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eric byrne

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Everything posted by eric byrne

  1. Hi Cathy, Welcome to here,well done you finding this site so quickly,took me over a year,well suppose thats to do with being at the other side of the pond.(Scotland). I was dxd three years ago,my treatments included 4 cycles of neo adjuvant chemo to shrink the tumour in my upper right lung,which worked allowing me to have a upper right lobectomy in Jan 2009.I had a PET scan soon after my dx,which showed up a hot spot in my bowel,long story cut short,this turned out to be a polyp which my doc was convinced would turn out to be cancerous,following surgery to remove this polyp,my doc arrived to tell me that I was the luckiest guy on the planet,the polyp was the size of a golf ball,tests showed it was not cancerous,further the doc said had this polyp not been discovered and removed,it would have killed me within a year.So it seems my lung cancer has actually saved my life. I am looking forward to getting to know you,can I recommend the forum Just for fun here,daily chat of a lighter nature and meeting up with lots of new friends.It has kept me sane for the last two years.
  2. Hooray,Becki to the rescue.
  3. Hi Geri, Its my pleasure to be first to reply to your post,you know we have had our share of sad posts recently,how absolutely wonderful to receive your news of 10 years survivorship.May your success continue for years to come,and may all of us here share similar success.
  4. Sorry JudyKW, Our posts crossed,maybe someone can do a merge?
  5. Good Afternoon Everyone, Firstly a special welcome back JudyMI,you had me worried for a bit,but its so nice to have you back. Fine Autumn day today,I just cannot believe how mild the weather has been so far in November,I still have roses in bloom,I tell you its all to do with global warming,or as my Mum used to say,its because the Russians put up that Sputnik.Well I am a wee bit disapointed,Sarah Swain of the Evening Times never got back to me?she had her own story in this newspaper yesterday,describing how her father became a victim of Lung Cancer at 54 years old and how he only survived 8 months,it was a really moving account,so she's forgiven for not getting back to me.Well as one door closes-another opens,I bet your are not going believe this one.Its a late invitation,its to happen this Tuesday 15th -6.00pm-9pm.The invitation is from the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation,I have been asked to accompany a delegation to the Scottish Parliament to present to the MSPs a document which forms an extensive survey of the UK,showing the regional variations of lung cancer provisions.My role is to deliver to the MSPs a speech titled "Why should Politicians make Lung Cancer a Priority",the speech should run for approx ten minutes.OK buddies thinking caps on-what would like like me to include?all suggestions greatly appreciated,it will make me feel you are at the meeting with me. Was at my yoga class this morning,nothing on for the rest of the day.Sally has a addiction councillor looking after her now,her name is Joey,nice person, she has arranged for Sally to join a handicrafts class,just to give her an external interest,get her out of the house and meet new friends.Today was the first class,this morning I offered to drop her off en route to my yoga class,would you believe it shes high,unfit to go.Joey's just off the phone to me wondering where Sally got to,I could only tell her the truth,think she's really disapointed.Thats life. Got to be up and out early tomorrow 7.00am,hope I dont sleep in,as I dont have a alarm clock,so early to bed just in case.Have a great weekend all,Bye.
  6. Hi Nushka, Sorry about my late reponse,I do make particular effort to check the forums regularly,how you slipped through is beyond me?.Thank you for posting in your great news,we have had more than our share of sad news recently.May your success continue for many,many years to come.Congratulations.
