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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Good Evening Everyone, Muriel,you are so right,where has everyone gone?looked at yesterday's Air,not a single reply?Oh Judy KW,can I explain my absence yesterday,I was sitting here at my laptop,just about to post in,when I heard the Opening Anthem on TV downstairs for the European Song Contest,think this started in 1957,and do you know I am such a fan,I dont think I have missed a single one in all that time,so laptop off,sorry must go.This competition has come in for a bit of critism since the Eastern Bloc countries have joined including Russia,they all tend to cast their votes for each other rather than the merits of the actual songs performed,grrr.Well they are new to democracy so maybe things will change with time.We watched a TV prog last week which claimed this contest was instrumental in bringing about Peristroika?and the bringing down of the Berlin wall,since East Germany would jam the signals from the West beaming the prog into the Eastern block countries,when all their populations wanted to see it.Would you believe Celin Dion sang in it years ago before she was discovered,representing Switzerland would you believe,also ABBA sang Waterloo in it and won to become world famous.UK in the sixities were always winning it,unfortunately we dont get a look in now.Germany won it last year so were hosts,Azerbysjan? won it,see what I mean,but overall the quality of the songs and performances made a great night's TV. Lazy day today,went to church,Ross (the minister) gets his first chemo on Tuesday,I wish him well,that everything goes to plan,and side effects are minimal.On the interview panel at Roy Castle early tomorrow morning.Saturday's competition couldnt have gone smoother,everyone really enjoyed themselves,prizes donated by the different sponsers this year,despite the economic downturn were the best ever,everyone went home with something.I have been made a lifelong honorary member of the Lecturers Professional Association,seems I dont have to pay my subscription any more and can drive my cattle through the streets of Glasgow to graze them on Glasgow Green,I may have confused that one with getting the Freedom of the City of Glasgow?.Goodnight everyone enjoy what is left of the weekend.
  2. Thanks Paulette, Loved your list and concur,No 20,each evening going home from work,I reach the tail end of the line of cars feeding into the on ramp to the M8,usually takes about 10-15mins of patiently waiting your turn,always every night,someone nips down the outside lane which has no access to ther onramp lane,but just tries to force their way in,most people bunch up to prevent them-hooray-but why is it there always some in the line,who out of some misguided do-gooding let them in? ooh it drives me nutty.Anyway,just retired on Friday,no more rush hour on ramps to the M8 for me Whoopie-do.
  3. hi Jacques, Welcome to LCSC,it so good to hear of your success in the fight against LC,may it long continue.Looking forward to getting to know you,please keep the posts coming.
  4. Hi,yes its me again, Just had to get back,seems I was on the other line,when Allan and Becky sneaked one in past me.Well,Allen, thanks for your summation on the joys of retirement,just one thing, it wasnt just one bottle of Whyte and MacKays I received today,fancy coming over to Bonnie Scotland and sharing the emptying with me?.Now remember you are only just over one and a half inches on my map from Philly,so shake a leg and meet up with me when I arrive. Hi Becky you are not kidding about hiding my liquid prezzies when I have a Sally sniffing around.Thud,seriously, that was Sally falling again on the bedroom floor(she is still-depite my best efforts visiting planet Pluto)I give in. Kitchen Nightmares-do you get these? I just love them,Gordon Ramsey one of my favourite Glaswegians(another is me, LOL)I still enjoy watching the repeats,now for me that is something.Good night all-again-youll be hoping for the last time?.
