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Everything posted by Fall54

  1. Dear Peggy, You are both in my prayers. I am sure you will feel better also knowing he is getting what is needed and having the tests needed in the hospital. Give you're Don a hug from me!!!!! Will be waiting to hear how everything turns out. God bless you both, Jane
  2. Sounds Wonderful and so glad you were able to go and enjoy it!!! God bless you both, Jane
  3. Prayers for Rachel going up. God Bless, Jane
  4. Dear Peggy, Again I am sorry about what you're family is struggeling with now. Reading you're post reminded me of my Brother having that strange ordeal at the DR's office with the nurse that he had no recelection of. He was also appaled and oh so embarrased when he pulled those gloves from his pocket. It is such a tough thing. That type of thing never occured again and I do think it was from low oxygen to the brain. However driving and his independence did play a major role until the day he walked into the store and back out again and I asked "what was wrong?" as he had not gotten what he went in for and he said he felt his legs were going to collapse. I went in for him and did not make any kind of disscussion about it. It is so hard to lose you're independence and is so humbeling. My brother also went through lots of sweating, so much that he had to carry a towel with him to soak it up. Alan was very small( skinny) all his life and was always cold, it was just awful to see him sweat like he did and you just knew his body was fighting so hard. You are all in my prayers Peggy. I love you. God bless you all, Jane
  5. Dear Peggy, I am so sorry that Don is having such a tough time. I bet you were scared and shaking!! It had to be such a horrible site from afar. I am so glad Don is giving in and letting others help until he feels he is strong enough again. I am also so sorry you're Son is having problems again. God has plan Peggy, I dont know what it is , but we must trust him. God bless you all, Jane
  6. Dear Carleen and Keith, Every time I came to the site I looked for news from you. I thought they would come sooner so I became worried. I have been away for a few days so am just seeing this now and let me tell you I am elated that Keith is stable !!! What a wonderful couple and if anyone can make that man smile, it will be you Carleen with you're heart full of hope and love for him. God Bless you both, jane
  7. Fall54

    Scan Aug. 15th

    Prayers going up for you're mom. God Bless you both, Jane
  8. Kel, I have not gotten to know you as well as many others as You joined while I was away from the board, but since I have come back and begun reading again have seen you there supporting everyone and doing it with so much compassion. You are a great supporter and we are so lucky to have you here to help us all in our struggles. God Bless You, Jane
  9. How very lucky I get Ginny!! Stopped real quick to make sure I got her but I was beaten!! Ginny, I admire everything about you. You're strength through the illness and passing of you're Dear Husband Earl is most prevalant. I dont think there is one person on this board that would not agree that you have helped and supported them in some way. I love you're honesty, devotion and love you share with you're friends here at LCSC. Much love and respect, Jane
  10. I will also light a candle at 8 PM here in New Hampshire. God Bless, Jane
  11. Fall54