  7. Good Evening Everyone, Following a beautiful sunny day yesterday,we get overcast and cold today,at least its dry. I attended my yoga class this morning,skipped the swimming bit and went home instead,I don’t want to steal Buds thunder so much as to share it,I also have developed a cold,just hoping it dos’nt develope into man-flu. Finally having tried to make contact with me from last week ,Sarah of the Evening Times managed to catch up with me this afternoon.This turned out to be more of a conversation than an interview,we chatted about all the things I have been getting up to in recent months,working with the Roy Castle Found as an advocate,my joining the SIGN committee as a layperson,also my links with LUNGevity and my tour round America,you know me,I could talk for Scotland in the Olympics,but bless her cotton socks ,she listened to me rambling on, maintaining apparent interest.Since it was now way past Sarahs stopping time she requested we continue this tomorrow. Also tomorrow the guy is coming to install my new plastic door.Not much planned for the rest of the week,Saturday,up and out at 7am,Mens Breakfast at ABC,I have to set the tables and serve breakfast,1 million calories/plate,how on earth am I supposed to lose weight?.Sat evening off to the Bon Accord in Glasgow to see the Morgan Lee Band-yes again.Remembrance Sunday Service,in commemoration of all our soldiers who have lost their lives serving their country,it really is a lovely service.I have my poppy for my lapel. Hi Becky,welcome home,its so good to hear from you,and the good news you have a job-Hooray-the bad news its minimum pay and even then they seem reluctant to pay up,well hopefully something better is coming along. Hi Judy,me younger than you?well only by a smidgeon.Hope Stan is now getting the attention his hip requires from the Doc,and they can help relieve his discomfort.You have’nt mentioned Dominick for a while,hows he getting on? Hi Dianne,Prep for Thanksgiving?sounds a lovely family occasion,wish we had this in Scotland,maybe another chance to get Jennifer to visit LOL.Have a super time. Hi Bud,sorry to hear of your cycling friend Mike Carter,its so sad,particularly since he had only such a short time left to fight it. Hi Mike ,What a sad time you and your family have been going through,my sincere condolances for your loss of both your sister and your son,I cannot imagine how I would deal with this.I do hope your wife is awarded the benefits she has applied for since she has lost her job.Wishing you well in your search for a new home,I hope you find something that ticks all the right boxes and that you are blessed with good new neighbours. Keep in touch. Time for a hot lemsip and off to bed,good night friends,see you tomorrow.
  8. Hi Everyone, Still at my computer,I was waiting at home for the Evening Times to call me,nothing as yet.Thought I would share with you my charity night out with the ladies.Maybe I could get LUNGevity on to the donation list?. Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... c37e71a345
  9. Hi Everyone, See what happens when you've retired ?,plenty of time to post in.Hope you enjoy seeing these. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... b0c83bbab4
  10. Hi Everyone, Its been a while since I have posted in some pics,these pics are of some of my last class of students at their graduation at Glasgow University.I hope you enjoy seeing them. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 87d0287a33
  11. Good Afternoon All, Beautiful day here in Scotland,I was up and out early this morning,off to Glasgow Uni,a really splendid occassion and meeting up with my former students,their parents and relatives.Sadly that was be my last graduation I will attend,my former depute did encourage me to continue to attend as I would always be a welcomed guest. Well one leaky roof repaired yesterday,new lead flashing fixed to the base of my chimney,hopefully problem now solved,just a new back door next week and I will be as snug as a bug in a rug for winter coming. I am going out this evening to Molly Malones in Glasgow,to see my friends in the Lee Morgan Band perform,Sally was going to accompany me but has managed to become indisposed during my time out this morning,never mind I will have a enjoyable evening,the band are wanting to hear all about my USA trip,another opertunity to bore the pants off some people. Hi Lillian,I so enjoy reading what you get up to,OK I give in,something I must have missed in a previous post,where are you jaunting off to?hope you have a great night out MAM(meal and movie)I did that last monday,its fun. Tonight is Guy Fawkes bonfire night,celebrated with fireworks and him being burnt in effigy,if he only attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament containing the MP's he would have got a medal from the public,just like today,but he had included King James 1 in his plot,definately a political misjudgement,so they had him hung,drawn and quartered,ah the good old days. Have a great weekend everyone,special good night to Annette,Bye.