  5. Good Evening Everyone, I type looking at the keyboard,then look at the screen,I had to laugh when I looked up at the word everyone,it was so rediculous.Anyway,weather today bit showery but has cleared up and it is a fine sunny evening. What a day,wandered around the college at my leisure,dropping in on all my colleagues to say goodbye,well with over 200 staff it does take a bit of time,not claiming to know everyone really well,just seeing the ones I do.Enjoying all the kisses and cuddles and best wishes from the girls,and handshakes from the guys.Funny I always thought of this occassion for years,when it comes I would be an emotional wreck,but no,it was all in my stride and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.My HOD yes him,offered to take Bill and I out for lunch,think he is trying hard to make ammends for his treatment of me two years ago,well we agreed-life's too short,we had a very pleasant lunch.Back to college,3.30pm,quite formal departmental presentation,well not quite,seems people ignored my preferrence and turned up anyway,well my Buddy Bill described this person apparently me-in glowing terms,I promise you I did not bribe him and handed me over some gifts from my buddies,one was silver quaich -a gaelic word-a semi-circular,two handled drinking vessel,I was to leave it as it has yet to be inscribed,really beautiful object,with traditional Scottish engravings on it,I will photograph it later to let you all see it.my daughter arrived later,she was teaching until 4.30pm to join in the fun,plenty of eats,strawberry tarts and other cakes to be had.Well its over,just the competition tomorrow.One lecturer Stephen came over,to wish me all the best,asked me how long I had know him? before I could guess he said 31 years,he was in my class as a student when he was seventeen,and thanked me for the encouragement I had given him as a young person,that it was due to me he came into teaching,I smiled, didnt recall a single moment he was referring to,another anedote he shared with me,one day all these years ago when we actually used blackboards and chalk,his class got the duster and tapped all the chalk dust onto my chair,they waited with patience for me to sit down,apparently this took some time,I was talking to them walking about the classroom floor,then it happened Eric sat down on his chair not noticing the chalk,Stephen said the class was sweating over what my reaction would be when I stood up and spotted the chalk all over my bottom,well I was just waiting myself to hear what my reaction was from Stephen,since I didnt recall it,well he tells me I burst out laughing,I had thought it a brilliant joke to play,much to everyones relief.Stephen I have to add is a mountain climber of some repute,was doing three European mountain peaks this year,Mount Blanc,Eiger and Matterhorn and was dedicating the climbs to me,passing on his sponsor money to Lung Cancer Research,but has suffered a shoulder muscle injury recently and is unable to do the climb this year. Hi Bud best wishes for your 200k event on Sunday,gosh its so easy to type 200k,what must it be like to cycle it?Whew!. Hi Annette,I wish wayward could keep to the programme of his given responsibilites,its really not difficult,seems to lack an appreciation of the effect his behavior is having on those who love him and wish him the best.We have in Scotland, Army,Navy and Air Force Cadets organisations that young people of waywards age, attend,some of those kids are having problems growing up,and actually benefit from the tough training and adventures on offer .Worth a try?.I have two work buddies who are volunteers in these groups one is Navy the other Air Force and both agree troublesome kids often do well in their groups. Annette I did think to pm you with this next bit then thought,no,I think I should share with all here,I got this great big heavy post today from Annette and Keith,must have cost an arm and a leg,but inside it was just crammed with interesting places to visit in Virginia-seven weeks vacation? its going to take seven weeks just to read the brochures-just as well I retired today.Annette I dont have any time restrictions really,want to be at Seattle for the LUNGevity charity walk/crawl in August,there are no hotel or train deadlines to meet,your patience with me will be a more accurate measure to follow,thank you so much for the effort you have put in for me,I promise to make you feel it was worthwhile,roll on July the third.Bye all enjoy the rest of the day.
  6. Good Morning Everyone, I am openly sitting at my workdesk,on my last working day,I was going to reply to posts,I have just read,when the screen was blocked with a panel-Access Denied this website cannot be accessed due to being "Offensive and Tasteless" Becky et al,how dare they this -is rediculous?.I spoke with the techies,they said the screening system is not very sophisticated,it may have picked up a word it misconscrued its meaning,however,although I cannot answer any posts,directly,but it is letting me post in.I have forgot to write down a crib of your posts,silly me,so I cannot remember what my replies were. Enjoyed yesterdays pre-retirement course,lots of good quality infro,on making a will,oh lordy,tax and how to minimise your liabilities,we then had a wonderful speaker,a retired Royal Navy Captain,who spent 40 years in the forces-main theme volunteering keeps your brain young and active-but with so many other anecdotes and tips,he kept us laughing the whole one hour delivery. The Principal collered me coming out of this class at the end to meet with the Senior Management Team,to offer me best wishes and present me with a wee prezzie, appropriately,for me,a box of crystal cut Whiskey glasses,well my second year students previously in the day presented me with a litre bottle of Whyte and MacKays,(which I did have a wee sample of last night-well I did have to test out one of the glasses) Been receiving and visiting all my colleagues this morning,been warned by everyone,I have not to do any college work today,regardless of urgency,well I dont want to cross the picket line on that issue so here I am.I have another event at 3.30pm to face,my own department has organised a presentation for me also. My last duty commences from 7.15 am Saturday Morning,I have to welcome each of the arriving Colleges lecturers and student competitors and see them settled in,make sure they all get their cooked breakfasts.Competition starts at 9.00am,thanks to the support from all my colleagues,everything is well organised and hopefully everything is covered.Principal will be here to give a welcome speech,I have to describe the rules of the competition to all competitors and wish them every success.Presentation of prizes probably around 6pm,so hopefully the end of a busy but successful last day of work. Hopefully post back in tonight,have a great day everyone,bye.
