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Everything posted by Joppette

  1. Well it's still morning here, so good morning all. It's 75 here and heading to 80, but extremely windy. Cold front is blowing in, but it's gorgeous right now! Will be back in the 50's and 60's this weekend. I adore Spring, for we get these temperature changes, and no humidity. That will come in July and August, and I hope to not put the Air on until then. Judy KW, I understand the desire to see the birds. You would naturally see them migrating. But remember that they migrate because it gets downright nasty here come December through March! I'm not complaining though. I'm a Northerner through and through and love the four seasons, they are all beautiful. Right now the red winged black birds are feeding, and I love the song they sing. The finches are all brown in the winter, but come Spring they turn bright yellow, or blue or red. It's the boys getting pretty for their mates. It's awesome. Well I took one Norflex last night, and I woke up ten hours later! I better take this medication earlier in the evening so I don't sleep in until 10:00! But I woke with no muscle pain, so maybe this medication will help. I plan to make the rest of the day a good one, spending a large part of it at Gilda's club. I love my Thursday stints at Gilda's club. Makes me feel like I'm a part of a solution, helping others with cancer live life fully. Eric, I have not read Swayze's book either, but I followed his story. He was a huge star over here. Sad story. Judy in KW? I think when a child is born and gets the name Judy, there is a destiny in mind for that child. I've always been a busy bee, and can't miss anything happening around me. I am uo late and always on the go! Even though I'm officially retired, I still drive around 25,000 miles a year going from one thing to another, busy as a bee. I'm definitely a Type A personality, and I love it. I think we are a lot alike! Eric, I'm with you, keep the windows closed and stay inside. I don't do well with pollen, dust, really cold air, and other things that make breathing a challenge. Hope you make great progress on your project! Well, I'm off to attack the day! Take care, Judy in MI
  2. Good morning Judy, Thank you for sharing. I was always a bit manic on chemo day because of the bag of steriods that preceded the lovely chemo. I'd be up all hours of the night, cleaning, reading, and writing. My mind raced too. I don't know what i'd do if were to have to make a decision for more treatments. I try not to think about it, and just leave my fate in my Creator's hands. But I get that anxiety when it is scan time too. Even though the CT scan is not uncomfortable in any way, my heart does some racing as that fluid starts to go through my veins and I can feel it. I'm always dizzy when I get up off the table, and I know it is because of my emotions. So I send you a cyber ((((HUG))))), I understand. Judy in MI
  3. I wish you continued success and a good outcome. Glad to read you are feeling great! Judy in MI
  4. All I can do is echo the others, she is one tough cookie! I pray for and wish the best for you both! Healing, and well being being prayed for as well. Soon she will be able to rest, and enjoy some time off, and that will be good for her. Thanks for the update, Judy in MI
  5. Decided to wait to see who all posted today before saying HI on this glorious Wednesday. Katie and Rick are definitely in my prayers. And I found her on FB, so am getting updates there too. I updated my last post with what the doc said today. There is hope that they will get to the bottom of this mysterious muscle problem I'm having. For that I am hugely thankful. It's beautiful here today! It's 75, the sun is shining, no humidity, birds singing outside my window. I live out in the country, about 1/2 hour from the city, and I love the wild life that lives here. I can hear the male pheasants calling his hens in for dinner at the foot of our corn feeder. There are hundreds of birds feeding at the 8 or so feeders we have hanging off our deck. My two kitties love it when the windows are open so they get to watch kitty TV, which is the birds outside! They are indoor cats, so they only get to watch through a screen. Hubs has a dinner business meeting tonight, so I think I'm taking myself out to dinner! I have a place that I like to go to where I know everyone, and feel very comfortable sitting there having dinner. I chat with the workers, and read a little bit, and it's just very nice. I'm feeling very content today. Judy in MI