  12. Good Evening Everyone, Oh its been a busy week,not over yet,Glasgow Uni,first thing in the morning.I have'nt heard anything back from Christine regarding KatieB's offer to send flowers for Annettes memorial service to-morrow,I expect she has been so busy to read her e-mails. I had a good time on Wed at the Victoria Hospital Lung Cancer Conference in Kirkcaldy,speakers covered,LC case studies,mesothelioma,chemotherapies,tarceva,welfare benefits,smoking cessation,Roy Castle LC Foundation lastly me on being a survivor and advocate.Thursday Edinburgh-SIGN committree meeting,refining questions on many areas of LC diagnosis and treatments, to forward to researchers to search out clinical research reports in recent years,to find current best practice for these areas.I have been asked to join a sub-group to look at the area of diagnosis as a lay person along with other medical professionals,bit mystified yet about my contribution,however they seem to know best?. Evening Times phoned looking for me yesterday,they left their number for me to phone back today,I plumb forgot,so I will get back to them on Monday. A cautionary tale;I bought a new washing machine at the end of Dec last,the salesman said look save your money,you can buy now pay later interest free up to six months,well I dont really do credit but this was slightly different,so I agreed.I May I sent off the balance to the company in May by mail recorded delivery,thinking that was the end of the story,however I dont often check my back statements carefully but I did yesterday,and found I was still paying by DD this finance company I had cleared.Checking with my bank,the cheque was never presented by the finance company,I cannot fing my recorded delivery slip,so I have no proof of themm receiving it.I cancelled the DD,and found I could pay the balance on the phone.This oversite cost me approx $200 for nothing.This could have been worse since the instalments still had 2 years to run at 24% interest.Methinks the company tore my bankers draft up,hoping I would not spot this?. Oh I can be really boring sometimes.Hi JudyKW another chemo complete,thankfully with little upset,sorry to hear about Stans hip,hopefully you get the landscaping done to your satisfaction. Hi Judy MI,sad story of the young woman,there's always some one less fortunate than yourself isnt there?.Hope Randy enjoys the ice hockey,something I have never been to,must put that on my bucket list with American Football. Hi LaDonna,gosh your post brings back memories,I had a close friend who was in the Order of the Eastern Star years ago,also a friend who was in the Masons,including my late FIL,I always attended their Burns Supper Harmony nights,I can tell you,they knew how to throw a party,all gone now,sadly missed. Goodnight All,mastermind just starting on TV,have a great weekend.Goodnight Annette,still thinking of you.
  13. Hi Ginny, I dont know if you've heard of Samuel Pepys,1633-1703 ? well he maintained a superb diary from 1660 until mid 1669,in it he describes daily the court of Charles11,the great plague of 1665 in London followed by the great fire of London in 1666,and many other events he was eye witness to.I have read the complete diary,but to whet your appetite Claire Tomalin wrote an introductory book of the diary called Samuel Pepys-The Unequelled Self,ISBN-0 -670-88568-1 or ISBN 0-14-028234-3. Charles11,famous for his mistresses,Lady Castlemaine Nell Gynn etc,etc,he certainly enjoyed the high life,Samuel Pepys much the same,Samuel actually writes things about himself without shame,that we would we never even consider disclosing about yourselves,not that we would match his indiscretions.
  14. Its only me again, I am just home,its almost nine pm,hoping the kids have all done their rounds.Ginny despite the poor crit the Times gave Anonymous,I really enjoyed it,Vanessa Redgrave was absolutely super as Queen Elizabeth,did you know it was her daughter Joely that played the young Queen in the film.Historical accuracy?well its all hollywood,Queen Elizabeth was known as the Virgin Queen after all,there were some truths in it though,Essex did go to Ireland,and was useless as a general ,returned home a failure.I am sure Shakespeare would be turning in his grave on seeing this film.Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded by Elizabeth, her only son James became King James VII of Scotland,since Elizabeth left no heirs, James Stuart became King of England,Wales and Ireland, in the act known as the union of the crowns in 1603.A century later,in 1707 Great Britain was formed.So endth the history lesson.