  7. Good Morning KatieB, Do you mean the one about Washington DC,me visiting LUNGevity offices?,yes of course,its so exciting for me but I didnt want to spill the beans until nearer the time or pre-empt your thoughts on this subject,about being broached.
  8. Hi Katy, Thanks for your post,my great USA adventure begins on 2nd July At Philly airport,then to Richmond -Annette and Keith-Washington DC-New York-poss to meet up with Nick-Boston-Niagra Falls-Chicago-hopefully meeting Libby?-St Pauls/Minnieapolis,-Montana,Dinosaurs,Yellowstone,Glacier National Park,Crow and Blackfeet Reservations-Seattle maybe meet Stephanie-LUNGevity charity walk/run or in my case crawl-Vancover back to Seattle to fly homewards on 18th Aug. No Hotels booked, free to choose how long to stay at any place,will be travelling wearing my kilt and a LUNGevity T-shirt,waving the flag for LUNGevity and raising awareness of Lung cancer-"Early diagnosis-Saves lives",maybe bump into you on the way?
  9. Good Evening All, Sorry, been freewheeling a bit this week,taking advantage of your energies,just laughing at the fun you all produce in your posts,I tell you,I think you could write a sit-com TV series to match anything on the box currently-thank you guys. Seems May's weather has confused itself with April's been raining off and on all week. Not been a good week so far,Sally continues her drink spree,always arrive home from work to find her drunk in her chair,semi-conscious,despite all my efforts in removing all access to money,bank cards etc,also turning the house upside down looking for planks of alcohol and money,she is far too clever for me.No contact with her employer,think they have given up the ghost,I can only imagine during my 7 week vacation in America, what she will get up to,she might have burned the house down by the time I get home,(if I go home LOL).I really have to focus now on my future,I dont want to spend the rest of my life in this "relationship".She aint for changing and after 15 years,I think I have done my bit.Sorry for going on a bit but I feel a bit better sharing. Well two days left of work,tomorrow part 2 of my pre-retirement class,forgot to look at the prog of events but I am sure I will enjoy myself.I took my last class today,well wasnt really a proper lesson,taking a new group students about to start in August on a tour of the college,giving them the standard induction talk and filling in the registration documents,they came along with their school tutors x2 think they enjoyed the tour themselves. Been trying hard to clear my desk and pass on all my current materials to my colleagues to continue with for the remainder of the term,I am sure they will do a great job and my students wont be disadvantaged in any way. I have been receiving lots of visitings from college staff at all levels passing me on their best wishes for my retirement,Friday 3.30pm I have been requested to attend a presentation for me, by my colleagues,I promise you I would have preferred to sneak out the door quietly instead. Gosh all of this is so surreal and I have attended so many of these occassions in the past,its just a little bit different when its your own "Beam me up Scottie". Goodnight everyone,early bed tonight,just feel a bit tired,see you tomorrow.Byee.
  10. Good Morning Sara, Welcome to LCSC,sorry for being a wee bitty late on arrival,well actually,having read the supporting voices of my many friends here to your post,the quality of their responses to you,I found it difficult to offer you anything more than what has been said.The buddies here are quite a bunch,knowledgeable,supportive not forgetting great fun,being here I am sure you will find your load being lightened somewhat.I look forward to getting to know you.
