convenient venue to suit my guests,mind you maybe only Bill will want to come,and I am not very sure about him either. Annette sorry to hear about your Mum being unwell again,hope she gets well soon as.You mentioning Scottish Castles has found my next challenge,may take a bit of time,well I will have some spare shortly LOL,first group-Invarary,Loudon and Culzean Castles all of them within easy reach of Airdrie.I dont know if you knew this or not,but,President Eisenhower was gifted by the Scottish people in gratitude for his efforts during WW11,the upper floor level of Culzean Castle,its the most beautiful of Castles-Google it and see,its very setting is also spectacular.Ike actually did visit the castle and referred to it as his Scottish White House. Hi Judykw I am really sorry to hear about your health probs,hopefully you are beginning to mend,there is nothing worse feeling nauseous,it can really get you down,nice to hear Stan and Wendy have been taking good care of you. Hi Stephanie,sorry to hear about your step-sister,I must have missed your news about your participation in the Race for Grace event,has a nice ring to it dont you think?take it easy dont go spraining ankles now.Wish you well for your chemo session the following day and that everything runs smoothly. Hi Bud Enjoying your holiday?,think you were really needing this one in particular,hope the fish are biting, and you and Rose can get some relaxing time in. Hi JudyMI hope the goulash night went well,cooking for 30 ? oh dear,if it were left to me it would have been jam butties. Becky sorry I wasnt about for the chicken cult sagas,sounds right up my street. Time to go,I have bored you enough,sorry if I missed anyone,good night all.
  25. Hi Becky, Eight years? isnt that wonderful,cheers me up no end,lots to come yet,eh?
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