  15. Good Afternoon Everyone, Well thats British Summer Time finished,our clocks went back one hour,so lighter mornings,dark earlier at night.Went to visit my sister Dot yesterday,her daughter Jaqueline was there with Jack and Emma,both the kids wearing their halloween costumes,drat and I had'nt brought my camera,they both looked great,never mind Dot did and sent me some online. I have booked two cinema tickets for 4.15pm this afternoon,mainly to avoid being at home for all the guisers touring our estate,we used to entertain the kids for years,but lost the notion after Jennifer left the home a couple of years ago.Last year we put off all the lights at the front of the house and sat in the kitchen at the back of the house,did'nt work, do you know the kids walked round my drive and knocked on my back door.The film I have bought the tickets for is called Anonymous,I love historical costume films,its about Shakespeare,a conspiracy theory claim that he didnt write all the works attributed to him,I then read a crit of the film in the Times ripping it to shreds,oh dear,maybe I should have just stayed at home and faced the guisers?.I didnt go to the gym this morning,slept in a bit later,I am staying home since I dont know at what time or even day the Evening Times is going to call me,hope they dont make it Wednesday or Thursday since I will be in Kirkcaldy and Edinburgh respectively. I will be in Glasgow University on Saturday at 9.30am,all gowned up to witness my last two classes receive their awards,but my thoughts will drift over to Richmond at 11am,Goodbye Annette,I hope you are in heaven right now.
  16. Thanks KatieB, I have just sent off a post to Christine to include your request,I shall of course share with you and our many friends here any reply I receive soon as.
  17. Hi Ronnie, I am absolutely pleased to hear of your new relationship,I wish both of you all the very best for love, happiness and a long future to-gether.
  18. Hi Bruce, Great hear from you,I was just mentioning here recently,has anyone heard from Bruce ?.Nice to know you are still hereabouts,thanks for sharing your forth year of NED,we are needing all the happy stories we can get here following our recent sad news.I used to have your home e-mail address,I was going to mail you to ask how you are doing,but it seems I have lost it from my computer,when my nephew Derek had to wipe my computer to get rid of the virus it had picked up recently.Good to see you back,hows the farm and the livestock doing?.
  19. Good Evening Everyone, Just home from Irenes,at last kitchen floor tiles finished,left Pat to do the tidying up and the grouting.I left some links yesterday for tuning into the illumination of the Niagara Falls for lung cancer on the 16th and 17th November,when I read back what appeared after pressing the submit the outcome for the first two links,got scrambled somehow,the third link,which is the shortest however,turned out correct.I hope to view in myself. Just about to settle down to watching some TV,I have gone in the huff with the talent show X Factor(Pop Idol),one of Simon Cowels progs,they just happened to chuck off the most talented singer on the prog,OK I know she was the only Scot on the prog,but thats got nothing to do with it Grrr. Nothing much else to tell you today,have a great weekend everyone.Bye.
  20. I have received a e-mail from Christine giving me details of Annettes funeral arrangements. Saturday, November 5th at the March Funeral Home in Richmond at 11am If you would like more information Christine gave me her contact details to enable you to contact her directly,I didnt want to post these openly here,so if you would like to contact Christine,please pm me and I will pass them on to you.
