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Everything posted by Joppette

  1. Hi there, I'm new here since you posted last, but that's something that's happened while you've been gone. I came here! hahahahaha! Eric, surprisingly you got most of the American speak correct! Except for the Louisville Slugger. That is a baseball bat, used to fend off the fears! Have a lovely day! Judy in MI
  2. Hello everyone, I love Wednesdays because it's one of my "off" days when I get to relax and do whatever my silly little heart feels like. Some times I read all day, or go outside and play with the pups, or sleep in Maybe I'll do all 3 of those today. I could not be here much yesterday, just had to pack it all in then so I didn't have to pack anything in today! Katie, I love it when you post pictures, and I love any and all posts. So post away my friend. We completely love what you do here. Now I can't get into Facebook today. Errgh! It won't let me log in, and so I told it I lost my password, and I've not received a response from them. So no Facebook today. I guess I can live without for a day, but no longer I hope! Have a good rest of the day. The concert sounds like it was fabulous Eric! Judy in MI
  3. Hi, it's Wednesday now...but am up at 3:00AM and can't sleep. So I popped in here to see how you all are doing. Today, Wednesday is a slow day....thankfully. Just need to veg and be slow for once. Going to try to go back to sleep...and hopefully get some extra ZZZZ's..... Hope you all are well. Judy in MI
  4. Tonight we went out with two other couples, and it was a party night. Only I don't do "party" like I used to. I just can't do what I used to do. I have a wonderful life, but I can't sit for a long time anywhere, without muscle spasms happening. They are horrible, and no one can tell me why I have them other than "a side effect of chemo". Period. So we went out to listen to this amazing Jimmy Buffet band on a deck on a lake, and I was happy to go along. But I can't sit there for hours. I just can't. The muscle spasms set in after about 3 hours and then I'm in agony. But my husband and his buddies were having a grand time, and no one wanted to go. I was starting to writhe in pain, but didn't want to be a problem. So I sat it out, standing and sitting, and trying to not have spasms so bad, I would bend over in pain. I was very sensitive to this because the night before, I had awful spasms for no reason, and didn't want to repeat that experience. THIS JUST STINKS. My doctor put me on a medication for those with MS and spinal cord injuries. It's Baclofyn. I thought it was helping until yesterday when the spasms were so bad, I could not sleep. *sigh* I fight being a hyprocondiac. But a few friends have asked me about a spot on my cheek recently. I never thought about it, it was a "beauty mark" in my mind. I had it for years. But in the last few weeks friends have reached out to try to "rub out" this mark. I think it's changed. So, I guess I need to go in to have it checked. I have an appointment with my Onc in August so I'll likely wait for that. I'm not so paranoid I'll rush in. August is a short time away. What I have learned from surviving lung cancer is this: Life will never be the same as it was before. Period. I thought I learned this with my Mom and Aunt, Uncle, and Mom in Law and Brother in Law. I mean, how many times do I need to see this disease and it's side effects? This disease has many twists and turns. We must be flexible in how we deal with it. It's different for each of us. I wish I could predict where it goes in my life, but I can not do that. It is what it is. I'm tired. I'm wanting to do what I used to be able to do...and I know I can't. Again, I say, It is what it is. And I need to just cherish what I have for today, and not worry about tomorrow. And that is hard to do. Judy in Mi
  5. Hi Val, (((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) I don't know you but I know your story, for I lived it too. My Mom died when I was 40. There were so many times (still are) when I just needed my Mom to talk to. They say time heals, and it does to an extent, but nothing will ever fill the void of our Mom's going when they are so young. My Mom's been gone for almost 16 years, and the sting of the loss is gone, but there's an ache that will always be with me. I keep her alive in my memories, and talk about her to this day to make sure of that. Judy in MI
  6. Joppette