  11. Good Morning De, Its just gone 2 am in Scotland here,woke up couldnt get back to sleep,thought I'd check the mail.Gosh what a story you have to share-I am so sorry for its outcome resulting in a cancer dx and a following Pneumectomy.It must be so frustrating for you that it has taken so long to get to the root cause of your lung problem?.I suppose given your athletic background and youth, would have thrown your doctors off track? Great support from Diane? you both share the same surgery and she is doing so well,I happen to have had a Lobectomy to my upper right lung,also the removal of one nearest lymph node involved.This surgery was preceeded with 4 cycles of neo adjuvant chemo to shrink the tumour to operable size-it worked-to my relief.I did prefer the surgery option to radiotherapy as we call it in the UK. I had my surgery in January 2009,and I have had no further treatments since,I returned to work March 2009 and now after 39 years of teaching,I am retiring from work this Friday-mixed feelings,worked all my life bit uncertain how I will adjust?.Sorry I do tend to wander when I post. Back on track-anyway-its always a pleasure to meet a new friend here,you will just love the buddies here they are all so knowlegable about a whole range of LC issues and so friendly not forgetting great fun.So enjoy getting to know everyone(gosh when I was knee high to a grasshopper,I remember my primary school teacher drumming into us never begin a sentence with And, But or So)Byee
  12. Hi grannytsb, Hello,Welcome to LCSC,boy have you fallen on your feet discovering this place,its a wee gold mine of brill people,everyone here is so friendly and supportive I can also add fun to be with,so pull up a chair and sit down and relax,enjoy the banter. Boy youve had your share havent you? colon cancer to kick off with?,well you certainly kicked that one into touch, now sclc,I am sorry,by the way check out my Glaswegian buddy Robert Lowes story in the My Story Forum,that is sure to give you a wee lift.There are many other example of sclc survivors here doing really well to boot.Wishing you all the very best as you proceed through your treatments,may they bring the very minimum of discomfort and the maximum of benefits.Share your journey with us,we can certainly lighten your load,you are never alone here,we are with you now every day.Looking forward to getting to know you.
  13. Good Evening Everyone, I want to thank you all for your birthday greetings,they left me feeling so warm inside.62? where did the years go?. Well kinda missed here on Sunday,its catch up time folks,at ABC in the morning update on our Minister Ross,feedback to Ross by his medical team was sadly not good-they couldnt remove his tumour completely and it is very "aggessive",upshot he has to have chemo for a year-I was astounded by that bit of news,Ross is taking all this in his stride,but poor Deborah is finding it really tough,hopefully Ross can visit us next week as a member of the congregation,we have all been asked not to swamp him with kindness and keep a respectful distance.I know that will be a hard act to keep the right balance for most of us. I had a lovely night out last night at Guidis,the restaurant played Happy Birthday for me ,over their sound system , and to my further embarrassment, one of the waitress's brought out a candle lit birthday cake,wasnt big enough for a candle for each year though,might have set fire to the entire restaurant LOL. Not at work today-I sat on the interview panel at the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation-I really enjoyed the occassion,so hard to separate three candidates,they put up quite a presentation,all degree candidates-one of the candidates had three separate degrees.No decision taken ultimately,chairman going to sleep on it tonight before coming to a conclusion to-morrow.Process to be repeated next Monday for another post. Hi Becky,Sorry even when you have a down day you still make me laugh,Noisy Restaurant? Boring Local?Dog Poo?well I am not surprised your steak dinner was a treat since bad things only come in threes,and obviously you had used them all up. Hi Bud you have really impressed me with your weekend catch, crappies by the score,huge catfish and bass and on a lightweight rod and line,I doff my cap to you sir,you are the best and a mean cyclist to boot.Bud does make you feel a little crestfallen dosnt he? LOL,however with retirement starting Friday its gonnabe,gym,swimming,dieting,bowling from then on,followed shortly afterwards with me sending in pics of my six pack torso- a new kid on the block methinks?. Hi Annette,Still up to your eyeballs with wayward,not familar with Becky's comment on his school attendance patterns affecting his term results?Thought if he meets the academic requirements of his curriculum "soft indicators" such as behavior and attendance were kept separate? Hi JudyMI At last- the warmth of Spring arrives in Michigan,I just love the passing of the cold,dark days of Winter and witnessing the new life all around that Spring brings,the singing of the birds outside my window first thing in the morning,simple things are the best and they are all for free. Missing JudyKW,hope she is restored to us as soon as,be nice if Libby could drop by also,I was so looking forward to meeting her in Chicago this summer? Goodnight everyone,enjoy the rest of the day.