  6. Well, I'm back from the doc. He prescribed Norflex, which is a muscle relaxer specifically for muscles that spasm. He ruled out nerve damage, after carefully listening to all of my symptons. He said it is definitely muscle issues. So he sent me off to the lab for 3 specific blood tests, looking for a possible auto immune disease in which muscles attack themselves. If this is the case, there is hope for it to get better. He is wondering about this because the problem is escalating and getting worse, which would indicate a disease. In the meantime, I hope this Norflex is helpful to treat the symptoms, and I pray they find a solution to this perplexing condition. We did discuss possible nerve damage due to taking Taxol, and he didn't think that was it but won't rule it out after other tests. So I am to try this medication for the next two to three weeks, and see. I will be amazingly thrilled when they can pinpoint the cause and get to a cure. I'm pretty much always a happy woman, even with this debilitating pain, but living without this pain would be a huge source of JOY!!!!! Thanks for your support and suggestions! Judy in MI
  7. Thanks Ned! I see a glimmer of possibilities! I so appreciate that. I will definitely suggest they look into this. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Judy in MI
  8. I remember going through chemo, and then emerging from it, triumphant and full of joy. I survived something so painful, debilitating, and difficult. I was ready to embrace life fully, with a new energy, and enthusiasm. My hair grew back curly, which I loved, and everything seemed so beautiful, colors sharper, images more beautiful. I was psyched to get back to LIFE! It turned out that it was only in my attitude could I embrace life with this fullness, mental energy and mental enthusiasm, because my body refused to cooperate with the mental mind set! At first, this threw me for a loop. I wanted to bounce out of bed, and attack my day. But my body didn't bounce anymore. The day could be approached with a careful enthusiasm, but the physical ability to do the things I used to do was not there. It took months before I could drag myself out of bed to begin my day before 10:00AM. My immune system was compromised. My energy was zapped. My mental desire was there, but the body just would not cooperate. I remember two years ago, I got a call from my church, asking me to come to a meeting. I had no idea why, but I had retired from my job, and went out of curiosity. It turned out that they needed someone with organizational skills to volunteer and help get them organized again. They did not have the budget to hire an Administrative person, and they sensed I had these skills, which I did have. So I said yes. I can so remember the first few weeks. The printer/copier was downstairs, and every time I sent a print job, I had to go down the stairs. I was having huge problems with pain in my feet, hips, and back. I can remember hobbling down the stairs, and then back up. But I noticed after a few weeks, that I was making it up and down those stairs easier and easier! I was getting stronger because I forced myself outside of my self-imprisonment, and got busy working for a cause bigger than I was. It was then that I realized I was finding my "new normal". To this day, I can't run up the stairs without being extremely short of breath. But I can climb them honorably (LOL), and get my breath back quite quickly. And my back and hips no longer hurt. I am stronger, and I love my life now. I have found my "New Normal" and I'm loving it. Now this is not to say I'm not facing challenges. I go to my doctor tomorrow to deal with these bizarre muscle spasms, as I wrote about before. They come and go, for no apparent reason. The doctors can not figure out what it is. I asked you guys, and no one could put a finger on it. A couple of you said you had pain in the ribs, but only where the surgery was. Mine is not this way. Mine is systemic. Sunday and Monday of this week, I was in misery with muscle spasms, to the core of my body. I woke up with them on Sunday, and suffered for two days. But today was a great day with no pain! So I continue on my quest to find my "New normal". I think the next steps are to send me to a neuro-muscle-skeletal specialist to totally analyze the big picture. Wish me luck with this. If they can not find out the reason behind all of this, I am going to wind up wheelchair bound, and I can deal with that, but would like a medical diagnosis to back it up! I think exploration into pain clinics is also a good option for me. I will explore all of these before putting my booty in a wheelchair. But I remain hopeful, positive. Prayers would be appreciated. I can't imagine being wheelchair bound, but at the same time, there are much worse things to face so I remain positive, and open to change. Take care, all of you. Judy in MI