    Home Alone

    Yes, take your time Ronnie. When you are ready, share. In the meantime, come here and share your sadness and lonliness. If we can help bring just a single ray of sunshine to you in comfort, it is well worth it - it is in giving that we receive, and right now you need to be listened to and given to. This place is amazing isnt it? How perfect strangers, united by this disease of cancer, can just love on each other, and be there for each other. It's incredible to me. Judy in MI
  7. It's neat that you are sharing this place with her. Who knows? Maybe she'll actually get on line herself! Wouldn't that be nice. We've talked on the phone, so you know my story. My hair fell out almost immediately, but I was on a different chemo from Mom. It was about a week after the infusion when I was sitting at my computer and playing with my hair and a big handful of it came out. I was shocked, but not surprised. With so many in my family that had cancer, and we all lost our hair! No surprise. I got up, marched into the bathroom and shaved it at that first handful of hair. I didn't want to mourn the loss of my hair. It was important for me to feel "in control" and by shaving my head, I did. Judy in MI
  8. Hi Kim, Like the others said, we all react differently. But you asked, so mine started 3 days after the infusion. They gave me a good medication for it, and I never actually vomited, but I constantly felt slightly nauseated for most of the treatment. It did get worse as the treatments continued though. But don't borrow trouble my friend. She may just do fine with this, many people do. My chemo was carboplatin and taxol, and the doc said the carboplatin was what caused the nausea. I say that with a wry smile because Diane got so nauseated that they switched her to carbo and she did great with it. So we're all different. My biggest issue with chemo was muscle pain. Again, we are all different in how our complex bodies are going to react. Judy in MI
  9. Happy Monday! Eric, you didn't miss much in the finale of golf yesterday. The S. African was 7 strokes ahead going up 18, that there was no suspense of a play off or any other such excitment. He just played amazingly! I'm at volunteer job #1 today. Had a friend stop by the house and let the puppy out so I could stay here for a few hours and get some things caught up. Yeah for friends. Got some rock 'em sock 'em storms yesterday. A tornado even touched down briefly south of us. And the humidity said good bye for a while. It won't be long and it'll be back but am enjoying freedom from it today! Going to a concert tonight, they play Jimmy Buffet type music, and we'll be lounging on a deck on a lake, enjoying the music. Perhaps a glass of wine too? Well, have a great rest of Monday. Remember this is the only Monday, July 19, 2010 you'll ever get, so make it good! Judy in MI
  10. Keli, I'm so sorry you are feeling so fearful, and worried about tomorrow's doctor appointment. All I can advise is try not to worry about it. It could be something other than that fearful place our minds always want to go. Hang in there, stay positive, and I pray they have a common sense logic to this tomorrow that will allay your fears. Judy in MI
  11. Having a lazy day here too! We're all in the dog days of summer, and with the heat, laying low in the AC just sounds like the thing to do! Hubby is smoking some ribs in the slow cooker, and I've been couching it since we got out of church this morning. *yawn* LOL We had such a wonderful time last night with our friends. Had a delicious dinner, and laughed and sat outside once the sun went down. It was so nice. Got up, tired, from sitting on the couch, and came here to see what was going on. A girl's got to sit up straight for at least a little bit for the day. Worked like a dog yesterday making the house perfect for company, so am sure that is why I'm tired today. Have a good rest of the day. Hey Eric, the Open was something else huh? Imagine that S. African winning it, with such a large lead. His wife and baby were so adorable, I'm happy for him. Judy in MI
  12. Hi Mary, Please do not prepare for the worst. Stage I lung cancer is EXTREMELY curable! Many of us had Stage II, III or IV and we are all still here living life fully, happily, and completely. You will too. They caught it early, you have every reason to be optimistic and happy! Be happy! Today is a beautiful day. Judy in MI
  13. Randy, I saw the photos you posted. Soooo nice. She was beautiful! What a lovely couple you were. Judy in MI
  14. Morning all! It's a beautiful day today! No humidity, high of 84. We sold the boat. Hubs is at the Credit Union signing over the title as we speak. I'm sitting here, looking at the wreckage my puppy has created with Kleenex all over my carpet! She is a little shredder. I love her so much though. What a darling. Eric, what a zest for life you have. Your posts just make me smile, every single day. Don't ever change. I am thrilled to be able to watch some golf today! How exciting. Bud, 100 miles in 100 degrees? Sheesh! You are the man! Judy in IN, you are getting closer and closer to me! Well...need to get going and clean up the house. We have Hubs partner and his wife coming over for the afternoon and evening. Going to splurge with steaks, and Portabella mushrooms sauteed in butter and garlic, and yellow Yukon potatoes, and more. Going to serve peppermint ice cream with chocolate cookies for dessert. Yum! Judy in MI
  15. Heidi, So sorry you have to go through this. Both my parents passed from cancer, and smoked and drank. Love on your family, and stay strong, okay? Judy in MI
  16. Hi! Ah...got to sleep in this morning. It felt soooooooooooo good! Now I'm sleepily getting going. Have an easy day today. Having Hubs partner and wife over for dinner and drinks tomorrow. Looking forward to meeting his wife and getting to know her! I love to entertain, so just plain looking forward to company. Our boat has had a ton of people stopping by. I think we left money on the table! We thought we had a nice price on it, but based on the amount of folks stopping by, we think maybe we are giving it away. Still people want to dicker on price. Not doing that with so many wanting it. It's still HOT, but not as bad as yesterday. The COLD front came through and humidity is only 80%. LOL! Judy in MI
  17. Very nice Nick. How awesome is it that you keep Mom alive with your memories. Me too. Judy in MI
  18. HUGS Randy! My heart rate quickens when I have to go back there for a follow up appointment. I understand. Judy in MI
  19. Welcome here Mary! Getting the diagnosis of lung cancer just stinks, no matter what. But hearing Stage 1 and Operable, are two very good things. I was stage 2 and Operable, and 3 yearas later I am doing great! So hang in there, this is absolutely something you can get behind you and go on to live a good, long life! We are here to support you no matter what. Judy in MI
  20. Hello all! Had a very busy HOT day today so didn't get on until now. Heat index here of 100 degrees, the hottest it's been here in years. Can hardly stand to be outdoors, so heavy on my lungs. Eric, I won't have time to watch the Open until this weekend. I can't wait!!!!! Judy, good for you driving that big rig and keeping your big girl pants on! LOL! Bud, it's just plain hot here. Got to go, I'm at Gilda's and the folks are coming in for Supper. HUGS Judy in MI
  21. Welcome here! You already got good advice. So I just wanted to welcome you here, and say that we are here for you! Sounds like your Mom is pretty healthy, so could tolerate some sort of treatment. Let it be her decision. Judy in MI
  22. Joppette