    Dearest Val, Please first accept my sincere condolonces on the loss of Mom. I know how terribly hard this was on you and the struggle is over for you and for Mom and family. A different struggle now begins as I know after losing my Brother. Everyone always told me my Brother wouldnt have wanted to see me sad and that he would want me to go on and live for him. I had trouble letting that sink in for a long time. When I finally did I said aloud "Alan, I am going to live for you and I am going to keep you firmly in a place in my heart that holds all our memories and when I think of them, I am going to smile" I have done that but there still has been times that I was uinable to due to my want for him here on Earth, I am sure you will go things simular to me but I want you to know that the sooner you can grasp that, the better. Mom cherished you as you did her. Think of her free of pain and disease and healthy again and happy in Heaven. That's where she is Sweetie so when you look up and see that twinkling star, Mom's winking at you and telling you everything is A OK ! I am very glad you're hubby is home with you and Mom got to see him there to take care of you before she passed. My prayers for strength, comfort and love God Bless you all, Jane
  12. Hi Nell and welcome back, I am so sorry that you lost you're hubby and in such a short time but I imagine some people want to handle it their way and he was obviously trying to protect his loved ones from his illness. God Bless him. I know that doesnt make it easier on you but it did for him and it is all about him really. My Dad died of heart disease at 46 and always hid how he felt. We all knew he had heart disease since he was 36 but he kept his problems well hidden. I suppose to ease the minds of his wife and 8 children. I am so glad you are back and ready to help others and let us help you as well. I had to leave this board several times after I lost my brother in June 04 but wanted badly to come back and support the people I had come to know and love and who had also supported me through his illness. I tried, it was to hard, I left, I came back, it was too hard and I left and I came when I could. I have been back now for a bit and feel differently about it and strong enough now to really try to help my friends here. My Brother and you're hubby are in Heaven and we can be happy they are no longer fightinmg this horrid disease. Their pain is gone and they are happy. The time will come again for you to be with you're hubby again and when I go to heaven I am sure my Brother will meet me at the front door with a great big hug! You are in my prayers and here is a great big hug for you (((((((Nell)))))))) God Bless you Sweety, Jane
  13. Hi Bruce and welcome to the best lung cancer support group on the net! You will find help here and support and will also make friendships. We are a family here and care very much about eachother and try to help in any way we can. I can not answer you're questions but I am sure there are many that can help including ask the experts forum. I wanted to welcome you and to tell you I have added you to my prayers. God Bless You, Jane
  14. Fall54

    good news

    I am smiling and am so happy Barry is doing so well. God bless you both, Jane
  15. Thank for the links. I read them all and found them very interesting and helpful. I intend to read this book and I thank you for posting this. God Bless You, Jane
  16. Thank you for the update. I too will send a card! God bless, Jane
  17. Fall54

    Cathy R has passed

    I am so saddened by this news. Cathyr was someone we all loved and shared special moments with. She is most definantly in Heaven and God has a new shining star. God Bless you all and keep you, Jane
  18. Fall54

    Now I'm Ready

    Kasey, awesome news!!!!!!!! I am headed to the pub for more than a few mudslides. Join me? I am so happy for you!! You have come a long way baby!! Oh BTW Frank will pick up the tab, so I am told!! God bless you Kasey and DH, Jane
  19. Fall54

    Leg Cramps

    I also knew a guy very well that had leg cramps so bad that the next day sitting he couldnt raise his leg(s) and his problem ended up being lack of potassium. Potatos and bananas are great sources of potassium. God Bless you both, Jane
  20. You are truly a wonderful woman, wife and nurse. Too many caps I know but doing exactly as I would think you should. He is so lucky to have you and you him. You are both in my prayers God Bless you both, Jane
  21. All I know about shingles is it is suppose to be only on one side of the body as it follows a nerve. My Grandmother had it many years ago and was in lots of pain with it. I am praying for you TAnn and hoping they get the pain managed a lot better than a 7!! god Bless you, Jane
  22. Dear Beth, I know I sound like a broken record but call that DR of yours and get something that works for you. There is just no need for pain in this day and age. There are too many good drugs out there that can help you!! God Bless you Sweetie, Jane
  23. What awesome news!!! God has worked his miracles and will continue to with others. I am just so happy for you both. Can you tell?? God bless you both now and always, Jane
  24. Thank you so much for the update Ry. Dear Dean and Carl, I am so sorry that Dean has taken a fall to compound his problems. I am also glad that you are going to have a 5 day break Gay as I am sure you need it very much! Try not to worry too much during that time and really take some time to just breath and relax. I wont forget what day is Deans birthday as it is the same as my husbands. You are both always in my prayers and will continue to be. God Bless You Both, Jane
  25. Hi Fred and welcome! I just adore Kasey and feel she knows just what to say to people to lift their spirits or give them information. She probably read you the PM I wrote her this past week. She is a wonderfully warm person whom I respect and love. I told her it was people like her that were the back bone of this community. I am so glad you posted and am very pleased to meet you. You are a special couple! God Bless You Both, Jane
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