  9. Hello Eric, This was a nice thread to read. Ned is so perceptive isn't he? Sounds like a nice young man your daughter has found. It's so interesting to hear about different places, and such. So I enjoyed this very much. Here, it's about 60, cloudy, and supposed to rain. I live in Michigan, in the middle of the State, very close to Lake Michigan. Our weather is always affected by whatever is happening over the big great lake! Supposed to be 70 tomorrow, which is very warm for us this time of year. Can't wait! Judy
  10. Dear Michelle, I believe he is with you in spirit. Pray for a sign, and he may come to you in a dream to assure you of this. I have not lost a spouse to cancer, but I did lose both parents, and a sister to it. It just takes time, and the amount of time for grief varies with every individual. And the grief will ebb and flow at times, sometimes rushing over you, other times life's distractions will allow it to ebb. Probably getting this job will help you. When my little sis died, I grieved for a long time. I'm not going to say how long because like I said it is different for everyone. I want to assure you that you will be okay. When my Mom died, I didn't re-join the world for about a year. I was devastated, and she was my best friend. It's been 14 years since she's been gone, and I don't actively grieve her anymore, time does heal. But that time frame is yours and yours alone. ((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))) Judy
  11. That is cute. Thx for sharing.
  12. Thank you all. It seems there is a pattern here. I am taking your input to my doctor. I remember my Mom had the same rib pain, but hers was only on the right side. Mine is the whole rib cage, and moves back and forth, front and back. But I so appreciate your feedback and support. I hope to find answers because of this. Hugs and thank you. Judy
  13. Hi! I have a question about rib pain....it's been years now for me, but I have debilitating pain in my ribs. The first time it happened was in 1999. I'll never forget it because I also got shingles, after an extreme version of flu. The "flu" I got was so bad that I would grab onto the coffee table, while coughing and cough so hard I held onto the table with all my might. I've been an asthmatic my whole life, but this was so much more. As a result of this, I had horrible spasms in my rib cage, and my doctor sent me to pulmonary rehabilitation in the hopes that I'd quit smoking. I did quit smoking. The Pulmonary Rehab opened my eyes in a big way. Here I was, in a room of people on oxygen, and I was shocked at how their lives were changed due to their diminished lung capacity! But ever since then, I've struggled with pain in my ribs. it feels like I'm getting a charley horse between my ribs. It hurts horribly, and my doctors can not find a reason for it. My Oncologist told me that this could be kidney damage due to the chemo, and if my magnesium was low to let him know. I told this to my regular doctor, and he said my magnesium was low, but that my kidney function was fine according to the blood tests. So what? If I stand for more than 30 minutes, I get these horrific cramps in my ribs. If I sit for more than 30 minutes, I get the same. If I walk for more than 30 minutes, the same.....I am so upset about this. My body wants to sleep until noon because of the pain that I have to face if I'm up for long periods of time. I have an active lifestyle, and this is having a big impact on that. My doctor suggested an anti-depressant, and I totally do not want to go there. I am not depressed. I do feel sad that my body is not happy, but don't think an anti-depressant is the solution. There must be a reason for my muscle spasms....there has to be..... So I ask here, has anybody experienced this? My Mom also had horrible rib pain after her surgery...could this be a result of the lung removal???? I'd love some feedback on this. It is totally ruining my quality of life. Judy
  14. Hi Lynnie, I am new here, but came upon your story about your Dad. Thank you. I lost my Father when I was 37 years old, and it was horrible to go through. I miss him to this day, but have to accept what happened. He died of cancer too. Hugs to you. Judy
  15. Welcome here Susie. I am a 3 year (in two months) survivor of the same disease. I am doing great! Welcome here. Judy
  16. Good afternoon! Supposed to snow here today! Wishing you a good day. Eric, I get short of breath too. I did find that some regular exercise did help improve my breathing. It will probably never be like it was before, but it's better. I climb stairs and it has helped! Judy