    Moving on

    Good morning Ron, Sometimes the grief can be so overwhelming, but we have to find a place for that grief in our lives. I pray for some relief from this, and for you to find peace in the memories of your beloved wife. Glad you are posting, and hoping our responses somehow help you. Judy in MI
  23. Wow! So much activity here today! Eric and Muriel, you both just crack me up with your banter! Sorry, didn't make it here yesterday. It's crazy busy around here and I'm just caught up in it. But did want to take a minute to stop in and say HI!!!!! It's back to being extremely hot and humid again. Yech! I can't wait for Autumn! I can't believe I am saying that! We are going to sell our boat. It's a 20 foot Bentley pontoon boat. We just don't use it that much, so we decided to have it stop being a yard ornament, and sell it. Judy, funny stuff about all the work you have to do while "on vacation" that you don't have to do when at home. Funny! Well hope everyone has a lovely day! Judy in MI
  24. Hi Everyone! Eric, you totally make me laugh. Pennsylvania is a VERY long ways from Michigan. For sure! But I smiled at the 5 inches comment, very funny. Judy, how fun to travel like this. Are you coming my way? Hmmmm???? Do you have a destination you are heading too? I wish we'd get some nights @ 57 degrees. Us Northerners don't like the hot weather. Funny, the storms yesterday said they were ushering in a cold front. Some cold front! It was 82 when I woke up. Wishing Bud and Rose a good day with all the medical stuff. Got up early today and headed into work. Spent some awesome time with some of my friends, and got a lot of work done too! Had an amazing conversation with a phone buddy that just got diagnosed with LC. Life is good! We're thinking we need to get away for 4 to 5 days. We have not taken a real vacation since 2007 when we went to Alaska for 2 1/2 weeks. I was going through my chemo regime, and asked the doctor if I could take a small break and go on this trip and he timed it so that it was in the middle of the treatments, and I was able to go and enjoy the spectacular scenery and animals. So, it's time! My sweetie works way too hard, and we need to just kick back and get some relaxing time in! Have a good rest of the Monday. Judy in MI
  25. Thank you for this Randy! I am now armed with even more and better statistics to "educate" those that ask me if I smoked. Thank you so much. Judy in MI
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