  21. Hi Guys, I meant to mention,have you heard about my facebook friend Christine Dwyer? She lives near the Niagara Falls,she had witnessed them being lit up pink for a breast cancer raising awareness event recently,so she wrote away to those responsible,requesting they should do something similar for November-Lung Cancer month,well knock me down with a feather,they agreed,so note in your diaries, Niagara Falls Illumination Nights for Lung Cancer. 16th November at 20.00pm and 17th November at 21.30pm (EST) You can watch this on the following websites :- http://www.niagarafallslive.com/america ... webcam.htm or http://www.niagarafallslive.com/Niagara ... Webcam.htm or http://www.fallsviewcam.com/
  22. Good Evening Everyone, Good to see some old faces in the posts today.Sorry about Paulette feeling the need to back off for a while. Anyway,beautiful sunny day here in Bonnie Scotland,mind you not T shirt temps.Yoga and swimming this morning,we have been having visits by the gremlins at my home,leaky roof,replace back door,now would you believe my land line phone goes in the blink and our electric kettle,so to the shops this afternoon,for replacements,hope thats the last. Well back to Irene's tomorrow to lay the rest of the floor tiles,you wont believe this,but Pat ran out of tiles and went back to the shop for more to discover it was closed with a note on the door that it had gone into receivership,after a bit of searching Pat managed to source the supplier of his tiles in England,but since he only wanted six tiles,they are charging him £48 delivery ($72)Gosh I better not make any cutting to size errors leaving us short again. JudyMI sorry to hear about your pleurisy,hope it it clears up soon as,also that surgery doesnt become necessary,enjoy catching up on your reading. Hi Sara,its such a pleasure to see you dropping by,I do hope everything is going well for you,oh I do envy you off to LA,have a wonderful time. Hi Bud,Where on earth have you been?I have so missed you(and a few others)but its good to hear from you,enjoy the halloween party,you didnt mention your costume?I am trying to imagine you in something suitable?,I know,what about Bruces tu-tu?,talking about Bruce,where has he disapeared to?I used to have his e-mail address on my computer,but it was lost when I had it wiped getting rid of a virus. Wishing everyone a super weekend,Bye.
  23. Good Evening Everyone, Hello,where's everyone gone? Today abeautiful bright sunny Autumn day and really mild,its funny our temps vary so much here day to day,you never know if its T shirts or fur coats until you go outside. Well another day of gyming,swimming,jacuzzi's (is that the correct spelling?)steam room and sauna's,boy this is hard work.I had a roofer person today ,my roof has sprung a leak and has left a damp patch on my upper bedroom ceiling,its a faulty lead flashing around my chimney,the guy looked at the job said he would phone me tomorrow with a price.At the same time I have had a price for a new back door,its seen better days,I put it in myself about 20 years ago,its hardwood,and I am having it replaced with a plastic one,better thermal insulation and security. Well my lung cancer advocancy diary continues to be busy,the Evening Times wants to interview me again for another project they are starting,they tell me I will be interviewed tomorrow or next week.I also received an invitation from the Roy Castle LC Found to attend a Lung Cancer Conference in Manchester on the 23rd of November all expenses paid,my teddy and suitcase is already packed. Next week, Wed,at Victoria Hospital,Kircaldy to give a talk on lung cancer surviviorship to approx 40 LC nurses and oncologists etc. Thursday,at Edinburgh for my next SIGN meeting,this also includes attending a course in critical analysis,that is required in compiling this report?.Saturday,I am at Glasgow Uni for the graduation of my last two classes of students,I left behind when I retired,this will be my last occassion I will attend,sniff,its such a lovely place and ceremony,I will of course be taking plenty of pics. Tonight,its relax e vous,spralled out in front of the TV,Kitchen Nightmares USA with Gordon Ramsey,one of my simple pleasures,I know its formulaic and rude,but I still enjoy it.Bye.
  24. Hi Alchemistria, I am sure your Dad will be around to meet his grandchildren and with God's blessing enjoy watching them grow up.The baby I am holding is my great niece-Mia,you can meet her in the photo album forum,under Max and Mia.I would just love to be a grandfather too,I have a daughter, Jennifer -your very age -does also have a really nice steady boyfriend Chris,but Jennifer is to busy being an actress and a Lecturer in English at the college I have just retired from(you can google Jennifer's website,just type in Jennifer Byrne-she's the actress from Glasgow).Bye for now.
  25. Ooops my apologies for posting the same article twice,I didnt think it went first time,thats me now twice in trouble LOL.
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