  14. eric byrne

    Scan Results

    Hi Alisa, Thanks so much for such a happy post,11 years NED? Wow! music to my ears(hows that for an example Sharon-take hope)
  15. Hi Sharon, Welcome to LCSC,always a pleasure to meet a new friend.This has been a real home to me for over a year now,and I have since got to know all the buddies here,everyone has been so kind to me,they are such a friendly and supportive bunch.I was a wreck when I first arrived,a lung cancer dx is a pretty tough pill to swallow,and does take a bit of time to adjust,so dont worry,things do get better with the passage of time,one day at a time,easy to say but....I was so unprepared for this dx,something dreadful had entered my life and I didnt think I was equipped to deal with this,or have the courage to cope.Following my dx led to my oncologist laying out his treatment plan for me,which brought new anxieties,will my hair fall out with the chemo?(well not bothered about the gray ones),will I have nausea?will my surgery be excessively painful?will I be left breathless a permanent invalid?.oh boy you name it-I will have dreampt that up too.Well for all my worries,nothing close to my imaginings came true.I promise you I sailed through the lot,with only the slightest of discomfort. Dianne's comments are so true,yes I smoked also, that through my poor life choices,my wife and daughter share in my pain.Guilt-dont punish yourself,many have lung cancer and never smoked,you cannot be sure your smoking led to this dx,it really is irrelevent,we are where we are,we cannot change our past,but we can have some control of our present. You are not alone in your experiencing a unsolicited remark by a medical practitioner,who for some unfathomable reason passes out death sentences without reflecting first on how the reciprocant might feel.My GP and my appointed Lung Nurse,gave me only two years- max(my tumour was in a bad place),I can tell you I am well past my expirey date and still here-also re-Robert Lowe. I wish you all the very best as you go through your treatments and that you arrive safely out the other side,always remember you are now in all our thoughts and you will never be alone.
  16. Hi Stephanie, Thank you for the Birthday Greeting,its just gone 8.00am here on Sunday,the UK is 5 hours in front of New York,I dont know your particular time is being on the west coast of America,probably to add one or two hours again?.Have a great day today,I know I will have.
  17. Sorry All, Eric's brain goes missing again,meant to type Saturday Evenings Air-Doh.
  18. Good Evening Everyone, Everyone's gone outside to play?well I did too,its been warm but overcast today. A lot of running about today,put my car in for repair ,my brother-in law came along with his car to drive me to the car hire company to pick up my courtesy car-Fiat Punto,quite nice too.We both went into Glasgow together to pick up a Kilt hire for Pat,he and Irene are going to a black tie charity dinner tonight for "Help for the Heroes" for our troops serving in the Army.Talking of charities,Claire sent me my sponsor form for the Norren Davis Hikers and Bikers walk round Millport in June,along with the theme for my bus "Sumo" its cowboys and cowgirls,actually it should be cowboy singular,since I will be again the only male amongst approx 300 women,luvvely jubbily(cockney expression-from Del Boy-dont suppose you get the TV comedy prog Only Fools and Horses? I was out last night at one of my colleagues retirement dinners,I cannot go to everyones since 31 of us took up the offer of voluntary severance-but I will go to mine,good night out with nice company what more can you ask?.At home tonight,but special day tomorrow its my Birthday hooray-another nail in the coffin-I am 62.Going to Guidis in Airdrie,originally six-but Sally has spent another workless week last week,I came home from work yesterday to find her drunk in the sitting room chair,when I came downstairs this morning her face has an overlarge blackened eye and bruising down one side of her face,she has no recollection of falling-well theres no way she is sharing a restaurant table with myself Jennifer and Chris and Irene and Pat.She has been reporting in each day to see her manager,but not being allowed to return,goodness knows what their reaction will be when they see her on Monday,its embarrassing for me too, with their thoughts and the neighbours, thinking Eric has beaten her?.Really got to think of my future. Well I finally signed my voluntary severance contract at the solicitors office on Friday,so my final week at work next week.Iam not in on Monday,Iam sitting on an interview panel to select a National Support Services Manager from 11am-5.30pm,same next Monday this time for a National Outreach Co-Ordinator,apparenly both these persons will be my line managers,not often you get to pick your own bosses? Annette loved the Lucky Charm Kid-I remember recently sitting with Max and Mia-Max is holding a toy phone having an imaginary phone call talking to his Mum when Mia manages to pull the phone from his hands-she gets a minute or two, to give the phone some baby talk, Max wrests the phone back from her,putting the phone back to his ear his says "Sorry about that". Stephanie,thank you for the eating out courtesys,I was going to write in about tipping requirements,for various services,seems eating out in the UK is at least double than the USA,so I always tip 10%.What about taxis?,hotel staff? any others I havent included,anyone want to pitch in with their thoughts,much appreciated.Also thanks for the website food links,I will be delving after next week,since I will have more spare time on my hands.Think we should include JudyMI hubby Randy with the Grillingguys.Hi Judy got that dog using the dog door yet? Annette,I know, still nothing from Libby yet,its such a concern,and yet she is probably just having a great time out. JudyKW,I know you wont read this just now as you are with your sister and her family at present,still want you to know you are all in my thoughts.Good night everyone.