  17. Hi there. Welcome here. I see you've been here for a little while, and am glad you decided to post. I don't have my own experience with radiation therapy, but I have loved ones that did have it to the chest area. It definitely can impact appetite and even change the taste of foods. Fatigue is also a very common side effect of radiation therapy. As for doctors saying there's no reason for concern, of course you are concerned! I understand that totally. I don't have any medical opinions to offer, just my personal experience. I guess if you are worried, perhaps consult one of the experts here? Judy
  18. I was wondering aqt what stage your Mom was diagnosed? That may determine whether she can tolerate any more chemo. Carboplatin and Taxol are very common chemo's used for lung cancer, but I will share with you that the side effects of these two can be pretty rough. It caused severe pain in my muscles, and I was very sick from it. Everyone reacts to chemo in different ways, but it was rough going for me. I'm praying for your Mom for good quality of life and more time to be here with her family. Judy
  19. I'm sorry about your friend, too. Sending you a hug and a prayer. Judy
  20. Joppette

    His pain is over

    I am so sorry. I pray for comfort and peace for you. Judy
  21. Good morning Tracey, Welcome here, and do come back with some more details. We love clinical trials, and finding out the results of those. I hope and pray the scan results are good today. Take care, Judy
  22. Joppette


    Yesterday I filled out the lung cancer survey on line about the ONLY cancer that comes with a stigma. It brought back a lot of old feelings that I've since resolved (I thought). I went to a seminar at a local hospital for women with lung cancer, and the good doctor talked about smoking. He said that if you have lung cancer, you either smoked, breathed in second hand smoke, or were exposed to some other carcinogen that you breathed in (War Vets, people in construction, factories, and many other places where you could have been exposed). One woman was very offended by this, which made me feel guilty and stupid for smoking as long as I did. I smoked for a long time, over 30 years. I finally was able to quit, but it was only 3 years before my diagnosis. The damage was done. I felt horribly guilty when I told my husband, because I knew what was ahead of me, having Mom, Uncle, Aunt, Mom-In-Law and Brother-In-Law all die from this, or complications from this disease. He knew what was ahead. After getting a second opinion at Mayo Clinic, we were sent to a Pulmonary Doctor. He looked at the CT Scan, and then looked at me and asked me "Why did you smoke?" I saw RED. Here I was dealing with an illness, one I understood all too well, why ask that question? I looked him in the eye and said "because I was addicted to them!" Enough said. And I fired him as my doctor. I mean, come on! I had so many emotions happening anyway, why make me feel worse than I already did. I just wanted to yell "YES, YES, YES, I WAS A SMOKER, SO I DESERVE THIS DISEASE????" And when people asked about my obvious cancer when my hair fell out, and they found out what kind it was, they would kind of back away, or change the subject, because I had a disease that I caused. I can't imagine how this makes someone that never smoked feel. It must be awful, because it makes some who did smoke feel horrid, rejected, and an outcast. Cancer is caused by so many different things. What we eat, where we live, life styles, things we're exposed to, thousands of reasons why, reasons not yet discovered. (Which by the way is why I am thrilled to be here, as I believe in "the cause" of this site). OK, reading this over I can tell I have not resolved my guilt issues, because I can feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins as I re-feel these feelings. Ack! I am so happy to find this place, and I am really exploring and checking things out. I like what I see, a lot! And Judy from Key West? You are too sweet to change your name back to your old one. I didn't even think about two Judy's here, but one Judy is awesome, two is even better! Thanks for letting me vent. Judy
  23. Hi Ned, Just stopped by to read your WHOLE story, and what a story it is. It's so inspiring to read such story. I hope you are feeling well, and doing well! Thanks for being such a presence and help to me as I get to know this place better. Judy
  24. Thanks Dawn! I'll try to make it in. EST would be EDT!!!! Judy
  25. Barb, I just read the entire journey you were on with Bill, and I am deeply touched by the entry. His life, his courage. God bless you for sharing this with this place. Judy
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