  19. Good Evening All, Well it had to happen,sooner or later,went in to work today and it was raining,remained wet all day,some indication from the weather guys tomorrow to be dry and sunny again,well I hope the weekend is. Well today I attended my first of two pre-retirement classes,I actually had to fill in a STD1 enrollment form,39 years of getting my students to fill this in at the start of term,and now for the first time I am filling one in for myself,really strange.Class of approx twenty retirees,it was really well organised,The MC I will call her,gave a good presentation on the first experiences likely to be felt on retiring,she made it sound like the best thing since they invented sliced bread.Next a expert from the Dept of Pensions,explaining all the ins and outs of all the pension availabilities we can claim,however attractive or not they are,they are out my reach until I make 65 in three years time.Afternoon a Financial advisor from his firm "Intelligent Investments" gave a talk for one hour about smart ways to invest lump sums,boy I really stuggled with droopy eyelids,I nearly fell asleep,but my fault everyone else thought he was just brill??.Finally for some light relief a guy from the council-Glasgow Parks and Recreation,gave a super talk on most of the public parks in Glasgow and their history,he gave out lots of brochures to take away,so new ideas for my camera.Class dismissed -Part two next Thursday,all in all a most enjoyable day. Hi JudyKW,Think everything is going well for you now,treatments going ahead,fingers crossed,best wishes for a successful outcome also. Hi Bud,Good news with Petey,particularly when you feared the worst,sorry about the Bill though. Hi Annette,The saga continues with wayward,I suppose as expected,dont think I would have passed his "slip" to the PO either,why pour petrol onto a fire?.My elder brother and his wife are cat people,they had two cats Tammy and Sulie,Tammy just loved me,we played so many games to-gether,always left their home with both my hands scratched to ribbons and my wooly jerseys sleeves all pulled.I am more a dog person,had Sam a cocker spaniel until he was put down two years ago,may get another when I retire. Well just a week to go,the guys have identified the venue for my leaving doo,Cafe Source in the Trongate,we have had many a great ceilidh in there.You are all invited Thursday 27th May-yes youve guessed it Friday is an other Public Holiday.Oh went out and voted today,Scottish Parliament,also voted in the referendum for the UK to change its voting system First past the Post to AV.I will probably be up half the night watching the results,bit of a political animal you know.Byee.
  20. Bud, I thought billings for dogs was commensurate with size,tiny dog -tiny bill?
  21. Hi Becky, Thank you for the link to fire ants,I did look it up ,thanks for the re-assurance,you've made me feel so much better,do you know of any stores in the USof A that stock Kevlar suits,preferrably the ones that cover head to toe?.I am allergic to bullet wounds also.
  22. Good Evening All, Another hot sunny day,boy this is getting boring,next it will be hose pipe bans from watering your garden.Think next week back to normal,rain predicted. Only in at work this morning,Stobhill LC support group meeting this afternoon,a pallitive nurse was the invited speaker,sadly her performance lacked the 5 Ps,you know the good teachers motto,repeat after me-Proper,Planning, Prevents Poor Performance.Actually since Penny left to have her baby (she had a boy)her stand in chairperson Maureen is so disapointing,she obviously lacks any experience as a chairperson,not my place to interfere.David the new manager of the Glasgow office,for Roy Castle LC Foundation turned up as an observer (Roy Castle funds the group),he was absolutely livid,about such a poor return in their investment,of our group with the lack of management and structure to the meeting,I tried to re-assure him that this was a one off,its only Maureens second time in the chair,dont think I made much of an impression on him,he will return to our next meeting on June 1st as an invited speaker,hopes to change things for the better(Penny dosnt return until next year). JudyMI,the insurance saga continues?sorry,hope approval comes through and does not disrupt your bloods and chemo. Bud thanks for your concern about me being hurt in my little mishap with the car yesterday,I am fine,car goes in for repair on Saturday and I pick up a courtesy car to drive until mine is repaired.Did I read you right-you cycled 46 miles AFTER work,Bud I doubt I could cycle 46 miles instead of work.Blooming Heck. Hi JudyMI,I take it dog door means similar to cat flap?well another old teaching formula S = R2, Stimulus = Response squared (Pavlovs Dog).Put the dog outside you inside with nice meaty bone,down on hunkers,open dog flap extend arm holding nice big juicy bone,withdraw it as dog tries for it,back into house -dog comes though flap gets bone repeat as required,job done and dusted. I am certainly getting an education myself here, all the American animal kingdom seems to reside in your houses,we've had racoons,ants,possums and now fire ants-what do they breath out flames at you? then there is cayotes,rattlesnakes and grizzly bears outdoors-anything else you want to warn me about,come in my Kilt? no way- I am coming wearing a suit of Armour nicked out of Kelvingrove museum.Byee
  23. Evening All, Well the beautiful weather continues,goodness knows how many consecutive days that is now,pardon me for reflecting,this isnt normal for Scotland,we usually have wet days instead at this time of the year,we must take full advantage when the sun shines.Took Sally,Dot and Jim for the day out yesterday,when to a seaside resort called Helenbourgh,sadly a bit past its best now,many resorts in Scotland have suffered from the greater affulence of society,where people would once take their vacation within Scotland they now travel to a much more adventurous destinations now,like all over Europe,with Florida becoming more popular with the passing years,nowadays these resorts only get the passing day tripper.Well we spent a lovely day there,then travelled through to Loch Long up to Arrocher,then down Loch Lomond to Glasgow,unfortunately approx 2 million fellow Scots decided to do the same route as Eric,and I was caught up in a tail back of over 8 miles,so about turn retraced our steps back down Loch Long to Helensburgh and youve guessed it another slow trek back to Glasgow.I am complaining? sum total of day out,was it worth it? Yeah.pics still to be looked at. Well back to work,phoned solicitor Carla to arrange suitable time to sign severance documents,we agreed 3.30pm today.En route along Gt Western Rd,car in front breaks suddenly as we approach a set of traffic lights,I am in a hurry,late leaving college due to a meeting I was at,I had to excuse myself due to running out of time to meet with Carla.I am a bit too close to the car in front,but my car stops a couple of feet behind the car in front,whew,I breath a sigh of relief,slow down Eric,take your time,I glance in the rear view mirror,one car approaching at speed,no way he is going to stop in time,whak-he slams into me my car shunted into the one in front,who in turn smacks into the one in front again.Blooming heck,phone Bill to cancel my solictors appointment,car in front ,Female slumped over her steering wheel,all three drivers assist in getting her out the car,a nearby restuarant owner comes out and gives the girl a glass of water,she is OK just a little shaken,she recovers soon as,all four of us exchange details,insurances,etc,guy at rear apologises,his fault wasnt paying proper attention.Oh its so frustrating,phoned my insurance company,damage to front and rear bumpers(OK fenders) I have to put the car into the garage on Saturday,and I get a courtesy car to drive until my car is repaired.Annoyingly I have to pay my excess £350 up front ($550 approx)but I MAY have it refunded from the other guys insurance,but nothing definate,grrr. Hi JudyKW,I know, sorry about the feeling wee bit sorry for myself syndrome, compared to your medical health insurance problems,its nothing,oh thank you God for the UK NHS,I will never moan about you again (nothing is perfect is it?) Well I do hope everything sorts itself out for you. Hi Donna,Thanks to joining here,I am getting a wonderful education on many subjects,eg,the geography of America,its flora and fauna,not forgetting its climate,I would have thought for your latititude,snow would be well past and spring everywhere?wishing you warm balmy days soon as. Hi Ronnie good to see you,bettcha winters in South Africa are pretty mild affairs compared to some of us in the Northern Hemisphere? Hi Judy-"Who you gonna call -Antbusters",well done you,you are lethal with that caulking gun,ants better look out from now on. Dinners ready,got to go,see you later,byee.
  24. Hi All, Standing at the newspaper stand this morning,probably approx twenty newspapers on display,all Headling with Bin Lades demise-My favourite headline? BIN-BAGGED
  25. Thanks for the laugh Annette I needed that one.
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